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Helping you make better decisions


Helping you make better decisions

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to establish ourselves as an external guide which provides specialized information and know-how to executives who aspire to lead their organizations to be competitive in the global market. Our objective is to help our clients make the decisions which will improve their competitiveness and therefore generate wealth and social welfare. Our mission is to clarify our clients operational and strategic decision making process through accurate, objective and relevant information, from updated know-how and time-tested knowledge of the different sectors in which we operate.


About us
Founded by Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos in 1977, APOYO consists of a cluster of professional services firms that foster a common culture of excellence. Over its three decades of existence, APOYO has maintained a position of leadership and recognition in each of its areas of operation.

Ethical Code
In places and times like the present, in which we live with constant environmental changes, financial indicators by themselves are insufficient to measure a companys success adequately. Since its foundation, APOYO has adopted an ethical code, together with policies and management systems which encourage employees not only to pursue their economic and professional interests, but also to undertake civil responsibilities in order to contribute to political and social progress, as well as to a sustainable environment.

Our Lines of Service

Economic Studies Corporate Finance Management Consulting Investment Management Strategic Communication Crisis Prevention and Management Organizational Transformation Innovation Consulting Digital Consulting Public Management


We are the best local contact for global enterprises and the best global contact for local Companies


APOYO is capable of providing its services internationally. It has developed several projects in over twenty countries and in three different continents. It has a permanent presence in the Andean Region and maintains strategic alliances to develop specific services.

Georgia Armenia Azerbaijn Senegal Guinea Bissau

Mxico Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Panam Ecuador Colombia Per Chile

El Caribe Rep. Dominicana

Guyana Surinam Brasil Uruguay Bolivia Paraguay Argentina

Tanzania Zambia Tailandia


APOYOs advisory service is vital to Peruvian companies as it allows them to perceive the economic and political horizon better before they make executive decisions.
Dionisio Romero S. I Former Chairman of the Board I Banco de Crdito BCP

APOYO and its publications are a vital, invaluable source of original economic information and political and cultural commentary with an objective, penetrating view. APOYO is unique; it is peerless in.
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski I Former Partner with The Rohatyn Group

... APOYO is a strategic partner that thoroughly understands its clients needs and does whatever it takes to provide the best service. It has a staff of professionals who offer a high level of commitment. Most important of all, I trust in their work and their results.
Werner Protzel I Former Marketing Manager Transandean Region I Coca-Cola

Our experience with APOYO has been very good. Its team has a high professional level and expert knowledge of the Peruvian market. They have provided us with valuable support as advisors of our institution.
Jim Meek I Former President I Scotiabank Per

The companies that constitute the APOYO Group interact smoothly to provide autonomous and comprehensive services in the context of a common mission and culture.


AC Capitales

Innovacin Organizacional



AC Pblica

Comunicacin Corporativa



Gestin Operativa

AC Capitales


A common business culture for different professional services


Strategic decisions

Who are we?

We are the leading firm in business advisory services in Peru and a recognized strategic partner in decision making processes involving economics, finance, business and public administration. Its subsidiary AC Capitales SAFI is one of the major investment fund managers in the country.

We have more than one hundred professionals who not only are experts, but also, are passionate about their work. Our culture encourages taking advantage of synergies between service areas to benefit its clients. It is common practice at APOYO to use multi-disciplinary teams to handle requests from clients.

Economic Studies / SAE: the Business Advisory Service (SAE) offers the most complete analysis of the Peruvian economy, the business environment and the main opportunities and risks that may arise in the short, medium and long term. Applied Economics: designs and implements solutions for cases that require intensive economic analysis based on a profound knowledge of microeconomic theory and advanced quantitative and qualitative techniques. Corporate Finance: the investment banking services offered are characterized by quality, reliability, capacity of execution, transparency and the knowledge experience that its team provides. Management Consulting: advisors on strategic decision making processes to increase sustainable profitability for clients. Public Management: AC Publica offers specialized advisory services to optimize planning processes, execute, follow up and evaluate public services, programs and projects. Investment Management: AC Capitales SAFI manages investment funds according to its clients needs. It makes mid and long investments in companies and private projects.


I am satisfied to say that I have attended every SAE monthly meeting since they began years back. The information and excellent analysis has been a big help in our planning and decision making process.
Oscar Rivera I President of the Board I MiBanco

The analysis conducted by APOYO to establish whether our imports have seriously damaged the industry was outstanding, professional and very effective. With their help, it was possible to depoliticize the debate and turn it into a technical debate.
Juan Xavier Roca I Director General Manager I Saga Falabella

Due to the professionalism in their work, the quality of its executives and the excellence in their service, APOYO Consultora is our strategic partner in the analysis of decision making.
Rafael Chang I Former Executive Director I TOYOTA DEL PERU

If youre looking for rigorousness and proposals for finding solutions, with APOYO youre on the right path. Their assistance in the implementation of the Mining Contribution demonstrated capacity for designing a complex scheme and supporting its validity with realism and leadership.
Hans A. Flury I Legal Director I Southern Peru Copper Corporation


A member of:

Reliable communication with key audiences

Who are we?
APOYO Comunicacin Corporativa is dedicated to design and implement integral communication strategies for companies and institutions. With this purpose, we familiarize ourselves with the audiences we want to reach, their perceptions, prejudices and information habits. We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals with an integral vision of corporate communication, from the diagnosis and design of a strategy, through its implementation and evaluation.

OUR SERVICES Mapping of Actors, Perceptions and Attitudes

A good diagnosis guarantees an effective strategy. Map of Stakeholders: identification and classification of actors who have an impact on the company. Map of Company Image: analysis of prejudices regarding a company and its competition. Map of Local Impact: the communitys perception of the arrival of a factory or shopping center. Map of Communication Channels: effectiveness of the channel of communication that a company uses.

Advice on Strategic Communication

Only a segmented strategy makes it possible to reach each audience with effective messages through the channels they value most. Advisory service on Stakeholder Relations: strategies that make it possible to reach stakeholders with effective messages through adequate channels. SNAP System for the Network of Actors and Perceptions: on-line management tool that makes it possible to follow up on stakeholder relations. Advisory Service on Community Relations: management of relations between the company and the community in which it operates. Press Office: contact with the media for effective dissemination of messages. Media Training: practice in transmitting messages within the context of an interview with a reporter.

Advice on Crisis Management

Prevention, organization and damage control are the key elements for overcoming the impact that a crisis affecting the reputation of a company can have. Workshop on Risk Identification and Crisis Management: identification of potential crisis situations and development of strategies to face them. Advisory Service in Times of Crisis: design and implementation of ad hoc communication strategies for crisis situations. SMART Strategic Mining Analysis of Risks and Trends: monitoring of political and business occurrences that affect the mining sectors.


It enabled us to decide upon concrete actions in order to improve our relation with the community. We feel that the Stakeholder Analysis MAP surpassed our expectations.
Ral Benavides | Business Development Manager | Compaa de Minas Buenaventura

It is exactly what we have to know in all projects in order to plan our strategy for insertion in the community adequately.
Juan Fernando Correa | General Manager | Hipermercados TOTTUS

it is a strategic partner that has contributed greatly toward building the KIA brand through communication strategies and press management.
Luis Maritegui | General Manager | KIA Import Per


Experiences that transforms and accelerate innovation processes

Who are we?
In APOYO Innovacin Organizacional we design and develop innovation and organizational transformation projects for companies that wish to increase their competitiveness and profitability, helping them to continue growing and to discover new ways and experiences to innovate. Our methodologies and unconventional tools seek to align, strengthen and transform working teams through unique living experiences. Our approach, as our team, is multidisciplinary. We strongly believe that additional value can be accessed by bringing together diverse perspectives into the creative process. By ridding participants of their natural fear of mistakes, the working environment that we design unleashes imaginative, creative and experimental processes that nurture innovative experiences.

OUR SERVICES We inspire you to innovate:

Innovation Radar: diagnostic tool to map and prioritize innovation sources and opportunities, creating multiple ideas and improvement initiatives in order to achieve the set of challenges that your organization may have ahead. FutureNow: a space of simulation of real life experience directed to imagine the future of your business. ConsumerLab: a laboratory to explore consumers insights to design, prototype, incubate and build up ideas. Change Simulator: a space of simulation that allows to foresee and improve the perceptions of the main stakeholders of your company.

We innovate with you:

Innovation Projects: depending the challenge that you have, we accompany you to: design new products and services; discover new markets and potential segments; redesign the consumer experience; and innovate processes and initiatives in your organization.


We potentiate your skills for innovation:

Ideas Generator: a creative space of simulation for the generation and landing of new ideas to be materialized in effective solutions for your organization. Innovation BootCamp (I): a formative experience of accelerated nature, where several techniques and tools are taught and transferred to be applied within the organization. Innovation BootCamp (II): a formative experience that goes further in the detection and the development of abilities and competencies needed to accelerate your own process of innovation.

You have to live the experience to understand how powerful this tool is to align working teams. In Toyota we use the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology in multiple sessions with several stakeholders. The results were extraordinary.
Rafael Chang | Former Executive Director | TOYOTA DEL PERU

It is incredible how through unconventional methods your own consumers can provide you with powerful insights that in other traditional spaces are more difficult to obtain. At the end of the day, they create ideas for you, translating them into prototypes that they really value
Fernando Soriano | Brand Manager | CINE PLANET

The aspect that impacted us the most was how the workers generate thousands of significant ideas of improvement in just a short period of time. Also, how through the different models created we aligned the understanding between workers, bosses and managers.
Ysaac Cruz | Brand Manager | Sociedad Minera El Brocal


Our Corporate Social Responsibility

As part of our social responsibility program, the APOYO Group, through Instituto APOYO, a non-profit organization, has developed different educational and informative programs, seeking alliances with leading companies and other institutions in order to expand their coverage. The educational projects are within the framework of business social responsibility, and the informative programs seek to raise awareness about the challenges that Peru must face to achieve sustainable, competitive development.

MPT TESTIMONIES Matemticas para Todos (MPT)

Since 2003, this program has sought to promote enthusiasm about mathematics and logical reasoning skills among public school students, serving over 950 thousand students with a nationally and internationally validated method. Through, more than 153 thousand students practice mathematics on the Internet. Banco de Crdito (BCP) is the sponsor of the Matemticas para Todos project, which is complemented by the support of over 22 zonal sponsor companies in their respective areas of influence.

Participating in this innovative program that also had such good results was interesting to us we have been accompanying Instituto APOYO in this project for several years now.
Dionisio Romero S. I former Chairman of the Board I Banco de Crdito BCP

I believe that Programs such as Matemticas para Todos are the necessary tool, because often business leaders dont know how to do what we want and how we should do it.
Jos Chlimper I Chairman of the Board I Sociedad Agrcola Drokasa S.A

we believe that a well-educated person will have better options for a superior quality of life.
Armando Cass I General Manager I Asociacin Atocongo - Cementos Lima

The Matemticas para Todos program is very useful in the development of the set of skills proposed for the logical-mathematical area.
Padre Juan Cuquerella I National Director I Fe y Alegra



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