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TFN syla

TFN, THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS IN NURSING (3 & 2), 5 units This course deals with the meta concepts of a person, health, environment and nursing as viewed by the different theorists. Likewise, it includes non-nursing theories such as systems, developmental and change theories. It presents how these concepts and theories serve as guide to nursing practice. It further deals with health as a multi-factorial phenomenon and the necessary core competencies that the nurse needs to develop.


NURSING CARE MANAGEMENT (NCM 100) Foundations of Nursing Placement: NA Level II 2nd Semester [SY: 2011 2012] Units: 2 units lecture and 1 unit RLE Time Allotment: 36 hours (classroom) 51 hours RLE COURSE DESCRIPTION: Theories and concepts of nursing as a Profession, Art and as a Science. It shall include discussions of different roles, functions and responsibilities of the nurse utilizing the nursing process towards health promotion and illness prevention observing ethico-moral and legal responsibilities in nursing practice. Terminal Performance Objective: At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Draw implications on the theories and concepts of nursing as a profession, art and science. 2. Use the nursing process as a framework to design and implement a plan of care. 3. Analyze ethico-moral situations involving nursing practice. COURSE CONTENT: Unit I: NURSING AS A PROFESSION A. Profession - Definition / criteria B. Nursing - Emerging definition of nursing - Characteristics of nursing as a profession - Personal and professional qualities of a nurse C. History of Nursing - World - Philippines - own School D. Roles and Responsibilities of a Nurse E. Scope of Nursing Practice

TFN syla

F. Ethico-moral Legal aspects - Code of Ethics for nurses - Prof./ Legal and moral responsibilities/accountabilities G. Fields of opportunities in nursing - Institutional Nursing - Community Health Nursing - Independent Nursing Practice - Nurses in Education - Nurses in other fields Time Allotment: 9 hours

Unit II: NURSING AS A SCIENCE A. Definition of concept, theory, principle B. Characteristics of a theory C. Definition of a nursing theory D. Purpose of a nursing theory E. Evolution of nursing theory F. Four major concepts discussed in various nursing theories - Person - Nursing - Society/Environment - Health G. Theories in Nursing - Orem - Nightingale - Henderson - Leininger - Other theories [Jean Watson] H. The Nursing Process Phases of the Process Assessment 1. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 2. Marjorie Gordons Functional Health Patterns 3. P.E. [cephalo caudal] Nursing Diagnosis [NANDA] Planning [SMART, RUMBA]

TFN syla

Implementation / Intervention - Documentation and reporting - Principles of Medication Evaluation Time Allotment: 25 hours Unit III: NURSING AS AN ART A. Definition of Art B. Concept related to the art of nursing - Self-awareness / self-concept - Self enhancement - Cultural diversity C. Caring attributes of a nurse D. Nurse-Client Relationship - Phases of the therapeutic relationship - Therapeutic use of self - Characteristics of therapeutic relationship - Warmth - Hope - Rapport - Trust - Empathy - Acceptance E. Therapeutic Communication

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