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1.(m.)desafo demanding situation 2.(m.)reto - the course will be an enormous challenge for him:el curso ser un tremendo desafo para

3.(m.)reto - he issued a challenge to the government to have a referendum on the issue:desafi al

gobierno a que sometiera la cuestin a un plebiscitohe invitation autoridad act of confrontation la Copa de Europa

accepted took up the challenge:acept el reto

4.(m.)desafo - their attitude was a challenge to her authority:su actitud constitua un desafo a su 5.(n)- this is the team's third European Cup challenge:es la tercera vez que el equipo intenta hacerse con 1.(vt)constituir un desafo un reto para, poner a prueba - this exam will really challenge the
students:este examen constituir un verdadero desafo para los estudiantes to test

2.(vt)desafiar, retar - she challenged him to prove his story:lo desafi a que probara su versin de los
hechos to invite

3.(vt)cuestionar - he felt that his authority was being challenged:sinti que se estaba cuestionando su
autoridad to question

4.(vt)dar el alto a - he entered the office without being challenged by the security guards:entr en
la oficina sin que los guardias de seguridad intentaran impedirle el paso to stop and question

1. (m.) clavo - you've hit the nail on the head: has dado en el clavo he's as hard as nails: 2. (n) - es muy fuerte physically 3. (n) - no tiene corazn emotionally 4. (f.) ua 1. (vt) clavar - I nailed it to the wall: lo clav en la pared to fix 2. (vt) pillar - the police have nailed the culprit: la polica ha pillado al culpable to catch 1. (vt) clavar - I nailed down the board: sujet la tabla con clavos to secure with nails

2. (vt) - try to nail her down to a time and a place: trata de que se comprometa a una hora y un
lugar to make somebody agree

1. (vt) cerrar con clavos - all the doors and windows were nailed up: haban sellado todas las
puertas y ventanas para que no se pudieran abrir nail up

1. (n) cepillo m de uas nailbrush 1. (m inv.) cortaas nail clippers 1. (n) lima f de uas nail file 1. (m.) laca f esmalte de uas nail polish, nail varnish

1. (f.) prisa - there's no rush: no hay prisa we've got an hour, what's the rush?: tenemos una
hora, qu prisa hay?

there's no rush for this: esto no corre prisa I'm in a rush: tengo prisa hurry

2. (n) - there was a rush for the door: la gente se precipit hacia la puerta we managed to get out
before the rush: logramos salir antes de que se produjeran apelotonamientos the toy department is getting ready for the Christmas rush: la seccin juguetera se est preparando para la gran avalancha de
la poca navidea sudden movement

3. (m.) junco plant 1. (vi) correr, apresurarse - there's no need to rush!: no hay por qu correr! they rushed to buy
the tickets before the train left: corrieron a comprar los billetes antes de que saliera el tren he went rushing down to the shop: se fue corriendo a la tienda I don't want to rush into a decision: no
quiero precipitarme a tomar una decisin

1. (vt) meterle prisa a - stop rushing me!: deja de meterme prisa! to hurry: a person 2. (vt) hacer a la carrera - you shouldn't rush your food like that: no deberas comer as, a la
carrera : a job

3. (vt) enviar rpidamente - please rush me the information leaflet: le ruego me enve el folleto
informativo con la mayor brevedad posible to send quickly

4. (vt) llevar rpidamente - he was rushed into a nearby room: lo llevaron rpidamente a una
habitacin cercana to take quickly

5. (vt) arremeter contra - the football fans rushed the police: los hinchas de ftbol arremetieron
contra la polica to charge at

1. (vi) - she was rushing about like a madwoman: corra de aqu para all como loca rush about

1. (vi) entrar corriendo rush in 1. (vi) irse corriendo rush off 1. (vi) salir corriendo rush out 1. (vt) - the sequel was rushed out after the success of the first film: tras el xito de la primera
pelcula, se apresuraron a sacar la continuacin

1. (vt) - the bill was rushed through parliament: aceleraron la aprobacin del proyecto de ley rush

1. (n) hora f punta rush hour

2. (n) hora f pico rush hour 1. (n) trabajo m urgente - the decorating was a bit of a rush job: se pint la casa a la carrera
deprisa y corriendo rush job

1. (f.) materia - use your grey matter!: utiliza la materia gris! in the physical world 2. (m.) material - this envelope contains printed matter: este sobre contiene material impreso

3. (f.) cuestin situation, question 4. (m.) asunto - there's the matter of finding enough money to go: est la cuestin de conseguir
el dinero para ir it's just a matter of

patience: es slo cuestin de paciencia this is no laughing

matter: esto no es cosa de risa the house was built in a matter of weeks: construyeron la casa en
cuestin de semanas

I carry a spare key as a matter of course: tengo por costumbre llevar una llave de your hands are

repuesto as a matter of fact, today is my birthday: de hecho, hoy es mi cumpleaos

filthy but so are mine, for that matter!: tienes las manos asquerosas; bueno, y yo tambin!

5. (n) - what's the matter (with you)?: qu (te) pasa? there's something the matter with this
watch: a este reloj le pasa algo something wrong

6. (n) - no matter how hard I try: por mucho que lo intento no matter how poor they are:
por muy pobres que sean

no matter what he says: diga lo que diga no matter when she arrives:

cuando quiera que llegue regardless of

1. (npl) - you can't trust him in money matters: no puedes fiarte de l en asuntos de dinero to
make matters worse, she was going down with a cold: para colmo de males, se estaba acatarrando

1. (vi) importar - it doesn't matter: no importa all that matters (to me) is your happiness: lo
nico que (me) importa es que seas feliz

1. (adj) - I've lost my job, she said, in a matter-of-fact way: me he quedado sin trabajo, dijo, como
si la cosa no fuera con ella matter-of-fact

1.(vt)estropear a view, plan, chance 2.(vt)afear - it spoilt my appetite:me quit el apetito the countryside, landscape 3.(vt)mimar demasiado, malacostumbrar - tonight I plan to spoil myself:esta noche pienso darme
un capricho child

1.(vi)echarse a perder - he's always spoiling for a fight:anda siempre buscando peleafruit, meat 1.(m.)botnspoils 1.(m//f inv.)aguafiestas spoilsport

1. (vi) afincarse, establecerse - they finally settled in Australia: finalmente se afincaron en
Australia residence

they settled in London for a while: se instalaron en Londres por una temporada to take up

2. (vi) posarse - a fly settled on her hand: una mosca se pos en su mano to alight 3. (vi) asentarse - wait for the dregs to settle: espere a que los posos se asienten dust, etc. 4. (vi) cuajar snow 5. (vi) - we should wait for things to settle before taking any action: deberamos esperar a que
las cosas vuelvan a la normalidad antes de tomar ninguna medida to become calm

1. (vt) resolver, arreglar - this issue must be settled once and for all: hay que resolver este asunto
de una vez por todas we've

settled our differences: hemos resuelto nuestras diferencias a problem

2. (vt) decidir - I'm glad that's settled: me alegro de que est decidido to decide 3. (vt) pagar - he left without settling his bill: se fue sin pagar su cuenta a bill, an invoice 4. (vt) acomodar - he settled himself on the sofa: se acomod en el sof to make comfortable 5. (vt) calmar - this will settle your nerves: esto te calmar los nervios to calm 6. (vt) colonizar a territory, country

1. (vi) empezar a llevar una vida asentada to start leading a settled life: gen 2. (vi) sentar la cabeza - don't you think it's time you settled down?: no crees que ya va siendo
hora de que sientes la cabeza? : wild or restless person

3. (vi) calmarse - tell those children to settle down!: diles a esos nios que se calmen! to grow calm 4. (vi) ponerse cmodo - we settled down by the fire: nos pusimos cmodos junto a la chimenea
after lunch he settled down with the crossword: despus de comer se sent cmodamente a hacer el
crucigrama to make oneself comfortable

1. (vt) acostumbrarse a, hacerse a - she soon settled down to her new life: pronto se acostumbr
a su nueva vida to get used to

2. (vt) - I must settle down to some work: tengo que ponerme a trabajar to attend to 1. (vt) conformarse con, aceptar - she won't settle for anything less: no se conformar con menos
he'll probably settle for a hundred pounds: probablemente acepte cien libras settle for

1. (vi) adaptarse - he's settling in well at school: se est adaptando bien a la escuela gen 2. (vi) instalarse in a new house 1. (vt) decidirse por - we've settled on France this year: nos hemos decidido por Francia este ao
have they settled on a wedding date yet?: ya han fijado la fecha de la boda? settle on

1. (vi) arreglar (las) cuentas - I'll settle up with you later: luego arreglar las cuentas contigo we
settle up at the end of the month: liquidamos las cuentas a finales de mes settle up

1. (f.) prueba - this ring is proof of his love: este anillo es una prueba de su amor he can provide
proof of his innocence: puede probar su inocencia evidence

2. (f.) prueba of page, book 3. (f.) prueba 4. (f.) graduacin - this drink is forty per cent proof: esta bebida tiene una graduacin del cuarenta
por ciento of wine

1. (adj) resistente 1. (vt) impermeabilizar a tent, raincoat 1. (vi) corregir pruebas proofread 1. (vt) leer 1. (n) correccin f de pruebas proofreading

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