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8 theSun | MONDAY JUNE 1 2009

news without borders

Sri Lanka seeks help in dismantling Tigers’ global network

SINGAPORE: Sri Lanka appealed yester- cultivated powerful, political lobbies in Sri Lanka’s military claimed com- Bogollagama dismissed allegations annals of history as a classic textbook
day for support in dismantling the Tamil certain capitals with a view to resur- plete victory over the separatist Tamil that heavy weapons were used by the example of a nation that successfully
Tigers’ international support network recting the LTTE,” he said. Tigers after wiping out the guerrillas’ military in civilian areas as part of the prevailed over the scourge of terrorism,
after declaring victory over the rebels “It is important for the international leadership nearly two weeks ago, but “propaganda of genocide against the whilst tenaciously upholding the cher-
following the decades-long conflict. community to take all measures to as- has been dogged by accusations that Tamil people.” ished values of democracy and human
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama sist the government of Sri Lanka to track thousands of civilians were killed in the “This was both fictional and well- rights that have been deeply engraved
told a high-level security forum in down the global network of the LTTE,” final weeks of the campaign. fabricated, with ulterior and sinister in the psyche of our people,” he said.
Singapore that the global organisation he told an annual forum of defence The LTTE launched a campaign in motives in order to discredit the armed “The government is firmly committed
of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and military officials organised by the 1972 to create a Tamil homeland in the forces as well as to embarrass the to reaching a political settlement ac-
(LTTE) remained “largely intact.” London-based International Institute for Sinhalese-majority island. Much of its government of Sri Lanka,” he added. ceptable to all,” the foreign minister
“Many of the operatives have clearly Strategic Studies. funding came from Tamils overseas. “Sri Lanka will no doubt enter the said. – AFP

Fiji bans ‘inciteful’
Christian conference
SUVA: The Fiji military regime, in its latest
crackdown, has targeted the most influential
religious group in the Pacific island nation,
ordering the Methodist Church to cancel its
annual conference.
A joint statement issued by the military
and police accused the church of trying to
bring instability to the country.
The crackdown follows information that
“inciteful issues are going to be discussed at
the conference”, police spokeswoman Ema
Mua confirmed to the FijiLive website.
The statement said the Methodist Church
could not hide its involvement in politics and
part of the agenda for the August conference
focused on the current political situation.
Earlier this month, a former Methodist

South Korean police

Church president was detained after deliver-
ing a sermon calling for peaceful protests to
restore democracy to Fiji. – AFP

Ancient pagoda collapse

in Yangon kills two
YANGON: An ancient pagoda that was
damaged by Cyclone Nargis last year col-
break up anti-govt rally

lapsed over the weekend, killing at least
two people and injuring dozens, official
and eyewitness sources said Sunday.
Danok Pagoda, situated in Dalla town-
ship across the Yangon River from the Protesters SEOUL: South Korean police fought with Some students and labour activists parliament even though his ruling party
former capital, collapsed about 4 pm scuffle anti-government protesters overnight to fought with police and attacked police has a majority.
Saturday, killing at least two people on with police break up a rally for former President Roh buses after they were stopped from en- Lee’s government struggled for several
the spot and injuring up to 100, military during a rally Moo-hyun, whose suicide a week ago has tering a city plaza that was blocked with months to contain massive street rallies last
and eyewitness sources confirmed. mourning triggered growing criticism of his succes- the vehicles. Close to 20,000 police, many year against his decision to open the coun-
“Many local people including navy Roh in Seoul. sor. in full riot gear, easily outnumbered the try to U.S. beef imports which ballooned
soldiers from nearby navy base had been The turnout at the rally late on Saturday, crowd, some of whom stayed on overnight to a wider protest against his policies.
attending religious works at the pagoda a day after Roh’s funeral, was smaller than to hold a candle-light vigil. Police rounded Analysts said what appears to be growing
when it collapsed. expected. It had been closely watched in up more than 70 protesters. friction between the liberal and conserva-
Hundreds were hit by the debris,” one case a massive outpouring of grief for Roh Roh left office 15 months ago, widely tive wings in the wake of Roh’s death could
eyewitness said, speaking on condition of would translate into large street protests seen as an ineffective leader, with the act as another break on reform.
anonymity. The pagoda, which stood 35m against President Lee Myung-bak. landslide win of the conservative Lee Next month parliament is due to vote
high before the collapse, was only 10m Roh killed himself after becoming interpreted as a rejection of a decade of on a range of key bills including banking
afterward, officials said. – dpa embroiled in a corruption scandal. Many liberal policies. reform, more flexible employment laws
South Koreans blame Lee’s government But Lee has stumbled almost from the and easing ownership of media compa-
Death toll rises in for hounding the former leader with the start, and he has struggled to push a sweep- nies, all of which are fiercely criticised by
graft probe. ing economic reform agenda through the liberal opposition. – AFP
broken dam
SAO PAOLO: At least seven people died last
week when a dam broke in north-eastern
Brazil after heavy rains, civil defence officials
said Saturday. Two people remain missing.
A concrete dam burst late Wednesday
Pakistan sees Swat Myanmar says Suu Kyi
along a 50-metre crack, succumbing to
increased water pressure after the Pirangi
River feeding the dam’s reservoir rose from
operation over in days trial an internal affair SINGAPORE: Myanmar said on Sun- her health if she is convicted, as is
weeks of heavy rain, said officials in the state day that the trial of democracy icon widely expected.
of Piaui. SINGAPORE: Pakistan expects a humanitarian crisis. Aung San Suu Kyi was in line with its The West has condemned the
About 3,000 people were forced to leave its military operation to defeat The United States and other laws and was a domestic issue other “show trial” as a ploy to keep the
their homes in Piaui due to the floods. Eighty Taliban militants in the Swat Western allies have been heart- countries should not interfere with. charismatic opposition leader
people were reported injured in the flood. valley to conclude in two or ened by the army’s show of “The legal action against Aung San detained during the military gov-
North-eastern Brazil has been hit by heavy three days, a senior army official resolve in Swat. There had been Suu Kyi is merely the internal affairs ernment’s promised elections next
rains for several weeks, with the weather said on Sunday. “Only five to 10 fears for the security of Pakistan’s of Myanmar, taking action through year. “If any country interferes in the
blamed for a death toll of 50 people since percent of the job is remaining nuclear weapons if the Taliban its legal system in accordance with internal affairs of another country,
early April. – dpa and hopefully within two to three threat had been allowed to spread domestic law,” said Major General that particular act may possibly
days, the pockets of resistance any closer to the capital. Aye Myint, Myanmar’s Deputy Min- affect the mutual understanding
Nude painting of Madonna, will be cleared,” Syed Athar Ali,
secretary of defence for Pakistan,
Around 300,000 people lived ister of Defence, at the Asia Security and friendly relationship between
in Mingora until the Taliban Conference in Singapore. countries,” said Myint.
ex-hubby flops at auction said at a regional defence meeting occupied the town in early May Myanmar opposition leader Aung Earlier at the meeting in Singa-
LONDON: A painting of pop diva Madonna in Singapore. when the army first launched an San Suu Kyi is on trial on charges of pore, U.S. Defence Secretary Robert
in the nude with her ex-husband, film di- His comments came after the offensive in Swat, an alpine valley violating her house arrest by allow- Gates repeated Washington’s call for
rector Guy Ritchie, flopped at an auction military said on Saturday that in the country’s northwest. ing an American intruder to stay for the release of Suu Kyi and more than
on Saturday. Pakistani forces had regained full Islamist militants have carried two days after he swam to her home 2,000 other political prisoners in the
Brian Clements, head of the McTear’s control of Mingora, a week after out a series of bomb and gun at- in early May. former Burma, where the military
auction house, said there were a few bids re-entering the main town in the tacks in Pakistani cities during the The Nobel laureate may be jailed has ruled for nearly half a century.
for the oil painting by Scottish artist Peter Swat valley to dislodge thousands last few days, in a bid to take the for three to five years if found guilty Britain’s minister for international
Howson, but none that reached the mini- of Taliban fighters. heat off their comrades retreating of breaking the terms of her house defence and security Ann Taylor also
mum requirement of £15,000 (RM82,500). Recapturing Mingora, 130km in Swat. arrest. called for political freedom in Myan-
The oil painting, from 2005, depicts northwest of Islamabad, would There are expectations the She has spent more than 13 mar at the meeting on Sunday.
Madonna lying naked in the foreground raise the prospect that some of army will turn its focus on the of the past 19 years in some form “We say to the generals, now
while Ritchie rests a hand on her thigh. more than 2 million people who South Waziristan tribal region, of detention, much of it a virtual is the time for democracy, starting
The two divorced last year. – dpa have fled the conflict zone could bordering Afghanistan, once Swat prisoner inside her home on Yan- with the release of Aung San Suu
soon begin to go home, alleviating has been pacified. – Reuters gon’s Inya Lake. Activists fear for Kyi,” she said. – Reuters

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