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(Carlyn Sproston, 2008) (Anjum Halai,2004 ) (Karen Edwards,2008)

Students of year 8 English In-service teacher in The student in the fifth hour
Class in Secondary College education programmed of ninth- grade English class
in Victoria, Australia. advance diploma in -16 students in class which
(College student) education: mathematics, is 11 boys and 5 girls
The Aga University for ( Students in school)
Education Development
(AKU-IED), Karachi,
( In- service teacher)
The observer of the study This study was designed as ' The action research study in
(the author ) has used nested action research' this journal just used a
Boomer’s process to his which is multiple action simple commonly used
study process research studies were prosess which were:
For the first process woven into fabric of Planning - discussion with
(Planning)- the observer advance diploma classroom teachers to
gather the information from programmed. The process determine the phonics
the literature review to gain involved in this study were: lessons period and thus
an information about the designed the research
student and the study it self. Planning - identifying the Act - Explain to the student
In the second step, the teaching of innovative in class about the study and
students and teacher was strategies and classroom start the plan Review -
negotiated with the implementation and thus Share and discuss with the
audience for the task designed the study. students and teachers about
Third process, students Act - Work involved the result and encourage the
were presenting of work to providing field support, useful idea of technique
the audience and proceeds teaching in classroom, test intervention.
to 4th process where the the context appropriateness
teacher will respond to the of the strategies
students then continued Review - review of work
with the evaluation of the done
study through reflection
This journal were differs
with other two journal
selected because the process
used in the study of this
journal was pcocess from
the Boomers, 1992 model,
which including the element
3)Teaching and learning
4) Presenting
5) Evaluating
The data was collected The data was collected from Data was collected in two
through: the activities such as: measured which is three
Classroom questionares - Classroom observation- time spot for each, such as:
gives students opportunity was done over a period of 1 1st: Raw score
to respond anonymously year for every month during 2nd: Reading grade level
Classroom meeting- Used the teacher lesson (small (stated in years and month)
to negotiation of classroom tape recorder has been used) The observer ,interview the
activities Pre-Observation students by one-one
Journals - Teacher research conference and post- interview (to observe a
journal used to record observation with the reading attitude of students)
classroom activities teacher - teacher share input
Partnership observation - and the information about
classroom observer the strategy used in their
Interviews - Used to lesson (Taking note)
discuss student responses Tutor-researcher
with parents meetings- about 20 meeting
averaging 90 minutes were
done and the discussion was
recorded by using tape
Data was analyzed using a For the analysis of data, the For the data analysis The
thematic approach (Knight discussion and the meeting Slosson Oral Reading Test
2002;Taylor and Bogdan with the members of the (SORT) was used as the
1998; Van Maren 1990) research team has been assessment tool to monitor
Classroom questionnaires done regularly to discuss any progress.
was collected manually and their findings. Analysis of the areas of
pie chart has been generated need was identify from the
using Microsoft Excel SORT based on the question
All guided and given
conversational interviews The SORT also was used to
were transcribed determine baseline data on
Partnership observation was each students
constructed by categories to
summaries the statements.

1. SETTING All research in this three journal was
conducted in the classroom

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