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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The practice of composing dates back to several years.

However, it is of Sir Albert Howard that the first scientific procedure of composing is credited. In 1920, he developed the so-called indoor method whereby organic materials such as crop residues, and animal manures were piled layer by layer and turned for aeration. Effective microorganism (EM) helps in the rapid composting rather than the natures way. Banana stalks are the stems or axis of the plant in which the fruit is attached. Saw dusts are small particles of wood cut or torn out by sawing. Banana stalks and sawdust are good sources of organic matter which sustain agricultural productions.

Statement of the Problem This study aims to answer the following questions: a. How to make an organic fertilizer with banana stalks and sawdust? b. Why is effective Microorganism necessary in composting?

Significance of the Study This project may be beneficial to: Farmers- They can use this nurseries or even backyard planting/farming. Department of Agriculture- This can use project in agricultural farming.

Benefits of using organic fertilizers It utilizes banana waste and the sawdust into good source of organic matter. Instead of throwing wastes and create pollution, composting helps protect the environment from pollution. Composting helps protect the environment from pollution by converting the wastes into organic

matter beneficial to the plants. It improves soil structure and internal aeration. It also provides humus or organic matter, vitamins, hormones and plant enzymes which are not supplied by chemical fertilizer and enhances the soil environment with improved growth.

Review of Related Literature

The concepts and Technology of EM What is EM? EM stands for Effective Microorganisms. EM is a combination of various beneficial, naturally-occurring microorganism mostly used for on found in foods. It contains beneficial organisms from the three genres: phototropic bacteria and yeast. These effective microorganisms secrete beneficial substances such as vitamins, organic acids, minerals and antioxidant when in contact with organic matter. They change soil micro flora and fauna so that disease-suppressing soil which in turn has the capability to develop into zymogene soil.

The technology of effective microorganism Fungi, bacteria, actinomyces and yeast are found in all ecosystems. They are used widely in food industry, and these species play a vital role in agriculture to maintain and also enhance productivity. The technology of Effective Microorganisms (EM) also uses these species namely, lactic acid bacteria, Photosynthetic bacteria, yeast and actinomyces isolated from the respective environments in which EM is used.

Editorial Note Composting is a breakdown of organic substances by microorganisms. It is natures way of cleaning the environment of its own debris. Relative to the rate by which man introduces wastes into the environment, composting unfortunately is a very slow process.

Rationale Traditional Practice Composting or recycling agricultural wastes into organic fertilizers has been a traditional practice among Filipino farmers. They simply pile up the farm wastes, leave these in the field and allow decaying. Others burn farm wastes and apply the ashes to soil.

Compost Application Compost fertilizer can be applied in several ways. In upland annual crops, side dressing or row placement during cultivation enables the availability of nutrients for plant growth. In fruit trees, deep placement around the root zone is more appropriate. In paddy rice, broadcasting the compost during land preparation before the last harrowing facilitates mixing into the soil.

Microbial Populations of Compost Population of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, protozoa, mites and other microorganisms are naturally found in all substrates for composting. Fauna are usually involved in the physical disintegration of substrates. Bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes are involved in chemical decomposition and consequently in the mineralization and release of nutrient elements. All these organisms interact or complete with one another for nutrients, water, oxygen, and space. Not a single group dominates at any specific time. There usually is a succession of dominant organisms brought about by changing pH, aeration, moisture, increase, and chemical change of substances.

Operational Definition of Terms Humus- The matter of the soil, usually leaf mold and other materials, in which decomposition is well advanced. It stores plant nutrients, holds moisture, and improves soil structure. Organic matter- It is lifeblood of fertile, productive soil. Compost- A fertilizing mixture of decomposed vegetable matter.

Scopes and Limitations You have learned that we used banana stalks and sawdust in our experiment. Instead of disposing them, we can convert them into an organic fertilizer in a cheaper way at the same time bring back necessary elements, present in the banana stalks and sawdust to the soil. You will learn more about on this experiment on the next chapters.

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