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IIT JEE Study Material - Straight Line - Equation of Locus

Locus If a point moves according to some fixed rule, its co-ordinates will always satisfy some algebraic relation corresponding to the fixed rule. The resulting path (a curve) of the moving point is called the locus of the point. The locus i.e. the curve now contains all the points satisfying the specified condition and no point outside the curve satisfies the condition. When a point moves in a plane under certain geometrical conditions, the point traces out a path. This path of the moving point is called its locus. Equation of Locus The equation to the locus is the relation which exists between the coordinates of all the point on the path, and which holds for no other points except those lying on the path. Procedure for finding the equation of the locus of a point (i) If we are finding the equation of the locus of a point P, assign coordinates (h, k) to P. (ii) Express the given conditions as equations in terms of the known quantities and unknown parameters. (iii) Eliminate the parameters, so that the eliminant contains only h, k and known quantities. (iv) Replace h by x, and k by y, in the eliminant. The resulting equation is the equation of the locus of p. The problem of determining the equation of locus of points every pair of which has constant slope. (see figure given below)

Slope is the tangent (i.e. tan q) of the angle made by a line with the positive x-axis (remember positive) taken in anticlockwise direction from x-axis to the line. For any two points P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2).
Length of the Perpendicular from a Point on a Line The distance of a point from a line is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point on the line. Given the equation of the line are different forms, the length of the perpendicular can be obtained in different forms. First form: The normal equation helps us in finding the distance of a point from a straight line. Suppose we have to find the distance of the point P(x1, y1) from the line l1 whose equation is x cos + y sin = p. Let l2 be the line through P parallel to the line l1. Let d be the distance of P from l1. Then, the normal from O to l2 is of length p + d. Hence the equation of l2 is x cos + y sin = p + d. Since P(x1, y1) lies on it. x1 cos + y1 sin = p + d d = x1 cos + y1 sin p. Note: 1. Rule to find the perpendicular distance of a given point from a given line in normal form. In the left side of the equation (right side being zero), substitute the coordinates of the point. The result gives the perpendicular distance.

2. Complete distance formula. If the point P and the origin O, instead of lying on the opposite sides of l as in figure given above, lie on the same side of line l1 it may be proved by proceeding exactly in the same manner that

d = (x1 cos + y1 sin p) Hence, the complete distance formula is d = + (x1 cos + y1 sin p)

The distance of a point from a line is the length of the perpendicular drawn from the point to the line. Let L : Ax + By + C = 0 be a line, whose distance from the point P(x1, y1) is d. Draw a perpendicular PM from the point P to the line L. If the line meets the x and y-axes at the points Q and R respectively, then coordinates of the points are Q(C/A, 0) and R(0, C/B). Thus the area of the triangle PQR is given by area(?PQR) = 1/2 PM QR, which gives PM = 2 are (PQR)/QR also, area (?PQR) = 1/2 |x1 (0 + C/B) + (C/A) (C/B y1) + 0(y1 0)| = 1/2 |x1 C/B + y1 C/A + C2/AB| (1)

Or 2 area (?PQR) = |C/AB| |Ax1 + By1 + C| and QR = (0 + C/A)2 + (C/B 0)2 = |C/AB| A2 + B2

Substituting the values of area (?PQR) and QR in (1), we get PM = |Ax1+By1+C|/A2+B2. Or d = |Ax1+By1+C|/A2+B2. Thus the perpendicular distance (d) of a line Ax + By + C = 0 from a point (x1, y1) is given by d = |Ax1+By1+C|/A2+B2. Distance between two parallel lines We know that slopes of two parallel lines are equal. Therefore, two parallel lines can be taken in the form y = mx + c1 and y = mx + c2 (1) (2)

Line (1) will intersect x-axis at the point A (c1/m, 0) as shown in figure.

Distance between two lines is equal to the length of the perpendicular from point A to line (2). Therefore, distance between the lines (1) and 92) is |(m)(c1/m)+(c2)|/1+m2 or d = |c1c2|/1+m2. Thus the distance d between two parallel liens y = mx + c1 and y + mx + c2 is given by d = |C1C2|/A2+B2. Illustration:

Find the distance of the point (3, 5) from the line 3x 4y 26 = 0. Solution: Given line is 3x 4y 26 = 0. (1)

Comparing (1) with general equation of line Ax + By + C = 0, we get A = 3, B = 4 and C = 26. Given point is (x1, y1) = (3, 5). The distance of the given point from given line is d = |Ax1+By1+C|/A2+B2 = 3/5. Illustration: Find the distance between the parallel lines 3x 4y + 7 = 0 and 3x 4y + 5 = 0. Solution: Here A = 3, B = 4, C1 = 7 and C2 = 5. Therefore, the required distance is d = |75|/32+(4)2 = 2/5. Illustration: The coordinates of the vertices A, B, C of a triangle are (6, 3), (3, 5) and (4, 2) respectively and P is any point (x, y). Show that the ratio of the areas of the triangles PBC and ABC is |x + y 2| : 7. Solution: Equation of the line BC is x + y 2 = 0. Let PG and AD be perpendiculars from p and A on BC.

Ratio of areas of triangles PBC and ABC is 1/2.BC.PG/1/2.BC.AD = PG/AD. But PG is the length of the perpendicular form P(x, y) on

x + y 2 = 0 and AD is the length of the perpendicular from A(6, 3) on x + y 2 = 0. Ratio of the areas of ?PBC and ?ABC. |x+y2/2|/|6+32/2| = |x+y2/7|. Illustration: Find the distance from the line 3x 4y + 35 = 0 of the point (0, 0). Solution: Writing the given equation in the normal form, we get 3/5 x + 4/5 y 7 = 0 Substituting x = 0, y = 0 in it, d = 3/5 (0) + 4/5 (0) 7 = 7 Changing sign the required distance = 7. Second form: To find the perpendicular distance of the point (x1, y1) from the line ax + by + c = 0. Let us convert the given equation in the normal form. a/a2+b2 x + b/a2+b2 y + c/a2+b2 = 0 The perpendicular Distance of (x1, y1) is d = a/a2+b2 x1 + b/a2+b2 y1 + c/a2+b2 d = ax1+by1+c/a2+b2 This formula can also be obtained independently as under: Let PM be the perpendicular form P on AB. Then coordinates of A and B are (c/a, 0) and (0, c/b) respectively, AB = c2/a2+c2/b2 = c/ab (a2+b2) Area of ?PAB (Recall from page M4 M 4) = 1/2 [x1 (c/b 0)+0(0 y1) c/a (y1 + c/b)] = c/2ab (ax1 + by1 + c) (1)

Also, area of ?PAB = PM.AB = 1/2 PM.c/ab (a2+b2) From (1) and (2), we have 1/2 PM.c/ab (a2+b2) (ax1 + by1 + c) PM = ax1+by1+c/a2+b2 Neglecting the negative sign, as the length of a segment is always positive, we have PM = |ax1+by1+c/a2+b2| (2)

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