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HINDUSTAN TIMES MAIN 13 FEB 2013. Q.1) I have been a topper till the beginning of my class 12th.

Nowadays, I'm making silly mistakes like copying the digits wrong, doing simple calculations wrong, applying the wrong formula despite knowing the formula, especially in maths and accountancy. I have been working very hard but have not been able to get rid of the mistakes. Please help. Reply:
You appear to be over-anxious about the examinations and your performance. Since you have been a topper, feel confident about yourself and your abilities. Do not be in a hurry to solve the question in shortest possible time. Read the given data/information carefully and solve the questions coolly. In the actual examination, keep aside sometime for revision at the end.

Q.2) My daughter has not done well in the pre-boards. Where can one get previous years' papers and how many years should be done? For maths and accounts, is it necessary to do all the questions in the CBSE NCERT text book including the additional exercises or should one rather concentrate on sample papers? What kind of questions can be prepared in advance so that marks can be maximised? Where is the chapter-wise break up of marks in all subjects available? Reply:
Chapterwise break up of marks is given in Boards Senior School Curriculum 201 3, document which is also available on CBSE website Solving greater number of unsolved questions in Mathematics and Accounts will help in better preparation for the examination. Depending upon the availability of time, try to solve as many questions from NCERT textbook as possible but do not worry if you are not able to solve all questions. Previous years Board examination question papers are usually included in any latest edition standard textbooks.

Q.3) I am a student of class 10 and have a fear of maths. I always feel underprepared. Where should I start my preparations from? What books can I practice after finishing the NCERT textbook? Reply:
You might use some standard textbooks besides NCERT textbook in the subject. In order to get more practice, you may refer to some standard practice materials. But select this additional material with care. Do not waste time in referring to many other textbooks at this stage. Solving a complete unsolved question paper as practice will infuse confidence in you.

Q.4) I'm a student of class 12 in the commerce stream. Since boards are around the corner, I'm worried about how to prepare for English because it's not easy to score well and for getting admission in DU,I have to get a good aggregate. Can you please suggest how to prepare for the English board exam and how to finish the paper within the time limit? My friends have joined English tuitions but I don't see the sense in that. Reply: You have to practice writing answers to questions section wise . Under the Reading Section care has to be taken to answer the comprehension questions to the point and after understanding the passage . Answer in simple correct sentences. Even if you don't understand the passage word by word, you need not get discouraged, because at the end it is the global understanding of the passage that is required. You must practice the items in the Writing Section. Make a list of all the current topics. As a preparation write 4 to 5 points for each topic. Elaborate on these points in the paper so that you do not waste time in thinking over the topics in the examination hall. That way you save time. Practice at home and get it corrected by one of your teachers or your parents at home. You are right when you say that tuitions wont help you , it is the writing practice that makes you perfect. So without any stress write the paper well.

Q.5) I study in class 12. My school follows S.K. Aggarwal for Economics. Which other reference books would you recommend ? Also, in Accountancy, is the following in syllabus: Memorandum Balance Sheet ( in Dissolution )? Reply: Textbooks published by NCERT are the only textbooks prescribed by the Board. However, in order to have understanding of concepts covered under different sub-topics, one may have to refer to some standard textbooks. Different topics are found to have been dealt differently in various textbooks. However, it is not advisable to refer to new textbooks at this point of time. Even NCERT textbooks include sufficient number of practice problems.

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