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2 theSun | MONDAY JUNE 1 2009

news without borders

Low turnout, missing names mar Penanti polls

by Himanshu Bhatt
PKR candidate Mansor Othman’s
first visit to an election centre, the
When contacted, EC chairman
Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said
booth to be placed at least 50m from
the voting centre. The candidates and
underdog, were also conspicuous.
Abdul Aziz described the close
SRJK(C) Jit Sin in Berapit, in the the claims would be investigated. their supporters were also forbidden proximity of logo-bearing supporters
SEBERANG PERAI: Aside from morning saw his delegation encoun- He lamented, however, that the to have logos on their person within and vehicles to the voting centres as
sluggish voter participation, the tering a voter who complained that commission had urged voters to 50m of the centres. regrettable, but said the EC would
Penanti state by-election was marked his name had been moved to the check their status beforehand so As news of the low voter turnout not take action against offenders this
by claims from PKR and its Pakatan Berapit constituency even though he any issue could be addressed before became known, vehicles with PKR time.
Rakyat partners that the Election had voted before in Penanti. polling day. flags were seen ferrying people to “This is the first time that we are
Commission had tampered with PKR members later claimed there Another heated contention the various voting centres through- implementing this rule, so we will be
some voters’ status, making them had been several cases in other throughout the day was the EC’s out the day. lenient,” he said.
unable to cast their ballots in the centres of voters finding their names new directive for each candidate’s Surprisingly, vehicles with flags No untoward incidents were
constituency. missing. pondok panas or electoral checking of independent Nai Khan Ari, an reported by the police.

Mansor will be effective

deputy, says Guan Eng
by Bernard Cheah several Pakatan Rakyat leaders, including PKR de facto leader
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, party
SEBERANG PERAI: Newly- president Datuk Seri Wan Azizah
elected Penanti assemblyman Wan Ismail and PKR state chief
Dr Mansor Othman will be sworn Datuk Zahrain Mohammad
in as the deputy chief minister (I) Hashim.
on Wednesday. Mansor said he looked for-
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng ward to serving the people.
told reporters last night the ap- Asked to comment on the
pointment will be made in time low voter turnout of 46.15%, he
for Mansor to attend his first said: “This is part of the political
state executive council meeting process but the high number of
that day. votes (for PKR) shows that the
Describing Mansor as a capa- people are with us.”
ble leader who would be able to Independent candidate Nai
Khan Ari, who garnered 494
votes, said that
although he was dis-
appointed at losing
his deposit, he was
heartened by the
support he received.
He said the
experience will spur
him to contest for the
Voter seat again in the next
Opposition’s allegations ‘election gimmicks’ turnout
general election.
Independent candi-
low on date Aminah Abdullah,
MUAR: Allegations by the Opposition that
polling 56, who had made
Barisan Nasional asked voters not to go
day. allegations against PKR
out and vote in yesterday’s by-election in
before the by-election,
the Penanti state constituency in Penang
received 392 votes. She
are just election gimmicks, Deputy Prime
said she had achieved
Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin said.
her objective “to reduce
“We (BN) did not contest in the by-
the votes for Mansor”.
election, don’t tell me that also is wrong,”
“PKR now feels chal-
he told reporters after attending a talk or-
lenged by my presence,”
ganised by Pagoh Umno here yesterday.
she said, adding that she
He said it is unnecessary for the Op-
will also contest again in
position to hurl allegations about the BN
the next general election.
as the coalition not only did not contest
Kamarul Ramizu, 42,
the seat but Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
who managed to get 56
from early on had been bragging that it effectively assist votes, accepted his defeat
would win it. him, Lim said: “This victory is not as a motivation for him to work
The by-election was called after its as- only Mansor’s, but of the people, harder in future elections.
semblyman Mohammad Fairus Khairud- Mansor
in our bid to set up a people- “This is a beginning to in-
din of PKR, who was also Penang deputy being
centred state government .” troduce a new party which I’m
chief minister I, resigned on April 16. chaired
He said this at the Institut setting up, which will be called
It is a four-way fight between Mansor by his
Kemahiran Belia Negara in Bukit Parti Iman Semalaysia,” Bernama
Othman, 59, of PKR, and three inde- suppor-
Mertajam after meeting with Man-
MASRI CHE ANI/THESUN quoted him as saying.
pendents. Penanti has 15,384 registered ters after
sor, who was earlier announced Meanwhile, Anwar said Man-
voters. dents need not worry as they will have the municipality for petty traders. winning
the winner of the by-election. sor’s victory was a sign of the
On the 10-subject limit for the Sijil a choice of six elective subjects,” he He said he had asked the council the by-
Mansor was accompanied by people’s support for the party.
Pelajaran Malaysia examination, Muhyid- said. to revert to him the revised plans of election.
din, who is also education minister, said On other matters, Muhyiddin, who is the project, which is to be a landmark
the ministry was mulling reducing the
number of compulsory subjects from six
also Pagoh MP, said he had asked the
Muar Municipal Council to ensure there
in the town, so that funding could be
arranged for the changes to be made Najib in Jeju for Asean-
to four. were enough stalls at the proposed to accommodate more petty traders.
“Should this be implemented, stu- Dataran Pekan Bukit Pasir complex in – Bernama South Korea Summit
JEJU ISLAND (South Korea): Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk
DPM to meet registrar over PPP leadership status Seri Najib Tun Razak arrived here yesterday to attend the two-
day Asean-South Korea Commemorative Summit which begins
MUAR: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri organised by the Pagoh Umno division. However, when the PPP nomina- today.
Muhyiddin Yassin is to meet the Regis- Muhyiddin said Murugiah handed tions for the post of president closed Najib and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, were met on
trar of Societies today or tomorrow to him a letter claiming he was the PPP yesterday, Kayveas was said to have arrival at Jeju International Airport at 6pm (5pm in Malaysia)
find out who is the legitimate president president when the latter met him at the been returned unopposed as president by a representative of the South Korean government, Ambas-
of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Royal Malaysian Air Force base in Subang, for a fourth five-year term. sador Moon Ha Hyung.
He said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Selangor, where Najib flew off to South Asked whether the leadership crisis Also present were Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah
Najib Abdul Razak had asked him to Korea yesterday to attend the Asean- in the PPP had tarnished BN’s image, Aman, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Mus-
meet the registrar to find out whether South Korea Commemorative Summit. Muhyiddin said crises in any component tapa Mohamed, Foreign Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri
Datuk M. Kayveas or Senator Datuk T. The PPP leadership crisis erupted party should be resolved swiftly. Rastam Mohd Isa and Malaysian Ambassador to South Korea
Murugiah was the president. after Murugiah, who was sacked by the He said it was important for the Datuk Ramlan Ibrahim.
Najib is scheduled to open the PPP party’s disciplinary board for allegedly component parties to avoid differences Today, Najib is scheduled to deliver a keynote address at
general assembly on June 7 and “if we tarnishing the good name of the party, in opinion among them and resolve cri- the closing ceremony of the Asean-South Korea CEO Summit
do not have a decision (on who the PPP claimed he had been elected president ses swiftly at a time when the BN was which will be attended by business leaders.
president is), we do not know whether at an extraordinary general meeting restoring its image. He is also scheduled to meet South Korean President Lee
he will attend the meeting,” Muhyiddin convened by a section of party mem- “The BN must be seen as a strong Myung Bak. He will also have talks with Vietnamese Prime
told reporters after attending a ceramah bers on May 24 in Putrajaya. and stable coalition.” – Bernama Minister Nguyen Tang Dung. – Bernama

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