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Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d ! Text for number 1 5 Andika : Mom, I am hungry, I want to have lunch ! Mother : Ok, darling .lets go to Kabayan Restaurant Waiter : What do you want to order ?

Andika : I want rice and and baked fish and soup Waiter : What do you want to drink ?

Andika : I want orange juice Waiter : What do you want to order, madam ? : .here are your lunch, madam !

Mother : Rice, baked fish and soup, please ! Waiter

Mother : Thank you ! 1. Where are Andika and his mother have lunch ? .. a. in Padang restaurant b. in the cafe c. In Kabayan restaurant d. in the KFC restaurant

2. What did Andika and his mother order to . a. baked fish, and soup b. rice and fried chicken c. rice and baked chicken d. rice and soup

3. Who is serve their lunch in the text above ? a. Andika b. Mother 4. Who are they in the text above ? a. Mother, Andika, and cashier b. Andika and his mother c. Mother and waiter d. Mother, Andika, and waiter c. Waiter d. Cashier

5. What is the drink that was Andika want ? . a. coffe b. clear water 6. c. orange juice d. strawberry juice We can find these are in the . a. restaurant b. hospital 7. ..on this way ! a. dont park here b. dont turn left c. dont turn right d. dont straight a head c. post office d. cinema


What is the part of tree on this picture ? . a. trunk b. leaf c.branch d. root

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9. Zahra : do you live echa ? Echa : I live at Jalan Sudirman nomor 99. a. When 10. b. Where c. Who d. What Diana is wearing .when she goes to school a. T-shirt b. skirt c. Shirt d. Trousers

Text for number 11 14 Mount Tangkuban Perahu is one of tourism object in West Java. It situated at Lembang. It is at northen part of Bandung. A lot of people from various part of world come to see it, because it has a history, it is a Sangkuriang legend. To arrive at mount Tangkuban Perahu, we have to drive up along the road of hilly area, we can see a wide tea plantation. At the top, we can see beautiful scenery, and we can see the hills with its green slopes. It has three craters which continuously produced smoke. There are bungalows, and tourism object can be found easily there. Such as Ciater hot water and Maribaya water fall. 11. What is the suitable of the text above ? a. Ciater hot spring b. Legend of Sangkuriang 12. Mount Tangkuban Perahu is situated at . a. Bandung b. Lembang c. Subang d. Yogyakarta 13. In the Tangkuban Perahu mountain, we can see. a. ciater, hill, top, and valley b. ciater hot spring c. water fall d. Flower garden c. Maribaya water fall d. Tangkuban Perahu

14. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu is history of .... a. Lutung Kasarung b. Sangkuriang 15. 1. Doctor and nurses working here 2. There are mortuary, emergency room, an ambulance, and nursing room 3.An ambulance used to bring sick people to the hospital 4. This is a hospital Arrange these sentences correctly .. a. 4, 1, 2, 3 16. b. 1, 2, 3, 4 c. 2, 4, 3, 1 d. 4, 2, 3, 1 My nephew likes playing in the play ground a. swing b. slide c. jig saw d. kite c. Bawang Putih d. Kancil

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17. We are studying about gymnastic, swimming, and running in the subject a. region b. sport c. Indonesian language d. moral

18. Randi wanto to move the table. The table is too heavy for him. He asks Yuki to help him. What should Randi said to Yuki ? a. would you take the table, please b. would you clean the table, please 19. My father puts his wallet .the table a. beside b. under c. at d. on 20. ..confrence attending in Bandung at 1995 a. Linggarjati b. Asia Afrika c. Meja Bundar d. Colombo c. would you move the table, please d. would you clean the class, please

21. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow is .... a. Monday 22. b. Tuesday c. Thursday d. Friday There are some on the table a. books b. magazines c. newspaper d. pamphlet

23. Andri is the student of elementary school. What are the colours of his uniform ? a. white and blue b. white and grey 24. I usually have .in the morning. a. lunch b. breakfast c. dinner d. drink 25. The sun sets in the . a. north b. east c. west d. south c. white and black d. white and red

26. Jhon : Hi, my name is Jhon, and what is your name ? Ahm : My name is Ahmed Jhon : How do you do ? Ahm : .. a. How do you do b. How are you c. Glad to meet you d. nice to meet you 27. The headmasters room is .guest room and staff room. a. in front of 28. b. behind What time is it ? a. twelve minutes to eight b. twnty minutes to nine c. a quarter to eight d. twenty five to nine c. between d. beside


What is it ? . a. it is a hen b. it is a cock c. it is a duck d. it it a goose

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30 Dita wears .on her head. a. shirt b. shoes c. a hat d. a trouser


We use .to knocking nails into wood a. rake b. chopper c. hammer d. hacksaw

32. A : Where do you come from ? B : I .from Subang a. come b. came c. comes d. coming 33. My father is .the office a. in b. on c. at d. to 34. Susan and my father are brother and sister. Susan is my . a. sister 35. b. aunt I bite with my . a. lips b. mouth c. teeth d. tongue c. cousin d. niece


My friend likes .. a. grapes b. mango c. papaya d. banana

37. X : May I borrow your book, please ? Y : of course, here you are ! X : I will back it to you tomorrow, thank you ! Y : .. a. you are welcome b. see you later Q : .. a. yes, of course b. yes, thank you c. you are welcome d. yes, I am c. thanks d. of course

38. P : Would you open the window, please ?

39. We need .to protect us from rain and sunlight a. wall b. floor c. roof d. stairs 40. Three times four equals . a. fifteen b. fourteen c. thirteen d. twelve

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