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INT - JOHNSON FAMILY HOME - NIGHT Nancy sits beside her little brother on the couch. Quiet, suburban neighborhood. Midnight. She hands him his bowl of shredded corn. The thunderstorm roars with proximity. JOSH Can we watch something scary? Nancy takes a large bite from her own bowl. NANCY I told you its too late for that, theyll be home soon and Ill be the one in trouble-JOSH Do I have to eat this? NANCY How many times-A sudden flash of bright light from outdoors, the electricity cuts off. Darkness. JOSH Cool! NANCY Oh shit I dont even know how... Nancy makes her way to the fuse box in the kitchen. NANCY do I... I dont know how! Josh do we have candles? Josh ignores her. He sneaks towards the rubbish bin and quietly throws his corn away. She checks the cabinets, unaware of her brother. NANCY Ill check in the garage. CUT TO INT - JOHNSON FAMILY GARAGE - NIGHT Nancy is soaked. She rummages through boxes with the garage door open, street lamps illuminating for her. She comes across a dusty set of Christmas candles.




She quickly closes the garage door and makes her way back towards the house but comes across two large holes dug out of the corn garden. NANCY Fucking brat.. She storms back into the house. CUT TO INT - JOHNSON FAMILY HOME - NIGHT Nancy shuts the door violently. NANCY Josh what the fuck have you done with moms garden? She makes her way towards the kitchen. She lights a candle. NANCY Ill probably end up getting blamed for this too, as if I was responsible for-Nancy turns around and the candlelight illuminates her brothers corpse, seated at the table. Blood flows quickly from multiple stabs wounds. Corn stuffed halfway down his throat. Nancy begins to scream but vomits instead. She stumbles towards her purse, grabs her phone and tries to use it. She hears a noise coming from upstairs. She quickly turns towards the kitchen knife set but it is empty. Instead she grips a stick of corn like a knife and wobbles towards the bathroom and shuts the door. She struggles to dial the three important digits as she sobs. OPERATOR 9-1-1, what is your emergency? NANCY My brother-Nancy vomits again.




OPERATOR Where are you, miss? NANCY Home.. I.. She gags. OPERATOR Were on our way mam! The bathroom door is kicked with tremendous force and Nancy screams. CUT TO EXT - JOHNSON FAMILY HOME - NIGHT The police arrive. Office Jimmy knocks on the front door. OFFICER JIMMY Open up mam, we received a call on your cellular device? Jimmy knocks louder on the door. Officer Carl switches his flashlight on and makes his way towards the back. OFFICER JIMMY If you do not open up the door we will have to force ourselves in, Miss Johnson. Officer Carl peaks into the house from the rear window but does not see anything suspicious. He slips on some wet mud and falls onto the corn garden, next to two young, half buried corpses.

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