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chest clock display cramped frying pan lid measles mergers mumps poker pot scrap metal shelf/shelves skeleton strike timber tray whitewashed

cufar cadran inghesuit tigaie capac pojar fuziuni oreion vatrai/bat de metal oala,cratita fier vechi raft/rafturi schelet greva cherestea,bustean tava spoit

cadran capac cufar fier vechi fuziuni greva inghesuit oala,cratita oreion cherestea,bustean pojar raft/rafturi schelet spoit tava tigaie vatrai/bat de metal

clock display lid chest scrap metal mergers strike cramped pot mumps timber measles shelf/shelves skeleton whitewashed tray frying pan poker

PAST TENSE OF REGULAR VERBS a) Exista 3 categorii de pronuntie : "id", "d" si "t" b) Toate verbele vor avea la PAST TENSE aceleasi terninatii : "ed"/ "d" 1. Verbe a caror terminatie la PAST TENSE se pronunta "ID" Infinitive Past tense Semnificatie to act acted a juca intr-o piesa to consist consisted a consta in to count counted a numara to need needed a avea nevoie to depend depended a depinde to end ended a sfarsi to repeat repeated a repeta to taste tasted a gusta to wait waited a astepta to want wanted a vrea 2. Verbe a caror terminatie la PAST TENSE se pronunta "D" Infinitive Past tense Semnificatie to agree agreed a fi de acord to answer answered a raspunde to bathe bathed a face baie to belive belived a crede to burn burned a arde to carry carried a cara, a duce to clean cleaned a curata to climb climbed a se urca, a se catara to close closed a inchide to enjoy enjoyed a se bucura de to hammer hammered a bate cu ciocanul to learn learned a invata to listen listened a asculta to live lived a trai, a locui to love loved a iubi to manage managed a conduce,a administra to move moved a muta, a misca to nail nailed a bate cuie to open opened a deschide to play played a juca to please pleased a multumi, a face placere to question questioned a intreba to remember remembered a aminti to sew sewed a coase to show showed a arata to stay stayed a sta, a locui to study studied a studia to telephone telephoned a telefona to travel travelled a calatori

3. Verbe a caror terminatie la PAST TENSE se pronunta "T" Infinitive Past tense Semnificatie to box boxed a boxa to cook cooked a gati to cross crossed a traversa to dance danced a dansa to dress dressed a se imbraca to finish finished a termina to help helped a ajuta to kick kicked a lovi cu piciorul to laugh laughed a rade to like liked a placea to look looked a privi to place placed a plasa,a aseza to practise practised a practica, a exersa to smoke smoked a fuma to talk talked a vorbi to thank thanked a multumi to walk walked a se plimba,a merge to work worked a lucra

PAST TENSE OF IRREGULAR VERBS I. Verbe care au aceeasi forma la INFINITIVE, la PAST TENSE si la PAST PARTICIPLE Infinitive Past tense Past participle Semnificatie to bet bet bet a paria to bid bid bid a licita, a porunci to broadcast broadcast broadcast a difuza to browbeat browbeat browbeat/browbeaten a intimida to burst burst burst a izbucni, a navali to cast cast cast a arunca to cost cost cost a costa to cut cut cut a taia to hit hit hit a lovi to hurt hurt hurt a rani to let let let a lasa to put put put a pune to read read read a citi to set set set a aseza, a apune to shut shut shut a inchide to spit spit spit a scuipa to split spit split a imparti in doua to spread spread spread a intinde, a imprastia to sweat sweat sweat a transpira II. Verbe care au aceeasi forma la INFINITIVE si la PAST PARTICIPLE (PAST TENSE difera) Infinitive Past tense Past participle Semnificatie to become became become a deveni to come came come a veni to run ran run a fugi III. Verbe care au aceeasi forma la PAST TENSE si la PAST PARTICIPLE (INFINITIVE difera) Infinitive Past tense Past participle Semnificatie to bend bent bent a se indoi to bind bound bound a lega to bleed bled bled a sangera to breed bred bred a creste, a educa to build built built a construi to burn burnt burnt a arde to bust busted busted a rupe, a strica to cling clung clung a se agata to clothe clothed/clad clothed/clad a se imbraca to creep crept crept a se tari, a se furisa to deal dealt dealt a cadea la invoiala to dig dug dug a sapa to dive dived dived a plonja to dream dreamt dreamt a visa to feed fed fed a hrani to feel felt felt a simti to find found found a gasi to fit fitted fitted a se potrivi to get got got a obtine, a deveni

to hang to have to hear to hold to keep to lay to lead to learn to leave to lend to light to lose to make to mean to meet to pay to say to sell to send to shine to shoot to sit to sleep to smell to spell to spend to spill to spoil to stand to stick to sting to strike to sweep to tell to understand to win

hung had heard held kept laid led learnt left lent lit lost made meant met paid said sold sent shone shot sat slept smelt spelt spent spilt spoilt stood stuck stung struck swept told understood won

hung had heard held kept laid led learnt left lent lit lost made meant met paid said sold sent shone shot sat slept smelt spelt spent spilt spoilt stood stuck stung struck swept told understood won

a atarna a avea a auzi a tine a tine a sta intins,a intinde a conduce a invata a parasi, a pleca a da cu imprumut a aprinde a pierde a fabrica,a face a insemna a intalni a plati a spune a vinde a trimite a straluci a impusca a sta jos a dormi a mirosi a citi pe litere a cheltui,a petrece timp a imprastia,risipi,varsa a strica,a distruge a sta in picioare a lipi a impunge, a intepa a ataca a matura a spune a intelege a castiga

IV. Verbe care au aceeasi forma la PAST TENSE si la PAST PARTICIPLE (INFINITIVE difera) si au terminatia "ought" sau "aught" Infinitive Past tense Past participle Semnificatie to bring brought brought a aduce to buy bought bought a cumpara to catch caught caught a prinde to fight fought fought a lupta to seek sought sought a cauta, a cerceta to teach taught taught a preda,a invata pe cineva to think thought thought a gandi, a cugeta V. Verbe care au forme diferite la INFINITIVE, la PAST TENSE si la PAST PARTICIPLE Infinitive Past tense Past participle Semnificatie to arise arose arisen a se ridica to awake awoke awoken a se trezi to backslide backslid backslidden a decadea to be was/were been a fi to bear bore born a da nastere, a duce, a purta to beat beat beaten a bate to begin began begun a incepe to bite bit bitten a musca to blow blew blown a sufla to break broke broken a rupe, a sparge to choose chose chosen a alege to do did done a face to draw drew drawn a desena to drink drank drunk a bea to drive drove driven a conduce masina to eat ate eaten a manca to fall fell fallen a cadea to fly flew flown a zbura to forbid forbade forbidden a interzice to forget forgot forgotten a uita to forgive forgave forgiven a ierta to freeze froze frozen a ingheta to give gave given a da to go went gone a merge to grow grew grown a creste to hide hid hidden a ascunde to know knew known a sti to ride rode ridden a calari to ring rang rung a suna to rise rose risen a rasari to see saw seen a vedea to sew sewed sewn a coase, a drena to shake shook shaken a zgudui to show showed shown a arata to sing sang sung a canta to speak spoke spoken a vorbi

to spring to steal to swear to swim to take to tear to throw to wake to wear to write

sprang stole swore swam took tore threw woke wore wrote

sprung stolen sworn swum taken torn thrown woken worn written

a sari, a izvori,a tasni a fura a jura a inota a lua a rupe, a destrama a arunca a se trezi a purta a scrie

VI. Verbe care NU au forma de PAST TENSE si de PAST PARTICIPLE Infinitive Past tense Past participle to can could to may might to must to ought -

Semnificatie a putea se poate sa a trebui a se cuveni,a se cadea

set off take off touch down get into get out get on get off put back to bear in mind

Expresii a pleca a decola a ateriza a intra undeva a iesi de undeva a intra in avion, tren, vapor (ceva cu punte) a cobori a fi intartziat a lua in considerare, a tine seama de

light dark white black red yellow blue green pink purple violet brown grey

CULORI deschis inchis alb negru rosu galben albastru verde roz mov violet maro gri

Zilele saptamanii (mereu cu litera mare)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday luni marti miercuri joi vineri sambata duminica

Lunile anului (mereu cu litera mare)

January February March April May June July August September October November December ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie

Anotimpurile anului (mereu cu litera mare)

Spring Summer Autum/Fall Winter primavara vara toamna iarna

The human body

head hair hairs forehead eye eyebrows eyelashes eyelids nose freckle/freckles nosetrils cheeks dimple lips mouth chin body neck shoulders arms elbow armpit wrist forearm hand fingers thumb nails chest breasts hips thighs leg knee foot ankle toes heel bottom/ass belly belly-button shank/calf cap par fire de par frunte ochi sprancene gene pleoape nas pistrui nari obraji gropita buze gura barbie corp/trunchi gat umeri brate cot subrat incheietura mainii antebrat mana degete degetul mare unghii piept sani sold coapse picior genunchi laba piciorului glezna degetele de la picioare calcai fund burta buric gamba

a= ei e=i i=ai o=ou u=iu w=u sh=s ch=ce,ci ph=f th=t, d

(airplane = eirplein) (emotion = imousan) (idea = aidia) (rose = rouz) (unit = iunit) (windows = uindouz) (english = inglis) (church = ciarci) (photo = foto) (theme = tim, this = dis)

K nu se citeste inainte de N (knife = naif, knee = nee) s intre vocale = z (rose = rouz) c + e,i, y = s (cell = sel, cinema = sinema, cycle = saical) a + ll = o (ball = bol) oo = u (foot = fut) ee = ii (feet = fiit) exceptii door = dor, floor = flor

Articolul A.Articolul nehotarat (indefinite article) cand substantivul incepe cu o consoana 1a a cat Ex: cand substantivul incepe cu o vocala 2 an an elephant Ex:

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Articolul nehotarat se foloseste doar cu substantive numarabile la singular Pentru plural se foloseste "same" B.Articolul hotarat (definite article) cand substantivul incepe cu o consoana (=da) 1 the the cat Ex: cand substantivul incepe cu o vocala (=di) 2 the the elephant Ex:

De retinut
Regula= Regula= din momentul in care substantivul e mentionat pentru a II-a oara intr-o conversatie, el va avea articol hotarat urmatoarele substantive vor avea mereu (always) articol hotarat (the) : the radio, the cinema, the theatre,the ground (sol), the world, the jungle, the country/countryside, the sea/seaside

Substantivul (The noun) Plural A.Subsatantive numarabile (countable nouns) 1 Substantivele terminate in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o adauga "es" bush - bushes Ex: Exceptii: radio - radios, photo - photos 2 Substantivele terminate in -f, -fe schimba terminatia in "v" si adauga "es" wife - wives Ex: loaf - loaves (franzela) Exceptii: roof - roofs, safe - safes, chief - chiefs, cliff - cliffs, handkerchief - handkerchiefs 3 Substantivele terminate in consoana + y schimba terminatia in "i" si adauga "es" baby - babies Ex: 4 Substantivele terminate in vocala + y adauga "s" boy - boys Ex: 5 Substantive cu aceeasi forma pentru singular si plural Ex: fish - fish, deer - deer, sheep - sheep, trout - trout 6 Substantive "nebune" ( crazy nouns) Ex: foot - feet, goose - geese, tooth - teeth, man -men, woman - women, ox - oxen child - children, mouse - mice 7 Restul substantivelor adauga "s" book - books Ex: B.Subsatantive nenumarabile (uncountable nouns) water - a glass of water - glasses of water Ex: oil - a bottle of oil - bottles of oil vinegar - a spoon of vinegar - spoons of vinegar coffee / cocoa - a cup of coffee / cocoa- cups of coffee / cocoa tea - a little bag of tea - little bags of tea tea - a little packet of tea - little packets of tea meat - a kg of meat - kilos of meat cheese - a piece of cheese - pieces of cheese Coke - a can of Coke - cans of Coke cake - a slice of cake - slices of cake furniture - a piece of furniture - pieces of furniture advice/information/news - a piece of advice/information/news - pieces of advice/information/news soap/chocolate - a bar of soap/chocolate - bars of soap/chocolate jam - a jar of jam - jars of jam paper - a sheet of paper - sheets of paper bread - a loaf of bread - loaves of bread milk - a carton of milk - cartons of milk ink/yogurt - a pot of ink/yogurt - pots of ink/yogurt

Adjectivul A.Gradele de comparatie a adjectivelor scurte (maxim 6 litrere si maxim 2 silabe) as adjectiv as (la fel de.. ca si) Pozitiv not so adjectiv as (nu la fel de.. ca si) Negativ Comparativ adjectiv + er than (mai.decat) the adjectiv + est of/in (cel mai.din/in) Superlativ as short as; shorter than; the shortest of/in Ex: Reguli de scriere Adjectivele scurte terminate in vocala + consoana dubleaza consoana la comparativ si 1 superlativ big - as big as; bigger than; the biggest of/in Ex: 2 Adjectivele scurte terminate in consoana + y schimba terminatia in "i" si adauga "er"/"est"la comparativ si superlativ happy - as happy as; happier than; the happiest of/in Ex: 3 Adjectivele scurte terminate in e adauga doar "r" la comparativ si "st" la superlativ Ex: large - as large as; larger than; the largest of/in

B.Gradele de comparatie a adjectivelor lungi (minim 6 litrere si minim 2 silabe) as adjectiv as (la fel de.. ca si) Pozitiv not so adjectiv as (nu la fel de.. ca si) Negativ Comparativ more adjectiv than (mai.decat) pozitv Comparativ less adjectiv than (mai.decat) negativ Superlativ the most adjectiv of/in/from (cel mai.din/in) pozitiv Superlativ the least adjectiv of/in/from (cel mai.din/in) negativ as beautiful as (la fel de.. ca si) Ex: not so beautiful as (nu la fel de.. ca si) more beautiful than (mai.decat) less beautiful than ( e mai putin .decat) the most beautiful of/in/from (cel mai.din/in) the least beautiful of/in/from (cel mai putin .din/in) Exceptii Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ good better the best bad worse the worst little less the least much more the most many farther (USA) the farthest (USA) far further (UK) the furthest (UK) Adjectivele de 6 litrere si 2 silabe se pot compara fie ca adjective scurte, fie ca adjective lungi

C. Ordinea adjectivelor in propozitie 1. Adjective de opinie: beautiful - ugly, expensive - cheap large - small 2. Adjective de marime: old - young, old - new 3. Adjective de varsta: rectangular, oval, square, triangle, round, etc. 4. Adjective de forma: black, green 5. Adjective de culoare: Romanian,Chinese 6. Adjective de origine: silk, satin, wool, woolen(din lana), wood, wooden (din lemn), 7. Adjective pentru material: stone,plastic, lace (dantela), leather, etc. 8. Adjective care arata la ce e linen (pentru rufarie), detective book (carte detectivista) folosit/despre ce este: 9. Substantivul Ex: That is a wonderful large old rectangular black Chinese wooden linen chest 1. adjectiv de opinie wonderful 2. adjectiv de marime large 3.adjectiv de varsta old rectangular 4. adjectiv de forma 5. adjectiv de culoare black 6. adjectiv de origine Chinese wooden 7. adjectiv pentru material 8. adjectiv care arata la ce e folosit linen chest (cufar) 9. substantiv

Adverbul A. Formare Regula Reguli de scriere adjectiv + "ly" = adverb 1 Adjectivele terminate in "ic" adauga "ally" dramatic - dramatically (in mod dramatic) Ex: 2 Adjectivele terminate in "le" schimba in "ly" terrible - terribly Ex: 2 Adjectivele terminate in "e" adauga "ly" rare - rarely Ex: true - truly whole - wholly (pe de-a-ntregul) 2 Adjectivele terminate in consoana + y schimba terminatia in "i" si adauga "ly" happy - happily Ex:


3 Adjectivele terminate in "ly" formeaza adverbul cu "in a .way" friendly - in a friendly way Ex: 4 Adjective care au aceeasi forma cu adverbul Ex: fast fast hard hard difficult difficult late late never (niciodata) never (niciodata) ever (vreodata) ever (vreodata) 5 Adjective care au alta forma decat adverbul Ex: good well 1. Adverbe de frecventa Sunt asezate in interiorul propozitiei,dupa auxiliar/modal si inantea verbului principal He didn't often bring me flowers Ex: often, usually, never, ever,regularly, barely, seldom (rar), sometimes 2. Adverbe de propozitie (de decizie) Sunt asezate inceputul propozitiei,dar pot aparea si in mijloc /sfarsit Ex: Probably he belived you He probably belived you He belived you probably probably, certainly, possibly, clearly, fortunately, luckily, maybe,perhaps,of course 3. Adverbe de grad Sunt asezate inaintea adjectivului sau adverbului pe care il modifica She is quite good at Math (destul de buna) Ex: absolutely, just,totally, completely,extremely, very, a lot, really,terribly, much,awfully (groaznic), enough, too (prea)

De retinut
rather - quite - fairly - pretty (destul de) = cresc in intensitate a little - a bit - slightly (putin,putintel,aproape de loc) = scad in intensitate B. Ordinea adverbelor in propozitie 1. Daca verbul este de actiune : adveb de loc ,adveb de mod, adverb de timp Ex: She goes to work on foot every day to work = adverb de loc on foot = adverb de mod every day = adverb de timp 2. Daca verbul este static : adveb de mod ,adveb de loc, adverb de timp Ex: She spoke well at the meeting yesterday well = adverb de mod at the meeting = adverb de loc yesterday = adverb de timp

deep = adanc deeply (= greatly) = profund free = gratis freely = de buna voie hard = greu, din greu hardly = abia, aproape de loc high = sus highly = foarte apreciat last = ultimul lastly = in ultimul rand late = tarziu lately = recent, in ultimul timp near = aproape, langa (locatie) nearly (=almost) = aproape (grad) pretty = destul de prettily = atractiv short = brusc shortly = in curand widely = cunoscut pe scara larga wide = larg C.Gradele de comparatie a adverbelor Se formeaza ca la adjective

Prezent simplu

1.La inceput sau sfarsit de propozitie a) every day/night/week/year b) once a day/night/week/year 2.In interiorul propozitiei, dupa auxiliar (be, have,do) sau modal (can, must, should, need to, ought to) si inainte de verbul principal usually, never, ever, always, often, generally, sometimes

Prezent continuu Trecut simplu Trecut continuu Viitor simplu Viitor continuu Prezent perfect simplu Prezent perfect continuu Trecut perfect simplu Trecut perfect continuu

now, in this moment, at present, tonight, today, look! yesterday, last week/month/year, then, in 1999, 5 min ago while, as, when tomorrow, next day/week/month soon, in a week/month/year just, already, yet (pt negativ+interogativ), how long,so far, recently for, since, how long for, since, after, yet,by, by the time, before for, since

Nota: Verbele ce denumesc simturi au DOAR forma simpla - prezent sau trecut (nu au forma de continuu): to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch, to breath

Prezentul simplu Situatii 1 Situatii permanente sau afirmatii Ex: She works as a nurse Betto owns a large camera 2 Actiuni repetate sau intrate in obisnuinta (cu adverbele de frecventa often,usually,etc) Ex: I usually get up at 7 00 3 Adevaruri permanente sau legi ale naturii Ex: Money doesn't buy happiness Water freezes at 00 C 4 Orare sau programe (cu sens de viitor) Ex: The plane leaves at 17 5 Recenzii,comentarii sportive,naratiuni dramatice Ex: Johny Depp acts brilliantly in this film Expresii de timp pentru prezentul simplu 1 Asezate la inceputul sau sfarsitul propozitiei Every morning,evening,day Once a .day,month,year Twice a .day,month,year 2 Asezate in interiorul propozitiei, dupa auxiliar si inainte de verbul principal always,usually,often,rarely,never,sometimes Formare Afirmativ: verb sau verb + s/es Negativ: don't/doesn't + verb Interogativ: do/does + persoana + verb

De retinut
Verbele to be,to have si to do se conjuga fara auxiliar Ex: Afirmativ: I am,you are,he is. Negativ: I am not. Interogativ: Am I? Reguli de scriere pentru persoana III singular Verbele terminate in s,ss,sh,ch,x,o adauga es she kisses 1 Ex: to kiss she watches to watch Verbele terminate in consoana +y ; y=i si adauga es he flies 2 Ex: to fly he cries to cry Verbele terminate in vocala +y adauga s she plays 3 Ex: to play Restul verbelor adauga s 4 Ex: to drop she drops to write she writes Stative verbs Descriu o stare permanenta si de aceea nu au ,in mod normal, forma de continuu 1 Verbe de simt: see, hear, smell, feel, taste 2 Verbe de opinie: agree, belive, consider 3 Verbe de emotie: forgive, hate, like, love, want In cazul in care adauga "ing" ele devin substantive sau gerunzii, deci nu mai sunt verbe

Prezentul continuu Situatii 1 Situatii temporare Ex: They are staying at the Hilton now 2 Actiuni care se intampla la/sau in jurul momentului vorbirii Ex: She is looking for a better job 3 Actiuni repetate,folosind "always" pentru a exprima enervarea / criticismul Ex: She is always interrupting me!!! 4 Planuri pentru viitorul apropiat Ex: Anda is visiting me tonight 5 Situatii care se schimba / se dezvolta Ex: Your English is getting better Expresii de timp pentru prezentul continuu now, at the moment, at present, nowadays(in zilele noastre), today, tonight, etc. Formare Afirmativ: to be la prezent + verb + ing Negativ: to be la prezent negativ + verb + ing Interogativ: to be la prezent interogativ + persoana + verb + ing Reguli de scriere Verbele terminate in e il taie si adauga ing to make making 1 Ex: dying (a vopsi parul) to dye 2 Verbele terminate in ie il taie si adauga y+ing to die dying Ex: Verbele scurte terminate in vocala + consoana dubleaza consoana si adauga ing 3 putting Ex: to put getting to get Restul verbelor adauga ing 4 singing Ex: to sing

De retinut
Today Always,often = = prezent continuu ("ing") = prezent simplu

Trecutul simplu Situatii 1 Actiuni consecutive din trecut Ex: She sealed the letter, put a stamp on it and posted it. 2 Obicei din trecut sau afirmatie Ex: He used to go to school on foot He went to school on foot 3 Actiune din trecut intamplata la un moment mentionat Ex: The light stopped an hour ago. 4 Actiune intamplata la un moment determinat din trecut, desi momentul nu e mentionat Ex: Eminescu wrote a lot of poems Expresii de timp pentru trecutul simplu yesterday, last week, .ago, then, when, in 1900 Reguli de scriere pentru verbele regulate 1 Verb + "ed" look - looked Ex: 2 Verbele terminate in "e" adauga "d" like - liked Ex: 3 Verbele terminate in consoana +y ; y=i si adauga "ed" flied Ex: fly cried cry 4 Verbele terminate in vocala +y adauga "ed" played Ex: play 5 Verbele scurte (3-4 litere, 1 silaba) terminate in vocala + consoana - dubleaza consoana si adauga "ed" rob robbed Ex: stop stopped Reguli de pronuntie pentru verbele regulate 1 Verbele terminate in "t" sau "d" adauga "ed" care se citeste "id" land landed (lendid) Ex: 2 Verbele terminate in "k, s, f, p, sh" adauga "ed" care se citeste "t" look looked (luct) Ex: laughed (laft) laugh 3 Verbele terminate altfel decat la regulile de mai sus adauga "ed" care se citeste "d" smiled (smaild) Ex: smile

Trecut perfect simplu 10 HAD+VB III

Trecut simplu 3 DID

Prezent perfect simplu 8 HAVE+VB III

Prezent simplu 1 DO/DOES

Be going to 5

Viitor simplu 6 WILL

Viitor perfect simplu 12

actiune din trecut mai veche decat o alta actiune din prezent tocmai orice actiune din trecut:I tot din trecut: I had drunk coffe yesterday incheiata:I have just drunk drank coffe yesterday before 4 coffe a minute ago

actiuni intrate in viitor sigur/apropiat viitor probabil:Iwill obisnuinta:I usually I am going to visit drink coffe in Paris get up at my grandma tonight this time next year

Trecut perfect continuu 11 HAD+BEEN+VB+ING actiune din trecut, de o anumita durata, mai veche decat o alta tot din trecut: I had been drinking 5 coffe cups yesterday before 4

Trecut continuu 4 WERE,WAS orice actiune din trecut de o anumita durata:I was drinking coffe yesterday at 6

Prezent perfect continuu 9 HAVE+BEEN+VB+ING actiune din prezent, de o anumita durata, tocmai incheiata: I have just been drinking for 1 h

Prezent continuu 2 BE

Viitor continuu 7 WILL+VB+ING viitor probabil cu actiune mai lunga: I will be drinking coffe tomorrow at 6

Viitor perfect continuu 13

actiune acum:I am drinking coffe now

Prezent simplu Aff: I drink cofee every day Aff: He drinks coffe every day Neg: I don't drink cofee every day Neg: He doesnt drinks coffe every day Int: Do I drink coffe every day? Int: Does he drink coffe every day? Trecut simplu Aff: I drank cofee yesterday Neg: I didn't drink cofee yesterday Int: Did I drink coffe yesterday? Prezent perfect simplu Aff: I have just drunk coffe Neg: I haven't just drunk coffe Int: Have I just drunk coffe Trecut perfect simplu Aff: I had drunk cofee before I came

Prezent continuu Aff: I am drinking cofee now Aff: Neg: I am not drinking cofee now Neg: Int: Am I drinking coffe now ? Int: Trecut continuu Aff:I was drinking cofee yesterday Neg:I wasn't drinking cofee yesterday Int:Was I drinking cofee yesterday ? Prezent perfect continuu Aff: I have been drinking for 10 minute Neg: I haven't been drinking for 10 minute Int: Have I been drinking for 10 minute? Trecut perfect continuu Aff: I had been drinkind cofee for 1 h before I came

Neg: I hadn't drunk cofee before I came

Neg: I hadn't been drinkind cofee for 1 h before I came

Int: Had I drunk cofee before I came ?

Int: Had I been drinking cofee for 1 h before I came ?

Trecut perfect simplu 10 HAD+VB III actiune din trecut mai veche decat o alta tot din trecut Aff: I had drunk cofee before I came

Trecut simplu 3 DID orice actiune din trecut Aff: I drank cofee yesterday

Prezent perfect simplu 8 HAVE+VB III actiune din prezent tocmai incheiata

Prezent simplu 1 DO/DOES+VB actiuni intrate in obisnuinta

Be going to 5

Viitor simplu 6 WILL

Viitor perfect simplu 12

viitor sigur/apropiat viitor probabil Aff: I am going to visit my grandma tonight Aff: I will drink coffe in Paris this time next year

Aff: I have just drunk coffe a Aff: I drink cofee every minute ago day Aff: He drinks coffe every day Neg: I don't drink cofee every day Neg: He doesnt drinks coffe every day Int: Do I drink coffe every day? Int: Does he drink coffe every day?

Neg: I hadn't drunk cofee before I came

Neg: I didn't drink cofee Neg: I haven't just drunk yesterday coffe

Int: Had I drunk cofee before I came ?

Int: Did I drink coffe yesterday?

Int: Have I just drunk coffe ?

Trecut perfect continuu 11 HAD+BEEN+VB+ING

Trecut continuu 4 WERE,WAS+VB+ING

Prezent perfect continuu 9 HAVE+BEEN+VB+ING actiune din prezent, de o anumita durata, tocmai incheiata

Prezent continuu 2 BE+VB+ING actiune acum:

Viitor continuu 7 WILL+VB+ING viitor probabil cu actiune mai lunga I will be drinking coffe tomorrow at 6

Viitor perfect continuu 13

actiune din trecut, de o anumita orice actiune din trecut durata, mai veche decat o alta de o anumita durata tot din trecut Aff: I had been drinking cofee for 1 h before I came Neg: I hadn't been drinking cofee for 1 h before I came Int: Had I been drinking cofee for 1 h before I came ?

Aff:I was drinking cofee Aff: I am drinking cofee Aff: I have been drinking for yesterday now 10 minute Aff: Neg: I haven't been drinking Neg: I am not drinking Neg:I wasn't drinking for 10 minute cofee yesterday cofee now Neg: Int:Was I drinking cofee Int: Have I been drinking for Int: Am I drinking coffe 10 minute? now ? yesterday ? Int:

Prezent simplu
Aff: I drink cofee every day Aff: He drinks coffe every day Neg: I don't drink cofee every day Neg: He doesnt drinks coffe every day Int: Do I drink coffe every day? Int: Does he drink coffe every day?

Prezent continuu
Aff: I am drinking cofee now Aff: He is drinking cofee now Neg: I am not drinking cofee now Neg: He is not drinking cofee now Int: Am I drinking coffe now ? Int: Is he drinking coffe now ?

Trecut simplu
Aff: I drank cofee yesterday Aff: He drank cofee yesterday Neg: I didn't drink cofee yesterday Neg: He didn't drink cofee yesterday Int: Did I drink coffe yesterday? Int: Did he drink coffe yesterday?

Trecut continuu
Aff:I was drinking cofee yesterday Aff:He was drinking cofee yesterday Neg:I wasn't drinking cofee yesterday Neg:He wasn't drinking cofee yesterday Int:Was I drinking cofee yesterday ? Int:Was he drinking cofee yesterday ?

Prezent perfect simplu

Aff: I have just drunk coffe Aff: He has just drunk coffe Neg: I haven't just drunk coffe Neg: He hasn't just drunk coffe Int: Have I just drunk coffe ? Int: Has he just drunk coffe ?

Prezent perfect continuu

Aff: I have been drinking for 10 minute Aff:He has been drinking for 10 minute Neg: I haven't been drinking for 10 minute Neg: I hasn't been drinking for 10 minute Int: Have I been drinking for 10 minute? Int: Has he been drinking for 10 minute?

Trecut perfect simplu

Aff: I had drunk cofee before I came Aff: He had drunk cofee before I came Neg: I hadn't drunk cofee before I came Neg: He hadn't drunk cofee before I came Int: Had I drunk cofee before I came ? Int: Had he drunk cofee before I came ?

Trecut perfect continuu

Aff: I had been drinkind cofee for 1 h before I came Aff: He had been drinkind cofee for 1 h before I came Neg: I hadn't been drinkind cofee for 1 h before I came Neg:He hadn't been drinkind cofee for 1 h before I came Int: Had I been drinking cofee for 1 h before I came ? Int: Had he been drinking cofee for 1 h before I came ?

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