Glamour Spells

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Glamour Spells

A True Beauty Spell Needed: A dish full of earth (good soil, not dry, dusty dirt) A yellow candle A full-sized mirror Olive, patchouli, jasmine, or cinnamon essential oil A small flower pot A flower or plant seed Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen. Place it in the center of the dish of earth. Light it and sit down with it between you and a mirror. Look deeply into the mirror, concentrate on your reflection. Without being vain, consider the things you find most beautiful about yourself- not just physically but mentally. What is your inner beauty, what is your outer beauty? It's important that you never think of what you feel must be "changed", be as positive about the beauty that you have already. Perform this ritual three nights in a row. Once the entire candle has burnt down, remove the wax from the dish. Place the earth from the dish inside a small flower pot and plant a seed inside it. Water it and care for it so that it grows properly. You will soon find that your beauty will grow, flourish, and shine brighter than ever before- just as the plant grows before you, emerging from its seed. Be Seen More Attractively Needed: Fresh rose petals Vanilla candles and/or incense Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words:

Earth, Air, Fire, Sea Let the Goddess' beauty Shine through me
Beauty Spell Needed: Mirror Picture of part you wish to change Full moon Pink candle or incense

On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside (if you cant then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror) take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing) place it on the mirror and concentrate it and say:

Moonshine, Starlight, Let the wind carry your light, Let your glow cover my body, And let your shine cover every eye.
Say it three times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, then say:

Moonshine, Starlight, Shape and mold my body, As a rose is granted beauty, Let me blossom in your light, The light that brings me beauty, And grant me beauty three times three.
Say it three times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense. Beauty Spell Needed: Rose quartz 6 rose petals Bottle of witch hazel Mirror Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualize your face changing into the face you want and desire. Rub the rose quartz lightly over the problem areas and say the following:

Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love, Erase imperfection as I rub, Bring to me the face I see, As I will so mote it be!
Open the bottle of witch hazel and insert the rose quartz. Take the six rose petals in your right hand and say:

Venus, One of beauty rare. I offer you these petals fair. Bless them with your loveliness And bring the beauty I request.
Rub the petals over any line, wrinkle, imperfection, ect. Then drop them in the witch

hazel. Cap the bottle tightly and give it six good shakes a day for a week. At the end of the week, use it as a toner after face washing. As you apply it say:

Imperfections, go away. Beauty of Venus, come forth this day.

Beauty Spell Needed: Orange candle Rose candle Mirror This spell will change people's perception of you. Inner beauty will surface and become "visible". People will actually see your inner beauty as being a physical part of you. You will also become more confident and outgoing. Light the orange candle and the rose colored candle. Sit before the mirror and concentrate on all your best features. Allow your flaws to diminish. Continue to focus as you recite this rite. When you are done with the rite, put out the candles but do not blow them out. You must snuff them out. Continue the ritual nightly until both the candles have burned away entirely.

Oh lady of shimmering beauty For whom the stars are shining jewels And the universe her creation and plaything Weaver of destinies And protectress of things wild and free Make me now, I do ask To be thy daughter Make me one with thee And grant me thy far-flung power Grant to this, thy witch and sorceress Strength within and without As eternal as the boundless sea The calm assurance of my powers To make winds, water and fires The hills themselves Lend willingly themselves to me Give to me, who am of thy ancient craft The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark Grant me beauty ever more perfect That I may reflect thee better Build magick within me

Build power within me Power be drawn and power come And make me one with thee Make me greater, make me better Grant me strength and grant me power Oh Goddess who is my friend and mother I give you love and thanks Oh beautiful one May the magick I have summoned Return the stronger when I have need of it May wisdom, strength, comeliness and compassion Remain with me, growing ever finer. So mote it be!
Remember when choosing the candles for this ritual, find ones that will burn long enough to last you at least three days of repeating this rite. Beauty Spell for Self Esteem Needed: Lilacs or roses Water (preferably rainwater) Get some lilac or roses and pull off petals and drop into water (rainwater if possible) chant:

"Water that falls from the sky above, flowers that grow from the earth below bring your beauty upon me."
Chant till flowers are all in the water do everyday till you feel prettier. Splash your face with the water also when you are done. Belle of the Ball Beauty Spell Needed: Silver bell Fancy handkerchief Small handheld mirror Pair of comfortable, nice-looking shoes The best time to do this spell is on a clear night when the moon is bright. Put on the pair of shoes. Gather together all the items and take everything outdoors. Be sure to cast this spell somewhere private where you wont be disturbed. Draw a magick circle of bright white light around the area in which you will be working. Next, face the full moon, and ring the bell nine times. Spread the handkerchief on the

ground in front of you, and put the bell on top of it. Gaze at the moon for a few minutes, merging with its bright light. Then, invoke the goddess in her lunar aspect by saying:

"Great Goddess-Mother of lunar light, Queen of the sky and seas. Great Lady of the starry night, Goddess Mother of the ancient mysteries, Hear the bell as it rings out to you, Bless me with your beauty through and through."
Hold the mirror facing the full moon, so it reflects the moons light. Keeping the mirror angled toward the moon, take three steps slowly around the silver bell in a clockwise circle. As you do this, watch the reflected moonlight in the mirror shooting out over the area around you as you move. Keep moving in a clockwise circle, gradually increasing your speed, all the while watching as the moonlight fills the mirror and dances over your surroundings. Now angle the mirror so the reflected light of silvery moon spreads over your face, body, and shoes. Breathe deeply a few times, and inhale the power of the beautiful, bright moonlight. Fill yourself to the brim with this lunar energy, and then run clockwise around the circle three times chanting these words:

"Silver ball of the moon, By bell, mirror, and shoes, May my beauty bloom! As I will, make it so!"
Pick up the bell, and ring it three times. Give thanks to the moon goddess, bid farewell to the elemental powers, and pull up the circle. Bring everything back indoors. Carry the handkerchief in your purse or pocket, and wear the shoes when you want to look and feel more beautiful. For Beauty and Youth Needed: Rosemary and sunflower oils Paper and a fountain pen with red ink Sprig of rosemary Glass of spring water Dilute five drops of rosemary into one once of sunflower oil. Massage into hair. Close eyes and inhale the scent. Write the mane on paper with red ink, then dip the sprig of rosemary into spring water and chant:

Dew of the sea, enhance my charms, Bring love and friendship into my arms.

Place the paper in the spring water, and remove when ink is faked. Wash the oil out of hair, using the spring water as the final rinse. Wear the sprig of rosemary for the rest of the day. Use this whenever you feel the need. Glamour You meditate, and think about the color of your eyes as they are now. Imagine a golden light shining through your eye, from the inside of your head, out. Now imagine your eyes changing from the color they are now to the color you want. The glamour will take approximately fifteen to twenty minutes to develop. Now, you wont see anything because you know yourself to well so you will be able to see right through the glamour. As will close friends and relatives. To see if the glamour has developed well, ask someone what color your eyes are. And remember, practice makes perfect. The glamour will fade as you forget about it. Glamour Spell Needed: Orange candle Pink candle Make sure its night when you do this spell. Light the orange and pink candles. Close your eyes. (You must have complete focus and be concentrating on the spell, only!) only Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant three times:

Become of me.
Repeat this whole process two times and you will see the changes through the day. Longevity Needed: Freshly pressed apple juice Cider aged more than seven days Brown and slightly sour apple vinegar Clear apple brandy 1 ounce honey 1 drop wintergreen Stir, warm, and mix all the ingredients and take it everyday. To work it say:

If I must pay The apples price I shall be young As well as wise

Filling my cup With honeyed days And hours as green As Edens pass.
Magnolia Beauty Spell Needed: All your makeup, beauty supplies, body cleaning products, and jewelry Holy water Empty misting bottle Hand mirror On the night of the full moon, do this spell by a window that will allow you to reflect the rays of the full moon onto your things. If this isn't possible, put your things into a box and take them outside. Set everything on your altar. Cast your magick circle, call your quarters, and do your altar devotion. Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all of your things in the name of love and beauty. Call on the energies of Venus or Aphrodite to help you in creating a beautiful, new you. Pour the holy water into the misting bottle. Hold the bottle in your hands and say:

"Element of Water Blessed and empowered by Spirit Awaken the beauty within me. Element of Water Moving, flowing, transforming. Loving Venus, Beautiful Aphrodite Touch this water Bring your essence of love and beauty Into my body."
Lightly mist each item sitting on your altar, each time saying:

"The power of beauty in me, around me, on me. The power of love in me, around me, on me."
Take the hand mirror and shine the rays of the full moon on the objects while saying:

"Moon, moon, mother moon Brightest star and Witch's broom Sweep out negativity Fill my soul with your beauty.

Constellations and comets too Loving words and sonnets new Full moon energy, shine and grow On my life please, blessings bestow. Round and round Up and down Circle near Enter here! May the blessings of the Mother be upon me Now, and in my days to come. So mote it be!"
When you have finished, walk to each quarter and ask for the blessings of beauty and love upon you. Thank Spirit. Close the quarters, release the circle, and put all your things away. Do this spell once a month or when you replenish most of your beauty and body cleaning supplies. Spell For Beauty Needed: Hand mirror, never used by you cup vervain 1 pinch eye bright 1 pinch yerba santa leaves cup spring water A piece of red velvet in which to wrap the mirror Chalice Athame This spell is done under the waxing moon or full moon. In your chalice, mix the herbs and spring water, stirring with your Athame, singing the Song For Beauty. Paint your mirror with this potion, taking care that you do not catch your reflection in it. Capture in the magick mirror the reflection of Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty, or any other form of person you wish to resemble. Wrap the mirror in the red velvet and take it with you to a starlit river or lake. When the surface is calm, look at your reflection and cast the magick mirror in the water, shattering your reflection.


Aphrodite, born of the Sea, Let thy power transfigure me. Grant to me thy rounded breast, Slender limb and all thats best Of hair and eyes and nose and chin, A smooth, unwrinkled, silken skin To catch the eye and turn the head Of any man, I be wed* For no mans proof against the Arts That, through his eyes, reach his heart. O Goddess of the form Divine, Make my appearance like to thine!
Then do a dance upon the shore, to Harthor-Aphrodite, or sing to the stars, Songs of Beauty. *The line Of man, I be wed may be changed to Of him whom I desire to wed or Ill not be scorned but choose instead or Of lovers I desire to bed Song of Beauty

Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth for thy live is better than wine! Behold thou art fair my love! Behold thou art fair my beloved is mine and I am his!
Spell for Beauty Needed: Mirror Favorite incense Picture of Hathor List of inner beauty things you'd like to change Pen Blank paper Light the incense and look into the mirror. Ask yourself, "What message am I sending to the world?" Write down on the blank paper the outer things you would like to change. Now think about how you act with your family. Is there anything there you'd like to change, if so write it down. Finally, think about how you act around your friends. If there is something you'd like to be different, write that down too. Take three deep breaths and think about Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of beauty.

Close your eyes and talk to her. Tell her the inner beauty things you wrote down on the first list. Open your eyes and draw her symbol over your list with the pen. Say:

"Heaven and earth, liquid and plain The moon's bright glow and stars maintain That goodness grows within my soul And spreads throughout my body whole And with the blessing of Hathor's kiss I become the beauty that none shall miss."
Fold the paper and hold it in both hands. Repeat the words while thinking of yourself the way you wish to be. Blow on the paper three times, then make the symbol of the equal-armed cross over your reflection in the mirror. Say:

"This spell is sealed from skin to soul. So mote it be."

Spell for Longevity Needed: Dried apricots Apples Sunflower seeds Pears Olives Beets Work apricots into your diet. Dried apricots and apricot juice can be effective in preventing premature heart attacks, raising vital mineral levels, and blocking formations of certain cancers. Antioxidants in olives can help prevent cancer. The rest of the foods are helpful in evoking long, healthy lives. Count out one hundred and twenty sunflower seeds, and eat them at sunrise. When you eat pears or olives, image yourself endowed with the longevity as the tree that bore the fruit. See yourself as the tree, and visualize dropping seeds. This way you bless not only yourself, but your offspring to a long life. Rub olive or apricot oil into an apple, bite it, and visualize yourself as healthy into old age.

Drink beet and apple juice, and visualize them revitalizing every cell in your body. Spell of the Comb and Mirror Needed: White candle Purify area, cast circle, etc. Burn a white candle for yourself, and say:

O Lady of shimmering beauty, For whom the stars are shining jewels And the Universe Her creation and plaything, Weaver of destinies and Protectress of things wild and free Make me now, I do ask, to be thy daughter Make me one with thee and grant me thy far-flung power Grant to this, thy Witch and Sorceress Strength within and without. As eternal as the boundless sea, The calm assurance of my powers To make any do my bidding, And the winds, waters, and fires, The hills themselves lend willingly themselves to me. Give to me, who am of thy ancient Craft The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons, Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark. Grant me beauty ever more perfect That I may reflect thee better. Build magick within me, build power within me. Power be drawn and power come. And make me one with thee. Make me greater, make me better Grant me strength and grant me power. O Goddess who is my friend and mother, I give you love and thanks O Beautiful One, may the magick I have summoned Return the stronger when I have need of it May wisdom, strength, comeliness and compassion Remain with me, growing ever finer. So mote it be!
Spell to Look Magnificent Needed: Apples (red apples for romance, green for a job interview or to make others

envious, gold for the arts or to make an impression in public) Snow peas Avocado Cherries Knife Cut an apple in half horizontally and you should see the star. Visualize yourself glowing like a star. Eat half the apple, and give the rest of it as an offering, outdoors under a tree. Peal the skin off the avocado. Imagine your negative traits peeling off you, including any negativity your mind has towards any part of yourself. Slice the fruit into seven pieces, and remove the pit. Mash the slices into a paste, and use as a face mask. Now take seven snow peas in your right hand and seven cherries in your left. Eat them alternately. Left hand rules the subconscious, unseen world, and the right hand rules the conscious, seen world, thus you are making yourself beautiful inside and out. Do this one to three days before you intend to strut your stuff. Temporary Glamour Chant the following nine times, visualizing what you wish to look like:

"The chameleon dances in the glade He blends, he shifts, and now he's shade. I change myself to meet the need I am the change they need to see. As I will, so mote it be."
The Glamour Spell Needed: Mirror List of 10 good qualities you'd like to have Cleanse, consecrate, and empower the mirror in sacred space at your altar. Ask for the blessings of Spirit upon the mirror. This will be your glamour mirror. Don't use the mirror for anything other than looking at yourself. Each night, before you go to bed, look in the mirror and repeat the ten qualities you want to instill in yourself. For example: I see the beauty within all things. I am a unique and loving individual, ect. Do not look critically at yourself in the mirror. Now, close your eyes and picture yourself as the glamorous person you want to be. Ask Spirit to help you change into a better person.

To Change Your Eye Color For the magick practitioner wishing to test their skill, there is a way to do this. It is more difficult and takes much practice. It's also completely natural. You must be relatively advanced as a witch to use the magical method, but once you learn it's fun and entertaining. This type of magic is commonly called a glamour. It is really just a matter of taking a desire and making it surface so that it is visible to other people. Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating only on changing the eye color, any other distractions must be cleared from the mind. Now fill your mind with the color your eyes are, right now, naturally. Now see that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it overpower your natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light from inside your mind out through your eyes. Visualize your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them. (This process should take at least fifteen minutes the first few times, and you will have to repeat it after awhile. Glamours fade as you "forget" them.) Upon opening your eyes, you may or may not be able to see the change in the mirror. For a more accurate check of whether it worked, ask someone what color your eyes are. If they know you really well they may see past the glamour. (Your parents may see past it, and often spouses or very close friends, because they know you too well.) The stronger you develop the talent to throw a glamour, the more people it can trick. It will take you practice. Good luck! To Keep Beauty From Fading Needed: Golden string When all your face appears most fair, When the comet and meteors gild your hair, And in your eyes the moon and sun, Contest, surrender, and burn as one, When ivory Venus smoothes your brow, And Mars recurves your lips red bow, Make haste to utter this binding verse, And hold the stars to their kindest course:

Figure of fire, That shift and change, Planets that move By heavens hinge Be siged and fixed Forever here,

And close my image Within thy sphere.

Measure a yard of golden string, Loose from your fingers let it swing, Then tie it in thirteen sturdy knots, Hide it among your scents and pots. To Sustain Beauty Needed: White roses Clear container of holy water 4 drops rose oil Submerge a flawless, white rose blossom in a clear container filled with holy water and an additional four drops of rose oil. Recite the following four times:

"The frozen blossom remains flawless beyond the ravages of time. So shall I remain."
Freeze the entire container either outdoors or in a freezer if the temperature outside is not cold enough for water to freeze. Store the container in a freezer. Your beauty will remain as long as the rose blossom remains locked in the ice. Vervain Needed: 1 black candle A chalice of water Salt 2 spoonfuls of Vervain Petrified wood For everlasting youth, this spell must be preformed when the moon is full. Go outdoors and light a black candle. Take a chalice of water to which you add salt, and two spoonfuls of Vervain. Mix thoroughly and dive into this water a piece of petrified wood. Pass the rock through the flame of the candle and chant:

Candle, herb, rock, water, salt, Hear me as my song is sung, Age is not my hearts desire, It is youth to which I aspire, Candle, herb, rock, water, salt.

Repeat this ritual and chant seven times. As each chant is said, touch the rock in turn to first one foot, one hand, one shoulder, crown of the head, and then down the other side of the body to shoulder, hand and foot. When the spell is finished, take the rock immediately to the nearest river, beach or stream and throw it in. Violets Needed: Violets Milk Mix violets with milk and anoint your face, and There is not a young Prince on earth who will not be charmed with thy beauty. According to legend.

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