Mathematics Paper 1: Question-Answer Book

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- P.

1 -
Half-Yearly Examination, 2011 2012

Question-Answer Book

Secondary 3 Date: 12 01 2012
Time: 8:30 am 10:00 am

1. Write your class, class number in the spaces
provided on this cover.

2. This paper consists of TWO sections, A and B.
Section A and Section B carry 80 marks and 40
marks respectively.

3. Attempt ALL questions in this paper. Write your
answer in the spaces provided in this
Question-Answer Book.

4. Unless otherwise specified, all working must be
clearly shown.

5. Unless otherwise specified, numerical answers
should either be exact or correct to 3 significant

6. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily
drawn to scale.

Teachers Use Only
Question No. Max. Marks Marks
Section A
1 12
2 6
3 6
4 6
5 8
6 9
7 8
8 13
9 6
10 6
Section B
11 20
12 20
Total 120
Class Number
- P.2 -
SECTION A Short questions. (80 marks)

1 (a) Factorize
2 2
9y x
( 2 marks)

(b) Using the results in (a), factorize 729
(4 marks)

(c) Using the results in (b), factorize ( ) ( )
6 6
b a b a + (6 marks)

Page total
- P.3 -


Factorize ) 18 5 ( 2 ) 5 2 )( 1 4 ( ) 3 2 (
2 2
+ + + x x x x

(6 marks)

3 Evaluate
6 000 0.000
400 12 0000000000 . 0

without using calculator and express the
answer in scientific notation.

(6 marks)

Page total
- P.4 -

4 Convert the following numbers to binary numbers.
(a) 179

(2 marks)

(b) ABC
(4 marks)




b a
(8 marks)

Page total
- P.5 -

6 Joseph was an antique shop manager. He sold a Tong Dynasty painting for 36 million Hong
Kong dollars five years ago. He got 5 % commission on the sale. He invested all his
commission into the stock market and earned 8% per year for the first four years. Last year,
he got a loss of 10% in the stock market. (Give your answers in scientific notation)
(a) How much commission did he get in the sale? (3 marks)

(b) How much interest did he get after 5 years? (6 marks)


(a) Solve 2
3 4
4 3
< +
and represent the solutions of the
inequality graphically.

(6 marks)

(b) Find all positive integers satisfying the inequality. (2 marks)

Page total
- P.6 -

8. Mr. and Mrs. Pang go to a sushi shop. They have taken 12 dishes altogether. 50 dishes of sushi
are placed on a conveyor belt of sushi bar. Whenever a dish is taken by a customer from the
conveyor belt, a dish of the same type will be refilled by the chef. The price and quantity supplied
for each type of sushi are listed below:
Type of sushi Egg Salmon Tuna Eel Sea Urchin
No. of dishes 4 16 16 8 6
Price (HK$) 8 10 14 18 22
(a) How much would they pay for the bill at the lowest price? (2 marks)

(b) How much would they pay for the bill at the highest price? (2 marks)

(c) If a dish of sushi is taken randomly from the conveyor belt, what is the
probability of picking up each type of sushi?
(5 marks)

(d) What is the expected value of their bill amount if they choose the sushi
(4 marks)

Page total
- P.7 -

9 Construct the inscribed circle of AABC by using compass and label the in-centre
of AABC.
( 6 marks)

10 Evaluate the followings without using calculator.
( ) ( ) | |
1 100
100 1

( 3 marks)

( ) | |
3 3
2 2 +
( 3 marks)


Page total
- P.8 -
SECTION B Long questions (40 marks)
11. The following stem-and-leaf diagram shows the age distribution of 50 drivers when they
obtained driving licenses of private car at 2009.
Ages of 50 drivers obtaining driving licenses of private car
Stem(10) Leaf (1)
1 8899
2 0012222223333344455666777889
3 000112334568
4 002357
(a) Complete the following frequency distribution table (4 marks)
Age Class Mark Frequency
18 22
23 27
28 32
33 37
38 42
43 - 47
(b) Complete the following cumulative frequency table (2 marks)
Age less than Cumulative frequency
(c) Draw the cumulative frequency polygon. (4 marks)

Page total
- P.9 -
(d) Find the mode of their ages. (1 mark)

(e) Find the modal class of their ages. (1 mark)

(f) Find the mean age of the drivers.
(2 marks)

(g) Find the median age of the drivers. (2 marks)

(h) (i) What would be the mean age of these 50 drivers at 2012?
(1 mark)

(ii) If one of the 21 years old driver died in a traffic accident and two 50
years old drivers were added to the group what would be the new mean
age of these driver?

(3 marks)

Page total
- P.10 -

Mr. Chan loaned HK$200,000 from a finance institution to buy a diamond ring which costs
HK$200,000 for his wife. The institution offered an interest of 12% per annum to Mr. Chan
and compounded monthly. Mr. Chan needed not pay monthly installments and repay all the
money at the end of the 4th month.
Mr. Yang used his credit card to buy the same diamond ring which costs HK$200,000 for his
wife. The bank would offer zero interest period until the end of the month. If Mr. Yang did
not pay back all the money, the bank would impose an interest of 2% per month on the
remaining amount and compounded monthly. Mr. Yang returned HK$40000 at the end of
the first month and HK$20000 at the end of the following 2 months. At the end of the 4

month, Mr. Yang returned the remaining amount to the bank.
(Mr. Chan and Mr. Yang bought the rings at the first day of the month)
(Give the answer correct to the nearest $100.)
(a) How much did Mr. Chan pay the institution at the end of the 4
month? (5 marks)

(b) How much interest did he pay to the institution? (2 marks)

Page total
- P.11 -


How much did Mr. Yang owe the bank at the end of the first month? (2 marks)

How much did Mr. Yang pay the bank at the end of the 4
month? (9 marks)

(e) Who would pay less interest? (2 marks)


Page total

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