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1. How do the aps move? A. In a electric or pneumatic manner. 2. What do we increase by deploying the aps? A. Camber 3. A slotted ap is to?

A. Energize the airow through the hole. 4. Whats the percentage of the air? A. 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1% Other 5. Does the ratio of air change as we go up in the sky? A. No, its constant 6. What is the atmosphere levels? A. Troposphere followed by stratosphere. 7. Which level is the weather at? A. All the weather is in the troposphere. 8. What is the boundary between troposphere and stratosphere? A. Tropopause boundary. 9. The pressure of the air is A. 14.69 psi/760 mmHg/76 cmHg 10. If an oxygen bottle indicates 20 on the gauge, what is the absolute pressure in the bottle? (reading+14.69psi) A. 34.69 psi 11. Temperature decreases at A. 6 C/ km OR 1.98 C/1000 ft

ISA P= 1.01325 bar (1013.25 mbar)


1.225 kg/m

T= 15C / 288 K

12. Is the take-off run longer or shorter on a rainy day? A. Longer. 13. Lift is a phenomenon based on what force of the air? A. Pressure. 14. Where do we have higher pressure? A. Below the wing. 15. The typical shape of a wing that will enable ight is A. Aerofoil 16. What does Bernoullis Principle state A. Velocity and pressure contrast each other 17. How do we demonstrate Bernoullis Principle? A. Venturi Tube 18. What happens in the Venturi Tube? A. In the centre, the pressure goes down, the velocity goes up. 19. What is said in the Newtons Third Law? A. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 20. The third law of Newton is applied to? A. Lift, thrust. 21. What force is always perpendicular to lift? A. Drag. 22. What is the Coand effect? A. Tendency of a uid jet to be attracted to a nearby surface.

23. What is an aerofoil? A. An aerofoil is any surface, such as a wing or a properllow, which provides aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving stream of air. 24. What is the angle between chord and relative wind? A. Angle of attack. 25. What is a camber? A. 26. What is a chord? A. Straight line between leading edge and trailing edge. 27. What are the leading and trailing edges? A. Leading is the rst part of a wing that meets the airow, trailing being the last part of the wing that meets it. 28. You are ying in straight and level ight, and you want to increase the speed. In order to maintain level ight, A. Raise the nose 29. What is the formula for lift and drag? A. 30. The efciency is 6, and the CL is 3. What is the CD? A. 1/2 31. You are ying at a certain speed, if you double the speed, you get A. 4 times the speed 32. Where are lift and drag placed? A. Centre of pressure 33. What is the centre of pressure? A. The average of every lifting force.

34. Is the CG in front or behind the CP? A. In front. 35. Where are the forces of an aircraft located? A. Thrust from engines, weight from CG, lift and drag from the same point(CP) 36. What changes the weight as we y? A. Fuel. 37. Thrust is aligned with what? A. To the axis of the engine. 38. When we y at steady speed A. Thrust=Drag 39. What is drag? A. The force which opposes the forward motion of an aircraft. 40. What are the 3 forms of drag? A. Form drag,skin friction and induced drag. 41. What is stall? A. When you raise the AOA too much(15) 42. Why wash-in and wash-out? A. To maintain control after a stall. 43. How do you call it when the AOA is greater than the angle at a root? A. Wash out. 44. How do we reduce form/parasitic drag? A. By streamlining or using the neness ratio.

45. Which section of the wing is more thick? A. 1/3 OR 33% 46. Whats the boundary layer? A. The region between the aerofoil and the free stream air. 47. What are the points where there is no speed? A. Stagnation point. 48. What is the thinnest part of the boundary layer called? A. Laminar boundary layer. 49. How do we reduce the vortex effect? A. By installing winglets. 50. What kind of drag goes down as we go faster? A. Induced drag. 51. The best condition to y a plane in is A. Velocity of minimum drag(VMD) 52. What is the wing span? A. From tip to tip of the wings. 53. What is aspect ratio? A. Wingspan/Wing Chord OR Wingspan/Wing Area 54. If you have a high AR, A. The lower you will have induced drag 55. Swept back wings are to accomplish? A. High speed

Study diagram 56. What are the types of load? A. Positive(back pressure) and negative load(forward pressure). 57. When you are banking, what should you do to maintain straight and level ight? A. Increase speed. 58. What helps you achieve a turn during ight. A. Centripetal force. 59. Manouver at 60, A. Twice the weight. 60. Glide ratio is A. Distance/height 61. A better endurance and range is achieved by A. Increasing efciency(CL/CD) 62. Efciency at its best is A. 4 63. Angle of incidence is A. Angle between longitudinal axis and chord 64. What is Flight envelope? A. A sum of the various limitations placed upon the pilot whilst in command of an aircraft. 65. Flaps A. Increase lift and drag, and 66. Slats/Slots are A. Slat tricks the air into thinking the air / Slots energize the airow COPY DOWN ZERO ANGLE

67. Types of stability A. Static(immediate reaction to disruption) and Dynamic(oscillations lasting a few minutes) stability 68. What helps the longitudinal stability? A. Horizontal stabiliser. 69. How can we have lateral stability? A. Dihedral, anhedral, high n, high tail, 70. Which wing will have more lift? A. Choose the at one. 71. What is the contrary of the dihedral wing? A. Anhedral. 72. What kind of a phenomenon is a stall? A. A turbulent phenomenon.

Longitudinal axis- rolling(ailerons) Lateral axis- pitching(elevators) Vertical/normal axis- yawing(rudders)

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