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HIRA ( Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) HIRA ( Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) is a hazard identification and

risk studi to define the problem adn how to manage the Hazard In daily activities and special of operation process and Industries production. In HIRA Analysis contain some step that must followed. They are: Process of sorting to be sub process that more specific Hazard potential identification in every sub process Determine risk that may be happened ( saverity and likelihood) Determine the preventive ways and recomendation of risk Conclusion of hazard potential and risk which is solved for every activities Conclusion for all of working

In HIRA analysis, it is indentified of hazard potensial and risk with calculate the level of risk , recomendation, and final risk. Risk is combination of saverity and likelihood. This is Risk can be described by this formula:

Likelihood of risk is consist of high, medium, and low. Saverity is constant variable and also consist of high , medium, and low effect. Level of saveruty and likelihood is variant, they can 3 or more (also can 8 depend on agreement from the companie) This table below show a paramater to calculate a likelihood and calculate a saverity.

Tabel 12.1 Parameter in Calculation of Likelihood PARAMETER Frekuensi timbulnya bahaya Frekuensi timbulnya efek bahaya Tingkat kemampuan pelaksana pekerjaan HIGH Every the job is working MEDIUM On ce in 10 until 100 LOW Once during the job is working

Almost the job is working

On ce in 10 until 100

Sekali in 100 or more

Without experience,not ever doing the job before Less experience

Well experience, have good skill and often doing that job

Tabel 12.2 Parameter in Calculation of Saverity PARAMETER HIGH Death, physical defect, Physical disfunction, harmful. MEDIUM Medium harm, The body still doing the job Damage which is caused decreasing of production level Low damage, no production effect Low harm LOW

Human Resource

High damage in Asset equipment, production is stopped

Protection Protection Equipment Protection equipment is not at environment flammable chemical Minimum Protection equipment equipment is available enough and instalation is well isolated
Available of evacuation time More than one minute Beetween 1-30 minutes More than 30 minutes

Tabel. HIRA of Reflective Paint Product No . 1 Activities Hazard Potential Raw Material - Raw material Supplying are spilled on the environment 2 -Environment contamination -Harmful to worker H M M - Explicit SOP - Worker with skill - Give the boundary on the back of truck - Good Fire management M L L Hazard Efect Saverity Likelihood Final Risk Preventive Action - Explicit SOP - Worker with skill

Raw Material - Raw material - Environment Distribution is spilled, fell down from truck, or messy contamination - Fire Risk

around the unit - Conveyor immediately off - Production is blocked H M M - Inspection and monitoring periodic of conveyor - Electricity immediately off -Production is blocked H M M - Explicit SOP - Genset Stocking

-Truck break on the way or Truck accident

- Death, physical defect, Physical disfunction,

- Minimalize the volume or weight of raw material - Use the lifting toll to lift the raw material -Driver with high skill

Unit Operation

- Worker tired - Worker with Low Skill - Worker with

- Fire risk - Explosion - Physical disfunction

- Good Fire management - Worker with skill - Explicit SOP - Inspection and monitoring periodic of job worker

low performa - Process not optimal

Equipment is Stopped immediately

- Production is blocked

- Inspection and monitoring periodic of equipment

Vessel Leak or over pressure

- Fire risk - Explosion - Physical disfunction - Process not optimal

- Good Fire management - Worker with skill - Explicit SOP - Inspection and monitoring periodic of Vessel

Controll Panel Maintenance

Get a shock from electricity

- Fire risk - Explosion - Death - physical defect

Using complete ADP


Cleaning of Fabric Environment

-Slipped - Fell Down

- Fracture - Low harm - Physical disfunction

- Install sign of warning - Explicit SOP - Using Complete ADP - Worker with skill


Equipment Maintenance

- Slipped - Fell Down - Accident

-physical - Physical disfunction

- Explicit SOP - Install the

- Death

warning sign - Using Complete ADP - Worker with skill

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