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Chaim Cohen Grade 9

Using Text in the Classroom

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Lets take a step into the megillahs era. Put aside everything you know about midrash and how the story ends. Forget everything and pretend youre just a fly on the wall in Shushan in the kings palace. Now were going to read the next two pesukim and pay careful attention how Haman justified a government sanctioned genocide against the Jews, to Achashveirosh. Remember, Haman was a trickster, there may be multiple layers going on herelets see how many you pick up on. Bobby, will you read? Stevie, can you translate those two psukim? Jimmy, what did you pick up? What was hamans justification? etc [The purpose is to bring out that the Jews were maintaining their Jewish identity and religion throughout the land, which was one reason why Haman wanted them destroyed. From Achashveiroshs perspective it was the moneythese both go to the root of their respective characters.]

Chaim Cohen Grade 9

Using Text in the Classroom

Before teaching the text of , I try to help the students appreciate the gravity of the miracle that did for us. Very often students, especially once they have learned the story a few times, fail to appreciate the real danger that the Jewish people were in. Therefore, I bring in news articles about civil wars around the war, and how many people die (ex. Syria, Yugoslavia, LIbya, Darfur, Congo, Kosovo). Additionally, referencing the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition and Holocaust, to explain that Haman meant for there to be a mass genocide. Especially for High school students who already have exposure to US Jewrys response to the Holocaust, and how the Rabbis Delegation was received by the government, they can more fully understand how Achashverosh could have reacted and what the consequences would have been.

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