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Course Title: Honors Pre-Calculus Duration: year long Prerequisites: Successful completion (B or higher) of Honors Algebra 2 or teacher recommendation. Course Description: Pre-Calculus is designed for students who want to be better prepared to take Advanced Placement math courses while still in high school, specifically AP Calculus. We will be striving to deepen your understanding of the underlying concepts and topics of various algebra and geometry skills. Instructor name: Mr. Jeremy Haselhorst Room location: A08 School telephone number: (402) 829-4600 Telephone availability: 7:30 am 8:00 am; 2:30 pm 3:15 pm E-mail address: Answering policy for email: Responses will always be timely and e-mail is the best contact method. Inquiry answers may take up to 1 school day depending on school activities. Class website: (Class assignments & notes can be accessed here.) A little about me as a teacher: I am entering my 14th year of teaching and have been at PLSHS since it opened. I graduated from Wayne State College with a math education degree and earned a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction through Peru State College. I serve as the Mathematics Department Leader and also coach cross country and track & field here at PLSHS. Daily required materials: Pen/Pencil Notebookyou need a notebook specific to this class to help you stay organized Textbook TI-83+ or TI-84+ Graphing Calculator (not required, but strongly recommended) Teacher Schedule: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2013-2014 Department Head Duty (may be available for help, arrange ahead of time) AP Statistics Honors Pre-Calculus AP Statistics Honors Pre-Calculus AP Statistics Plan Period (may be available for help, arrange ahead of time)

Expectations about class participation: Be responsible for your own learning. You are a Honors student and will be treated as such. Know that I am here to help you be as successful as you want to be in this class. I will do my job to the best of my ability and expect you to do the same. Be responsible enough to communicate with me if there is something that you do not understand (BEFORE THE DAY OF THE TEST) or ways that I can better help prepare you for success in this class. Specific classroom rules and policies: BehaviorRespect everyone and everything in the classroom. Unacceptable behavior is any action that disturbs the educational environment or rights of others and will not be tolerated. Our school has a Responsible and Acceptable Usage Policy for Cell Phones and Electronic Devices. Students are expected to adhere to the policy. Failure to comply will result in a discipline referral without warning. Please utilize your time in passing periods and lunch to take care of these items. In this classroom, silence of these items is expected. When time is given to work, you may listen to music, however you must be focused on completing any assigned work. Attendance & TardiesAttendance is critical for success in this class. The school policy on attendance & tardies will be followed. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to check the class calendar through the class website. Any assessments (test, quizzes, etc.) must be made up within one week or the teacher may refer the student to an administrator.

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CheatingWill not be tolerated under any circumstance. Anyone involved will receive a 0% for that test, quiz, or assignment. Cell phones/iPods may not be used as a calculator during tests or quizzes. If it is out, I will assume you are cheating.

Elements of the course grade and their weights: Semester grades will be determined based on a weighted average using the following categories & weights: Tests/Midterm: 60% Quizzes & Projects: 25% Final: 10% Homework: 5% NOTE: Extra Credit will not be given, so dont ask for any. I do not give grades, you earn them! Tests: Tests will generally take place at the end of each chapter. Tests will be announced well in advance, you will be expected to take the test whether you were in class the day before or not. You will be allowed to retake one test & one quiz per semester. Whether or not you us this opportunity is up to you. All retakes must be completed within 2 weeks of when the test/quiz was returned and must be made up outside of class time. If you retake a test/quiz the better of the two grades will be usedbut dont waste the opportunity! Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. A majority of assignments will be comprised of odd problems, whose answers can be found in the back of your textbook. Students are expected to check their own assignment. Answers to even problems will be posted on the Smartboard. Homework from members of the Homework Club (required for any student below 85%) will be collected at the end of the chapter and graded based on completion. PLSHS Grading Scale: A+ 97 100 B+ A 93 96 B A90 92 B87 89 83 86 80 82 C+ C C77 79 73 76 70 72 D+ D D67 69 63 66 60 62 F 0 59

Grades are updated online at least once per week and can be accessed on the Parent Web (see parent link at If you do not have your password, you may click on the forgot password link.

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