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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Syllabus Fishing
Directions: Refer to your syllabus to answer the following questions or complete the following tasks. Complete sentences are not necessary. 1. What is the MYP focus of the biology department providing a course syllabus? What is the MYP focus of this Syllabus Fishing assignment? .... 2. In what room can you find Ms. Le throughout the school day? 3. Complete one or both of the following tasks: o Save Ms. Les text number into your cell phone or other electronic device. o Save Ms. Les email address into your email contact book. I prefer for you to email directly from your email address, because sometimes Edline emails cannot be replied to. 4. Weve entered the cell unit where were learning over twenty organelles, their structures, and their functions! You would like to be proactive and seek extra help outside of class. What days of the week is Ms. Le available and at what times? .... 5. Check off the following materials if you have them. Circle the materials if you need to obtain by the end of the week. o o o o o o Pencils with erasers Loose-leaf paper Spiral science notebook 3-ring binder Calculator Pens (preferably two different colors ex: blue and red) Highlighters Scissors Glue stick Colored pencils (we color and draw a lot in class) o Ruler o o o o

6. When you receive an assignment, the first thing you should do is .... so you can ensure that you will earn proper credit when turning it in. 7. The biology final exam is worth % of your final semester grade. 8. Circle which character trait YOU feel is the focus of completing this assignment. (I completed this step for you on a couple of our first handouts. On future assignments, you will again be asked to select a character focus as a part of your completed work.) CHARACTER FOCUS | ZEST INTEGRITY PERSEVERANCE


9. Type the MCPS high school science website into your browser and open the Biology A Student Exam Review Guide to see what you will be tested on in January. o 10. Read the short paragraph on academic dishonesty. In your opinion, what is the most commonly attempted form of academic dishonesty in high school? 11. Where can you find due dates for class assignments during class? What about outside of class? During: ..Outside: .. 12. How often can you expect to have homework in biology? ... times/week 13. What do you have to do in order to be able to turn in an assignment late? 14. You caught an intense strain of Streptococcal pharyngitis, which led to having the contagious illness of strep throat. You were stuck at home for a couple days, but now youre back and ready to complete all your make-up work on time. When should you NOT go see Ms. Le for what you missed? 15. Write one time and place you can go to participate in a MANDATORY re-teach session: ... 16. How many re-assessments are you able to participate in per quarter? . 17. The final grade after a first-take and a re-take is the .. of the two. 18. Re-assessments are administered on during in room 19. If you sign up for a re-assessment and do not attend the re-assessment session, this WILL count against the number of re-assessments you are able to participate in, because Ms. Le will have printed out a re-quiz for you and wasted a trees limb. You have until the day before the re-assessment to decide whether or not you would like to re-take a quiz. Initial here to confirm that you have read and understand the reassessment policy: 20. Heres your first and last biology class freebie. (Ms. Le likes multiples of 5.) Check this box: o


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