Rhetv/Vdsl - in ( (R: Highlights and (Ipcoming Events Bui) Ip To Assist BBG Gentrrrlr

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BUI}IP to Assist BBG Gentrrrlr
The Birmingham Bicycle Club's Annual Century is September9. The ride starts from the Brook Highland PIaza off US 280 and heads up towards Asheville. The event has severallength categoriesfor all levels (30 to the insane 200+ miles). The proceedsare to benefit restoration of the Vulcan statue. This year, BUMP will assist at one of the sag stations. If you are interested in feeding and assistingthe several hundred riders at Zeigler Rd rest stop from noon to 5:30, contact Anne at 987-3827 or Doug Daughhetee(dwdaughh@southernco.com) 205-992-5436 (work) for volunteer info. We have moved the scheduled workday to accommodateanyoneinterestedin riding or assisting.

Highlights and [Ipcoming Events

Aug26 SocialRide Aug27 GT Shockwave CC-Pelham Sep3 Conyers, GA MTB Race BBCCentury Sep9 - MOVED Sep 10 Workday from9/9 24 hr Race Sep16 Conyers Sep23 Munny SokolRide Sep24 MunnySokolMTB Race Sep23-24 MS150 Ride - Oak Mtn Workday Oct 8 Oct22 LBLRide Nov5 NEABC Race- Cheaha
Call our hotline 592-BUMP (2867) any recorded changes or additions in BUMPevents.


The Social has been postponed, but we are still planning to havea socialrideat Oak Mountain. Join us for a casualSaturday ride at the RC Track area. Meet at 9:00 am for a ride with fellow BUMPers. picnic Bringsomegoodies for a post-ride

Meet for workdays at the South Trailheadat the BUMP shed. Time to meet is 9.00 a.m. Call the hotline for any possible changes. Workdays subjectto weather cancellation. Sept 10 - Sunday (moved from 9/9 to accommodate

A$eust or Sentembet?? An Ocoeeareatrip may be put togetherfor ride-andraft weekend.If we can get somereservations put in place,we may make this work this monthor next.Thistrip is.stillpossible, but maynot be this month. 23 - Munny Sokol- Tuscaloosa September alwaysprovides a fun twistingtime. This ride is for everyone,and witl be the day before the New Black Warrior Challenge MTB Raceon Sunday. Comeride the course for practice or just for the leader fun. Derrickis the :ride andwe will meetat the Bessemer McDonalds off I459 andMorganRoad@xit 6) at 8:00with a departure at 8:30. 9!:tober 22 . Land Betweenthe Lakes was sucha greattrip we will try to do it againin the fall. Bill Johnson is the rideleader andthe dateis tentative.

BBC Gentury) - Sunday October8 November 4 - Saturday December 10 - Sunday




The August workday improvedthe base of Johnson's mountain by installing several water bars and back-fillingthe new tread. The dry conditions have resultedin the loose soil being easilydisplaced.The new area will be groomed again once we receive some rain. The area is significantly smoother and you can thank Tracy, Paul, David,Ken, Bill G, Dernick, and PresidentBill. The work requiredmovingseveralloads of rock / fill dirt, hauling in the timbers, and settingthe water bars. The smoothsurface improvesthe climb with a nice cover over the roots. This also increasesthe speed of the descent. Please respect the work they have done and try to avoid skidding on the fresh surface. David and Bill G removed a tree near Bridge 10 that had blown over before they joined the teafn at Johnson'sMountain.Well, it seems their work is never done. Severalmore have fallen in the same area. Join us in the next workday to address these and several other areas of the trail. The next workday is September10 (rescheduled to accommodate the BBC Century).

Ever wonder what this sign meant? Stop in at the next work day September 10.

The BUIUIP Glub meets on the first Wednesday of every month at TrOO p.m, at the Southside Library. Check the BUMP Hotline for any changes in dates and time. 592-BUMe (2s67)

150's Two DaY Toar Be a Part of fr45

Society's MultipleSclerosis The National only two-daybicycle MS 150,Alabama's 23 and tour, will be held on September County 24. The ridewill beginat Chilton and Saturday in end HighSchool Clanton in Montgomery. Riders will return on Sundayto ChiltonCountyHigh School The MS 150 is celebration. and a victory thosewith eventto benefit a fundraising a minimum areasked to raise MS. Riders Team to participate. of $200 in pledges participation is alsoencouraged. cyclistswill travelthrough On Saturday, and peachorchards the serenefarmland over the great Coosa of ChiltonCounty, Riverson to one of the and Tallapoosa where historicsectionsof Montgomery you can view "Old AlabamaTown" and the magnificantand romantic Union Station,one of the state's oldest and grandesttrain stations. On Saturday night cyclistswill enjoy a Jazz Festival

greatjazz andbluesmusic. featuring Come and join more than 100,000people in cyclingevents who participate nationwide that benefitthe NationalMultipleSclerosis whosegoalis to end an organization Society, sclerosis. of effects multiple the devastating a attacks randomly Multiple Sclerosis person's nervous system. Unpredictable attackscan leavea personwith numbness, or even paralyzed. As of yet, blindness, disease. there is no cure for this disabling Take part in this fun and challenging and ultimatelyin a very worthy experience cause. contactJane Guerinat For moreinformation go to or 1-800-373-8881 lf there are any www.alabamanmss.org. in that will be participating BUMPMembers this worthycauseplease informAnne Seys @ 205-e87-3827.

TrussvilleDog DaysRide
ByDovidPqssmore was shownfloodedon the news,we had our One day afterTrussville first groupride on the new trails. We leftfromthe libraryand wentdown else to civitanpark to set up for my favoritewarmup climbthat everyone hates. We enteredthe trail behindthe schooland starteddownbig rock Indian towards rocktrail. We headed trail,whichwas morelike slippery Rockand found a new tree down.Thenwe madeour way to the tennis up to the trailhead,andfoundthat the road,climbed courtsand crossed the horsetratfic.We questioned trail by the the we had been beatento the crossed behind then rode. We Trace as we no rule, Leave accepted it wasn't soccerfield that turnedout to be the wettestplace. Although lbad,Turtle Shell Trail was perfect.The groundwas tackyand good for the turns at speed.We got to the top of the switchbacksand lhanging Paul,who alreadyrode a lap,was done. Leo and Libby,who madea with the six milesthey had put in were satisfied surpriseappearance, whichis not an easysix milesby any means. to do an awesome Leongand I had not had enough.We turnedaround whichtime,dog At library. to the back headed we loop before neverse We madeit back to dayswas in full swing. Peoplewere everywhere. and the usual talk abouthis culture the truckand had our ritualtailgate bike stuff everyweekendafter our ride I realizehow much I will miss himthatthis is Leongwhenhe goeshometo Malaysia.I try to convince I homenow,but it neverworks.He has beenonethe bestridingbuddies for it wasn't' if and could ever ask for. He will not be replaceable, have we wouldn't gaveup riding forfourmonths, who practically Andrew, proven all after itself because, has trail This to ride. trail a newawesome job damage. Good showing is not it still had, has area floods this the buddyandthanksa lot.

Shockwnveto be Heard
August 27, the GT - Panasonic Shockwave team will perform two shows at Cahaba Cycles Pelham / Oak Mountain store. Show times will be at I and 3 PM. Come and see some of the most incredible tricks done on two wheels and some offtwo wheels

#l I Dexter Avenue, Mountain Brook Village


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Trail Talk


Caught in the Middle - ByDenick seys
I was the ride leader (a temporary title not a positionin the Everyone survived the challenge and would have their group)and foundthe trail as we had left it lastyear.Rocksand own impressions of the ride. We were well prepared, elevation, I proposed a true challenge. two choicesof what to but could have brought more water. Plan ahead if you ride. The upper loop that looked pretty rough, or the lower go. sectionwe startedlast year. Both would share a part of the Blueand Whitetrails.We all optedto finishlast yeafs ride,but A couple of suggestionsif you plan to make the trip to Anne wisely said she was not going to ride it all. She left us Crocldord-PigeonMountain Area (DNR office (706) 295about4 miles in. The rest strolledalong, lost-and-then-found6041). It takes 2 hours to get there, and the park roads are Steve, and then we made "the right" turn. Wow, what a rouglr for many cars. Enter from Lafayette, GA if you wish downhill.Yeah, this must be the way. Right down to The to minimize the travel on the dirt roads. Pocket. Beautiful. Smilesall around, andthe roadis rightthere. Get a map from the park, or e-mail me at the club's address. book,MountainBikingAlabama, TheScinny I supposeAnne was now at the Jeep. She would like to see Chris Snyder's on the State's Best Fat Tire Destinations, has a good this. Butallwas not as it appeared last year.Recall lastyear,we cut descriptionof a good ride but it doesnot have all the trails. this area of the trail shortdue to a beesting.At the Pocket, the Our trail was not on his map, and if you make a wrong nrnl conversations food, any extrawater?, that is not the you will needa completemap. This hail was featrnedin the included right road, and by the way, we made the wrong "right"tum Mudslingerin July 99 with Chris' map. earlieras I confirmed with GPS. Maybe I misreadthe GPS If you want to seea beautiful placeto start or picnic, headto earlierSecause of a subconscious desireto ridethe othertrail. the Pocket.It is a large rock fall formation with a 100 foot drop curving around betweentwo ridges and is a waterfall Nowwe "gottapaythe gravity tax",as Paulsaid. And paywe did. I can onlysay I will votefor tax cutsin the next when there is water. This is at the base of the area eiection. Our options, a 3 mile or so climbout, or 15 milesuf rnountains,so expect to clirnb up be.foreysu return. The gain. Vote was for singletrack. North sideof the Blue trail was our dreadedclimb. Take the roadwith the same elevation Well,3 mileswas actually fourwith 1000feet of gain.The trail South side (to your right facing the trails from the Pocket). (or path)was too roughor tightto ride out.The only reliefwas Otherwise,start at the lookout fro a nice loop or sorts.If you the occasionalblack benies that were betterthan the horse wish to avoid excessivetravel on the forest roads and want riders,'bout halfway, comment. We all madeit and will never to start riding soon, enter from Rocky Lane and start at the forgetthe ride.Annewas at the truckand wondered wherewe bottom of the trail qystem.
WhereHaveyou Been?

had been for three hours. Well, where do I start...

Berries GOOD Horse Riderlnfo NOT Annewisely takesthe road back WOW What fun

WOW,Whata Place, The Pocket. Gotanywater?

The approximate profile to the left portraysour ride at Crockford Pigeon Mountain.From the Pocket,you can see quite a climb. 1000 feet over 4 miles with only a little relief. The captions are what was heard along the trail, or thoughts that came to ourminds. Maybe again next year???

Augurt 2OOO


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The view from the Back - Bycarta smpson
(Waming, this trip reportis basedon the opinionof me and doesnot necessarily represent the viewsof the guys riding in thefront!). We talkedaboutratingthis ride as 'the hardestin Alabama' but unfortunately we can't becauseit's not in Bama. lt's acrossthe line into Georgia - just go to the middle of tum leftand go somemore. lt stillshouldbe rated nowhere, oneof the prettiest ridesin Bamaand/orGeorgia due to the huge hardwoods, great overlooks, and an incredible (westill haven'tfoundthat waterholeyet). waterfall OK,I'm not proud, this ride kickedmy butt,and I lovedit! lt was yet anotherBUMP epic adventure. The ride started with11 milesof awesome rollingtrail with an ADDEDbonus of 7 miles of teeth-clenching, screamingdownhillfollowed gruelinguphill. Eventhoughthat we had 2 by excruciating, maps,a GlobalPositioning System,2 computer analysts, 3 engineers and2 doctors we stillgot lost! We somehow endedup on the loopthat was vetoedearlierbecause it looked too hard(l admitI mighthavehad someinput to thiseroneousdecision...). Buthey,it neverhurtsto on your mountain hone-up bike/survival skills! In spite of our unplanned bonus ride,it's stillrateda 10 on my fun-o-meter scaleand I'm goingbackas soonas I can walk again,next time though I think l'll stay on the maintrail. In retrospect, beingin the back isnt so bad except for the blackberrybushes that had no blackberries on thembythe timeI anived! Manythanks to DenicUAnne for organizing the trip and to Advilfor allowing meto get out of bedthe nextday. See relafed storyon reversepasp

Trail Talk

Tues Paid andAwaitirlg ttv Return...

Peul,President Bill,JohnF., Steve, rcsting at the Pigeon MikeH., Carla, Mickie, DerickandAnneBnjoy Mountain ove ookof the CrcddordPigeon (whywe do not refenEd Mountain lMblife Msnagement a|Eacommonly to as Mentone knory'/ why).Thetrip downto the Podct wasquitea ride,butthgravity tax hadto be paid.Thisviewgivesyouan idea of the elevetionchange in the area. Steve and Mickie providedthe photo documentation of the ride at: tfipr n4.210.102.89/bump/bump.htm
August 2OOO


ltE$, 0l'fltEnsHtp FoR Hott|ETrooD SycrEs

1410MontgomeryHwy, Vestavia
If vol are a regularHomewoodcustomeryou can expectto seethe same t l / / | | brandnamesand the samepeopleon the sares l^ | floor. Howeuer,we hope l l i . I I f r you will be pleased to seea betterselection of helmets, shoes, clothingand other accessories. Also you may see Kal or Barbarabehind the co'unter occasionally. If you do, introduceyourselfand tell them what you think BUMP members have decided to get together for some very informal group rides during the would makethe storebetter.We want to hearyour ideasor concerns.

w eeKlg \7Ptnd

I tTtru{.cahabacycls.s.com
j I Floover 822-6600 CahabaHeights 967-2003 Oak Mtn e87_4043

week. Many of these have been going on for weeks amongst several members. Each night from Tuesday to Friday,we will have a small group gather for riding. Join other members and share in the fun. There are no specific Ride Leaders, but those listed are your best contacts. Tuesday - 6:0O pm Trussville meet at tibrary Andrew Greene Wednesday - 6:0O pm Boulder Field at Chapel Road and Al Sears Road in Bluff park (near fire station) - Bill Johnson Thursday - 6:O0 pm Trussville polo meet at town square - David Fassmore Friday - 5:OC prn Oak lVttir - North T!{ - Steve



lf youwouldliketo run a classified ad,please submit it by 169nextmeetinq f;iinam; in nextmonth's newsletter" Thenewsletter is printed ny tne l Sth of eactr irontn.
For Sale: Two 1996 Trek 990 - 18 inch True Temper GrMo with,rigidfork, Deore XT / Grip Shift SRT 800 24 speed, XT cantileverbrakes. Never niOielnt Hom"-wooo Specials$499 each call Hardwickat 967-2003 For sale: 199specialized FsR, Blue,white, red. Riddenlessthan 50 miles.9700 contact Andrew Green at3z4-6515 (days) or e-mail DrewZ1@zebra.net. For Sale: 99 Trek 2100 Road Bike- 52cm Alpha SL Aluminum,carbonfork, RSX / STI 24 speed shifters,Rolf Vector wheels. $sgg. Hardwickat 967-200 3 For Sale: Cannondale F500 MountainBik^e, Smallframe, Black,21 speed Grip Shiftwith Head Shock $429 call Hardwickat 967-2003

FOUI{D at Bump and Grind Two computers, gloves, a watch, a bracelet, camera, etc. Call Anne or Derrick to claim at 987-3827,Items not claimed by the end of the year will be donatedto the needyor recvcled.

For Sale: Bump and Grind T-shirts.Several shirts remain from previousraces. Contact an e-mail to iBykDoU@aolcom. Anne S-eys for purchaseat 987-3827.Price and availability varies: $10 for cunent 2000 {!an ryith r9d, XL) and severalfrom 1999 (grey-green),t stig ltan;, and even a few 1996 (tan,M only).1999and earlierare just $5 for membersana $to'ior non-m"rb"r". BUMP is a notfor profit organization For sale: WHEELS - Need and exka set of wheels for road or cross riding? MTB President Bill Johnson 6T8-9752 ryl9e!:' LX 9 speed hubs laced to WTB Laser Beam rims with Dr spoiJs. iitcney rom Slicktiresand tubes.Brandnew and only g160 o.b.o.Call Hardwicti VicePres. Joel Robertson ?5?-1612 at ggZ_i00f. gB7-39?7 Treasurer Anne Seys For Sale: New BUMP ridingjerseysare in!!!!Cost is $55.00and available to all paid Secretory LouraCotlin members.Those who pre-orderedone, please contactAnne at 1ST-3AZT.A 591-?337 reorder is planned,but will be sometimeaway. Want one of the old styles? ffrree iarge Member PoulBrookes 3ZO-O9lg are still available. rt\ember DovidPcssrnore 661-9900 Wanted:COOL old bikes 1930's- 1960'sEspecially Schwinn. Absolutelyany condition. GaffJoel 252-1612

2000BUMPBoard of Directors

Newsfetter DemickSeys


August 2OOOGheck the BUMP Hotfine for any changes in dates and time.

se2-BurltP (2so?)


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As ll'igh as it Getts...


The ride at Cheaha SitateFark let everyonereach the highestpoint in Alerbama. FrornBalclRock, Sean, Derrick,iG?ry,John, Kell1/,Darrid,Pilul, Andrew, and Lanoe Niclrols (I\EABC Pre'sident) enjoyed tlhevie'wof llhe veiilley behind them. The rocky trails pfovirJed e.xcellent cherllengels, and the'weather proved to be perfect. Lance filled us in on the upconringN,IEABC race at tfre park Novrember 5.


Binmirrgharm Lf rban Muountain Peclalers Post ()ffice Box 59OOl51 Birnnirrghelm,l\L i152gl9-OOG 1 InternetF,age u^,vw, BUMP.org A rnennber of I.I\ztBiA



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