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Step into Life Bendigo

Phone: 0458498292 Email:

August 2013, Issue 83

Directors Desk
What makes Step into Life unique?
Dear members, family and friends I would like to share with you a fantastic story about why Step into Life is unique and different. Within Step into Life we call it the care factor but Nicola describes it beautifully in her email to Dani from Step into Life St Ives. Nicola, a new member to Step was coming along to her first early morning session and bringing a friend along; to a different meeting point due to the rain and the session was being taken by assistant trainer John Hi Dani, I had such a laugh this morning! You wont believe what I did. I wasnt sure where to park as it was slightly wet today. I went up to the IGA entrance and saw a few cars parked there and when I got out 2 ladies said to me am I coming to morning training? I said yes and followed them to the very top field in the dark, I even phoned Pari (friend) who was at the bottom field and she ran up to join me. It was pitch black with no light at all and the field was very muddy. The trainer introduced himself as Ben I thought at the time I wonder what happened to John? But he said oh okay join in and we started straight away- he never asked Pari or I if we had any injuries or health issues or about our level of fitness etc ..and then it started -hectic running , pushing, pulling, pushing tyres, walking with ropes, doing burpies in the mud - he kept saying lie flat on your stomach, even though it was in the mud! He said we would eventually catch up as the others had been doing it for 3 years! Pari kept saying- I thought you said it was great and you could do it at your own pace and there was light boxing and push ups, sits up and a bit of weight training etc etc??? I was shocked at how intense and unpleasant it was! After about 30 min I said something about Dani then he had a brief pause and saidI think you are in the wrong class. You should be down there! It was a command-so we left his class promptly and walked down to the van which we could see now and promptly burst out laughing as we were completely out of our depth! I had made the mistake and I apologised profusely to Pari, who just laughed! We both learnt something today- we dont like Bens style at all! Pari agreed that she wouldnt have joined if that was the class! I really enjoy step into life because of the care, concern and targeted activities that suit the members! You have a nice balance between challenging, encouraging and pushing us to go a bit further. Needless to say when we got there, and met John we chatted about coming on Friday to the right place, so Pari can have her trial class and I can enjoy my fitness journey with concerned, interested instructors who create a varied and valuable program! Continues to the right Directors Desk continued Thank You, Nicola Nicola, thank you so much for sharing your story, I had a good laugh and it made me think about how Step into Life Trainers do show concern, interest and variety. Winter is almost over, hang in there. Healthy Regards, Larry Cohen, Director

Local News
Our fantastic fun run team consisting of Hayley Blundell, Jessica McCallum, Julie Flynn, Louise Hall, Jenny Boak, Jolanda Epskamp, Jody Chant, Gayle Saunders and Suz Fitzpatrick smashed out PBs at this years Run Melbourne, well done to you all.

Comic Relief

Keen to win a win a $500 health spa voucher to the Bellarine Peninsula? I thought so. Keep those referrals coming in, two lifers both named Vicky have one referral each already, who could it be?

Timetable Changes
Keep your eye out for the
run packages for all our upcoming fun runs, registration forms will be emailed. Did you know that you can participate in the achievit packages without doing the fun runs?

What is happening? Id love to join in! Coming soon August 25th De Castella Run October 13th Melbourne Marathon November 3rd Bendigo Bank Fun Run achievit packages will be held for all runs


Long Sleeve Shirt Unisex $35.00

Raglan Sleeve Shirt Ladies $24.00

Spandex Tights Ladies $44.00

Polar Heart Rate Monitor RS300x $155.00

Training Club
Achieving your goals at Step into Life
How close are you to your next Training Club milestone?Goal setting is a key element to gaining fitness, weight loss and improved health benefits. At all Step into Life sessions we add Training Points to your Training Club tally (you can see your total on your fortnightly performance report). Points gained are a measure of your commitment to your training. Ask your Trainer to help you set some time lines for your goals. Awards achieved in 200 points Julie Flynn, Robyn Maclean, Pam Savage 500 points Louise Hall, Elise Nally, Hayley Blundell

Member Profile
Who is? Jessica McHardy

Where were you born?
Melbourne, Victoria

What is your current profession?

Manager at Bendigo Original Pie Shop Lansell Square

New Members
Welcome! Inna Deleyev Nicole Lacey

What sports have you been involved with during your life/best achievement?

What is your favourite Step into Life session?


What is your favourite naughty treat when your trainers arent looking?

What are your top 3 goals you would like to achieve?

Lose weight To have toned arms like Michelle Bridges Be able to go for a run with Rachel Gard

Member Birthdays
Happy Birthday! Suz Fitzpatrick 4th Jackie Johnstone 14th Tim OBrien 17th

What goals have you achieved at Step into Life so far?

Being able to run around Lake Weeroona Going up 3kg in dumbbell weight Cutting 17minutes of my PB time trial since I started

Micks Footnote;
Jess never misses a session and is one of our best boxkickers. Jess has knocked over 5 mins per km off her running times and has gone up from 2kg to 5kg at toneup.

Johns Corner
Motivation How to identify a drop and how to get it back
Questions to ask yourself There are some evocative questions I have found helpful in exploring peoples motivation / procrastination problems. I offer them for your consideration. You may want to simply ponder the answers for yourself, write out the answers (you may be surprised what comes out) or talk to your trainer who can prod you to look more deeply to get a resolve. At the end I have listed some common quotes and pieces of advice from Step into Life trainers around the country to help you each day. Although some of the examples given are non exercise related, these can be applied to all facets of your life. 1. Is this problem with motivation general or specific to certain tasks? What is the difference between the tasks I have no problem doing and those which I feel unmotivated for? I don't feel like doing anything for him.." Or, " I do fine making myself study for multiple choice biology exams, but I just can't make myself start those sociology papers. I'm not very good at organizing my thoughts for these papers. Is it a matter of gaining more skill in doing that kind of writing, or do I have a learning disability or is it something about that course in particular?" In a training sense, I dont get motivated for toneup sessions as much as boxkick sessions How can I change this? Could I think about my long term goal instead of the exercise or the task itself? 2. What POSITIVE things might happen if I don't get motivated and what NEGATIVE things might happen if I do? For example, "If I don't get motivated I might not get reach my goal of 5kg weight loss and (positive result) then I won't have to get out of bed early in the morning for training so I can sleep in.." Or, " If I really put my all into my training, I might not get the results I want and then I'd be dejected (negative result)."

3. Who, (besides me) thinks I should be more motivated or thinks I should do these things for which I have no motivation? And what might be going on in my relationship with that person? One answer: "My partner, and I am tired of them running my life!" Another answer: "Society, and I'm still trying to sort out whether I must simply do what I'm 'supposed' to or if I can start doing what I want to for a change." Yet another: "My parents are paying for my training. I feel like I have to really excel here or else they havent gotten their money's worth, but on the other hand I really want to pay some too." 4. Am I a perfectionist? They say that perfectionism leads to procrastination and procrastination leads to paralysis. "They" may be right. Perfectionism can have a number of negative effects on motivation. First of all, it's a terrible burden and like all burdens it gets heavier the longer you carry it. Perfectionism can cause one to put off doing what needs to be done because of fear of not reaching the goal: "If I can't do it perfectly, I can't do it at all." Alternatively: "If I do it perfectly, then I will show that I have the capacity to do that and I'll have to do it perfectly every time." 5. Am I stuck in the "work = worth" ethic? Do you feel like you should ALWAYS be working or that you can't play until ALL the work is done? Do you feel that if you finish this piece of work, there'll just be more to do? With this refrain playing in the back of your mind constantly, it's hard to get motivated to do much. Where did this idea come from for you? Do your parents work constantly? Is it religion? 6. Do you have competing needs which are demanding to be taken seriously? You know, it could just be that you actually DO need to sleep, eat, work, socialize and the reason you can't motivate yourself to exercise, is that your competing needs are compelling. Listen up before it's too late. 80% of success is showing up Kristi Sparkman Step into Life Golden Grove Go hard or go home Dont worry if youre sweating, its your fat crying Shannon Barry Step into Life West Lakes 0% excuses 100% responsibility Ben Walters Step into Life Woodville Never allow yourself to feel comfortable, always give your body a reason to change Michelle Fletcher - Step into Life Albury

How to use protein supplements

Casein protein Slowly absorbed for a steady delivery of amino acids as recovery progresses. The best protein supplement will combine whey and casein for rapid and sustained benefits. The only other ingredient really worth paying for in a protein supplement is creatine, which can enhance muscle recovery during short bouts of high-intensity exercise (as long as you take it regularly). Almost everything else youll read on the label is marketing hype. Adjusting (Tuning Up) protein on your Metabolic Jumpstart Plan If youre following a Protein-Plus Metabolic Jumpstart Plan, you should have more than enough protein to meet your individual needs. If you are on a Regular-Protein Plan, it may be worthwhile switching to Protein Plus for added protein. Accelerator & Jumpstarter (weight loss ) Plans Controlling calories is important, so adjust protein timing within your allocated Protein Exchanges where possible. For example, if you have 2 Protein Exchanges, eat approximately 0.5 of these Protein Exchanges after training. Maintainer & Gainer Plans (weight gain) You have a higher calorie budget, so may be able to add a Protein Exchange to your plan after a heavy training session with minimum, if any gain in body fat. Whatever plan you are on, youll need to trial any changes to your protein intake and closely monitor results. Measurements rather than weight will detect changes in body shape and ensure you are building muscle without putting on body fat. Protein optimisation is one way to achieve breakthrough results. But ensure your core diet is nutrient-rich and in the correct balance before you start using supplements.

Do I need to take protein supplements? Heavy training and a hectic schedule can make protein supplements a serious consideration for your nutrition plan. But before you get sucked into the many miraculous marketing claims for protein powders and potions, answer these questions: Do I struggle to meet my protein targets from food alone? If yes, and you are already eating very well, then you may find it useful to add a protein supplement. As a rule, limit protein from supplements to one bar or shake a day (with around 700kJ) unless you are on a muscle gainer plan. Do you find it hard to eat wholefood protein within 30 minutes after a heavy workout? If yes, try a convenient protein supplement like a tetra pack drink. What to look for in a protein supplement The defining ingredients in most protein powders and drinks are whey and casein protein, both extracted from dairy milk. Whey protein Known as fast acting protein because it is absorbed quickly, whey is a complete protein that is high in leucine (15% leucine). The amino acids get into muscles quickly to initiate muscle rebuilding.

Matt ONeill BSpSc, MSc, APD, AN, Nutritionist, The Morning Show

At Last - Guilt Free Eating!

Healthy Recipe

Steps to Jumpstart your Metabolism!

Tired of conflicting diet advice? Re-wire your appetite and re-ignite your metabolism through Matt ONeills Metabolic Jumpstart. This 4 week program provides you with a complete metabolically matched diet plan, report & program. For only $79.95 you will receive:

Grilled scallops with citrus salsa

Serves: 2 Ingredients
16 scallops (400g), roe removed small grapefruit (180g), chopped finely lime, chopped finely small red onion small mango (150g), chopped finely 1 Tbs fresh basil, chopped finely 1 Tbs fresh mint, chopped finely Tsp caster sugar

Prep: 15 mins

Cooking: 10 mins

Body shape assessment and health risk profile Personal calorie burning times for specific foods Menu plan sample with meals and correct portions Nutrition targets for kj, calories, fat, protein and carb Daily food group exchanges Mix & match guide Motivational Pack posted to you with 8 daily targets, fridge cards, fact sheets and special offers Access to My Jumpstart Online with audio guides, weekly checklists, faqs and discussion posts Enhance your results with your FREE MJ Plus + program (worth $120 per year) when you sign up through a Step into Life trainer for the duration of your membership, and receive: Weekly motivational emails and articles Motivation Planner MJ Recipes Tip Sheets Expert interviews from hormones to intolerances Downloads tools and templates Ongoing support & expert advice from Matt O Neill Access to seminars online Supermarket foods MJ Exchanges

Citrus dressing Tbs olive oil 1 Tbs mirin Tbs orange juice Tbs lemon juice Tsp lime rind, finely grated

1. Cook scallops in batches, on a lightly heated grill plate brushed with oil until browned both sides or cooked as desired. Meanwhile, make the citrus dressing. Place ingredients in a screw-top jar, shake well. Place remaining ingredients in medium bowl with half of the dressing. Toss gently to combine. Serve scallops with salsa. Drizzle with remaining dressing. Exchanges per serve

2. 3. 4.

For more information talk to your trainer.

0.25 Nutrients per serve


999kJ (239cals), 25g Protein, 6.3g Fat, 1g Saturated Fat, 18.6g Carbs, 17g Sugars, 2g Fibre, 333mg Sodium
Source: Modified from Lean Food, The Australian Womens Weekly

Step into Life Ipswich Central, QLD members participating in the Rail Trail Fun Run

Step into Life Miami Members completed their first 10km in the Gold Coast Marathon

Step into Life Hunter Valley, NSW members at the Hunter Valley Fun Run (Winery Running Festival).

Step into Life Myaree, WA member Cherie Pirnie on her recent trip to London proudly wearing her training club singlet.

Bendigos Run Melbourne Fun Run team, enjoying some post run nutrition where is Jess?

Refer a friend and well give you anything you want!

At Step into Life we value your patronage and the people you refer to us.
Thank you for giving a gift of good health and fitness to your friends and family by referring them to Step into Life. Due to customer demand we have Franchise territories available throughout Australia and New Zealand. If you know anyone with an interest in health and fitness that would love to run a Fitness Franchise, please let them know about this exciting opportunity. $1000 referral bonus for any one you refer that becomes a Step into Life Franchisee. For each friend who joins as a result of your referral to any Step into Life Franchise nationally, you will receive a Step into Life Any Store Gift Card to the value of $25. Use your referral gift card from us to purchase almost anything provided it can be purchased from a store which has EFTPOS facilities.

Contact your state office on 1300 134 136 for more information.

Members Benefits
Discounts & Offers
See your trainer to learn about the full range of Member benefits available to you.

Franchise Directory
To find your nearest location please visit our website
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