Section A: HKCEE Paper I Running Answer Text 2002 Chemistry

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HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry

Section A 1. (a) Nitrogen is essential for plant growth because nitrogen is required for the formation of amino acids.


The elements in ammonium dihydrogenphosphate are nitrogen , hydrogen, phosphorus and oxygen.



Formula mass of (NH4)2SO4 = (14+4)2+32+164=132 % by mass of nitrogen =

14 2 = 21.2% 132


Calcium hydroxide is commonly used to reduce soil acidity because calcium hydroxide neutralizes acid in soil.

2. (a)

Magnesium burns with a brilliant flame. 2Mg + O2



The colour of the potassium permanganate solution changes from purple to yellow. 5Fe2+ + MnO4 + 8 H+ 5 Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O


The solution changes from colourless to orange. Cl2 + 2Br 2 Cl + Br2

3. (a)

Sodium nitrite is used to preserve bacon because it is toxic to bacteria.

2002-CE-CHEM I-1

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry


Manganese(IV) oxide is used in zinc-carbon cells because it acts as an oxidizing agent.


Sodium dichromate is used in breath analyzers. If a positive result is obtained, it changes from orange to green.


There are three factors that may affect the discharge of ion in electrolysis.

The first one is the position of the ion in the electrochemical series. If carbon/platinum/copper is used as the cathode, Cu2+ ions (instead of H+ ions) will be discharged because Cu2+ occupies a lower position in the electrochemical series.










carbon/platinum/copper as the cathode, OH- ion (instead of Cl-) will be discharged because OH- occupies a higher position in the electrochemical series.

The second one is the concentration of the ion. In the electrolysis of dilute copper (II) chloride using carbon/platinum/copper as the anode, OH- ions (instead of Cl- ions) will be discharged. But if concentrated copper (II) chloride is used, Cl- ions will be discharged.

The last one is the nature of the electrode. If carbon/platinum is used as the anode, Cl-/OH- ions will be discharged. However, if copper is used, no ions will be discharged but the anode will dissolve.
2002-CE-CHEM I-2

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry

For organic compounds of same homologous series, they have similarities in structure, physical and chemical properties. Members of a homologous series can be represented by the same general formulae. For example, the general formula of alkenes is CnH2n. (or successive members differ in their structure by one CH2 unit ; or alkenes possess the C=C functionality).

Moreover, in the same homologous series their physical properties change gradually from one member to the next. For example, the melting point/ boiling point of alkenes increase with increase in relative molecular mass.

Also, members of a homologous series have similar chemical properties. For example, alkenes can undergo addition reaction. When chlorine reacts with alkene, dichloroalkane is formed. (Chemical equation: CH2=CH2 + Cl2 reactions).

CH2Cl-CH2Cl, accept other

Section B

6. (a)


Calcium hydroxide is mainly present in slaked lime.


Mg(OH)2 (s) + 2 HCl(g) MgCl2(s) + 2 H2O(l)


Molten magnesium chloride contains mobile ions so it can conduct electricity.

2002-CE-CHEM I-3

Duralumin is used to make aircraft.

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry



Isotopes of an element are atoms with the same atomic number but different mass number.


Relative atomic mass = 240.786 + 250.101 + 260.113 =24.3


No, because isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties.



The catalyst is concentrated sulphuric acid.


Water Out

Water In

Mixture of ethanol, ethanoic acid and conc. H2SO4



Attraction between iodine molecules is weak van der Waals forces. Attraction between sodium ions and iodide ions is strong ionic bonds. Strength of inter-particle attraction in ethyl ethanoate is comparable to that in iodine. Therefore, ethyl ethanoate can dissolve iodine but cannot dissolve sodium iodide.

2002-CE-CHEM I-4

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry


The label is C (flammable).


O OCH2CH2CH3 propyl methanoate

7. (a)


CaCO3 +

2 HNO3


H2O + CO2

Stopping evolution of carbon dioxide gas means excess acid has been added.

(ii) Filter funnel Filter paper


Ca2+ +

SO42 CaSO4


The reason of washing the precipitate with distilled water is to remove any soluble impurities.



No. of moles of calcium sulphate =

10.52 = 0.0774 (40 + 32 + 16 4)

Mass of calcium carbonate in the sample of calcite = 0.0774 (40+12+48)=7.74g

2002-CE-CHEM I-5

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry

% by mass of calcium carbonate =

7.74 100% = 97% 7.98


The assumption is that the sample does not contain ions which form insoluble sulphate, e.g.Ba2+.




2NaOH NaCl




Chlorine acts as both oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

The oxidation number of chlorine decreasing from 0 to 1 means chlorine acting as an oxidizing agent. The oxidation number of chlorine increasing from 0 to +1 means chlorine acting as a reducing agent.


Chlorine can be used as sterilizing agent.




8 NH3

6 NH4Cl



The white fumes might have been ammonium chloride.

8. (a)


No. of moles of sulphur dioxde released =

1000 0.015 = 0.469mol 32

Volume of sulphur dioxide released = 240.469=11.3dm3


Sulphur dioxide forms acid rain.


The emission of sulphur dioxide can be reduced by installation of

2002-CE-CHEM I-6

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry




Particulates causes high incidence of respiratory illnesses.


Particulates can be removed by installation of electrostatic precipitator.




Carbon dioxide is denser than air and can exclude air from the fuel/can blanket the fire from the air so it can be used in fire fighting.


Silicon dioxide has a covalent network structure. Attraction between carbon dioxide molecules is van der Waals forces. The attraction between carbon dioxide molecules is weak while the attraction between atoms in silicon dioxide is strong covalent bond.







Silicon can be used in making semi-conductors.



Condensation polymerization is a reaction in which monomer molecules join together to form polymer molecules, with the elimination of small molecules.

2002-CE-CHEM I-7

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry



9. (a)


(1) (2)


H2O NH4+


An alkaline solution can help remove oily dirt on glass because oils react with alkalis to give soaps


The glass cleaners should be used in a well-ventilated environment because ammonia has a pungent smell.




Distilled water should be used to rinse volumetric flask.



Distilled water should be used to rinse conical flask.





No. of moles of HCl used =0.2328.7103=6.60103 Concentration of ammonia in glass cleaner 6.60 10 3 250 = =2.64M 25 25 10 3




The colour changed from green to violet. H+ is discharged at carbon rod A: 2H+ + 2e H2

2002-CE-CHEM I-8

HKCEE Paper I running answer text 2002 Chemistry

Hence, concentration of hydroxide ions increases around carbon rod A.


The gas is oxygen. OH is discharged at carbon rod B. 4 OH 2 H2O + O2 + 4e


Pencils can be used.


Carrying out experiments in microscale can reduce chance of chemical hazards and reduce chemical wastes produced.

2002-CE-CHEM I-9

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