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Pre-registration Pharmacists Examination Test Paper - 2005 OPEN BOOK CALCULATIONS SECTION Time Allowance Recommended 1 hour as part

t of Open Book Paper Instructions to Candidates Use an HB pencil throughout this exam Do not open the Booklet until you are told to do so
Before the exam begins :1) Insert your surname and first name in the space provided on the answer sheet How to answer the exam :1) 2) Use only an HB Pencil when answering the questions For each question there are five suggested answers A, B, C, D., E. When you have selected your answer to the question, find the row on the answer sheet with the number of that question and draw a horizontal line to join the dots (brackets) under the letter for your answer. mark only one answer for each question. If you change your mind ensure you clearly erase your first answer and mark your new answer. Ambiguous answers will not be scored There are 35 questions in this exam and you are advised to answer all of them You will score 1 mark for every correct answer No marks will be deducted for omissions or incorrect answers. You may use the blank pages in the question hook for rough work. Do not write anything on the answer sheet other than marking your name and answers.





You may ONLY use the current BNF, Medicines and Ethics Guide and Drug Tariff to check or verify your answers. Although this is an open book exam, not all answers may be available within the source texts. Some questions are considered to be based on core knowledge and so are not covered or answered within the reference texts.


ANSWER SHEET OPEN BOOK - Calculations 2005

Your Surname Your First Name

A Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

B ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

C ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

E ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

A Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 Question 14 Question 15 Question 16 Question 17 Question 18 Question 19 Question 20

B ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

C ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

E ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


Potassium permanganate is often available as a concentrate that requires dilution and its final strength is usually expressed as a ratio as in 1 in 8000. What is the percentage of the concentrate if it requires a 1 in 50 dilution of that concentrate to produce a 1 in 8000 final solution. ? a) b) c) d) e) 1.30% 0.85% 0.625% 0.50% 0.3125%


You have been asked to administer 150mg of a drug in 1 litre of NaCl at a rate of 60 micrograms per Kg / Hour for a 50Kg Female Patient. Assuming 20 drops per ml, what is the nearest approximate whole drop rate per minute that needs to be set on the giving set. a) b) c) d) e) 5 drops 7 drops 9 drops 12 drops 15 drops


You require a paediatric dose of a drug that is only available as 60mg tablets. It is intended to make up powders so that these may be sprinkled on the childs food to disguise the taste. You need to make 10 powders each weighing 200mg containing 24mg of a drug and using Lactose as the diluent as the child is can tolerate Lactose. Which of the following would meet your requirements (Assume no waste) :a) b) c) d) e) Four tablets made up to 1.80g with lactose Four tablets made up to 2.00g with lactose Four tablets made up to 2.60g with lactose Four tablets made up to 3.00g with lactose Four tablets made up to 3.60g with lactose


A patient requires Potassium supplementation through their IV solution. Their current Potassium level is 2.9mmols / Litre. The Parenteral Nutrition Team recommend that the equivalent of 50 mmol of Potassium be added to a to a 1L bag of 0.9% Sodium Chloride. If you use Potassium Chloride Concentrate Sterile Solution you would need to add :a) b) c) d) e) 15ml to each 1 Litre bag 20ml to each 1 Litre bag 25ml to each 1 Litre bag 30ml to each 1 Litre bag 35ml to each 1 Litre bag


You receive a prescription form FP10 in your pharmacy for paediatric chloral hydrate. It is not commercially available so you contact the GP and arrange for a subsitute prescription for Welldorm Elixir. The dose of Chloral Hydrate was to be 50mg/Kg at night The GP asks you the equivalent dose of Welldorm . What is the equivalent dose of Welldorm Elixir to the nearest 1ml if the child weighs 8Kg a) b) c) d) e) 10ml 12ml 15ml 18ml 20ml


A Patient on your ward requires inotropic support using Dobutamine. The recommended dosage for Dobutamine hydrochloride by IV infusion is 10mcg / Kg / minute. One 20ml vial of Dobutrex is added to 1 Litre of Sodium Chloride 0.9% w/v. The patient is an 75Kg adult. Assuming no adjustment is required for deal body weight etc., If Dobutrex contains 250mg Dobutamine in a 20ml vial, what should the infusion rate, in mls / minute, be set at: a) b) c) d) e) 1.0ml 1.5ml 2.0ml 2.5ml 3.0ml


A Patient is receiving a Diamorphine infusion over 24 hours. They are currently Receiving a dose of 150mg over a 24 hour period using a syringe pump that is calibrated to 36mm / 24 hours (note that some syringe pumps are calibrated in mm/hr). You increase the rate of infusion to 54mm / 24 hours. What dosage is the patient now receiving ? a) b) c) d) e) 175mg /24 hours 200mg /24 hours 225mg / 24 hours 250mg / 24 hours 300mg / 24 hours


A solution of Sodium Acid Phosphate contains 109.2gms in 1 Litre. This is equivalent to a 0.7 molar solution. What is the Gram Molecular Weight or Relative Molecular Mass of Sodium Acid Phosphate a) 3.12 ms b) 15.6 gms c) 31.2 gms d) 156 gms e) 312gms


The formula for Screenistat Ointment is as follows :Screenistat Beeswax White Soft Paraffin Light Liquid Paraffin Cetoseryl Alcohol 2gm 20gm 30gm 25mls 33gms

You are required to manufacture 750gm of the above. Which of the following is the correct formula: Ingredient Screenistat Beeswax WS Paraffin LL Paraffin Cetoseryl Alc. A 14gm 140gm 210gm 175gm 231gm B 28gm 140gm 210gm 175gm 231ml C 28gm 140gm 210gm 175ml 231ml D 14gm 140gm 210gm 175ml 231gm E 28gm 140gm 210gm 175gm 231gm


What amount of base is required to manufacture 50 suppositories, each containing 100mg Theophylline if each suppository will weigh 1gm and the displacement value of Theophylline is 0.5 a) b) c) d) e) 40gms 42.5gms 45gms 47.5gms 50gms

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You have been asked to provide Saliciylic Acid Ointment 7% w/w to a patient. At present you only have in stock a 3.5% Ointment . How much Salicylic Acid must you add to 250gms of 3.5% Salicylic Acid to convert it to 7% a) b) c) d) e) 3.50gms 7.00gms 9.04gms 12.50gms 14.00gms


Digitoxin injection contains 0.2mg of active ingredient in each 1ml. Express this as percentage. a) b) c) d) e) 0.002% w/v 0.02% w/v 0.2% w/v 2.0% w/v 20% w/v


What quantity of solid is required to make 900mls of a 7.5% w/v Solution a) b) c) d) e) 3.375gms 6.75gms 13.5gms 33.75gms 67.5 gms


A child is prescribed Digoxin. Unable to take tablets. the elixir is prescribed as an alternative. Their dose is 6.25mcg / kg daily. The child weighs 18Kg What volume of Lanoxin PG elixir should the child be provided with daily a) b) c) d) e) 1.5mls 1.175mls 2.0mls 2.25mls 2.50mls


What quantity of Potassium Chloride is contained in 150mls of a 3% w/v Potassium Chloride Solution ? a) b) c) d) e) 3gms 4.5gms 6gms 7.5gms 9gms


You are asked to send 300mls of a solution of concentrate X , which when diluted with water 1 in 10 produces a 1 in 1000 solution. You have a 500ml bottle of a 20% concentrate. Which of the following is the correct formula ? a) b) c) d) e) 7.5ml concentrate, water to 300ml 15.0ml concentrate, water to 300ml 22.5ml concentrate, water to 300ml 37.5ml concentrate, water to 300ml 67.5ml concentrate, water to 300ml


Potassium permanganate is normally made as a concentrated solution which is then diluted prior to use. The concentrated solution is normally made as a 1 in 800 solution. You are asked to supply a patient with sufficient of this solution to allow them to use 250mls of the diluted solution ( 1 in 20) four times a day for 28 days. What quantity of Potassium permanganate will be contained in the volume of solution you supply a) b) c) d) e) 17.5gm 15gms 1.75gms 1.5gms 0.175gms


What volume (as parts ) of water should be mixed with 70% ethanol to prepare 40% ethanol? (ignore any contraction) :a) b) c) d) e) 10 Parts Water to 50 Parts 70% Ethanol 20 Parts Water to 40 parts 70% Ethanol 30 Parts Water to 40 Parts of 70% Ethanol 40 Parts water to 20 Parts of 70% Ethanol 50 Parts Water to 10 parts 70% Ethanol


How much lignocaine is present in 63 mls of a 1 in 1000 solution of lignocaine? a) b) c) d) e) 6.3 micrograms 63 micrograms 630 micrograms 6.3mg 63mg


First Statement


2 Litres of 8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate Solution provides 2000 mmols each of Na+ and HCO3 -

Second Statement

:- 8.4% w/v Sodium Bicarbonate solution contains 1mmol/ml of electrolytes

Decide whether the first statement is true or false Decide whether the second statement is true or false Then choose A B C D E If both statements are true and the second statement is a correct explanation of the first statement If both statements are true and the second statement is NOT a correct explanation of the first statement. If the first statement is true but the second statement is false. If the first statement is false but the second statement is true. If both statements are false.

End of Calculations Section

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