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The Wrong Heist By /u/SodoffBaldrick

INT. BANK - DAY Aside from the Managers office, there are only eight other employees: six clerks, one janitor, and one elderly security guard. About thirteen people wait and line up behind the booths. Enter KEN (34) pale, lanky, glasses. Vaguely intimidating. GUARD Good morning, sir! Ken forces out a slight grin. Walks forward. He cuts to the front of a line, gently nudging an older WOMAN to the side. KEN scuse me, mam. The woman scowls. OLD WOMAN Young man, you have to wait in line like everyone else. Dont be an entitle little br-KEN (to the Clerk) -give me the money. CLERK Please sir, if you will please go to the back of the line and wait while I attend everyone else. KEN Give me the money. CLERK SIR. KEN The money. Give it to me. CLERK If you would like to make a withdra-Ken pulls out a small gun. The old woman screams, everyone around ducks down in terror.


CONTINUED: KEN (non-chalant) Give me all the money youve got in there.


The clerk and her coworkers put their arms up in the air. Ken walks over to the employee entrance and goes in, still pointing the gun menacingly. He points it over at the nearest CLERK, pressing it against his head. KEN Empty out the register. The clerk opens up his cash register, suddenly-The alarm goes off, extremely loud. Ken startled, covers his ears, gun still in hand. He looks over to see THE GUARD hand on the alarm switch. Ken groans. KEN OH MAN! NO! He points the gun back at the CLERK. KEN HURRY UP! GIMME THE CASH! The clerk pulls out all the money from the register and holds it up with both his arms. CLERK Where do you want it?! Ken seems confused. KEN WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?! CLERK WHERE DO YOU WANT IT?! He realizes he has nothing to hold the money with.


CONTINUED: KEN OH NO! CLERK HERE TAKE IT! The clerk pushes the money up against Kens chest. Ken drops his gun from the force. Ken, arms full of cash, kneels down to grab the gun.


The clerk kicks it away from him. Another CLERK grabs it. Points it at Ken. Ken fidgets around, puts the money up in the air. The clerk SHOOTS, hits the money instead. Hundred dollar bills fly up in the air. KEN runs away with the remaining money. He rushes out the employee area. Some people try to stop him, but because they are mostly elderly people, he pushes them quite easily. Yelps and screams. The clerk tries to shoot him, misses, hits the glass entrance instead. Ken drops a few more stacks. As he approaches the entrance, the clerk shoots once more, but shoots in some unspecified place. The guard clenches towards his chest. Hes in pain. The clerk drops the gun, and puts his hand to the head. CLERK OH NO! Murmur and screams from around. PEOPLE OH MY GOD, HES BEEN HIT, IS HE OKAY?, SOMEBODY HELP HIM!, etc. etc. The guard falls to the ground as Ken hastily escapes the bank, laughing maniacally. THIRTY MINUTES LATER: (CONTINUED)



The cops have arrived and are interviewing everyone. The clerk is in complete shock, eyes wide open. An OFFICER walks up to him. OFFICER Sir, sir, you can relax now. Weve told you already. You didnt shoot him, he got heartburn, nothing went wrong. The clerk slowly shakes his head. CLERK (hyterical) I k-killed h-him. OFFICER Hes not dead, sir. Hes gonna be alright. The clerk begins to tear up. CLERK Please lord, f-forgive me! EXT. ABANDONED PLAZA - DAY A small red car is parked. INT. RED CAR - DAY Ken is counting all his money, smug look on his face. Two cop cars come up and park right next to him, sirens wailing. Ken drops the money, nervously, opens the glove compartment. He shuffles desperately through all the junk. KEN NOOOOOOOOO!!! CUT TO:


INT. BANK - DAY A cop places Kens gun into an evidence bag. FADE TO: BLACK

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