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New Titles from Legal Fictions

Duke University Press Constituting race,

Composing Literature
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168 pages, 6 illustrations, paper, $21.95
Lauren BerLant & Lee edeLman
168 pages, 6 illustrations, paper, $21.95
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128 pages, paper, $21.95
Equaliberty Janet roitman
176 pages, paper, $21.95
Political essays
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At the Edge of Sight
A John Hope Franklin Center Book
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Photography and the unseen
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Hold It Against Me
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The Day of Shelly’s Death JenniFer doyLe
232 pages, 45 illustrations, (including 17 in color),
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renato rosaLdo
With a Foreword by Jean Franco
The Children of 1965
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as an asian american
Imperial Debris
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New Queer Cinema D-Passage
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352 pages, 23 illustrations, paper, $25.95 224 pages, 50 illustrations, paper, $24.95

Alternative Medicine The Battle of the Sexes

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Celibacies 384 pages, 43 illustrations, paper, $28.95
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BenJamin KaHan Mad Men, Mad World
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Lauren m. e. GoodLad, LiLya KaGanoVsKy
Ethereal Queer & roBert a. rusHinG, editors
television, Historicity, desire 432 pages, 97 illustrations, paper, $27.95
amy ViLLareJo
208 pages, 15 illustrations, paper, $23.95 Listening in Detail
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ViCtoria HesFord Refiguring American Music
Next Wave: New Directions in Women’s Studies 352 pages, 23 illustrations, paper, $24.95
352 pages, 4 illustrations, paper, $26.95
The Fierce Urgency of Now
Safe Space improvisation, rights,
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CHristina B. HanHardt & GeorGe LiPsitz
Perverse Modernities Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice
344 pages, 35 illustrations, $25.95 328 pages, paper, $23.95

People Get Ready

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Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice
328 pages, 16 photographs, paper, $25.95

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Cruel Modernity The Fragility of Things
Jean FranCo self-organizing Processes, neoliberal
366 pages, 6 photographs, paper, $24.95 Fantasies, and democratic activism
WiLLiam e. ConnoLLy
Embers of the Past 240 pages, paper, $22.95
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JaVier sanJinÉs C. Ernst Bloch and the
With a Forward by Walter d. mignolo Future of Utopia, SIC 8
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Latin America Otherwise
sLaVoJ z̆iz̆eK, editors
240 pages, paper, $22.95
[SIC] Series
328 pages, paper, $25.95
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With a Foreword by Jean Franco 256 pages, paper, $23.95
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and text in Contemporary Practice Social Text Books
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Cosmopolitan urbanism
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