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/ i-jh-

:,i'. and Mrs, Bob

?orwarding: Agents

Caxia Postal 403 Goiania, Golas, Brazil, So. Anterica

0/0 Charles Kent


QO/ IT'HFFif\l Toines, lotrja 50310 OWW I I 11I w V ^iQlephone: 515-274-2357 ^ _ . 7/1

/ / /

2ox 2065

ldHA Z.I L

Hall family, missionaries to Brazil,
. -
Published by the Southern Brazil Christian Fission for the Jerry C.

Vol. I,

Ho> l


After many months of preparation the mission to Brazil began for the Jerry Hall> family early the morning of November 2, 1966,

It was a brightj cool morning as some 32 folk; gathered at the Des Moines Municipal Airport tp bid them Godspeed and farewell for '

four years. At 8:05 A.M. the big jet headed down the runway and lifted off into a bright shiningskyt At 4:30 A.M. the morning of
November 3rd they arrived in Belem, Brazil. David Bayless and
Paul Lanham were at the airport to greet them and aid them in

clearing customs.- Jerry says they dpent the bigger part of the first day sleeping since there had been little sleep during the past two nightSi Brother Jerry got his first opportxmity to preach

on Friday night, -ilovember 4th, :With Brother Dick Robinson translating

Brother Jerry speaks: "Sunday, November 6th, we went about
There were about

fifty miles to the interior to a new preaching point.

was conducted in a home of a poor Bra^iliani

The service

ten in attendance.

Kent and Philip got rather tired of the service

and'kept saying, ''Daddy, this doesn't look like- a church'.- ye had


dinner in a 3razilian home, where we were served rice and a little

iiy, but these people are poor, but they are most generous

with what little they do have,, . ,

the temperature-,was running in .the high 80*s.

where Jim is located.

"During this firsc week we spent with the' David Bayless family

On iriday, November

where Jim Moreland met us and arranged for our flight to Araguania

11th, we began our flight south, flying from-Belem to Carolina

one ever bothers to count. If I were guessing, I would say it was well in excess of 8,000. Jim Moreland, who was very influential in our coming to Brazil, moved to this tovm about six months ago.

the highway, which goes through Araguania, it has become a boom town. It is hard, to set the population of this town, because no

"Araguania is a fairly old town, being in existence long before the Belem-Brasilia highway was built. But, with the building of

work in that city in the hands of a Brazilian to make the attempt

He had been working for the last six years on the north side of the Amazon River in the City of Macapa. He left a successful

of opening this new field. Within this six months he has established two preaching points and has had four or five baptisms. The iiore-

lands have three children and their living conditions are above the average Brazilian family. They have the only mud brick house in

the block and I imagine that it is the only one having a floor in
But saying that they live above the Brazilians is still not


much. They share the same well with 12 other famill.es. They have no screens on the windows and the flies are unbearable. Mary, the wife, has been very sick twice and came down with malaria the week
we were there. These people are making a real sacrifice for the gospel and I am sure the Lord will reward them for this sacrifice
with many souls for Him."

They spent one week with the Morelands, then continued on south arriving Friday, November l8th, at the Charles Kent home in Goiania which will be their temporary place until the last of

begin attending the IJycliff language school to learn the language

January, when they will move to Brazilia.

At that time, they will

of the land, Portuguese. This will require about six months as it is so important to the success of their work in Brazil. The most

effective vjay to be able to speak with a person is to speak his ; language. Be in much prayer for them.that they might learn this well and fast to effectively communicate w^ith the people and enable
them to win many souls to oior Lord.

uerry ",-e bave been looking for second hand furniture with no luclc and stoves and refrigerators are about double the price in the United States'.' Beofcy reports that when they return to the U.S.A. for a furloughs she is going to eat a can of peaches daily as they
are ,125 a can in Brazil. You see "we are not the only people "who
are bothered by inflation!

May I remind everyone that no money or gifts shoxild be sent
direct to the Halls. Because

for sale
If there is anyone close to Des Koines who would^be interested

in the purchase of Jerry's car,

please contact me. It is a 1964

of the high duty rates and other

problems with customs, we-cannot

ITord Galaxie 500, 4 door, with

automatic transmission.

ship anything to. them at the pre

sent time. . Me do expect to be

condition and priced for quick

Bob ^'eaver

able to ship soiiie things in the

months to come and will advise

everyone then, of their needs.



mission incorporafed
On October 14, 1966, the Southern Brazil Christian i^Iission, was
organized and incorporated in the State of Iowa for the purpose of complying with laws of the State aud f^'ederal Government to . operate as a non-profit, tax exempt organization. The west Side

Church of Christ, Jes I-IoineSj lovza, authorized its eldership to. serve in an advisory capacity for the Hall family. At the re-,
commendation of the Board'of Directors, a salary of ,^110.00 per week for the Hall family was set. The first financial statement enclosed covers a period'from the commencement of the ,corporation

through Hovember 30, 1966. This was done so we can issue a financial statement on a calendar month basis beginning in December
.;e cannot say enough thanks to all for their prayers, interests pondence should be sent to .and support of this wonderful Southern Brazil Christian Mission, Christian family and we do hope Inc., P. 0. Box 2065, Des iloines, such evidence of your interest ..

PLI^iiS^ iTOT:: HS./ I-IAILIHG ADD^ii-SS All contributions and corres

Iowa, 50310.

will continue.

Since we will

not publish another newsletter

in 1966, may we take this

opportunity to extend to each of


you on behalf of Jerry, Becky.,.. .

ICent, Philip,' Timothy and ourselves, best wishes for a .very happy and joyous holiday

Bob and Bonnie

West Side Church .of Christ Southern Brazil Christian Mission

P. 0. Box 2065

Des Moines,

Iowa . 50310

Noh Profit "Organization ' U. S. Postage Paid "Des Moines,,.Iowa

Permit No. 2747


A ...


<. ,

' 7 FEB


JERRY 0. HALL FAMILY Caixa Postal 24


Toguatinga, D.F. Brazil, S.A.

P. 0. Box 2065 Des Hoines, Iowa 50310 Telephone: 515-274-2357

Published by the Southern Brazil Christian Mission for the Jerry Hall family. Missionaries to Brazil. Vol, 1, No. 2
Jerry and Becky and the boys have found a house in Toguatinga, "Which is a suburb of Brasilia and are getting themselves settled. Their present plans call for being at this location for approximately
one year. Jerry and Becky will be entering the Wycliff Language School

later this month.

l-Je pray God will grant them the wisdom to learn

this language so that their work in Brazil .will be more effective.

They have been able to purchase a GE Refrigerator for crj565,000 or |230. in American money. They have borrowed other furniture from a missionary who is now in the States. Jerry says this will get them by until they can accumulate their own. Rent and utilities are comparable to costs around Des Moines, One of the biggest problems facing all

risen 100^ in the past year while the dollar exchange has risen only
from 1,865 to $1 to 2,200 to Jl. In recent articles appearing in

missionaries in Brazil is the money situation.

The cost of living has

Business Week magazine they discussed the banking situation in Brazil. They have liberalized their banking laws and many new banks have opened and many have had to close their doors and go out of business. At the writing of this article, there were 300 chartered banks and 235 finance companies in Brazil, but many of the banks have large numbers of

branches. Banco da Lavoura da Minas Gerais, Brazil's second largest with deposits equalivent to 100 million has 342 branches. The legal rate of interest on loans at Brazilian banks range from 25^ to 60^. Finance Co. and black market loans charge 100^, if you can obtain one.
This sure makes our 6 to 18% look pretty small.
* * 4{-if

Brother Jerry has had several opportunities to preach through our missionaries there and during one of these services, three came forward
part of this month Brother Jerry will be attending a Bible Conference

to accept Christ. He rejoices to have had a small part in leading them to Christ but the most credit goes to Charles Kent. During the early
This is conducted as a means of edifying all the Church of

in Belem.

Christ missionaries both instrumental and non-instrumental.

Seth Wilson from Ozark Bible College will be the guest speaker. This will be most beneficial for Jerry to meet the other missionaries from Brazil and participate in making further plans for the evangelization
of this great country.
* if ,>

In each issue of The Newsliner we are going to attempt to give you an insight of what life in Brazil is really like. We hope to cover many things about the life in this country. We trust they will be



both educational and informational to give you a better understanding

of Brazil. SHOPPING

Going to town to buy a few items is rather a minor

task in the States but in Brazil it can be an all day ordeal.

is not the biggest hinderance but the Brazilian business men.

One store


ing it altogether. One blessing about the grocery stores down here is that you don't have to worry about making all the decisions on what to
If we are

that they could not keep it on the shelves, so they discontinued carry Next time you find yourself m front of the cereal display in your

in Goiania found peanutbutter to be a very hot item.

It sold so fast

supermarket trying to decide whether to buy chocolate dipped puff rice

or sugar coated wheatles, think bow nice i t would be here.

We buy beef tenderloin at 50^ a pound. Lesser cuts run much cheaper, but we are forced to buy mostly tenderloin because of the unsanitary conditions of the lesser cuts. The tenderloin does not come anywhere

lucky enough, we can buy corn flakes and nothing else. Prices on meat are very cheap, which compensates for the higher prices on other things.

rJ'est Side Church of Christ Southern Brazil Christian Mission

JJion pront Organization U. S. Postage Paid

Des Moines, Iowa Permit No. 2747


0. Box 2065
Iowa 50310

Des Moines,

Don Earl Boatman 315 North '^all

Joplin, Missoi:r.i

near the corn-fod l^eef of Iowa for quality though, instead of marbling,
i t has grisle.

Prices are going up daily. I bought an electric transformer (all electricity is 220 volts and has to be'stepped down to 110), had it
paid for and was getting ready to leave, when I was informed that the

new price listing showed crii7j000 increase, and what's- more-,- I was
required to pay it. I refused on general principles, whatever they

were, took my money and left.

December 1966

^Special note regarding financial statement: Before the'Hall's left for Brazil, we had to guarantee the Brazilian Government that money was available, .il500, for their return to 'the States in the event of
a political insurrection or other conditions warranted their immediate evacuation from Brazil. Since funds in the corporation were not

available, the eldership of iiest Side Church of Christ guaranteed this until such a fund could be built up. We have opened a special savings

account to have this JlSOO available should it ever be necessary to

return them for the above reasons. In the event this money would not

be needed for this purpose prior to their tentatively set furlough date of 1970 or 1971? "the money will bo used to bring thorn homo at that time
Robert"G'.'"Hall West Helena, Arkansas First Christian Church Memphis, Missouri Albert Pike Chi'istian Church Pt. Smith, Arkansas Prairie Grove Chiirch Buffalo, Missouri First Church of Christ Ames, Iowa
50.00 50.00 30.00 24.00' 15.00 50.00

Mr/l-Irs :.'m. Temple, Jr. Allerton, Iowa

Eldon Christian Church Eldon, Iowa First Christian Church Fairfield, Illinois

First Christian Church (Circle II) Siloam Springs, Arkansasio.00 Christian '/omen's Fellowship Gentry, Arkansas 10.00
100.00 10.00

Mr/j'5rs. Dewey Taylor

Hereford, Texas

Jackson Church of Christ Montezuma, Iowa . E. Sharp Lebanon, Missouri First Christian Church Siloam Springs, Arkansas Cookson Hills Christian Church Siloam Springs, Arkansas Ralph 'Fox Gentry, Arkansas

20.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Louisa Beem

Boynton, Oklahoma

Mrs. Mary J. Rippetoe

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Madison Church of Christ Brooklyn, Iowa Church of Christ Webster City, Iowa Linda Severe Parkersburg, Iowa

5.00 75.00


Mr/Mrs. Harold Fielder vJilliams, Iowa

women's Fellowship, First'Church of .Christ, Ames, Iowa

MrAlrs. L. R. \Jolfe Mr/Mrs. v/ayne Sharp

Des Moines,


100.00 30.50 25.00


Lebanon, Missouri Total Income, December

Balance November 30, 1966


"852 ."85 556.96




Salary to Jerry Hall Personal gift to Hall family^

Postage Office supplies Miscellaneous expenses
Total expenses
' \



70.06 573.27





. ;836.54




Calxa Postal 24

Bob & Bonnie Weaver" P. 0. Box 2065

Des Moines, lo-wa

Toguatlnga, D. P Brazil-, Sv A.

TeloTj-hone: 515-274-2357 Published by the Southern Brazil Christian Mission for the Jerry Hall Family, Missionaries to Brazil' Vol. 1, Ho. 4 As vje went to press with the last newslctterv we were saddened with the news that Bro. Jerry was stricken with hepititis. The next day after mailing, we received further news that also Becky, Philip and Kent had hepititis. Only'

little Timmy Ti escaped.

this l e t t e r will be

This is causing considerable delays

contexts from their letters.
March lOth.

In original plans,, but we are thankful that they arC' progressing well.- To bring everyone up to date on the various happenings,
devoted to

We request URGENT prayer for our family. Ue are a very sick bunch! .The amount of hcpetitis is determined by a number. The higher' the number, the more you have. Most -jf the others

haven't had any higher^t'han* nine.

Jerry^s is 13, "22 is fatal.

Kent has i t worse than Philip or I. Just pray for us that if it be God's !>ill, we can be out of bed soon. One of the missionaries is taking care of Timmy Ti. We will not be able to see him until everyone is well, which may b-e two or three months. Please prayl; The doctor says that with complete rest I might be a'ble to get up in two weeks. VJe will have blood tests every week or, two until they are negative, until then ' complete rest. I just pray that our supporters will un.derstand .concerning the unanswered letters. Right now, my-concern iS' that we all get well.
March 16th.'

I aim quite sure that Jerry's count has gone down-,' since he isn't yellov? anymore. Kent had the next worse case, and he isn't yellow either.. He will probably be in bed for three or four weeks. Everyone's spirits seem to be very good. It is
surely hard for the boys to stay in their beds. VJe are all in separate rooms to keep from infecting one another. Our clothes

have to be boiled and k6pt separate from the rest of the family.
We each get a shot a day, besides the pills we have to take.

Timmy Ti is still at the Loft's house and I don't know when >7C
will get to see him. e surely do miss him. I just praise the Lord that..he was not infected. It is a funny thing about this


We can eat a houseful and don't gain weight.


weighs about 150 lbs. now and I weigh somewhere around 100.

It's real nice not to have to worry about gaining weight. Our girl has been cboking for us, and it's been hard for her, ^incresh-e can't -cook very well,'but 'we have managed. '" (Sp'^eciaT ";
note to you weight-watchers - Here is :a new idea, but not a recommended one.) We owe a great debt to the Lofts who have come out every day "and given us our, shots, brought groceries, etc. They are the ones keeping Timmy Ti. They have seven other children. There has been a revival here at the church in Toguatinga. for the last two weeks. There have,been 20 additions so far,. Praise
the Lord!


Please continue to pray. The Lord has surely been good in strengthening both of us physically as well as spiritually. Pray that wc will be patient in waiting for complete healing, so that we might be able to serve Him here.


Von profit Orga:il::'..GiJri"

U. S. Postage Paid>
Des MoineSjlowa .

c-jatnorn bruail Caristian Mission

P. 0. Box 20.65 Des Moinos, Iowa 50310

Permit No.. 274? '

March 24th

The Lofts surely have been wonderful.' Ginny comes every day to entertain the boys and bring.supplies. Bill comes and gives us-all shots, as well as taking care of all financial transactions v'le would surely be between the rock..and the hard place withoutthem. All missionaries get hepititus sooner or later.. We just got it sooner, pick Robinson, Jim and Mary Moreland, David . and Beverly Bayless, Ginny Loft, -Bill and Lora Metz, Dale McAfee and Howard Norton - just to name a'few, have all had it. Quite

possibly I came in contact with it in Belcm at a restaurant.


disease is quite.prevalent down here, and this variety is very infectious. I thought at first that I only had a minor kidney

infection. of it,'

I made up my mind that I couldn't be sick.

But 'I

mak'e a poor Christian Scientist, and couldn't talk my way out

The'Only two tinas.: I really got discouraged was before
I know what I had - - being continually tired and my conscience

hurting because I wasn't keeping up with the rest of the class in language study. Then when I found out that I hr 1 given .it to Bccky and the boys, it really bothered .mo; - But we are doing

very well now.

I know there is much prayer'going up for us,

and I am.sure this is-the reason for our good spirits. : Our

girl does very well about cooking for us. Our doctor is very competent and probably knows more about hepititus than most
American doctors* since he has to treat It so often.
it. But we have to keep our livers happy.

e have

eaten^so much jelly, candy, and karo syrup that we are-sick of We had to separate-the boys to keep them quiet. My, I tell you, -that is a job in itself. I have Kent where I can keep, an

eye on-him,, and Becky watches Philip.

Hepititus or not, they

are still full of energy. We surely miss Timmy Ti though. "We haven't seen him for three weeks. He is straying with the Lofts, Our barrels arc lost: The company who I paid" to ship them -

by truck from Belem to here doesn't know where they are.

Love, Jerry and Becky
* * * 4{-

The barrels Jerry is referring to are the barrels containing their personal belongings which were shipped from here. We
pray these will be recovered. We are so thankful for all that Bill and Ginny Loft have do'ne

for the Halls and certainly are thankful for this fine Christian family who have come to their aid during these times. Wo pray .
God's richest blessings on them for all they have done and we here at home feel deeply indebted to then for caring for Jerry,'
Bccky and the boys.

To you people who have been so kind to write and lift the spirits of Jerry and Bccky, we hope you will be patient in
receiving replies to your letters.

In closing, may we say thank you to all who have responded with prayer and additional help to care for their medical expenses. At this point, we don't know what needs arc unfilled, but the Lord has truly blessed them in filling their needs to

speedy recovery so they may continue the work of our Lord in Brazil. May we here at home work fervently together to fulfill
the commands of our Lord in this country.


We do ask that you continue to be in prayer for their


u.. w


^ [)

Caixa Postal 24.

Brazil, S. A.

_JOfii,4}4,-M!$SOWir 6480!""
Bob and Bonnie Weaver

. '' n n>j/^jh /^\im

Toguatinga, D.

Des Moines, Iowa, Phone: 515-274_ 23 5?

P. 0. Box 2065

PuOTshed by the S'butbernr^^zirn^BrrsTiW'Mission for the Jerry' Hall gamllyjL._Miss^ij)naiJ^l.,M_Brgig,y^ .5 ..

There is an old story about better late than never. Maybe one of these days your editors -will get organized and not over look important things* Our congratulations to Jerry and Becky on their eighth >;odding anniversary which was May 29th. July 10th Timmy Ti will celebrate his second birthday.. July 2nd will mark eight months since the Halls left for Brazil,wonderful folk for the many' prayers offered: on .their behalf

Again, may we^ say thanks'to each and every one of you

their work^

during their illness and the continued financial help for

Truly the Lord has blessed and answered the many

I would encourage each of you to get the May 1967 issue of

Readers Digest and road the article, about Brazil beginning on
page 119

CURRENT ACTIVITIES: Since the hepatitis, our activity^ has picked up to almost full speed. \iQ now see the blessing in our sickness. It gave us the complete rest that Becky and I needed very badly after the hustle and bustle of raising support and moving to Brazil, I-feel better than I have in

' ^

year. For this we praise our all wise Heavenly Father. Language study is going very well. Me haven't yet^found a satisfactory teacher. Pray that God will also provide this. (Note: They have novj found a teacher and are studying privately with a Brazilian teacher and the help of Harry Scates). I nm traveling by car about 35 miles every weekend to the small"town of Luisiania with a Brazilian' preacher from the down
town Brasilia church,

30 in, this City of 5,000.

we have a small congregation of about

encouragement to this congregation, so.that they may demonstrate

I pray that our-activity will be,an

a greater .faith in the. evangelism of this City.

Jiecky keep^s very busy running our household as well as keeping up our secretarial work. The boys are doing well, except for ^ . hoving intestinal parasites. We are treating them for this, but,
kinds down here. The newslincr mentioned our water problems a few issues back. The situation is much better now. The

it calls for constant vigilance, since there are so many different

City has purchased two new trucks, and we get water delivered about once every ten days now. But even with this, we must be

very conservative,

Vie use the same water for four loads of


P, 1

west Side Cnurch of Christ

Southern Brazil Christian Mission
1 O -i. t-Sj' J

prcii'r Vrgunlaution
U. S. Postage Paid

DOS iioines,. Iowa


Permit No.


pZARfc Bible Couege U^rary

: \



Brazil's attitude toward Religion - I have been intro-ducod to a very valur.blo introductory book to Brazil. It is the U. S.

Army Handbook for Brazil and can be obtained for 0.50 from
the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington, D, C. 20402,

Its treatment of the religious

attitude of Brazil is excellent. Therefore, I will quote fro^i i t in this and in a later newsletter. I hope to include also in a future Newsliner the implications that these attitudes

will have on our ministry,

"Most of the population consider

themselves to be members of the Church and are listed

statistically as such. They may, however, adhere to practiccs which are seldom in harmony with the tenets of the
faith and often opposed to it. Elements of Indian, African, and European folk religions are mixed with catholicism creating

a synecrctic religion with its own peculiarities.

This is commonly called popular Catholicism,

In urban

areas, the Catholic ingredients may be more propunced,^

forming a veneer under which the folk religion is practiced.

While folk religion assumes a number of different forms, certain practices and concepts are more or less general among a large segment of the population. Por the most part, the religion' centers about the Idolatrous worship of saints
itself. Failure to respond favorably of the imago, as for

example, immersing ii;" head down in a well, until the favor is


An ineffective saint will be discarded or removed from

the family litany.

Religion is considered a technique for controlling the supernatural; there is no love for or devotion to a saint, but, rather, respect for its power. Promises, pilgrimages, masses, novenas and prayers servo to establish or reinforce
ties between two bargaining agents. Official liturgical ceremony
is assumed to have an inborn efficacy to please the supernatural entity."



Washing here in Brazil is done in much the same way as it

is done in other parts of the world. The women wash either at the river or in their yo.rd by beating the clothes over a rock, laying them either on the ground or hanging them on a barbed wire fence to dry. They feel sure that-if the clothes are not

beaten they will not become clean.

They don't seem to realize

rihen we

that beating the clothes soon makes thera_ fall apart,

were sick we had to hcive our clothes boiled in ordernot to

spread Infection. Our good stateside clothes are slowly falling apart. U"c decided that it was cheaper to buy a washing machine than to buy new clothes for all of us. We
are supposed to have an automatic washer, but we use the water
more than once, and then it has to be dipped back into the machine. Our vrater pressure is nil, so we have to use a hose and fill it from another faucet. But such is life in Brazil,
and we love i t .

Our last newsletter was closed with a sad note concerning the Illness of the Halls, Thanks be to God we can dose this one with some

happier news. ' Since this letter-was started, further news has been
received on their condition and here is the context of the letter.

V April 6th Praiie God from whom all blessings flow! Vfe have just received the results of our last blood analysis, and the report_ is nothing
short of a'airacloi We all show negative (no hcpititus). Our' bile count has dropped to practically nothing. Becky ahd the boys are less'-tha-n one per cent and raine is 1.5 per cent. My total
count one month ago was -19, whicb was dangerously high.'- The doctor promised me at least three months in bed. Dick Robinson,who had
a count'of 9, was confined for three months. >ic arc convinced that this ,is ci. miracle that was worked by the

many prayers of the saints. This will enable us to take our language study again, V;c won't be able to, go back to the Wycllff course, but we'can find a.Brazilian teache?. I will have.to still take it

easy for'awhile until ny count is completely down! I will send you. a telegram today, so you can rejoicc with usl My, I can'tell
you the rejoicing is surely.greataround here. Tlnmy Ti is back home. -'Kent and Philip are out playing for the first time in a

month, and I can eat my wife's- good cooking againi Wc are greatly in debt to all, of you who prayed and sui^por'tcd'

us during'thls time.

We can't praise 3111 and Glnny Loft too:_m'Uch''

Love, Jerry and Becky

for all that they- have done for us.

Here is one more excerpt from .a previous lett r dated March 29th

1/0 pust finished a revival here in Taguatinga with two of our .

missionaries from Belem, Dick Robinson and David Bayless. It ^ " . rained nearly every night of the revival, but nevertheless, the
Lord blessed i t with 25 confessions- of faith.

We Qcftainly rejoice with then in this wonderful news. May we . agai-n--'say thank you to the many who have prayed so fervently forJerry*,find 'Becky's recovery and sent additional support for them.lie th'ank you one and all and. mos't of all, we thank God for
answe'ring.pur prayers. Wc have, a wonderful Lord, let us show our thanks unto Him by striving harder for His Kingdom wherever
wo arc.

.!'" ' " I's



Financial Statement

February and March 1967

Madison Church of Christ West Side Church of Christ First Church of Christ Prairie Grove Church First Christian Church"" Christian Church
First. Christian-Chixrch---:-

Brooklyn, Iowa
Des Moines, Iowa


Ades, Iowa
Buffalo, Misso.uri. Fairfield, Illinois Eldon, Iowa Memphis^ MissouriFt. Saith-, Arkansas. Kontezuma, Iowa

30.00 95.00
100.00 70.00 100.00 60.00

Albert Pike Christian Church Jackson Church of Christ


Church of Christ


Webster;City, Iowa

76.. 50
15.00 50.00
20.00 10.00 20.00

Mr. and.-^'^rs.^'-E. Been ' Mr. and Mrs'. Forrest",Turner Christian lioacn's Fellowship

' - ,

Boyntbn, Oklahoma
Siloaa Springs, Ark., .Gentry.,. Arkansas

Mr/Mrs. Bert Rippetoe

^./ashington Church :Missionary-,


OklahoD^. Oityv Okla.

Xjcbanon'-, Missouri
, I'lest-Helena, Ark,', carterville, Ko. Gentry, Ark; Pie'asantville, la, 'Hereford, Texas- . l7C.bsto,r City, Iowa Si-loap .Springs., Ark. ,

Mr/Mrs. Robert G. Hall'" Mr/Mrs. .Sid-Allsbury J . -

20.00 100.00 20.00

Mr/Mrs., Ralph-Fox
TNT Sunday School Class" -

' : -'

Mr/Mrs. Dewey-.J. Taylor'

'.Jide Awake Class, Church- of Christ
First Christian Church-


20.00 200.00 20.00

Cookson Hills Christian Church,

/Silo'a.a Springs, Ark.

Murray, 'Jowa

Murray Church of Christ


Mr/l"lrs.- 'W. E. Sharp'

Circle II, First Christian Church Mrs. Phyllis James . /
Linda Severe Donetta- Dixon

.'Ijabanon, Missouri . ' ' Siloan-Springs, Ark.

-Gentry,. Ark, . ^ Parkersburg, Iowa Siloan.Spr- .gs, Ark. prairie Grove, Ark. . Siloan Springs,-.Ark. Br.ooklyn,, Iowa..

45.00 .
20.00 10.00

Mr/Mrs.' Harry Mo-bley

Slizabeth Cain

Madiso.n Missionary . . . S o c i e t y ;
Mrs. Belle .Zue .

DCS M::ines ,


5.00 6.00 5.00 15.00 46.00 4.00


Junior Endeavor
Madison Jr. C-Y-H"

. ; .

..Si.loan Springs, iij?k..

- Add, "Iowa

Mr/Mrs. Kendell IJiliiaris

Friendship workers .Missionary Group


Brooklyn, lovja
Unionvillc, Missouri.

.17 .-50

Balance 1/31/67


952.63 468.77

Cash fr-on fSale .of car



Salary to Jdrry-Hal.l.
Personal Gifts for'Hall Fanily Postage and' Office Supplies
Medical expcnsbs

$ 990 ..ob
-- 127.00

;.19 . 130.40 '


Car loan repayn-ent

Misc. ^cxj^cnsc

BALiVNGB MilRCH 31, 1967


121.96 :

t 1,530.-85

Balance General Fund

Deposit Repatriation Fund

Balance car loan 0800,00


: J


bOUTHi^.Ki^J BRAZfT. miKTRTTAiV MJf.-inTOT^r IM^:.

." iu..::i01 :il L-tatomcnt


April and May 1967

Kaciison Church of Christ West Side Church of Christ Pirst Church of Christ Pirst Christian Church Christian Church Pirst Christian Church Brooklyn^ Iowa Des Moincs, Iowa
Ames, Iowa




Pairfield, Illinois Sldon, Iowa

rlcmpiiis, Missouri


Albert Pike Christian Church

Jackson Church of Christ
Church of Christ 3g Te Doers est Side

I-Ir/Mrs E Becia Mr/l^rs Porrest Turner

Port Smith, Arkansas Mont e zuma, Iowa /ebster City, Iowa Des Koines, Iowa Boynton, Oklaho::ia

60.00 50.00

20.00 50.00 20.00

h.'^/^Mrs Robert G Hall Mr/Mrs Sid Allsbury TIiJj? Sunday School Class

Christian './omen's Pellowship Gentry, Arkansas WMrs Bert pippetoe Oklahoma City, Oklahoma l-fashington Church Missionary Lebanon, Missouri
West Helena, Arkansas Carterville, Missouri Pleasantville, Iowa

Siloam Springs, Arkansas


20.00 10.00

'vi'l.e Awake Class-Chruch of Christ

B W. E. Sharp Mr'i'vTrs Harry Mobley ' :.-r.;\ader Glass

P"rst Christian Chuj^ch Siloam Springs, Arknnnas Cc-okson Hills Christian Church Siloaa Springs, ArlmnnpR
Lebanon, Missouri Prairie Grove, Arkansas

i/ebster City, Iowa .


50.00 50.00

V^ebster City, Iowa

20; 00 10.00

"/yx-y Robert Staggs >' Ames, lo^va ^jOjd's Rea^pers - Ozark isible College
Circle I - P.irst Christian Church
M".jorie Cantrel
JOY Circle

Joplin, Missouri

Siloaa Springs, Arkansas


Moberly, Missouri
Hercer, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, lovra

10.00 10.00 100.00 10.00

Mr/Mrs /irt Harr;\s

Mr/M:v;i G. -V. Hoggath

Hllididc Church o:
\^llncx 3oseer

Pryor, Oklahoma Marshalltown, Iowa

Joplin, Missouri Joplin,. MissouriDes Moines, Iowa Keosauqua, Iowa

5.00 5.00 5.00


0 ranee Douglas Dan Mayer

Christian Church

40.00 90.00

P::iends, Prairie Grove, Arkansas

A.M'/. Beverly, Ira Solenberger, Letha p. Swonger, R. E, Payton,,

]}. y. Luse, Bernice Cro,wford, i^5rs.. Brown, Opal V/alker, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Garnett, ?lrs. King, Mildred Cayton,

Ma'ry Coffman, Lee Karnes, P. Jones, Mr/l4rs Misfelt


43.50 ^2,055.30

Salary to Jerry Hall

b.'i'ice Supplies & Postage

}cv:?y Hall expenses Mi;':'), expenses
Loan repayment
R-::v.ration Fund

1,215.00 134.60 254.50 56.25



'jQiUAHCB M/iY 30, 1967
(Jcneral Pt3M


Reparation Pund
Ba'.'ance Car Loan

:;479.35 ':ilC43.98 )300,00

iSM 0 .rJ

^ ri r'

r 1 -1

s EP

2 0 1967

/ ^i' c/l;-'/'//



P. 0.

Cr.ix-" jpost-l 24
Bob r.nd Soniiio "'./ervcr

3ox 2065

Togu^.tlns", D. P. Br'^.zil, o.i^.

Dgs Hoincs,

Published by tbo Southern 3r"zil Obristi'^n Mission for the

Jerry H"ll Ii'^Qiily, ^Missiqn^rios to Brazil


Vol. 1, Ho. 6

I"I"y I sh"rc -^-jith you"' rocent -rticle published by iJorth

Aniorior^n Nevjcp^per J.lli'^nce. "The once monolithic catholic church in Br-^zil rppe^-rs

to be in political recession. 3r'^.zil is officl'*'lly considered the l-rgest Catholic country in the V7orld. Government

statistics put membership "t ".bout 90^ of Ir^zil's ^^.pproxiin'te

8? million popul-.tion. Church statisticians priv":tely
"dmit true, '^ctive mcaborship c^.anot be ijiore tb'~n 20> of the popul'^.tionj or '^.bout 17.5 aillion uc.:ibcrs. In co^ip-rison

the protcst"nt f-iths vent froa r-bout 4.5 .nillion communicants

in 1961 to rbout 9 million in 1965 -^-ccording to offici^.l governnent st-^.tistics. In so.til r^-re^.s the protcst'-nts ".re

gro-wing -^t the r-^.to of 25;^ per yerr."

Proa -.n outsiders viev:point, having never been in the

Country of Br-.zil, I tbinfc this "rticle brings out some very interesting points. It sho^js the opportunity for the gro-wth of Christ's Church is tremendous. The opportunities
.^re gre.-^.t ^.nd the ch'^.llenge to bring the gospel to these people big. Our :aission^ries ho h^.vc -".ccepted this chr.llenge h^'.ve ' tremendous t'^slc before them. M'^.ny of us here -".t home

by supporting these vjho -^re] th'o^e v.'ith our prayers --^.nd fin.^.ncirl support. Let us '"ll remeaiber the Jerry H-'-lls '-.nd
the other f-^milies ^^.re l^.boring for the Lord there seeing th'^t they rre provided f'?ith the tools to do the" job
th"t is before them. Hov/ thr,nk:ful V7C '*rc for these fp.oilies.
-1; -jf -/; r :

".re not cut out to be mission^.ries

but we c.-.n do our p'^.rt


3oclcy ~ August 31st

Kent September 15th

One requirement when " missionr^-ry goes to Srr.zil is th^it money be re-^dily ".v^liable should the
need ever "rise to return them

home for -.ny re-son. .:e h^ve been building specirl.fund Jerry wrote recently th^t he for this purpose during these h^'.d quite ^.n experience months since the H^^-lls departed being business m^.n-^ger of which h"".s been in b"nk s.".vings their c^mp for three ??oeks. "ccount. .e b"ve truly been To you people who h"vc blessed in th'^t we h'^.ve -^Imost served in this c.-^.p^city, I rc^.ched this gor.l over rnd "bove thinic be hr.s greater our regulP.r operating expenses. ^.ppreci-'.tion for the work At tbo s".mc time, i t is felt you do now th.-^.n he hr.d thrt the money set r-.side for. before serving. He s" id the Lord's work should be they "ver.'^ged "bout 40 e"ch used "s well '^s possible for weelc "-nd h"d good fellow th^t purpose, i.t the July mectingship. Per you crmpers of the Bor.rd of Directors s i t ".nd c"mp sponsors, he w^.s voted to tempor".rily invest suggests th".t you might try it in tempor".ry bonds to ^id b'.ving your cr.mp the ti.ne '".nothor .mission endeavor. Seven of ye^.r they b".ve in 3r-zil, hundred Fifty Doll".rs of this
which is in tbo
1i i



fund is now invested in 6/2

interest be".ring bonds of the
Pirst Church of Christ, ^imes, low^.It w"s f e l t i t could do more for the Lord there tb^n in ornk


sr.vings ".ccount ".nd r.t the s.".me time be -^-v^il^.ble should r.nemergency
ririse for the use of i t .

Tne first r-.nnur.l nieeting of the Southern ^Brr.zll Christir.n

Mission will be held ?rid"y, October 20, 196?j "t 8:00 P.I-I. (CDT)j .;Ost Side Oburch of Christ, 53rd r.nd Frr.nklin
Streets, Bes Koines, lo'w^.'. /o invite everyone >;ho c^.n to

5PBCI>L HOTICB"'^' ' "

r.ttend this necting. hope to h^.ve " nev; slide progrr.m ^-^.vr.ilr.ble for the first sho-wing r.t this meeting. This , uieeting is open to everyone interested in the v.orlz of the
Halls in 3rr.zil.
jf or -r jJ*

INFLATION: .;e here r.t

May we share with you some excerpts

ho:.ie rer.d r.nd feel how
froa recent letters

hhe cost of living has risen in

-he Ir.st 12 ye-^.rs. In 1965

of the Halls.


"':he dollr.r vjould still buy Q3%

of "What it vjould in 1956, but in Sr.^zil the cruzeiro will only buy -./j in the sr.mo period of tiue.

recently ncAe a trip

to Sao Paulo to see the doctor and had these


'"It is a

different world down

!;g cruzeiro is the most unst'-.ble

aoney in the ;^orld.

south. The people are Duch better dressed, have more cars, and
their homes are much

In the Ir.st. "ITe-i-jslincr" ,

the f i r s t , of r.rticles on



nicer. They even have aalts rnd hamburgers

in Sao Paulo. vJe rlso

?Lelision in

in this


is the second rrticle


"Heligion is propiti-ry rather than

a oonait-iicnt to positive moral [

cX^)iatory, and faith does not irnpl;^ ^

had the very special tre'^.t of having fresh s trawb err i e s, while
V7e were there. The

principles. Saints are c::pccted to punish so::ioone for not fulfilling coapact, but not for infringin3 any of the comraandvaents. i-r^.ycr is not thought to bo dependent upon the

city reminds ao very much of Ohic-.go. The

population is ''round 6
raillion. ..e were

happy to get b-^clc to the little city of


fbriital religiosity or specific aoral

conditions of the person, but to ,

operate as a iiagic incant^-tion.'

prayers arc considered stronger


"Language learning is surely humbling,

especially when your
son understands and The other you don't. day r man c"me to fix

than others, and Li^.y be beneficient

or harmful according to the vr.y in


they are recited.

Heaven and

Hell are not vital issues to the

average townsman.

The concispt of the

opposition of good rna ovil is nonexistent, thus the thre-''t of pronise of punishnents or re^v/ards 111 the afterlife ^lalies little

electric lino, and he said something


to me.

did not

understand him,


Kent said,

"L^ddy, he

There is ^ grc^.t deal of doctrin^.l -impr-ectSTtja, "-"-^uo [y- oBt-h e - treat-nie-n-t^ ---- --of the saints, the Virgin Mary ^:nd Jesus Christ as equals. There is not in fact only one Saint Joseph or

wants ladder." This experience happens quite. frs.quont

"I told you that I was

to be procur'^dor or business man^.ger for camp for thTee weeks, ".veil, the first v?eek of camp is completed and I am s t i l l running
in circles. ,ihen I

Virgin I'iary or even one Jesus Christ. i;r.ch. region h'^s its o\m supernrtural being to look after local needs, and
no interrelationship between the various "Jesus Ohrists" is per
ceived. "

was appointed to this-

'job, i had no idea

what I was getting in
for. The other missionaries told me that a l l I would have

to do was to buy bread

(Lottor cy.o:^r'gt3 continued) every morning, j'ell, it turned out tbr.t I 'ar.d to pl^.n r.ll tbe mer.ls, buy the food, repr.ir building, ^.nd Gcuipnont,

r.nd be h-'.ndy ni^.n for anything tb"t needs to be done."

I believe now, hr.ve :".vr.ilr.ble one experienced c^;iTip

inan^.ger, - r.nybody looking for one?

A 3PJlCIi.L THAmC YOU to the boys r.nd girls -t i-Ir.dison Church of Christ, Brooklyn, lowr., as during their VBS

they collected ,^161.00 xor the Hr.lls to purch".se r. slide

projector. .
? i M c i a l snATm'^m

Juno -

July " i-ugust

r-Ir.dison Church of Christ, Brooklyn, Iowa ;vest Side Church of Christ, Des I^oines, Iowa
225. 00 150. 00 ivirst Church of Christ, Araes, Iowa 105. 82 117. 00 Prairie Grove Church, Buffalo, Missouri 300, 00 Pirst Christian Church, Pairfield, 111. 105 <00 Christian Church; nildon^ Iowa jj'irst Christi:-.n Church, Meaphis, Mo. 150 <00 lilbert Pike Christian Church, Pt. Saith, Ark. ^ 90. 00 100. 00 Jackson Church of Christ, ilontezusia, Ir. 97. 25 Church of Christ; Webster City, Iowa


' V


3e Yc Doers, ^f^est

jide Church of Christ


Des Koinos,

i-irs. :-Jilda ilasters, Marshalltown,

Iowa ,

Hr/i:xs 30021, Boynton, Oklahoma Hr/l'Irs J'orrcst Turner, Siloa;a Springs j ^rk'
Christian's '..'oaen Pellowship, Gentrjs Ark.

25. 60, 30, 75.

00 00 00 00 00

15. 150 30. 15

Ilr/Mrs 3ert Hippetoe, Oklahoiaa City, Okla. IIt/Kts Robert G-. Hall, ,;est Helena, Ark. Mr/l-irs 3 id Alls bury ^ Carterville, Mo.
im Sunday School Cl"ss, Pleasantville, la.

Mr/Mrs De^Joy J. Taylor, Hereford, Texas

iidc ^.wake Class, Church of Christ
Webster City^ Iowa

00 00 00 00 11 00

Pirst Christian Church, Siloazi springs, irk

Cookson Zills Christian Church, 3iloa:-.i Springs

35 ,00 150 .00

10 00 100 ,00

Hurray Church of Christ, I.'urray, Iowa

I'lr/lirs w.

Sharp, Lebanon, Mo.

75 ,00 15 .00 5 .00 25 .00

Circlc II, Pirst Christian Church

Siloazi Springs, .^rk.

Mr/i-:rs Ti"rry Kobley, Pr-^.irie Grove, Ark,

:];lizabeth Cain, Siloaa Springs, i^rk

:j?/l-lrs Dan i-Iayer, Des Moincs, low.Christian Church D733, Mercer, Kissouri Jr. Hi Hearers Doers, .cst Side Church of
Christ, Des iloines, JOY Circle, Hercer, Ko. Leland Cantrel, Hemphis, _,"o.

65 .00 22 .56
6 .45 40 .00 50 .00
10 .00


^tr/lirs Robert C. ?Iall, i_ndcrson, So. C^.rolina

Kadison Church of Christ, DV3S, Brooklyn, la.
dAp.ii.I^DI T UIl-'iS :


161 ^0

i2EEi .off

Sal'^Ty To' 'jerry



Office supplies and Post :ge Jerry Hall, expense

Car loan repayment/ Misc. expenses Hepartriation Fund Air PreiiXht to Brazil

268.60 300.00


^103.4^ 2,56'02 June, July,^.ugust '96.96

3ALAilC.i; JliiY, 1967 ;469.35 3ii.LAJ^CE august, 1967 ,566. 31

Rcpartrirtion Pund:

Savings account




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