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Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:06:25 PM Last Modified: Sunday, July 14, 2013 1:16:49 PM Time Spent: 00:10:23 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 british Res po ndent s k ipped this ques tio n

Yes, Reasons for answ er He raised a lot of money for charity No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Res po ndent s k ipped this ques tio n

Res po ndent s k ipped this ques tio n

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A cheat

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 9:52:44 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 9:57:17 AM Time Spent: 00:04:33 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I admired his attacking attitude and his branding. Yes, If yes, w hat? All of the above!

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? TV No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Lunatic, control freak, clearly w ith personal and professional demons. That said, all I know of him is from the media - w ho is to say that the current 'understanding' of him w ill not change, should more revelations emerge...

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:05:37 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:09:59 AM Time Spent: 00:04:21 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 Danish Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er When he w as at his best I just thought that you had to respect a man that w as THAT good. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong rubberband, Livestrong Nike Free shoes. Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? The w ay that Danish commentators spoke of him w hile he w as on the top. No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I still have some degree of respect for the man, as I believe that finding a cyclist w ho hasn't dopes is a rarity, also he breathed life to a sport that perhaps lacked an icon at the time. Despite the doping drama I think it is w orth remembering he has been an ambassador for some good, although that cannot help being overshadow ed by the scandal.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:09:16 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:15:31 AM Time Spent: 00:06:14 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

20 to 29 British Moderate fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? TV/Print. Other (please explain) The dissenting voices w ere too few , it seems now that the w arning signs w eren't exactly difficult to pick up on for those close to the situation, w as just a case of being brave enough to make noise. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It w as interesting that it took Lance himself admitting to doping to sw ay many people from their long held beliefs. Even now the casual fan w ill use "everyone w as doing it" as an excuse for a man w ho pushed the boundaries of cheating and w as extremely aggressive to anyone w ho defied him.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:05:22 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:23:56 AM Time Spent: 00:18:33 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

20 to 29 canadian Hardcore fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? both Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Think of him more of a liar than a cheater, even though he is both.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:22:20 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:28:45 AM Time Spent: 00:06:24 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Pakistani Fair w eather fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Not a huge fan of Cycling but w as impressed of Lance Armstrong feat at the tour and coming back from cancer is impressive. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It's changed, finding out he w as drug cheat and lying for so many years and even denying it w hen asked on multiple times if he ever used has definitely changed my opinion on him.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:27:32 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:29:46 AM Time Spent: 00:02:14 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

40 to 49 Us Not a fan




Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Never cared about cycling. Alw ays thought he w as a douche since his foundation didn't give a ton of money and he pocketed too much of it

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:34:16 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:37:24 AM Time Spent: 00:03:08 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Fair w eather fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Did a lot for cancer aw areness so respected him for that once it all came out about his doping though, I lost all respect for him Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Non-cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Lance Armstrong is a fraud

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:35:30 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:38:05 AM Time Spent: 00:02:34 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 british Not a fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er I'd heard of him, and knew his records but w ouldn't say I w as a fan per se Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? I didn't know the w ristband w as linked to Lance initially, I knew it w as a charity band and they w ere sold at uni so I bought one. No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Disgusting selfish liar

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:35:00 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:38:43 AM Time Spent: 00:03:43 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 English/British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Admired him for the w ay he never gave up Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiography

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Cheated by him rather than admiration

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:52:21 AM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:03:03 PM Time Spent: 00:10:42 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He'd overcome adversity to show that its still possible to w in I'd you try hard enough. Plus it w as nice to see a young American challenging for w ins and titles and how dignified he w as after his team mates death w hile at Motorola. Yes, If yes, w hat? His tw o books "Not about the bike" and the other one I can't remember the name of! Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? General media just seemed to reinforce the comeback kid feel good story. No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I don't see him as the hero bike rider I saw w hen his TdF victories started. He seems a rather sad example of w hat happens w hen a rider gets too much pow er and thinks he can bully his w ay out of any situation. The fact he'd come back from cancer to compete w as enough of a story and for that he w ould have been remembered. But w ith all that said I'm still impressed that anyone can push themselves as hard as he (and all the other pro riders) did. After all he still had to climb the mountains I'm just disappointed he didn't do it clean.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:01:32 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:05:38 PM Time Spent: 00:04:05 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Amazing comeback after illness - inspirational Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiography and livestrong w ristbands

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Admire him for beating illness but hope he comes clean about everything. Glad he'll never ride again and feel sorry for new generation living under suspicion

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:22:21 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:27:48 PM Time Spent: 00:05:27 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Every book about him Team kit Livestrong clothing etc Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling media portrayed him as the saviour of cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I'm still intrigued by him Yes he doped but so did many others

13 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:01:24 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:03:43 PM Time Spent: 00:02:18 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 English Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er Felt he w as a 'bully' No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I didn't like him before and the dislike has possibly increased.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:00:13 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:05:34 PM Time Spent: 00:05:21 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

0 to 19 English Not a fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I thought his story w as pretty inspirational, not that I follow cycling much. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong w ristband.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? new spapers No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Not gonna lie, on reflection he is a bit of a dick now . Like how he'd appear in Dodgeball and give a speech to Peter about w inning the Tour De France after having testicular cancer etc. Then to find out he cheated, w hat an asshole. That Livestrong w ristband don't mean shit no more.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:03:23 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:06:38 PM Time Spent: 00:03:14 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Finnish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He got me into cycling, w ith his cancer past Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? All English media, mostly, and fansites Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? That he is a sociopath w ho ruined more lives than any doper before. Using cancer as a shield makes him truly a sick person.

16 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:06:35 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:08:06 PM Time Spent: 00:01:31 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er He's a cheat. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong gear

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Nike advertising Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a 24 carrot cunt.

17 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:04:09 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:08:19 PM Time Spent: 00:04:09 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er I did not care for his arrogance. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? We had mutually blocked each other on tw itter.I feel his only regret is getting caught,and being banned from competetive sport..

18 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:05:14 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:09:07 PM Time Spent: 00:03:52 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Scottish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Never liked the man, irrespective of doping the man... Arrogant No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I never liked him, still don't. I think he has a nerve to comment on cycling.. And I'm getting very annoyed by the fact that people seem to be ready to let him back in... No

19 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:05:13 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:09:09 PM Time Spent: 00:03:55 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 Danish Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I thought he w as a great rider and amazing for accomplishing w hat he did on and off the bike. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong bands, and a Nike/Livestrong duffel bag Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? TV No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I'm very disappointed in how he's damaged cycling's reputation, especially w ith lying for so long. It's made me somew hat less of a cycling fan/more cynical w hich is sad.

20 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:06:14 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:09:52 PM Time Spent: 00:03:38 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I didn't know any better Yes, If yes, w hat? Books

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) Yes completely as a full entity they should be criticized for his stature, and they should also be taken to task for the reporting of his dow nfall, the back patting for *one of our ow n* that took him dow n w as nearly as sickening as the details that emerged from the w hole saga. The Media and press played both sides of the story on the w ay up and on the w ay dow n. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He w as a cunt on the w ay up, and a cunt on the w ay dow n.

21 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:07:31 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:10:56 PM Time Spent: 00:03:24 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

40 to 49 US Hardcore fan




Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I liked him from 1998 to 2001 I hated him after. Overall, I think he is a jerk.

22 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:07:21 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:14:32 PM Time Spent: 00:07:11 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 Canadian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er he w as the best cyclist in the w orld Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) I believe every cyclist capable of competing w ith Armstrong at any point in his career w as doping, and I believe many elite cyclists are today. I've stopped caring. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) I am disgusted by the fact that his accusers (w ho w ere also doping) have been given free passes - Tyler Hamilton, especially, is a piss-poor excuse for a human being

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? My opinion of him is, despite the doping, that very few professional athletes have done more in terms of philanthropic endeavours than Armstrong and for that, I am prepared to forgive him - I w ear my Livestrong band for w hat it represents and for my Dad, and I thank Armstrong for w hat he has done for people w ith cancer.

23 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:06:39 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:15:34 PM Time Spent: 00:08:54 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 Turkish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Childhood hero, unfortunately. He w as one of few things that kept me going during my chemo sessions. He made me to do the "impossible". Yes, If yes, w hat? Several bands and three biographies.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) Things are a bit different than being naive or careless. When Armstrong w as such a special human being for me, I haven't influenced by anything from media. Given the circumstances, he w as so magical. Everybody should have paid much much more attention to Kimmage Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I w as devastated. I kept avoiding people for months. Did not read anything until mid-March. But than I confronted it. Thanks to him, now I feel like "little Kimmage". Digging every single suspicion and not being that blind anymore. Lost my all faith for clean cycling. But my passion for the cycling still the same. And probably, as a biomedical engineering candidate, I w ill do everything that I can to take part in anti-doping, mainly in cycling.

24 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:12:55 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:16:43 PM Time Spent: 00:03:47 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 Polish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Was the good guy. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? They said he w as the good guy Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Wanker. Hurt people for fun, like Sky do now .

25 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:10:27 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:19:07 PM Time Spent: 00:08:40 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Irish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Read the books..never saw him race..believed the marketing about him Yes, If yes, w hat? The books

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Influenced by his beating cancer..and his grit Other (please explain) He w as a once in a lifetime prefect marketing athlete could compete w ith him..and in a very hard sport Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) The w ork of independent people w as more important in creating aw areness than mainstream media..that's how I got to re-understand the Armstrong myth

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I don't blame the guy..I have serious issues w ith his actions...if he w as a nicer character at times then cycling w ould forgive he is the easy target for cycling and it's ills

26 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:17:06 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:20:13 PM Time Spent: 00:03:07 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

50 to 59 us Hardcore fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? msm Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? How can it be w rong if Americans are doing it?

27 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:18:47 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:21:45 PM Time Spent: 00:02:57 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British. Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I w as a fan until 2003 w hen I w as told he w as cheating. Yes, If yes, w hat? Books, band, tshirt.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling media. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I can't hate Armstrong, he's a symptom, not the illness. If he helps clean up cycling and genuinely w ants an end to doping then I say let him.

28 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:19:35 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:23:36 PM Time Spent: 00:04:00 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Was clearly arrogant from day 1 (eg from 1992) No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He is still a sociopath

29 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:16:04 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:24:03 PM Time Spent: 00:07:59 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er For his big comeback after cancer. Waned w ith the years. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He w as cheating during a time w hen many w ere cheating. I don't hate him, just hate w hat all doping has done to the sport. I believe doping is rife in football for example, but people w ant to believe it's clean. When a football team puts in an amazing physical performance, practically zero people say they w ere juiced. When a cyclist puts in a big performance (regardless of their form and history), loads w ill claim they w ere juiced. I believe this problem has been exacerbated by the cover-up nature of the Armstrong case. I w anted to believe he w as clean, but as time w ent by it became less and less likely. His treatment of ex-teammates has been disgraceful. If there have been any lessons learned at least it w ould be something, but given McQuaid's stance it doesn't seem like much has been learned at all.

30 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:21:11 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:25:19 PM Time Spent: 00:04:07 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Read his books, w atched him and w as amazed. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? His ow n books Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? The man is an absolute cheat. It has changed from being inspired to being disgusted.

31 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:24:03 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:25:56 PM Time Spent: 00:01:53 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiographies


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A manipulative bullying cheat.

32 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:21:06 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:26:41 PM Time Spent: 00:05:35 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Belgian Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er I had respect for his career, but w as more into Ullrich. Yes, If yes, w hat? yellow band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? television Other (please explain) They w ere in a w ay manipulated too, but should have spent more interest in dissenting voices. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It's the scale and manipulating that makes him w orse than others. I have been too naive in the past, but yeah, w hat could you do as a fan. We had good times w atching them race.

33 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:22:37 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:28:12 PM Time Spent: 00:05:34 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er As a Sunday Times reader, David Walsh convinced me of his guilt a long time ago No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I feel a bit sorry for him now . He's lost more than other riders from the same era. How ever he still needs to come out and tell the w hole truth!

34 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:22:19 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:28:06 PM Time Spent: 00:05:46 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Norw egian Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er I w as a fan, thought he w as innocent and all that. But w hen he finally told the truth(in a lame w ay) I felt betrayed. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong armband. Never received any though.. No, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Probably too naive to see the truth Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Was a fan, believed him. But the evidence became stronger and stronger until he finally cracked and confessed to cheating.

35 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:24:50 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:28:20 PM Time Spent: 00:03:29 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Came to cycling c.3yrs ago. By that point, fairly clear that he had doped. Also personality put me off regardless of doping. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I'm more put off by the 'American hero' w in at all costs attitude, and by the bullying tactics than by doping per se. So, for example, I appreciate some of Contador's performances, obvious desire to race etc, despite the fact I also believe him to have (still? - Not sure) doped.

36 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:25:04 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:28:22 PM Time Spent: 00:03:18 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

30 to 39 American Fair w eather fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I w as no longer a fan after 2006, w hen I decided that there w as no w ay he raced clean to achieve his successes.

37 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:11:30 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:28:51 PM Time Spent: 00:17:20 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Canadian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Fell in love w ith cycling because of him. Have been a student and an ardent pro cycling enthusiast ever since. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band, books.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling media. No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He has brought millions of fans to the sport. The governing body (UCI) had been and w ill alw ays protect its ow n sport. Still love Lance but not some of his action (the w ay he treated some people). don't like the hypocricy - bringing Lance dow n w as mainly about personal vendettas and less about doping.

38 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:26:33 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:29:19 PM Time Spent: 00:02:45 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er alw ays seemed like a bully. Yes, If yes, w hat? yes, a couple of the books as i w as getting in to biking Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? cycling media, especially kimmage & w alsh Other (please explain) some such as ligett w ere sheep:others fought the good fight Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? he's still a lair and a bully, and is only out to look after number 1. no sign of attempting to repair the damage done, and careers he has ruined

39 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:25:00 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:30:12 PM Time Spent: 00:05:11 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as the ultimate role model and inspiration Yes, If yes, w hat? Books, tshirt, training bottoms

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both cycling and mainstream... but I understand cycling, so my view s w ere inherently my ow n Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A liar and a cheat. He has gone from being my hero and idol to nothing to me...

40 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:27:04 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:29:50 PM Time Spent: 00:02:45 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Uk Moderate fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Aw are of his triumphs, but not a personality I liked (extreme alpha male) that said, admired his performances one the bike. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Non cycling. My age meant it w as mainly mainstream media No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Not changed. Seems like a bully but he shouldn't be made a scapegoat for an era.

41 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:23:57 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:31:20 PM Time Spent: 00:07:22 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Fair w eather fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as seen as a legend off cycling the best ever Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It hasn't changed, they w ere all doing it he w as simply the best at it.

42 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:30:37 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:34:16 PM Time Spent: 00:03:38 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Didn't like the arrogance or 'Americanisation' of a sport I had alw ays deemed 'continental' Yes, If yes, w hat? Yes - yellow band to look cool (oh dear!)

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Yes - mainstream media - the yellow band a very good example of w anting to show my cycling spurs No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? None - I raced against him as a junior, he has alw ays been a thoroughly dislikable individual or did w hat he could to w in through a psychopathic attitude and greed

43 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:31:23 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:35:54 PM Time Spent: 00:04:30 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 British Moderate fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er I suspected that he took illegal drugs. But he ha helped to make cycling high profile Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiographies

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both cycling & non-cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He made cycling more popular. But he w as a bully

44 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:25:53 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:38:24 PM Time Spent: 00:12:30 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He has a good amount of skill and ability on the bike. Yes, If yes, w hat? The live strong band. Not a fan of team w ear bought a trek bike as it w as best in price range Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Never really heard anything bad about him alw ays placed as a nice guy Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? To recover and even comeback from illness still impressive, shame he got caught up in his ow n legend,

45 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:36:47 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:41:40 PM Time Spent: 00:04:53 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Canadian living in uk Hardcore fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er I'm more of a domestique fan. I like the little guys ;) No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) When it became obvious he w as an ass they should have put that out there. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a bully and a loser. At first I may have thought he w as courageous but I w as never a big fan so I guess w hat has changed is the fact that the truth finally came through. I think he is now even more of an ass

46 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:37:43 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:42:33 PM Time Spent: 00:04:50 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Winning record Tour de France, best rider, cancer survivor Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiographies

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) Most media knew doping w as all over cycling and not just Armstrong. They all covered it up Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He is a cheat, that you can't deny, but they w ere all cheats, w as he still the best? Yes think he w as they all cheated he still w on. Don't view him or others of that era the same.

47 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:27:25 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:43:42 PM Time Spent: 00:16:17 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I gave him the benefit of the doubt until almost the very end, but in retrospect, the combination of omerta and media complicity meant that it w as alw ays very hard to consider doping an option, all the time Kimmage and Walsh could be cast as outsiders. The most upsetting thing has been seeing the dow nfall of people like Hincapie and Michael Barry. Yes, If yes, w hat? I bought the book, and one passage in particular w as moving, now that it's all bullshit, it's incredibly frustrating, such a w aste of time, money, energy... Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? I look to Liggett and Sherw en's faw ning commentary as an inexperienced fan, that they still are able to w ork is a mark of shame on cycling media. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I must admit, I thought his DiLuca tw eet w as hilarious, but I think ultimately he's a very strange person, he has created a unique persona, to go to such lengths (Livestrong, publishing, "I feel sorry for those w ho don't believe"), yet to be cheating all along. The guy is a perjurer w ith a massive God complex, he should take lessons from people like Profumo w ho spent the rest of his life doing good follow ing his dow nfall.

48 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:45:48 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:48:05 PM Time Spent: 00:02:16 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 irish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Arrogant individual No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Arrogant but now irrelevant unless he is prepared to tell all about his enablers

49 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:49:29 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:53:20 PM Time Spent: 00:03:50 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

30 to 39 Scottish Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiography

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Non cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I now despise him for the w ay he lied and lied and lied having previously respected him highly as an athlete although less so as a person.

50 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:50:48 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:53:47 PM Time Spent: 00:02:58 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Never a fan but admired the achievements and the story. Yes, If yes, w hat? Its not about the bike

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Dissapointed

51 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:50:49 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:54:21 PM Time Spent: 00:03:32 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 American Hardcore fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Like many top athletes, he is an ego-maniacal sociopath w ho can only favor the sport at this time by going aw ay...

52 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:51:48 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:55:10 PM Time Spent: 00:03:21 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 English Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Because of his drive to w in Yes, If yes, w hat? T shirts, books, w ristbands

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He w as a product of cycling in that cycling era

53 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:49:54 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:55:45 PM Time Spent: 00:05:50 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Cornish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Alw ays prefered the European riders. Felt the Yanks didn't come from the same stock. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) They did w hat they did to sell papers, rightly or w rongly! They are responsible for part of the blame as are the riders, UCI and Armstrong himself. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Personality disorder w ith abused talent. Couldn't help himself to maintain/achieve his goals.

54 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:53:36 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:56:37 PM Time Spent: 00:03:00 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er My dad got into cycling w hen lance w as big. We believed him. Yes, If yes, w hat? Postal cycling kit 2004; 10/2 cycling jersey. All of his books. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Him- a prick. But maybe he deserves a second chance. It's his children I feel for

55 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:54:04 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:56:49 PM Time Spent: 00:02:44 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 French Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He's a legend ! Yes, If yes, w hat? Books, w rist band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a legend and forever he w ill be !

56 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:55:39 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:58:56 PM Time Spent: 00:03:16 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Bands and sw eat top

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? The w hole story and come back No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Not much different a lot of riders w ere the same but he's getting more stick for it.

57 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:57:56 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:59:58 PM Time Spent: 00:02:01 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 USA Hardcore fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling Other (please explain) BS choices both are negative. They reported the story that's all No

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) They profit on the build up and the take dow n

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Still the best

58 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:56:58 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:02:59 PM Time Spent: 00:06:00 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er his attitude - too calculatting No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A self-centred individual - and that hasn't changed

59 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:59:12 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:04:18 PM Time Spent: 00:05:05 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as w inning w hen I started w atching TdF and great book Yes, If yes, w hat? Trek bike

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Other (please explain) UK media show s both sides but few people w ere saying "he doped". They couldn't or he'd sue Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I feel duped. As my know ledge of cycling increased I realised he probably doped and w as not a fan. The admission makes me feel foolish and sad, and therefore a little angry.

60 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:03:52 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:06:24 PM Time Spent: 00:02:32 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er Fairly boring style of racing - just put the hammer dow n and pow er to the top of the mountain (similar to Indurain) No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Other (please explain) The media is being reasonably sane post-Armstrong. It's the foaming nutjobs on comment threads w ho are seeing doping everyw here.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Anyone can get caught up in a big lie.

61 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:04:16 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:07:17 PM Time Spent: 00:03:00 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 canadian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Bought into his comeback from cancer No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's not a good person. Yes it has changed.

62 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:01:13 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:08:32 PM Time Spent: 00:07:18 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 british Hardcore fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Have alw ays know n riders at that level took drugs so not in aw e of him like some fans new to the sport. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Other (please explain) Some media (french, Irish) have been outspoken about Armstrong in the interest of truth. Some media outlets have made a lot of money from Armstrong so had a reason to go along w ith it.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Alw ays knew he w as a cheat. But he only out-drugged the rest of the competition. To me he is not a nice person and should be banned from all sport period.

63 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:05:32 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:10:50 PM Time Spent: 00:05:17 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 American Moderate fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? non-cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I still think he's an aw esome athlete. Maybe not such a squeaky-clean good guy, but he's still done some great things. It w as fun w atching his triathlon results.

64 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:48:32 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:14:20 PM Time Spent: 00:25:48 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Danish Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er Didn't like his personality No, If yes, w hat? Bought a TREK bike once, but did not associate this w ith him Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Indirectly, because almost all the (too many) people in my life w ho has experienced cancer had a positive image of him No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He w as a cheat and a bully, and he still is. I w ill never trust him or support any of his initiatives.

65 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:08:51 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:16:04 PM Time Spent: 00:07:12 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er He w as brash and obnoxious, tow ards the end I really started to dislike him. I believe in innocent until proven guilty but the evidence w as mounting for a long time. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) The majority w ere careless but people w ho kept investigating, like Paul Kimmage, should be applauded. (Now just read the next question, they should be applauded but ultimately the UCI should have been doing more to eradicate doping, long before Armstrong, Festina, et al) Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) A mixture of the above but I also believe w e should now stop giving him any publicity at all. He should become a ghost to cycling.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? As above, I'd prefer it if he became a recluse and w e never mentioned his name again but at the same time glad that anti doping measures like the biological passport are now more important than ever.

66 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:11:39 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:17:25 PM Time Spent: 00:05:46 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

0 to 19 Irish Fair w eather fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I suppose it w as hard not to be a fan of the guy giving w hat he w ent through and he w as the king of the sport. There w ere alw ays doubts of his innocence but for the sake of him and the sport you hoped he w as clean Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong bands got the book as a christmas present Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? I w as influenced by it certainly but I w ould say I w as equally influenced w hen David Walsh and Paul Kimmage started to talk about Lance and him having cheated. They w ere big on Irish sports radio stations and w ere adamant of him having cheated and w ere of course vindicated No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? While I of course completely disagree w ith his methods in w inning big cycling events and his image is rightfully sullied as a result. I w ould still commend him for raising a lot of money for various charities and good causes, although you could argue this w as an extension of the lie and that he w ouldn't have been given the platform to do such w ork if he w as truthful. I don't have much respect for him as an athlete or as a person for his actions but I think it should be remembered that he has done good things.

67 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:11:34 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:19:20 PM Time Spent: 00:07:45 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er The comeback and success. Yes, If yes, w hat? Books

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A man driven to be the best even w hen it came to cheating he had to have the best most w ell run disciplined system of doping ever seen. A sad indictment of how far some w ill go for success, fame and fortune.

68 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:14:12 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:19:42 PM Time Spent: 00:05:30 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

40 to 49 Canadian Hardcore fan




Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I feel a little bit sorry for him now . Just a little bit. Before he got nailed, my emotions w ere more along the lines of David Walsh, and Paul Kimmage. I have read LA Confidentiel (in French), Kimmage's Rough Ride, and Willy Voet's Breaking the Chain. I w as only a fan for a very short time - I had been follow ing all of the Lance doping new s since '99

69 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:14:13 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:20:26 PM Time Spent: 00:06:13 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

0 to 19 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I w as impressed by his story to do w ith cancer Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong w ristband

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? TV Journalism/commentary Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I do not like Lance Armstrong. I used to, but as I became more aw are of his story and w ho he really is, i disliked him.

70 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:18:40 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:22:04 PM Time Spent: 00:03:24 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Yes, w hen the first cancer book came out. At last, a story to usurp the incredible recovery and w in of Lemond. Yes, If yes, w hat? 2 x autobiographies.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? But the quashing of everything just seemed too much in about 2003 or so. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) he still has some apologists in the media. I find it hard to trust sports media at the best of time. Even less so after all of this. Pity poor Walsh, Kimmage, etc.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Glad he w as finally caught out. He now doesn't deserve the column inches, unless it is to report he is getting his arse sued.

71 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:12:47 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:23:34 PM Time Spent: 00:10:47 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 Sw edish Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Bracelet, T-shirt

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) Weak and somhow unreflected.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? If anything in Tyler Hamiltons book is true I fel betrayed.

72 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:12:22 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:26:05 PM Time Spent: 00:13:43 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Fair w eather fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as (or seemed) to be the best in the sport, and at the time of his peak, it felt like a privilege to w atch him perform. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Television and mainstream print media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) A mixture of both but also regret over the fact that certain elements of the media are shirking responsibility of looking back at the past coverage and admitting they w ere w rong. Despite the attacks on Lance now , the past is still being brushed under the carpet. It's double-think - on the one hand, attacking him for w hat he did, and on the other, pretending it never happened and continuing to pretend that PED use isn't an issue any more, like w hen Lance w as at his peak and it w as considered an issue that had started and ended w ith Festina.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It took me some time to realise but once I started reading a bit more from w ithin cycling, particularly around the time he made his comeback, the circumstantial evidence started mounting up (something I mostly discovered by reading around outside of mainstream sources - I had to go out of my w ay to find them), I started seeing past claims in a different light (e.g. from the French media), and ultimately I realised that he w as a thoroughly unpleasant individual.

73 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:15:14 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:31:49 PM Time Spent: 00:16:35 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 American Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I felt like he w as picking up w here Greg Lemond, Andy Hampsten, Davis Phinney & others from the 7-11 team left off in Europe. Yes, If yes, w hat? One of his autobiographies, and a couple of the Livestrong bands in the 2004 cycling season. Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? The cycling media, as I don't believe the mainstream media in American cares about cycling. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I feel as though Armstrong & many businesses (i.e. Nike, Trek, Livestrong executives, Phil Ligget & Paul Sherw in's financial investments) continued this charade to grab as much money as they possibly could from anyone under the guise of beating cancer. Supporting Trek, Nike, etc. w as directly helping Livestrong fight cancer but really lfilling Armstrong & his buddies' pockets.

74 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:28:10 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:33:40 PM Time Spent: 00:05:29 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as the best Yes, If yes, w hat? Glasses, jerseys, casual clothing

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) When are the media going to start making the general public realise he isn't the only cyclist to ever dope? No

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) Why is he being made the scapegoat for 100 years of doping at the tdf?

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Still w on the races & w as the standout cyclist of his generation. Has not changed my opinion at all

75 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:28:50 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:33:43 PM Time Spent: 00:04:52 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 English Fair w eather fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er I am a fair w eather fan of the sport, never really follow ed one rider No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Television, the new scasters w ere so quick to sw itch sides on him it w as unreal Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? As more w arning signs popped up my opinion w ent from"Wow , w hat an incredible achievement" to "I'm not that surprised", w hen he admitted everything

76 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:28:48 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:33:50 PM Time Spent: 00:05:01 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan




No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I still respect him for his achievements because as far as I'm concerned 95% of the peloton w ere using banned substances so effectively a level playing field

77 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:33:14 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:34:59 PM Time Spent: 00:01:45 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

20 to 29 British Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiographies, dvd's and w rist band


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Don't hate the player, hate the game!

78 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:35:05 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:36:32 PM Time Spent: 00:01:27 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

20 to 29 British Fair w eather fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong bracelet


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Despicable, completely and utterly

79 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:34:57 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:38:40 PM Time Spent: 00:03:42 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

20 to 29 American Moderate fan




No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. No

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It hasn't changed. Armstrong w on seven Tours. He doped, but so did 95% of the peleton. Doping has been a part of cycling since day one. Coppi, Merx etc all doped. I just think it's unfair that Lance has been crucified, has to bow out of Livestrong, and people think he should repay prize money. What about Levi and George? I haven't heard the same level of scrutiny tow ards them.

80 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:29:41 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:38:55 PM Time Spent: 00:09:14 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 Uk Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Guy comes back from cancer; seemingly brilliant on climbs Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiographies

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Only in the sense that they threw no dirt on someone w ho appeared to be a superb cyclist. So positive opinion not gained due to media but w as retained because they produced nothing to undermine that original stance Other (please explain) I get angry that some journalists eg Lionel Birnie w ere happy to call other people naive for believing in Armstrong but never had the balls to provide reasons over those years not to believe in Armstrong Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He is a cheat, but difficult to see w hy guys like Pantani are still revered by the press and cycling public and Armstrong treated as a pariah. The lack of level playing field makes me sympathetic to Armstrong but he is still a cheat

81 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:35:50 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:39:24 PM Time Spent: 00:03:34 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er I alw ays thought he w as very arrogant, even in 1993. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) Parts of the media deserve criticism, i.e. TV channels w ho employed sycophants like Sherw en and Liggett Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I thoroughly dislike him. My opinion hasn't changed.

82 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:02:43 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:41:04 PM Time Spent: 00:38:20 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I loved w atching his attacks in the mountains, coupled w ith his cancer backstory. Yes, If yes, w hat? Tw o autobiographies.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? The "positive" story they portrayed of him meant that the doubts w ere given less thought. No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a cheat from an era of cycling w here the majority w ere cheating. I think less of him as a person, but looking back on those Tours I still look fondly at how much I enjoyed them and w as enthralled by the theatre.

83 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:34:18 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:41:32 PM Time Spent: 00:07:14 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 Irish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Read his books before I knew anything about cycling. Yes, If yes, w hat? His books.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Other (please explain) Partially responsible but I can see w hy.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Ambition and niceness don't normally go hand in hand. How ever he took the defence of his name too far at times and is suffering the consequences now , and rightly so. He can have nobody to blame but himself. Pigeon holing him as either an angel or a demon is an oversimplification.

84 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:39:29 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:41:39 PM Time Spent: 00:02:10 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er His achievements Yes, If yes, w hat? Nike running tops

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Unbelievable achievements in every sense of the w ord. Anyone w ith half a brain probably knew he w as doping...

85 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:39:36 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:41:47 PM Time Spent: 00:02:10 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Print media. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Legendary athlete. And I still consider him a seven-time tour w inner. But a nasty piece of w ork.

86 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:39:54 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:41:58 PM Time Spent: 00:02:04 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er I never thought he w as clean. Yes, If yes, w hat? His books.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a thoroughly unpleasant man w ho patently has sociopathic tendencies.

87 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:14:20 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:42:09 PM Time Spent: 00:27:49 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Got into the sport initially as a casual fan i.e. I w atched the tour highlights) via how inspired I w as by his autobiography "it's not about the bike" w hich I got for christmas. No, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? non-cycling media. Other (please explain) More investigative journalism w as needed from the cycling media and more skepticism from the mainstream media. They should be criticised for that but blame for spreading the myth lands at the UCI. No

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? It's complicated. Used to have incredible admiration for him as a Rider but even more as a person. The former disappeared instantly after I realised the likelihood of his doping. The latter corroded slow ly over time, although it still somew hat exists. Guess now I see him as somebody w ho ruthlessly exploited an opportunity, not caring about the w ider cost. And w hilst I completely condemn the action I find it hard not to on some level admire the force of character it took to do that.

88 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:37:55 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:42:58 PM Time Spent: 00:05:03 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Irish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er He w as an arrogant git w ith no class. Then he w as an arrogant git w ho clearly doped. Yes, If yes, w hat? Books.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) Yes they should be criticised. Those that acted as cheerleaders w ere careless, most of the rest didn't w ant the problem of offending someone. No

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) They have demonised Armstrong to the point that *he* is seen as the problem w hen he w as only ever a symptom of the problem.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a flaw ed human being. Like most people. He probably never meant it to get so out of hand, but once you're on the w ave you've no choice but to ride it out.

89 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:36:37 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:43:17 PM Time Spent: 00:06:40 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

30 to 39 English Moderate fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Books

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Other (please explain) Lance sold magazines, bikes, shoes, sunglasses. He w ould alw ays get an easy ride from corporations and press. Governing bodies w ere to blame for cover up. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A bully. Alw ays w as. He gave the sport profile w hich it w ould not have now w ithout him during that era. I've follow ed cycling long enough to know there w ill alw ays be doping but it w as Armstrong's treatment of the w histleblow ers w hich fucked me off.

90 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:39:54 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:43:32 PM Time Spent: 00:03:38 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Fair w eather fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as an inspirational figure. Yes, If yes, w hat? Live strong band and his autobiography.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Non cycling, how ever is is because I w as unaw are of the cycling media's view . I believe it w ould have affected me had I know n it. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Whilst he cheated on a scale that I barely comprehensible, in that if affected a w hole sport for such a long time, and w ill have a long last affect, I feel that the time in w hich he w as portrayed as an inspiration w as useful to the less cynical public.

91 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:47:55 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:50:07 PM Time Spent: 00:02:12 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Didn't seem like a very nice bloke No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) I think it's fair to say LA had the pow er and abused any media w ho stood in his w ay. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's an arse

92 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:46:06 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:50:41 PM Time Spent: 00:04:35 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

30 to 39 British Fair w eather fan




Other (please explain) Don't understand the question

Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Other (please explain) Don't know enough about all the story to make a fair judgement

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I believe him to be a cheat. Prior to this I didn't have a strong opinion of him as I don't follow cycling that much.

93 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:46:58 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:51:35 PM Time Spent: 00:04:36 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

20 to 29 British Fair w eather fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiography & live strong bands

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Non- cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I am a 'fair w eather' cycling fan & the reason I started to w atch cycling w as due to the man himself. If nothing more I have a great deal of admiration for the fact he managed to keep things covered up for soooo long!

94 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:51:16 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:53:47 PM Time Spent: 00:02:31 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 Irish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Obvious cheat. Went out of his w ay to hurt other people. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Scumbag.

95 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:54:38 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:57:09 PM Time Spent: 00:02:30 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er He w as alw ays quite unpalatable. Not a classy rider at all. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? I guess I must have been. Cycling media. Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He cheated at cheating. But you can't pretend he w asn't a good rider. Not good to enough to have been the greatest ever as his TDF record might have suggested but he w as, of course, impressive, clean or otherw ise.

96 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:55:18 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:00:19 PM Time Spent: 00:05:01 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 English Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Cos I fell into the trap. Yes, If yes, w hat? Band, livestrong rain cape& cap

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling Magazines. His books No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He w as a hero, but w hen it's all been a lie, you feel like a fool. I w ouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. CHEAT!!!

97 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:53:15 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:00:58 PM Time Spent: 00:07:43 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 USA Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Winner, Cancer Survivor, Pioneer of sorts, American Yes, If yes, w hat? Books, Shirts and Bracelet

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling Media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Have come to realize he is an egotistical, bully, liar, cheat, w in-at-all-costs D-Bag.

98 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:10:25 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:14:04 PM Time Spent: 00:03:38 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 British Hardcore fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Never w armed to him. Especially after reading INATB Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band, biog

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Glad he finally fessed up. Still can't trust him though. Feel there must be some ulterior motive

99 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:14:36 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:17:43 PM Time Spent: 00:03:06 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 USA - Asian American Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Only 1 year. 1999. Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiography Books. Yellow band.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? After 1999, I w as not a fan. I w as a fan for one year after his 'comeback'. After 2000, I thought he w as a doper.

100 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:15:55 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:28:33 PM Time Spent: 00:12:38 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 American Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er To be honest, his success at the time w as w hat drew me to cycling. His story w as inspirational and I felt he w as an amazing athlete. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band, Discovery and Livestrong t-shirts No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Other (please explain) I'm in betw een these tw o answ ers. I think some media tried to uncover the truth and other media chose to ignore. I don't think it w as only the media's fault, either. I think a lot of people w ere involved in trying to keep things undercover. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I don't particularly care for w hat he did and w as upset about the cheating. How ever, I w asn't stupid. After years of rumors, it w asn't surprising w hen he w as finally caught. I think that right now the media has gone to the other extreme and is making him out to be the only bad guy. The guy cheated. Give him his punishment and let's get on w ith it. Don't keep raking him through the coals. It is almost making me feel sorry for him.

101 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:24:41 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:31:15 PM Time Spent: 00:06:33 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 Scottish Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Us postal kit 2000, a bloody lance book or DVD every Xmas. Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Probably cycling media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? A driven personality/bully. Forget the doping, w ould have liked to see him go head to head w ith Hinault, just on their personalities w ould have been a barn stormer

102 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:29:15 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:33:50 PM Time Spent: 00:04:35 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 English Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er I've never really had a favourite ridsr. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) You can't tar everyone w ith the same brush, plus the w hole David Walsh thing show ed it w as easier said than done for the media to do w hat w e w ould w ant of then. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Much more negative, now the truth is finaly w ell out in the open

103 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:36:21 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:41:01 PM Time Spent: 00:04:40 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as an incredible competitor and knew how to w in. Great recovery story. Yes, If yes, w hat? Livestrong band, Nike Livestrong joggers.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He now appears to be fundamentally flaw ed and unhealthily obsessive about competitors. My opinion has changed a lot over the years as stories emerged about the real man and w ho he is. He does not have much credibility now and so has lost most of his influence and pow er.

104 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 2:35:50 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:48:14 PM Time Spent: 01:12:23 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 Uk Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Just pleased to see someone overcome cancer and perform so w ell No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Not only is the man a liar but more concerning is the effort he made to accuse others, like Paul Kimmage, of being deceitful and w rong.,

105 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:57:03 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:59:48 PM Time Spent: 00:02:44 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Irish Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Because of w hat he did. Yes, If yes, w hat? Too many to list!!

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Asshole!!Alw ays thought he w as arrogant even w hen I w as a fan.

106 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 4:03:54 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 4:05:37 PM Time Spent: 00:01:43 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

30 to 39 British Fair w eather fan




No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's cheated. Everything he's touched is tarnished.

107 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 4:01:12 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 4:09:11 PM Time Spent: 00:07:58 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Fair w eather fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I only ever w atch cycling w hen Le Tour is on and I found his "comeback" story to be both fascinating and inspiring. Yes, If yes, w hat? I have a Livestrong band and a hoodie.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) It's a tricky one. He had passed so many drugs tests over the years that it w as easy to dismiss criticism as jealousy. But there w as so much criticism that it should have w arranted more coverage. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? To me, he is a very flaw ed man w ho accomplished amazing achievements in a sport that had many many flaw ed men in it. He w as a better cheater than everyone else, but probably not a bigger one. Obviously his credibility is in tatters now , but as much as authorities w ill try to erase his name from history, he w ill alw ays be in people's memories as the only man w ho w on the tour 7 times.

108 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:00:54 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 4:49:56 PM Time Spent: 01:49:01 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 UK Moderate fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Slightly before my main cycling interest, then w as suspicious. Yes, If yes, w hat? Book - Its not about the bike

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Mainstream and cycling media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Somew hat being made a scapegoat, but still playing the system and not being honest or forthcoming.

109 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:05:30 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:07:59 PM Time Spent: 00:02:28 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 USA Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er Not inclined to nationalism in a w orld sport. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I used to be indifferent. Now I loathe him.

110 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:07:07 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:15:17 PM Time Spent: 00:08:10 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 American Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er His fans that I encountered w hen I first started cycling behaved like jerks on the roads and trails. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? His blatant attempt at redemption in the w ake of his destructive behavior is horrifying. Those w ho seek forgiveness earn it, not w ait for it as if entitled. Worthless human being.

111 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:25:22 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:31:53 PM Time Spent: 00:06:31 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

30 to 39 Puertorican Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Frs trek road bike

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Mainstream media No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? At first he w as an American hero, then things got suspicious, then to me as I understood pow er meters and pow er training it w as very obvious. Then w hen I saw that all the top ten in the Tour w hen he w as present doped and w here caught, then it w as just plain clear

112 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:59:21 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:28:24 PM Time Spent: 00:29:02 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 American Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er yes, He is my same age and w as rising in fame w hen I also w as racing as a novice. I w atched him race in the US before he ever raced in Europe. Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiographies, Livestrong sw eatshirt

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? new sprint. Other (please explain) yes they w ere nave for not focusing on the issue of rampant performance enhancing in cycling rather than the people themselves. No

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) see below

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I am still in favor of Lance Armstrong and am quite disappointed in how he has been singled out and vilified as a cheater w hen the long standing culture in cycling w as to "performance enhance". This is true in other sports as w ell. Also, athletes of Lance's caliber don't get to this it is "engrained, expected and acceptable to take performance enhancers" part of their athletic career unless they have already fought their w ay to these elite drug taking ranks by being drug-free but incredibly driven, hard w orking, w illing to sacrifice and endure pain on a scale far beyond w hat the average non-athlete or casual w eek-end w arrior athlete can understand. Outstanding elite athletes earn their w ay to the ranks of taking "performance enhancements" They don't get there because they performance enhance. Once your there... your fellow elite athletes w elcome you to their "performance enhancing" club, and like the sports they compete in, it is a competition to performance enhance better than your elite athlete peers. Once a competitor, alw ays a competitor and this nasty truth or blame for the phenomena in elite sports should not have to be carried on the shoulders of one person w ho participated, competed and did it better than the others. They are all liars, not just Lance. I think there is an argument that Lance w as covering for all the performance enhancers that came before him, for the sport of cycling and for elite althletes in other sports all these years. He lied for the hundreds of great athletes, other greats including Greg Lemond, Perhaps Lance w as not acting selfishly w hen he skew ed the truth, and maybe a select few got hit in his crosshairs, Tyler Hamilton etc,,, w hile he w orked on protecting the masses in the sport. This is w hy the masses all w ant the sport to now "move on after Lance w as caught by the media, because they don't w ant to be unveiled as a fraud either in a sport that for years embraced the fraud. that is if you also w ant to believe that all of these tremendous, aw e inspiring athletes w ere athletes that w ere all gifted and aw e-inspiring prior to them being a part of the "fraud" the media exposed by w ay of Lance Armstrong. Lance although an egomaniac, is still aw e-inspiring to me.

114 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:34:54 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:41:14 PM Time Spent: 00:06:19 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

40 to 49 USA Hardcore fan




Other (please explain) Somew here betw een the other tw o options. Yes

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Indifferent. Re: #8 the truth w as uncovered long ago but many chose to actively disbelieve or bury heads in sand.

115 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 6:53:09 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:00:20 PM Time Spent: 00:07:10 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Usa Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Introduced to cycling. Inspiration. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Non cycling. And cancer aw areness coverage Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a scapegoat. And a good story. Everyone is to blame including the uci. Hincape seems to maintain a positive opinion from fans yet he is just as much to blame. Ulrich. Pantani. Everyone. All involved. This is not just cycling but all pro sports. All of them. Armstrong is just a cog. Albeit a life destroying cog, but not the head of the mob like the media paint him as being.

116 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:34:30 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:39:21 PM Time Spent: 00:04:51 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

30 to 39 Dom Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Books Bracelet LS oakleys LS cycling gear Radioshack cycling gear Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Lance did not invent doping but took advantage of Cancer to propel his myth. UCI et al should also be held accountable.

117 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:43:22 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:49:49 PM Time Spent: 00:06:26 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 USA Hardcore fan

Indifferent, Reasons for answ er Raced w ith him as a junior & at OTC he w as a jerk No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) It is access driven media, no access limited story, combined w ith his vindictive nature and you are out of a job. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Meh He has made some positive ovatures on tw itter recently Meh

118 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:07:09 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:20:34 PM Time Spent: 00:13:25 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 British + Australian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Made the tour exciting w as driven and controversial and brought the big money and television w orldw ide to the sport. Yes, If yes, w hat? Trek 5200

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? My opinion has never changed all pro cyclists at that time and before have alw ays been on the "juice". He w as the best in his era dope or not and all his peers w ere on it too. He has been vilified w hile everyone else w ho doped just as much continues on.

119 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 9:00:59 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 9:05:52 PM Time Spent: 00:04:53 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Photo w ith him at Liege Bastogne Liege in must have been Yes, If yes, w hat? Nike yellow t shirt snd livestrong band

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? The best cyclist of a generation fuelled by greed and chemicals

120 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 9:51:49 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 10:27:09 PM Time Spent: 00:35:20 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 Canadian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er He w as the main person w ho attracted me to cycling. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Other (please explain) Most approached him on the subject of doping, so I am in betw een a yes/no answ er. He w as quite convincing, selective of w hich media outlet/person he chose to speak to & manipulative. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Unfortunately, Lance Armstrong fooled the w orld for the most part. This w as an unbelievable undertaking & I still can't get my mind around it. I mean, how could he carry on day after day know ing he w as lying at a cost to so many. He could be a sociopath, someone w ithout conscience...In any event, I have lost all trust in w hat he has to say. People like him scare me to pieces.

121 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:37:36 PM Last Modified: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:42:03 PM Time Spent: 00:04:26 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 Romanian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Liked his books, seemed convincing... Yes, If yes, w hat? His 2 books and the livestrong band w hich I w ore for about 2 years. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) Hard to say...

Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Kinda hate him now for he damaged cycling so much w ith his lies...

122 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:04:12 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:07:05 AM Time Spent: 00:02:53 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Fair w eather fan

No, Reasons for answ er Having read his book he seemed a selfish individual even before the PEDs storm Yes, If yes, w hat? Autobiography

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

The coverage has been completely understandable, given the size and seriousness of the scandal.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? My opinion has not changed.

123 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:11:34 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:17:13 AM Time Spent: 00:05:39 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 Yank Hardcore fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Books

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) Understated. The unquestioning follow ers and parasites are being largely quiet and prob. afraid of how silly they'll appear if they come around now . Shameful really. There is still some media Omert.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's a horrible sociopath w ho still looks for a w ay to get w hat he w ants and serving only his ow n needs. I liked Lance until I read Walsh's book in late '05 and the evidence w as just too hard to ignore any longer.

124 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:41:22 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:43:11 AM Time Spent: 00:01:48 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Not a fan

No, Reasons for answ er No major interest in sport. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Fraud. Alw ays suspected something w asn't quite right about him.

125 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:47:18 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:52:38 AM Time Spent: 00:05:19 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

40 to 49 British Moderate fan



Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Cycling media Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He has brought a lot to cycling, both positive and negative, w hile he has damaged the sport of cycling he has undoubtably encouraged a lot of people (mainly middle aged men) to cycle. Trek bikes w ould be a fraction of their current size w ithout Armstrong.

126 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:22:44 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:28:32 AM Time Spent: 00:05:48 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 American Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er As an American I alw ays rooted for American riders. Also the compelling cancer story. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Other (please explain) He has been made a scapegoat for a corrupt system he did not invent. The sponsors, team directors and Doctors all played a huge role in creating this toxic culture...but all you hear about is Lance.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I had alw ays suspected he w as a doper so not too surprised. I hope that he reveals all the details of the doping culture so that the sport can move forw ard. Lance is not a villan... He is human and he got caught up in a pre existing culture.

127 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:38:15 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:40:20 AM Time Spent: 00:02:05 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

20 to 29 British Moderate fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? trek discovery kit

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? new s highlights Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I still respect him

128 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:05:51 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:20:55 AM Time Spent: 00:15:04 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Not the most exciting rider, nor the most charismatic but w hat he achieved in the face of his obstacles w as, at the time, incredible. Yes, If yes, w hat? livestrong braclet

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? The media play a HUGE Part in the inflation of characters. Lance w as one of the first cyclists to break all mainstream media due to his cancer and achievements Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? cheat

129 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:45:36 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:32:07 AM Time Spent: 01:46:30 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 British Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Rememebr that 'The science of Lance Armstrong' program? Well, I believed that bullshit. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? Both Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? From 'Dedicated, single-minded, litigious, talented, articulate, unique cyclist and athlete' to 'Dedicated, controlling, bullying, litigious, talented, cheating cyclist and athlete.

130 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:23:52 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:33:20 AM Time Spent: 00:09:27 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)? Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

50 to 59 US Moderate fan


Yes, If yes, w hat? Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band No

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?

Other (please explain) Typical media. Just like sponsors, alw ays in it for themselves, money, etc Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Other (please explain) One young man didn't create the culture in 100 years of cycling. Wish they w ould move forw ard w ith the T&R so people could know w hat really happens and how to stop or control it

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Amazing athelete that has done more on a global scale to help people w ith cancer than anyone I have seen in my life. Wish more people w ould do the same. That FAR outw eighs PED's in sport, w hich is in baseball, football, soccer, tennis, everything sponsors and money are part of. Don't be nieve

131 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 10:46:18 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 10:49:26 AM Time Spent: 00:03:08 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 American Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er Alw ays knew he w as doping, never bought the hype. No, If yes, w hat? Make a point not buy anything (Nike, Trek) Armstrong-related! No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Yes

Other (please explain) The media didn't w ant to hold itself accountable, look at Armstrong's fans a la Rick Reilly.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He's more of a sick narcissist than anyone could imagine.

132 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 11:07:02 AM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 11:13:52 AM Time Spent: 00:06:49 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

20 to 29 British Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er Didn't know about the doping suspicion until I got more interested in cycling. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) Odd question. Plenty in the media have been outspoken about Armstrong and doping in general. Those that w ere outspoken w ere generally taken to court. Yes

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? Hero to zero. Still have respect for his sporting ability and his charity w ork but by most accounts he's a bit of a dick

133 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:49:36 PM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:54:18 PM Time Spent: 00:04:42 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 scottish Hardcore fan

No, Reasons for answ er never much liked his attitude to the sport. a bit self-absorbed Yes, If yes, w hat? i review ed several armstrong books

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs?


Other (please explain) particularly peeved by the column inches provided by the cycling press. there w as another 190 odd riders in each tour, not just lance. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

Far too many instances of media members jumping on the 'bandw agon', having previously ignored all the w arning signs during his career.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? my opinion hasn't changed much at all. didn't much like his approach w hen he started and didn't care for it much w hen he finally retired.

134 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:12:14 PM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:21:25 PM Time Spent: 00:09:10 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 british Moderate fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er profession cyclist !!! not now Yes, If yes, w hat? autobiography

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Other (please explain) dont think media w anted to believe the rumours Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? after follow ing his career and reading his autobiography and the w ork he had done for cancer aw areness - opinion has totally changed - w ill never believe a w ord he says - hopefully the damage he has caused can be rectified.

135 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Friday, July 19, 2013 12:30:32 AM Last Modified: Friday, July 19, 2013 12:34:25 AM Time Spent: 00:03:53 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 USA Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er Alw ays knew he doped. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? He is an ass.

136 / 139

Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Monday, July 15, 2013 1:04:13 PM Last Modified: Saturday, July 20, 2013 7:31:08 AM Time Spent: Over a day IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

30 to 39 German Moderate fan

No, Reasons for answ er I w as a Jan Ullrich fan and found Armstrong's dominance annoying and soon suspicious. No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


Yes, they w ere completely careless and should be held responsible for spreading the myth Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? First I found the cancer story intriguing, but that lasted for about tw o w eeks. Then I found his dominance annoying. Soon I started to ignore him completely, like I ignored the w hole sport of cycling, because I w as convinced all the riders w ere cheats. Now I'm relieved that Armstrong has been exposed. I find it difficult to see that right now it seems w e can't do w ith Armstrong and w e can't do w ithout him either. After the USADA report it seemed there could be more radical change, but it's clear now that change takes (a lot of) time. I'm happy that the people w ho dared to speak up got vindicated.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Saturday, July 20, 2013 3:35:01 PM Last Modified: Saturday, July 20, 2013 3:53:22 PM Time Spent: 00:18:20 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

50 to 59 Canadian Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er for w hat he did on the bike and off Yes, If yes, w hat? band and I ride trek bikes, but NOT just because he did... they make good bikes Yes, If yes, w hich area of the media w ere you most influenced by? maybe a little - the cancer stuff made him an impelling story both media No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. Hindsight is a w onderful thing. We can't know for sure.

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they?

Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both?

Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? he w as a great cyclist in a time w hen dooping w as almost universal. Would have liked to have seen him w ith him and everyone clean. He w orked w ith many good technical people and he (& others) changed how people train and prepare. I w ish the entire storyline w as true... he is a strong personality, a trait common in top athletes and many CEO's. He also beat cancer and inspired others... too bad he w as also to be a cheat and bully. My opinion; still impressed w hat he accomplished (I've rode my bike on many famous french alp and col he did, including the Madone (yes because of my/his Trek connection) so professional cyclist are amazing - I just he had not cheated and robbed us of a life hero.

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Lance Armstrong and the Media

Collector: Web Link (Web Link) Started: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 8:33:11 PM Last Modified: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 8:42:48 PM Time Spent: 00:09:37 IP Address:


Q1: What is your age? Q2: What is your nationality? Q3: What type of fan w ould you label yourself w hen it com es to professional cycling? Q4: Did you ever consider yourself a fan of Lance Arm strong (please give reasons for your answ er)?

40 to 49 White USA Hardcore fan

Yes, Reasons for answ er I w ill all w ays be a fan he kicked there ass at their ow n game and and all the could say w as hearsay No

Q5: Have you ever m ade any Arm strong-related purchases (e.g. Us Postal/Livestrong cycling gear, Trek bicycle, autobiographies, Livestrong band etc.) and if so w hat w ere they? Q6: Do you believe you w ere ever influenced by the m edia's positive portrayal of Arm strong and if so w ere you m ostly influenced by the cycling m edia, non-cycling m edia or both? Q7: Do you believe the m edia should be criticised for the w ay it reported Arm strong, given the w arning signs? Q8: Do you believe that if m ore of the m edia had taken a sim ilar approach to Paul Kim m age or David Walsh for exam ple, instead of ignoring the suspicions surrounding Arm strong, the truth w ould have been uncovered sooner? Q9: Which of the follow ing options best describe your feelings as to how the m edia has covered Arm strong postUSADA report?


No, they w ere naive but should not be blamed for getting caught up in w hat w as, at the time, a 'must cover' story. No

A mixture of both the above.

Q10: Finally, w hat is your overall opinion of Arm strong and how has that changed (if at all) over tim e? I think he has a bad law yer and should have took it the grave

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