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Chicago Catechetical Conference

October 25 & 26, 2013 Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace Archdiocese of Chicago

Chicago Catechetical Conference

October 25 and October 26, 2013
Believe, Deepen, Proclaim Cree, Profundiza, Proclama Uwierzy Pogbia Gosi

Dear Friends in Ministry, It is my pleasure to invite you to attend our annual Chicago Catechetical Conference. This annual event gives us a time and space to gather as catechetical leaders working with families, adults and youth in the Archdiocese of Chicago. It is a place to share, to pray and to network with each other. This years theme: Believe, Deepen, Proclaim, The New Evangelization grounds the focus on deepening our own lives of faith as we work to share the Gospel with family, friends and neighbors to encourage them to grow closer to Jesus Christ. Keynote addresses and enrichment sessions were intentionally designed to help us as catechists reflect and deepen our own faith lives and help us live out the New Evangelization. Presentations will be available in English, Polish and Spanish. It is my hope that these two days will enrich you and will serve to deepen your commitment to live as disciples of Christ. See you there!

Maria H. Sedano (Maruja) Director Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry

Schedule for Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26

7a.m. 8 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Exhibits Open and Registration Mass Welcome and Intro Keynote presentation(s) Breakout 1 and Exhibits Breakout 2 and Lunch A Breakout 3 and Lunch B Breakout 4 and Closing Prayer

On the coverBeams of Love Designed by Mary Southard, CSJ

Courtesy of Courtesy of Congregation of St. Joseph

Presentations for Ongoing Formation and Enrichment

This years conference will offer attendees additional opportunities for formation and education with the addition of the Publishers Showcase. The Showcase will take place each day during the conference. Attendees are encouraged to sign up for a specific period similar to signing up for an enrichment period. The Showcase was added to the schedule to better accommodate our conference attendees and to give them more space during the lunch period. Please see the Publisher Showcase information in Enrichment Session descriptions. The Keynote presentations and the Enrichment sessions provide ongoing formation for participants. Presentations are scheduled during each of the six enrichment sessions that can deepen your understanding of your faith. For those already certified, these courses will fulfill certification hours for renewal. The descriptions of these sessions begin on page 3. On Friday we will offer courses in English and Spanish. On Saturday our courses will be offered in English, Spanish and Polish. Please note the language indication in the description. When filling out the registration page on the last page of this booklet, please note your choice for the Saturday Keynote.

Friday, October 26
Friday Keynote Address 9:30 a.m.
Evangelizing Witness: Stand with the Lord Pope Benedict, in declaring the Year of Faith wrote that Faith is choosing to stand with the Lord so as to live with him. How do believing and deepening prepare us to stand with Jesus Christ? How does our standing with him help us to proclaim the faith as we witness to what we believe? Dr. Carole Eipers is Vice President, Executive Director of Catechetics for William H. Sadlier, Inc. She served in parish ministries for over 20 years as a teacher, Director of Religious Education, Youth Minister and Pastoral Associate. Carole was Director of the Office for Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Chicago for nine years and also served as President of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership. Carole has been a member of the adjunct faculties of Mundelein Seminary, Loyola University Chicago Loyola New Orleans and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

Friday Address by Francis Cardinal George 10:45 a.m.

The Conclave, Pope Francis and the New Evangelization: The Style is Substance Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Ph.D., S.T.D., was born on January 16, 1937 in Chicago to Francis J. and Julia R. (McCarthy) George. After attending St. Pascal Elementary School in Chicago, he attended St. Henry Preparatory Seminary in Belleville, IL. He entered the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate on August 14, 1957. Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Yakima in Washington on July 10, 1990, and then appointed him Archbishop of Portland in Oregon on April 30, 1996. Less than a year later, on April 8, 1997, Pope John Paul named him the eighth Archbishop of Chicago. He is the first native Chicagoan to serve as Archbishop of Chicago. On January 18, 1998, Pope John Paul II announced Archbishop Georges elevation to the Sacred College of Cardinals.

Enrichment Session information begins on Page 3 and continues through Page 8 in this booklet.

Friday, October 25
Enrichment Session 2 12:00 p.m.
2-1 2-2 Lunch Publisher ShowcaseTech Teaching Today (3-Ts)

Enrichment Session 3 1:00 p.m.

3-1 3-2 Lunch A Musical Journey Through Salvation History

Tom Ivanitz and Lynn LeTourneau

John Burland and Dr. Jo Ann Paradise

We will explore and describe how today's technology is shaping the new teaching world. From testing, to reviewing, to auxiliary and supporting instruction, what on-line features are available to help you, now and in the future.

Sponsored by Sadlier

This professional development experience will take you on a musical journey through Salvation history. Part spiritual reflection, part theology, part catechetical methodology, part pure fun, this event will reaffirm the need to form children in the Word of God with developmentally appropriate experiences.

Publisher ShowcasePray without Ceasing

Jane Erhlich

Teach kids to make prayer a natural and constant part of life. Even the men who followed Jesus needed instruction in prayer. Think of all we can teach our kids about prayer. How can we teach kids to pray without ceasing?

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursMinistry of Catechesis, or Revelation through Scripture and Tradition or Profession of FaithCreed Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor

Eastern Christian Students in Catholic Schools and Religious Education

Sponsored by Loyola Press


Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima

27 Ways to Teach Scripture with Pizazz

Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Theres no chaining the Word of God. (2 Tm. 2:9) Participants will learn (or be reminded of) methods and activities for unlocking the Bible for their students in an engaging way. The strategies presented help children see Gods Word as powerful, exciting, and personal. They make Bible lessons both memorable and fun. As a result, the children will come to know and love God more deeply.

This workshop will identify the important issues involved with Eastern Christian students who are enrolled in Catholic school or religious education programs. Special attention will be paid to the differences between Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Participants are encouraged to bring questions from their experience for discussion at the workshop.

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursProfession of Faith Creed


Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursMinistry of Catechesis or Revelation through Scripture and Tradition Sponsored by St. Marys Press
2-5 El perdn y la reconciliacin, fuentes de paz y sanacin en los hogares y en la comunidad

Thinking Big! Creating a Schoolwide Culture of Critical and Creative thinking

Sheryl Dwyer

Rev. Juan Luis Calderon

Vivimos en un mundo violento. La causa principal es la agresividad interior por la falta de paz (fsica y espiritual). La familia y la parroquia, como cualquier otra estructura social, se ven impregnadas de este clima de conflicto. La espiritualidad cristiana se basa en la accin del Dios perdonador. Desde la comunin con El transformaremos el mundo segn su proyecto. Ofreceremos claves espirituales y prcticas para llevar a cabo esta tarea.

Celebrate the inspiring work of teachers world-wide who have embraced explicit techniques and habits of good thinking. Learn how these ingredients have meshed together into a powerful framework to create engaging, thinking-based learning opportunities. Imagine the possibilities in Religion and Religious Education classes!

Fulfills FFCC renewal hours Ministry of Catechesis, Catechesis within Youth Ministry Sponsored by RCL Benziger

Vlido para la re-certificacin Ministerio de Catequesis, o La Liturgia de la Iglesia: Los Sacramentos y la Oracin

Friday, October 25
Enrichment Session 4 1:00 p.m.
4-1 Songs of Scripture: Deepening Childrens Understanding of Gods WordPart II 4-4 The Peace Building Parish: How Local Churches Can Become Gospel-Based Nonviolent Communities

Ken Butigan

John Burland and Dr. Jo Ann Paradise

A continuation of the earlier session of A Musical Journey Through Salvation History in Session 3. Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursMinistry

of Catechesis, Revelation through Scripture and Tradition or Profession of FaithCreed Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor
4-2 Getting Off on the Rite Foot: Planning and preparing for the First Sacraments

Jesus calls us to love our enemies, our neighbors, and ourselves. This workshop will explore how our parishes can support this Gospel call to peace building. Together we will: 1) assess to what extent our parish is a nonviolent community and 2) visualize specifically how our parishes can support this Gospel call to peace building and 3) visualize specific ways it could strengthen and deepen this call to Gospel nonviolence in its pastoral team, its ministries, and within its larger community.

Mark Friedman

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursLife in Christ: Catholic Morality

4-5 Educacin sobre la fe, en la fe y con fe!

Mark takes an in-depth look at two of the first sacraments young people receive: Reconciliation and Eucharist. Learn how to make these sacramental celebrations come alive for your students with prayerful rituals, new music, and scriptural storytelling.

Hna Sonia Avi, IHM

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursThe Liturgy of the Church: Sacraments and Prayer Sponsored by RCL Benziger
4-3 Catholic Families Celebrate Sunday

Margaret M. Brennan, D.Min

On the seventh day, after creating the sun and the stars, the waters and the earth, the fish, the birds, the crawling creatures, and man and woman, God rested and enjoyed the goodness of creation. In observance of the Torah, the Jewish people keep the Sabbath as a day set apart for worship and for rest. Christians honor the third commandment by making Sunday a time for prayer and worship. As Catholic Christians we begin our week with Sunday Mass. Using Celebrating Sunday for Catholic Families, this workshop will explore the practice of keeping the Lords day holy and explore ways that family life can be enriched and energized by the Sunday Eucharist.

El hogar es una gran escuela donde las lecciones no slo se escuchan o se leen sino que se respiran, se palpan, se gustan, se pisan; donde maestros y alumnos intercambian misteriosamente sus papeles; y donde todas las circunstancias segn como se modelen, pueden formar a la persona o empobrecerla irreparablemente. Compartiremos sugerencias prcticas para la educacin en la fe dentro de los hogares.

Vlido para la re-certificacin Ministerio de Catequesis

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursLife in Christ: Catholic Morality, Liturgy: Sacraments & Prayer Sponsored by Liturgy Training Publication

Saturday, October 26
Keynote Address in English -The New Evangelization: Whats a Catechist to do?
The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen our faith to believe in the Gospel message - and to go forth to proclaim the Gospel. But do we as catechists really believe? How do we proclaim? Can we deepen the faith of those we minister to in the secular world today when so many are experiencing a crisis of faith? A tall order but Mark will weave theology and catechesis together with prayer, music, storytelling, and a bit of humor and suggest ways we can begin to sort it all out. Mark Friedman is highly regarded throughout the United States as a religious educator, teacher, author, and composer of religious music. He holds an undergraduate degree in Education from the University of Cincinnati, and a Master of Arts in Religion and Pastoral Ministry from the Athenaeum of Ohio/Mt. St. Marys Seminary. Mark began his work in education as a classroom religion teacher in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he became a religion curriculum specialist, conducting workshops for teachers in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Sponsored by RCL Benziger

Charla Principal en EspaolLa familia, espacio de evangelizacin y fe

La familia es la estructura social bsica. Como Iglesia, tambin nuestro fundamento est en la familia. Es preciso integrar el tema de la evangelizacin y el Ao de la Fe en el ambiente familiar para que la misin de la Iglesia pueda llevarse a cabo. Hablaremos de pautas de anlisis de la realidad y elementos prcticos de accin para convertir la familia en espacio de evangelizacin y fe. Juan Luis Calderon lleg a Estados Unidos desde Espaa el ao 2001 como Subdirector del Centro de Pastoral Hispana de la Arquidicesis de Newark: el Centro Guadalupe. Su sueo de juventud fue servir a Dios en el Amazonas como misionero. Con el paso del tiempo, los estudios eclesiasticos en la Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Espaa), un ttulo en teologa en la Universidad Gregoriana (Roma, Italia) y muchos aos aprendiendo de la experiencia de Dios de la gente, han sido fundamentales para hacer crecer su relacin con Jesucristo.

Temat przewodni Sympozium po Polsku - Nowa ewangelizacja / Rola katechetw teraz i w przyszoci
Ludzkie ycie nie spenia si samoistnie. Nasze ycie to sprawa otwarta, niedokoczony projekt, ktry trzeba dopiero uzupeni i urzeczywistni. Podstawowe pytanie kadego czowieka brzmi: jak tego dokona jak sta si czowiekiem? Jak nauczy si sztuki ycia? Jaka droga prowadzi do szczcia? Ewangelizowa znaczy wskazywa t drog uczy sztuki ycia. Na pocztku dziaalnoci publicznej Jezus mwi: Przyszedem, aby gosi Ewangeli ubogim (por. k 4, 18). To znaczy: mam odpowied na wasze najwaniejsze pytanie; wskazuj wam drog ycia, drog szczcia, wicej ja sam jestem t drog. Czy my katecheci znamy t drog? Czy ni kroczymy? Czy ukazujemy j naszym studentom? Jacy jestemy i jacy by powinnimy jako katecheci? Ks. Stanislaw Jankowski -Urodziem si w Polsce. Kiedy miaem 18 lat , moja rodzina przeprowadzia si do Chicago. W tym miecie studiowaem, pracowaem i poznaem moj now rodzin Zgromadzenie Ksiy Zmartwychwstacw. Po 3 latach, powrciem do Polski, aby kontynuowa nauk w seminarium duchownym . Po 7 latach otrzymaem wicenia kapaskie w Krakowie. Nastpnie zostaem przydzielony do posugi w nowicjacie Zgromadzenia Zmartwychwstacw ( pierwszy rok przygotowania kandydatw do

kapastwa) w roli ojca duchowego. Po kilku latach posugi w Polsce, powrciem do Chicago. Suyem jako wikariusz w Bazylice w. Jacka i jako proboszcz w kociele w. Jadwigi. W tym roku zaczem moj now posug proboszcza w Bazylice w. Jacka. 5

Saturday, October 26
Enrichment Session 5 10:45 a.m.
5-1 Mixed Religion Families in the Catholic Parish 5-3 Formando Discpulos como lo hizo Jess.

Sori Govin

Very Reverend Fr. Thomas A. Baima

Mixed marriage is a fact in American society. This workshop will describe some of the features of mixed religion families and offer suggestions on how a parish can best minister to their special needs.

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursLiturgy of the Church: Sacraments and Prayer

5-2 27 Ways to Teach Scripture with Pizazz

Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND

Estamos llamados a comunicar con transparencia de una manera inteligente y creble y fcil de entender la persona de Cristo, y an ms, de hacerlo con gusto, con alegra. Hay por lo menos cuatro elementos principales que Jess hizo cuando l nos estaba mostrando cmo crear discpulos. l no slo nos orden a ser discpulos; adems de la orden, l fue mostrndonos el camino para sealar a sus seguidores como ellos mismos tambin pueden lograr hacer discpulos. Vamos a explorar los cuatro elementos y sus implicaciones de como Jess dijo a sus seguidores vayan y hagan Discpulos.

Theres no chaining the Word of God (2 Tm. 2:9). Participants will learn (or be reminded of) methods and activities for unlocking the Bible for their students in an engaging way. The strategies presented help children see Gods Word as powerful, exciting, and personal. They make Bible lessons both memorable and fun. As a result, the children will come to know and love God more deeply.

Vlido para la re-certificacin La Profesin de Fe-El Credo Patrocinado por RCL Benziger

Prcticas litrgicas y rituales en familia y en la catequesis

Santiago Corts-Sjberg

Fulfills FFCC renewal hours Revelation through Scripture and Tradition: Ministry of Catechesis Sponsored by St. Marys Press

En esta presentacin: Se examinar el papel de los rituales en nuestras vidas y la vida de la Iglesia; Se ofrecern ideas sobre cmo poner en prctica los rituales y elementos litrgicos en la catequesis y en la vida familiar.

Vlido para la re-certificacin La Liturgia de la Iglesia: Los Sacramentos y la Oracin Patrocinado por Loyola Press

Katecheci jako uczniowie Chrystusa/ Nasza odpowiedzialno jako uczniw Chrystusa w wczesnym wiecie

Fr. Ryszard Gron

Czowiek jest powoany, by by uczniem Chrystusa. Katecheta wie, co znaczy by Jego uczniem. Zna sposoby naladowania Jezusa w yciu. Wskazuje na Sakramenty, jako rda przyjani i wizi z Nim. Uzasadnia potrzeb wsppracy z Chrystusem w rozwoju swojej wiary. Rozumie potrzeb odpowiedzialnoci w dawaniu wiadectwa o Chrystusie sowem i czynem. Benedykt XVI powiedzia: Bdcie uczniami Chrystusa i gocie go ludziom

Godziny doszkalania zawodowego Credo

Saturday, October 26
Enrichment Session 6 12:00 p.m.
6-1 6-2 Lunch From Hymnal to Classroom: Creating lessons from Songs for Worship children who have not been catechized. Come & learn how this is the perfect entry-level text for young people being initiated into the life of the Church. Bilingual edition now also available.

Sponsored by RCL Benziger


Mark Friedman

Liturgist, composer, and classroom teacher Mark Friedman starts with music and shows how any classroom religion teacher can create wonderful and creative lessons from songs and hymns used at worship. Innovating and packed with great ideas, this session will give teachers great teaching ideas that will both intrigue and inform studentssomething challenging to do in todays classroom. Fulfills FFCC Renewal

Publisher ShowcaseMaking the Bible Come Alive

Bob Temme

HoursLiturgy of the Church and the Ministry of Catechesis. Sponsored by RCL Benziger

Using the Gospel Weeklies, Bob Temme will share concrete examples of using Scripture to engage young students and then help them grow their faith. We will discuss the importance of interpreting Scripture the responsible way.

Sponsored by Pflaum

Odkrywanie duchowoci katechety w kontekcie nowej ewangelizacji

Publisher ShowcaseUnplugged: Experiencing Prayer

Marion Hornung

Fr. Maciej Galle

wiadomo podejmowanej misji katechetycznej wymaga cigej formacji duchowej.Przygotowanie do wiernego przekazywania ordzia wiary w wiecie, w ktrym panuje pluralizm wiatopogldowy, rozwijanie ducha misyjnego nie jest atwe. Dlatego jest wane, aby doskonali siebie w sferze duchowej. Formacja doktrynalna powinna by przede wszystkim pogbianiem wiary. Pomaga w dojrzewaniu osobie, jako wierzcemu i jako apostoowi. Waciwe zrozumienie formacji katechety winno mie na uwadze potrzeby obecnej chwili spoecznej wraz z jej wartociami, wyzwaniami i cieniami, aby umie na nie odpowiedzie.

Helping teens to unplug from the world around them and learning to tune in to the voice of God in their own lives can often seem impossible, but its not. Taking time to slow down the pace, using a little creativity and stirring the senses can be a powerful way to engage teens into experiencing prayer. This workshop will provide some practical solutions to enriching what you may already be doing or to encourage you to try something new.

Sponsored by St. Marys Press

Enrichment Session 7 1:00 p.m.

7-1 7-2 Lunch Catholic Families Celebrate Sunday

Godziny doszkalania zawodowego- Duchowo

6-4 Publisher ShowcaseEntry Level Catechesis for Children of All Ages

Margaret M Brennan, D. Min Sponsored by LTP

(Please see session 4-3 for description) 7-3 The Family: Best Practices for Forming Disciples

Nancy Bird

Are you faced with the challenge of students entering your program that havent celebrated the sacraments or had previous catechesis? RCL Benzigers new Our Catholic Heritage program will help you reach out in a special way to those

Sue Grenough, E.D.D.

A good, healthy family life is a good environment for forming disciples. What does a disciple look like? This workshop will identify the traits of a disciple and explore practical ways to form disciples.

Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursLife in Christ: Catholic Morality Sponsored by Pflaum


Saturday, October 26
7-4 Lectio Divina en Familia

Hna Sonia Avi, IHM


Desarrollando un sentido de justicia en la familia

Anthony Suarez-Abraham

Lectio Divina es ms un disfrutar de la Biblia que un estudiar la Biblia. Lectio Divina nos ensea cmo absorber y meditar las Escrituras, cmo conversar con Dios abiertamente y cmo vivir lo que se convierte en parte ntima de uno: La Palabra de Dios! Conoceremos y disfrutaremos de los 4 momentos que Lectio Divina nos ofrece.

Vlido para la re-certificacin Liturgia de la Iglesia: Los Sacramentos y la Oracin o La Revelacin a travs de las Sagradas Escrituras y la tradicin
7-5 La Celebracion dominical, una celebracin y una misin

El documento Vaticano II, La Gaudium et Spes ( Constitucin Pastoral sobre la Iglesia en el Mundo Actual), habla de la familia como "una especie de escuela del ms rico humanismo". Este taller explorar la ecologa de la familia como un prisma para entender las enseanzas de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. El objetivo principal del taller es obtener una comprensin ms profunda de la familia humana como la manifestacin primaria de la justicia y los derechos humanos en el mundo.

Vlido para la re-certificacin La Vida en Cristo: Moralidad Catlica

8-4 Usando las historias bblicas en nuestra catequesis.

Padre Ricardo Castillo

La celebracin de la Santa Misa los Domingos es una celebracin de la cual nace la necesidad de actuar en favor de Dios y su palabra. En sta sesin el Padre Ricardo presentar el dinamismo de cmo la Celebracin Eucarstica Dominical nos invita a ser misioneros en el mundo para el Reino de Dios.

Sori Govin

Vlido para la re-certificacin Ministerio de Catequesis o La Liturgia de la Iglesia: Los Sacramentos y la Oracin

Enrichment Session 8 2:15 p.m.

8-1 Come Singing and Dancing

Est usted en la necesidad de nuevas ideas de cmo usar historias bblicas con los nios? Si es as, entonces ven a este taller! Vamos a presentar la manera de llevar las Escrituras a la vida de los nios llenos de alegra y entusiasmo! El enfoque ser en las ideas creativas y tcnicas que he utilizado y pueden utilizar de inmediato con los nios en edad primaria.

John Burland and Dr. Jo Ann Paradise

Vlido para la re-certificacin La Revelacin a travs de las Sagradas Escrituras y la tradicin o Ministerio de la Catequesis Patrocinado RCL Benziger

Energize and revitalize your faith formation sessions!! Through song and movement this workshop will focus on the key moments of salvation history as told through Scripture. You will learn practical methods and original songs that will help you deepen childrens understanding of Scripture. Fulfills

Jak zaangaowa rodzicw, aby byli uczniami Chrystusa dla swoich dzieci. Sposoby wychoa nia dzieci po katolicku

Fr. Pawel Komperda

FFCC renewal hoursMinistry of CatechesisCatechesis within Youth Ministry Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor
8-2 Building Trust, Restoring Hope

Lois DeFelice, OFCYM, Deacon Tom Lambert, Chairman Archdiocesan Commission on Mental Illness, and Joanna Marvin, Parish Operations

This workshop will present resources for outreach to families of military as they face their loved one being deployed or returning in need of healing, physically or spiritually. The new evangelization calls us to re-energize our faith. The panel will address the realities of re-entry to family, parish and social life. Fulfills FFCC renewal hoursProfession of Faith Creed or Life in Christ: Catholic Morality

Bg obdarzy Rodzicw szczeglnym powoaniem. By zachowa ycie ludzkie na ziemi, powoa do istnienia spoeczno rodzinn. Rodzice s pierwszymi strami i opiekunami ycia. Przyjmujc dar ycia, jako najwiksz ask Boga przyjmuj wszystkie obowizki wynikajce z tego bogosawiestwa. A zatem rodzice s pierwszymi katechetami i najwaniejszym przykadem do naladowania.Winni wic dy do wychowania potomstwa do peni kultury ludzkiej i do wychowania w duchu religijnym,wcznie z wszystkimi funkcjami, ktre charakteryzuj rodzin, jako"Koci domowy" oraz jako "domowe sanktuarium Kocioa".Wcznie z dostrzeganiem w krgu rodzinnym "jakby pierwszego seminarium", formujcego powoania kapaskie. 8

Godziny doszkalania zawodowego- Metodyka katechezy

For more information about the Conference, visit the OFCYM website at Click on the button marked CCC Conference from the top bar. You can also call the Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry at 312-534-3700.

DRIVING DIRECTIONS From OHare Airport or South on I-294

South on I-294 to I-88 West. Pay toll, exit at Cermak/Spring Rd. Proceed through the stoplight and continue North on Spring Rd. At the bend in the road, turn right to stay on Spring Rd. Drury Lane will be at the end of Spring Rd on your left.

Registration fee is $50 for one day; $75 for two days if received by October 4. Registrations received after October 4 incur a $5 for one day and $10 per two day additional charge. Registration ends October 18. Those who register by October 11 will receive their registration material by mail. Lunches must be ordered in advance, so unfortunately no walk-ins can be accepted. Registrants who cancel before October 1 will, upon request, be given a refund of the total amount, less a $5 processing fee. After October 1, those who cancel are not entitled to a refund due to expenses incurred for each participant.

From Downtown Chicago or West on I-290

Take the Eisenhower Expressway, I-290 West, to I-88 West. Pay toll, exit at Cermak/Spring Rd. Proceed through the stoplight and continue North on Spring Rd. At the bend in the road, turn right to stay on Spring Rd. Drury Lane will be at the end of Spring Rd on your left.

From the North or South on Route 83

Exit at Roosevelt Rd/Butterfield Rd East; follow signs to Drury Lane.

From the East or West on Roosevelt Rd

Exit Route 83 South. On Route 83 South, take Roosevelt Rd/Butterfield Rd East exit; follow signs to Drury Lane.


A limited amount of money will be available for participants who cannot afford to pay the full registration fee due to financial hardship. The funds will be distributed in the order they are requested. Please make your request in writing to Maruja Sedano, Director of the Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry by Sept. 15.

From the West on I-88

Exit at Midwest Rd, turn right, proceed to Butterfield Rd and turn right. Proceed to Drury Lane exit.

Parking is available at no additional cost.

The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking is adjacent to the main lobby. If you require personal assistance, please bring a companion who can provide that service for you.

To aid in your trip planning, the address for the Drury Lane Theatre and Conference Center is 100 Drury Lane, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181.


Complimentary coffee and pastries are provided in the lobby each morning. A box lunch is included in the registration fee, therefore pre-registration is necessary. There are no concession stands, and restaurants are not easily accessible.

Individual reservations must be made with the hotel by October 3. The Hilton Suites Chicago/Oakbrook offers rooms for $99 plus tax for Single or Double (Triple, $109; Quad, $109) on Thursday. And on Friday the rate is $109 for Single or Double (Triple $119; Quad $129) Call 1-800-HILTONS (445-8667) for reservations. You must mention Chicago Catechetical Conference for this group rate. Self-Parking is complimentary. The hotel is conveniently located adjacent to Drury Lane, walking distance of the Conference Center. After Oct. 3, reservations will be based on prevailing hotel rates and availability. 9

Chicago Catechetical Conference 2013 Registration

Parroquias y Escuelas: Usen formas separadas para cada individuo. Nombre _______________________________________________________

Conferencia Catequtica de Chicago 2013 Forma de Inscripcin

Parishes and Schools: Use a separate registration form for each individual .






_______________________________________________________ (city) (state) (zip)

_______________________________________________________ (ciudad) (estado) (cdigo) Telfono (_____)________________Correo Electrnico_____ _____________

Phone Favor especifique su ministerio Lder Catequtico Maestro/a Catequista Asociado/a Pastoral Ministro Juvenil Dicono Director/a de Escuela Prroco


Please indicate your role Please indicate your primary role

Catechetical Leader Catechist Coord. Youth Ministry Principal

Prroco Asociado Otro___________

Teacher Associate Pastor Pastoral Associate Other__________ Deacon Pastor Friday Enrichment Choices Please indicate your first and second choices in the boxes Enrichment 3
opcin 1 opcin 2

Opciones para las Sesiones del Viernes Favor indique su primera y segunda opcin en los cuadros Sesin 1
opcin 1

1st choice 2nd choice 1st choice 2nd choice 1st choice 2nd choice 1st choice 2nd choice

Enrichment 1

Enrichment 2

Enrichment 4

Sesin 2

opcin 2

opcin 1

Sesin 3

opcin 2

opcin 1

Sesin 4

opcin 2

Please indicate your choice for the Saturday Keynote ____Spanish ____Polish

Opcin para Sbado, Charla Principal

____Ingls ____Espaol ____Polaco


Opciones para las Sesiones del Sabado Favor indique su primera y segunda opcin en los cuadros Sesin 5
opcin 1 opcin 2

1st choice 2nd choice 1st choice 2nd choice 1st choice 2nd choice 1st choice 2nd choice

Saturday Enrichment Choices Please indicate your first and second choices in the boxes 1 5 Breakout Breakout 2 6 Breakout 3 7 Breakout 4 8 Enrichment Enrichment Enrichment Enrichment

Sesin 6
opcin 1 opcin 2

Sesin 7
opcin 1 opcin 2

Sesin 8
opcin 1 opcin 2

Please circle payment option

By Oct. 4

After Oct. 4

Contribution to CCC 2013 Financial hardship fund _______

Antes del 4 Despus del de Oct. Un da: Dos das: $80 Un da: Dos das: $80

Contribucin de CCC 2013 Fondo de solidaridad financiera _______

One day: $50

One day: $55

Two days: $75

Two days: $80

_____________ payment Total and to payment Send forms Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry CCC 13 Registration 3525 S. Lake Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60653

Enviar forma de inscripcin con cheque pagadero: Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry CCC 13 Registration 3525 S. Lake Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60653

You can register and pay online at or complete the registration form and mail it in with your payment. Usted puede inscribirse en nuestra pgina ciberntica o puede llenar la forma de inscripcin y enviarla con su pago.

Office for Catechesis & Youth Ministry Archdiocese of Chicago

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