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Association of Business Executives

International Diploma in Business Management Level IV Day Programme at B&B University College Ltd
Information Brochure
Why an ABE Diploma?
More affordabletuition fee includes exam fees and cost of books and uniform International recognition and marketability Accredited locally and internationally Can be completed in shorter time (within 10 months) Accepted for university entry and provides exemptions from courses at over 60 universities worldwide Flexibleyou choose how many courses you want to do and when you do them

February 1 2013

This brochure provides an overview of the Association of Business Executives (ABE) International Diploma in Business Management Level IV Daytime Programme at B&B University College Ltd (B&B; Based in England, the ABE ( is an International Examining Body that has been providing business management qualifications for over 40 years. Their
range includes the Diploma in Business Management Level IV programme, which is a post-CXC qualification that is at the same level as the CAPE or A Levels. The ABE is ac-

credited by the Office of Qualifications (OFQUAL), the national regulators of exams and qualifications in UK. B&B is a UCJ-registered and ABE-accredited teaching centre providing tuition support for the ABE Diploma.

ABE Diploma at B&B Accepted for Entry to UWI!

The University of the West Indies has decided that persons who complete the ABE Level IV Diploma at B&B qualify for entry to their management degree.
This means that students who complete the ABE course at B&B can qualify for entry into UWI within one year after leaving 5th Form.

This decision complements earlier ones to grant entry to UWI for holders of Diploma Level V and the accreditation by the UCJ of Diploma V

Association of Business Executives International Diploma in Business Management Level IV Day Programme at B&B University College Ltd

About B&B University College

B&B is registered as an approved tertiary education provider by The University Council of Jamaica, and is a member of The Joint Committee for Tertiary Education. B&B has been evaluated and met the standards of several institutions, including:
The University of the The Association of Busi-

ness Executives
Heriot-Watt University The Society for Human

Located near New Kingston in the heart of Jamaicas commercial centre, B&B University College is a private, tertiary-level institution offering a range of training courses and seminars in management disciplines.

Resources Management Programmes mainly take the form of review sessions preparing candidates for qualifications offered by other institutions.

West Indies;

About the ABE Level IV Diploma in Business Management

The ABE Level IV Diplo(Sep-May) On complema in Business Managetion, persons qualify to ment is a post-CXC quali- enter universities worldfication in business that is wide, including UWI, set at the same standUTech and the Heriotard as the CAPE or A Watt University degree Level exams. Students programme at B&B. must have three CXC subAfter leaving high-school jects to enter this propersons may move directgramme. It comprises ly into the ABE Diploma four courses and Diploma Streams and Subsidiary Subjects lasts for 9 months
e covers th Level IV erial as the t same ma aths and M CXC . The syllabus be h is l g n E an then classes c refresher a used as persons who y b e s r eir cou re-sit th t want o et a higher g CXCs to rade. g
MIS Stream Introduction to Management Info System Business Mngmnt Stream Introduction to Accounting

Level IV, then on to a UWI, HWU or UTech degree. This means that the time-span to get a degree may be as little as four years for persons with 3 CXCs. This compares to the traditional route in Jamaica of CXC to CAPE to UTech/UWI, which can take up 6 years to complete a degree
Fin Mangmnt Stream Accounting for Financial Managers

Introduction to Quantitative Methods

Introduction to Quantitative Methods

Introduction to Quantitative Methods

Introduction to Business Communication

Introduction to Business Communication

Introduction to Business Communication

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Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business

ABE Level V Diploma Programme Accredited by UCJ!

The ABE Level V Diplomas in Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management have received accreditation from the University Council of Jamaica. This means that holders of the ABE Diploma Level V receive exemptions from selected degree courses at over 60 universities worldwide, including the HeriotWatt University Management Degree Programme available at B&B. Level V graduates will be exempted from five of the twelve modules in the HWU degree, meaning that they can complete the HWU BA in as little as four years after leaving 5th Form.

February 1 2013

Why Choose the ABE Diploma Programme?

ABE programmes have many advantages. Here are some of the key ones: University progression in less time The ABE Level IV is a shorter route to an internationally recognised degree. It can be started with just three CXC subjects and can be completed within 9 months, and qualifies you for entry into the UWI, UTech and HWU degree programmes. This then means that you will save in time and money in your quest to start a degree programme. These features means that the ABE is one of the quickest routes to that needed degree... Affordability The ABE programme costs up to 30% less than comparable courses. With the ABE Fast-Track arrangement, persons no longer have to wait between 4-7 years and spend up to $1.1m after completing their CXCs to get an accredited degree... Global recognition and worldwide accreditation ABE qualifications are recognised by colleges, universities, employers and ministries around the world. The recognition by the official regulatory body in the UK (Office of Qualifications Ofqual) means that the ABE qualifications have global mobility and are transferable worldwide, which is more than can be said about some comparable courses. Currently, the ABE has over 50,000 students studying at centres in more than 80 countries around the world. As such, you may go to Trinidad, Hong Kong, Malaysia or Singapore and your qualification is instantly recognisable... Value-for-money You get two for the price of one with the ABE . Level IV covers the same material as the CXC Maths and English syllabus, and can then be used as a refresher course by persons who want to resit CXCs for a higher grade...

B&B has devel op a series of free ed Profession Grooming se al m which you can inars while doing th take e programme. ABE These will teach you office-behavior key professional p and re tation skills to senyou get ready help for th work-world. e

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About HWU and the HWU Degree Options

programme in Scotland. Its quality standards are inspected periodically by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (, the national body charged with regulating the academic standards and quality of higher education in the UK . In its latest review, HWU passed all tests and received the highest rating from the QAA. such as B&B. HWU Degree Options Available at B&B B&B offers several HWU degree options such as the BA in Management & Psychology; Travel & Tourism; Accounting; Business & Finance. Each degree option comprises twelve modules in three stages. Each module lasts for five months and starts in July or January each year. ABE Diploma Level IV holders qualify to enter into Stage I of the HWU programme and would take three years to complete the degree.

February 1 2013

Heriot-Watt University ( is the eighth oldest higher education institution in the UK, with its origin dating back to 1821. HWU is recognized internationally for the quality of its programmes. It is ranked in the top 10% of universities in the world, which makes it the highest ranked university operating in Jamaica. It has achieved numerous marks of distinction including #1 psychology programme in the UK, #1 in the UK for student experience, #1 construction programme in Scotland and #3 business management

HWU has around 7,000 oncampus students in Scotland and approximately 10,000 students from 150 countries world-wide are currently studying internationally at approved tuition centres

ABE Level VI Granted Exemptions in UWI and HWU Degree Options

The quality of the ABE programmes was recently reaffirmed by the decision of the UWI to grant exemption from the first year of their management studies degree to persons who possess Level VI of the ABE. The ABE Diploma Level VI has also been granted exemptions from HWU. Holders of the Diploma VI may enter directly into Stage III (the final year) of the Heriot-Watt degree programmes at B&B. These university progression agreements join a line of similar articulation approvals that the ABE has received from over 60 universities in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Asia and Europe.

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Student Support: Course Materials

Specially designed interactive and text based course materials have been developed. The textbook course materials provide information on:
Expected learning out-

February 1 2013

Subjects to be studied;

Self-test questions, prac-

tice and tutorial questions with solutions.

The course texts contain all of the required content together with selfassessment exercises. The course texts have been designed to provide a progressive learning experience through sequential modules which build upon the information and knowledge learnt in previous modules of the course. The materials assume a zero-base knowledge of the subject.

There is no formal requirement for additional reading; however, some of the courses do contain a reading list, which may be useful to students wishing to deepen their understanding of the subject. The course texts form the core resource for students and the teaching programme should be built around the course content as provided in the texts.

Student Support: Guided Tuition

Classroom tuition is also available through B&B, an approved Accredited College of ABE. Whilst students on the ABE programme are registered members of the ABE, they are also registered with an ALP which provides local context and tutorial support. These academic centres and their tutors are approved by ABE to provide tuition in the various qualifications.

Student Support: ABE Website and Member Benefits

Students have access to the ABE website providing online learning resources developed by ABE. These include past examination papers and solutions, exam tips, student guides, discussion forums, interactive questions and email exchanges. Students will also obtain:

A free quarterly enewsletter containing business related articles, updates, news and the opportunity to feedback to ABE A free quarterly copy of Student Focus maga-

complementary copy of Business Executive magazine Soft copies of the reading material The ability to network with each other online at the official ABE facebook

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As at February 1 2013, there are two cost options for the ABE Diploma Level IV Option 1: All-inclusive pay once fee of $25,000.00 per term for two years (3 terms in a year). Persons choosing this option would complete the programme in two years. Please note that the fee for the second year is not guaranteed and may be increased at the end of the first year. Option II: All-inclusive pay once fee of $50,000.00 per term for one year (3 terms p/year). Persons choosing this option would complete the programme in one year. The fee to B&B is payable in three equal instalments that are due at the start of each term, the terms being SepDec; Jan-Mar; & April-Jun. Fees are subject to change and covers:
All ABE registration, Attendance at tuition clas-

February 1 2013
ses and class material
Course material, access to

the ABE website and other student services provided by B&B/ABE

Cost of three B&B shirts

membership and examination fees

Students will be charged a penalty fee of 5% per month for late payments and will not be entered as examination candidates if they fail to pay the required fees by the stipulated deadlines.

Comparison of ABE Diploma with Alternatives such as CAPE, ASc Degree

Factor Cost ABE Level IV at B&B Pay-once all-inclusive fee covers tuition; books; web access; exams; B&B shirts Job internship programme; Professional Grooming seminars included in course; 10 months to qualify for entry into a university programme 3 CXCs Benchmarked against UK and international standards International accreditation; Diploma V accredited by UCJ; Recognised worldwide Comparable Courses Pay extra for books, uniform, class material, exams, auxiliaries No self-development or career assistance programmes Two years to qualify for entry to UWI 5 CXC including Maths and English Quality debatable as benchmark standards not readily known No international accreditation and limited global recognition What this means to you Save up to 30% on cost to qualify for university after high school Be more ready for work and perform better on the job Get your degree in a shorter space of time Easier to start ABE Level IV programme Know more relevant concepts and be more valuable to employers Easier to get a job or start university overseas

Added benefits Time to complete Entry requirement Depth of material Marketability

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ABE International Diploma Daytime Programme Registration Form

Full Name: Address : Telephone #: Email: Name of Parent: Contact # for Parent
15 Carlton Crescent Kingston 10 920-5198 . 929-7662

Diploma Option: How did you hear about this course

Conditions of Enrolment The offering of courses will require B&B to enter into commitments for future expenses for the period of the programme aimed at satisfying possible student needs. Registration for such courses followed by attendance at or participation in classes will therefore be taken as an implicit agreement of the student to remain in the programme for the duration of the period so as to enable the Institute to meet these commitments entered into on their behalf, and will be interpreted as the provision of an instruction to the Institution to establish these commitments. Cancellation of Courses The withdrawal of the student from the programme will jeopardize the ability of the Institution to meet these commitments, and in so doing negatively affect its relationship with other students. As such, withdrawal will only be allowed upon the provision to the Programme Coordinator of a satisfactory explanation of the reason for withdrawal, and the acceptance of such. Verifiable cases of financial difficulty, family/personal problems, health issues, work-related difficulties, and poor academic performance will be accepted as valid reasons for withdrawal. Other cases will be subject to deliberation before acceptance. Once the withdrawal is accepted, the withdrawal procedure will then follow the established guidelines of the Awarding Body offering the qualification (if applicable). The student will have the right to present his/her case to the Awarding Body for a binding determination to be made in the event that B&B refuses to accept the reasons for withdrawal. Students are hereby advised that their registration for courses and the subsequent attendance at or participation in classes will give B&B Institute the right to have recourse by any means necessary for expenses suffered, up to the amount of the commitment that was made based on the understanding that they would remain in the course. This right may be waived based on the joint agreement of the Programme Coordinator and Executive Director/Principal of B&B. The right will also be waived if withdrawal is made before tuition begins. Refunds Students who withdraw from a programme before instruction begins will be refunded the full amount of all sums paid to the Institution, with the exception of the applicable registration fee. Refunds for students who withdraw from a programme of study after instruction begins and up to one month after the start of the programme are subject to the joint agreement of the Programme Coordinator and the Executive Director/Principal of B&B Institute. If the refund is granted, a portion of fees paid will be withheld to cover expenses suffered up to the date of withdrawal. The same policy of partial refund upon joint agreement of the validity of the same and acceptance of such will be applicable to students who register for a course but do not attend/participate in classes. Refunds will not be given for requests for withdrawals made more than one month after tuition has begun. Availability of Courses The Institute reserves the right to postpone or cancel any of its advertised courses for reasons such as the unavailability of a lecturer/tutor or a lack of sufficient student numbers. In this event, B&B Institute of Business will refund all fees already paid towards the withdrawn course.

BA Management and Psychology BA Business and Finance BA Accounting and Finance BSc Construction Project Management BA Travel and Tourism MBA (General) MBA Strategic Planning MBA Finance MSc Construction Project Management MSc Business Psychology SPHR Exam Review CISA Exam Review


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