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---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Aniruddha Mukherji Date: Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 1:17 AM Subject: Chronic effects

of Socio-Psychic Malignancy Syndrome on the society of India. To:

To Shri Pranab Kumar Mukherjee, Honourable President of India, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 004 Sub: The chronic effects of Socio-Psychic Malignancy Syndrome on the modern society of India. Sir, More than a year have passed since you have occupied the noblest chair of our country and have, eventually, proved to be one of the best presidents of India in the post independent era. Although I regard myself quite immature in the subject about which Ive ventured to write to you, I believe that youll surely understand the significance of my letter. As a representative of the youth section and student class of the Indian population, I strongly feel that it is imperative for all to realise the detrimental effects of Socio-Psychic Malignancy Syndrome on the modern society of India. It is rather ridiculous to accept the truth that human intellect takes away every sense of benevolence and directs us to that degree of wickedness where we lose all moral sagacity only to make use of the weapon of hatred. Hitlers terrible atrocities against Jews and the dropping of atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of Second World War are only few examples of some dreadful human deeds of the past. At present, not only India but the entire world is passing through a dangerous phase of violence that has, in fact, engulfed every individual just to make them feel the loss of peace. The increased rate of murders, rapes, terrorist attacks and other criminal acts, all over the country, happens to reflect this loss along with the social, cultural, mental and political instability. I do not know how am I to tell you about the current scenario of the youth section of our country: I am presently studying BSc (Hons) in Chemistry and gradually getting accustomed with the unruly nature of my generation. Whenever I try to face the truth that this generation is the future of India, I suffer from repugnancy. Utilising their valuable moments in seeking physical comfort and superficial satisfaction, human beings have truly lost the basic sense of humanity Indians have lost their heritage culture and civilised ethnicity. Restlessness, unemployment and lack of moral training have made the youths so inhuman that most of them have committed their lives to malicious activities such as drinking alcohol, drug addiction, human trafficking, and unrestrained use of indecorous languages. With the indiscriminate use of internet most young boys, if not girls, have made a regular affair of visiting explicit websites to mentally satisfy their wild carnal desire. This is the state which I refer to as SocioPsychic Malignancy Syndrome, where the entire society seems to be suffering from a series of incurable mental diseases that have destroyed the social balance and harmony especially since last 2-3 years. In no way, whatsoever, I intend to express something that reflects a false image of the society. Although you are of the age of my grandmother, I expect you to be far more conscious, of the present culture that is prevailing throughout, than her. This is primarily because till date you have been one of the most successful people with the political career: You are now regarded as the peoples president of India. However, I would like to regard you as a teacher rather than a political leader. It is through this letter that I am trying to focus the need of inner bliss and transformation within every person to direct the society towards perfection. In this age of turmoil, a revered personality like you have taken the throne to at least partially transform the miserable human life and polity of India, I suppose. To some extent you can definitely help your countrymen to regain their fortitude on the path of truth and benevolence. I would, therefore, humbly urge you to bring forth necessary principles that would drive Indians from their perpetual trials in deriving cocktail solace from the dirtiest portions of the society towards a new world of socio-spiritual awareness that would bestow inner harmony upon them. In the subtlest form, morality amidst milieu establishes harmony. It stands as the essence of virtuousness that guides every person towards success. Humility and righteousness are two of pivotal factors that uphold the core of morality. On the other hand, corruption and jealousy are the most powerful enemies of the Indian society. They have ruined the livelihood of every individual from the grass root level and have made them so very cruel. As Sir Albert Einstein has said: I believe, indeed, that overemphasis on the purely intellectual attitude, often directed solely to the practical and factual, in our education, has led directly to the impairment of ethical values.... Without 'ethical culture', there is no salvation for humanity.

It is, thus, essential that they undergo a virtuous transformation from the core of their psyche. The entire human race is required to behold the world with the eyes of compassion and speak with the language of love. When a person becomes selfless and starts loving each and every aspect of the universe, his being truly enters into the territory of benevolence. As affirmed by Tagore, Love is the only reality and not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation. From time immemorial, visionaries and philosophers from all around the world have focussed the importance of pure and selfless love. The Sufi saint, Muhammad Rumi emphasised Loves greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches, sacred.... It is nothing but Love that can establish peace and transform the entire world salvaging it from sinking into the chaotic ocean of illusion. In the recent times, the lives of thousands of human beings, including some prisoners, have got transformed from within and they have been rewarded with a life of eternal bliss. Its not a miracle through which such a thing has worked out abruptly but through a practical and scientific technique of collective meditation that Ive been practising since my early childhood. It is known as Sahaja Yoga Meditation. The beneficial nature of this technique is based on curing of the psychic malignancy syndrome from the root of human mind. It does not promise to provide any materialistic comfort but it actually drives the human mind from seeking worldly pleasures. It lets the practitioner realise his own value in this world. If practised regularly and seriously, it truly makes a person benevolent from his inner being. It is actually the pragmatic manifestation of what Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, had philosophised, Be the change that you wish to see in the world... We may dream about a society with a huge number of benevolent, righteous, and peace-loving people but we often fail to provide the practical sense to this optimistic thought only because we think that such a huge population of India cannot be rectified at all: But, the famous French poet Paul Valry maintained, The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up! In the pre-independent era several Indians had felt the necessity of freedom but now, though the situation is far more adverse, nobody seems to be in a position to realise the subtle emergency behind salvaging the humanity from precipitating to a destination that will surely be excruciatingly destructive. I would therefore request you to come up as one of the pioneers of a new era of the thousand years of peace that was predicted by Nostradamus several years ago. It was in the year 1970 that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi started Sahaja Yoga with the aim of transforming the whole world. I do not think that Her vision was based on any impractical philosophy, since I have seen with my own eyes how She has transformed drug addicts into angels, prisoners to professors and hippies to scientists. Such instances are neither rare nor miraculous: They can be explained scientifically. The effects of this unique discovery have been observed by the electroencephalographic study of human brain at the Department of Cognitive Physiology of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Siberian Branch) by Dr Brotin Khan, S.A. Golosheikin and Dr N Pasinkova. This technique of meditation is now working dynamically throughout the world in more than 120 countries proving its beneficial aspects one after the other (please see the attachment). It has only shown positive results with no side effects. The organisation that manages its administration is a non-profit one and thus, it can be practised free of cost. Shri Mataji emphasised the fact that natural products like plants, flowers and the soil cannot be commercialised in true sense and hence Sahaja Yoga that is meant solely for transforming human race, en masse, can never be made a profitable platform. I conclude my letter with the expectation that you will understand its importance and manoeuvre resources that may fulfil the hope of recovering a virtuous society throughout India. Through this letter Ive tried to express something that is perhaps beyond my own perception; but I hope your inimitable efficiency and administrative brilliance will surely value it. Thank You, With true reverence and honour, Yours sincerely, Aniruddha Mukherji, Kolkata-700 037, West Bengal

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