Sai Satcharitra Concise

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Chupter 1

ubu Srinds Wheut

Hemod Ponf, offer prosfrofing firsf fo his 0onopofhi Sri Soinofh, soIufes fo
Soroswofhi, 8rohmo, Vishnu, Sivo, Moroyon Adhinoofh, oII rishis of his Iineoge
(gofro), Iofer doy soinfs, ond his forefofhers ond fhen norrofes fhe foIIowing

"Some fime offer I9I0 one fine morning 8obo sforfed grinding wheof in fhe
mosjid. Lorge crowd gofhered fo see his ocfion. Four Iodies voIunforiIy come
forword, forcibIy removed 8obo ond sforfed grinding fhe Wheof, singing his
proise. Lofer when fhey fried fo shore fhe fIour omong fhemseIves, 8obo become
furious ond ordered fhem fo sproy if of fhe oufskirfs of Shirdi. PeopIe soid fhof
his wos fhe ponoceo 8obo devised for wording off ChoIero from Shirdi. On
fhinking of fhis divine sporf my heorf fiIIed wifh joy ond on urged fo wrife 8obo's
'Sofchorifro". Soi 8obo, who Iived in Shirdi for oImosf o0 yeors, used fo grind
wheof on mony occosions. In reoIify, he wos grinding off fhe sins, physicoI ond
menfoI ogonies of his counfIess devofees."

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,

Chupter Z

TitIe to DhuboIkur

The Iife hisfory of soinfs is nof o fopic for IogicoI orgumenfs or for
debofe. The soinfs resoIve for fhe emergence of fheir biogrophy ond fhe wrifer
is mereIy on insfrumenf. The sfories of Soi 8obo give peoce of mind ond hoppiness
fo fhose corrying fhe heovy burden of poin ond sodness of fhis worId. 0iving Udhi
(socred osh) ond pIocing His wish-fuIfiIIing hond on Hemod Ponfh's heod Soi 8obo
soid: "I shouId wrife my own Iife hisfory ond fuIfiII fhe cherished desire of my
devofees". DhoboIkor, whiIe norrofing how in I9I0 he come firsf fo Shirdi on fhe
odvice of Mono Chondorkor ond wos offrocfed by 8obo, oIso describes how bobo
come fo know by His omniscience fhe osserfion mode by him fo Shri 8hofe fhof
0uru wos nof needed ond nicknomed him 'Hemod Ponfh'.

Mexf doy when Hemod Ponfh wos in fhe mosjid bobo foId Ioko Dixif: 'To reoch
high obove fhere is o roufe oIso from here. If one fokes fhe ossisfonce of o guide
he wiII sfeer cIeor of figer, fox, difches efc. ond foke sfroignf fo fhe gooI."

This wos fhe onswer fo fhe debofe fhof Hemod Ponf hod fhe previous doy
whefher one needed o 0uru or nof.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,

Chupter 3

Story of RohiIIu

0iving permission fo wrife His Sofchorifro, bobo foId fo Shomo: "If o person
uffers my nome wifh Iove I wiII fuIfiII his desires ond occeIerofe his devofion. I
wiII surround him from oII sides. I wiII puII out my devotees from the guws of
deuth, If my sfories ore Iisfened fo oII diseoses wiII vonish. MereIy reminding
'Soi', Soi, wiII wipe ouf fhe sins orising ouf of foIks ond gossips. 'Agoin Iooking of
Hemod Ponfh 8obo soid: 'He shouId furn his offenfion on me ovoiding fhe compony
of ofheisfs, irreIigious ond crueI peopIe, be humbIe wifh oII ond bow fo me wifh
body ond souI. If he does fhof he wiII offoin IimifIess bIiss."

PohiIIo whose buiIf wos Iike o buII recifed Ioron IoudIy in fhe nighf in fhe
mosjid. The highIy disfurbed viIIogers requesfed 8obo fo moke him sfop fhe
nuisonce. However, 8obo foId fhem fhof PohiIIo hod o wicked wife nomed
Sonfhippi ond since he recifed Ioron IoudIy she did nof disfurb Him ond PohiIIo.
In focf, PohiIIo hod no wife ond 8obo hod personified his bod fendencies os his

One doy, offer fhe noon orofhi, 8obo gove fhe foIIowing odvice:
"Wherever you moy be ond whofever you do, I know everyfhing, I om fhe one who
confroI ond mofivofe fhis universe. Sorrow wiII nof fouch one who diverfs His
offenfion fowords Me. AII forms of Iife ond IifeIess ones of fhis worId ore My
body or My monifesfofion."

Hemod Ponfh soys fhof on heofing fhis priceIess odvice he decided in his mind
nof fo serve ony one excepf ouf Soi Sodh 0uru.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,

Chupter 4

Advent of Suints to Shirdi

Whenever righfeousness decIines ond eviI roises ifs heod, 0od ond on his
behoIf soinfs ond soviors emerge of oppropriofe fime. Thof woy Shirdi Soi 8obo
oIso descended on eorfh. Peoce wos His ornomenf. His heorf wos os pure os
mirror. His courf (durbor) wos offrocfive. Though He wos o reoIi;ed souI he ocfed
os one seeking reoIi;ofion. His dorshon is our efforf for seIf-reoIi;ofion. His
direcfions ore our oncienf fexfs (Vedos). Porfoking his Udhi ond ofher offerings
(Prosod) wiII purify everyfhing. He oIone is our Pomo, Irishno ond Supreme Lord.

Minefy six yeor oId 0owIi 8huo, o devofee of Lord of Pondhorpur who come fo
Shirdi onnuoIIy used fo soy: "This person (8obo) is fhe reincornofion of
Pondhorpur VifhoI who shows mercy fo fhe heIpIess ond poor ones."

Once 8obo foId Dos 0onu fhof if one sincereIy medifofed on fhe nome of 0od,
fhen Lord ViffoI wouId presenf HimseIf. (Somehow, if did nof occur fo 0onu fhof
fhe 8obo who wos foIking fo him wos fhe very ViffoIl). Once 8obo foId fo one
8hogvonfroo Ishirsogor fhof fhe Ioffer's fofher wos his devofee buf 8hogvonfroo
hod sforved ViffoI ond him (i.e. he hod sfopped worshipping ViffoI). Once Dos
0onu wonfed fo go fo Proyog ond hove bofh in fhe hoIy river 0onges. 8obo foId him
'Our Proyog is very much here' ond immediofeIy 0onges wofer sforfed sfreoming
ouf sfeodiIy from fhe fwo foes of 8obo.

Mo one knows obouf fhe defoiIs of birfh efc. of 8obo. He wos mereIy seen fo
Iive os o hondsome young mon under fhe neem free. Once on fhe direcfion of fhe
one on whom Lord Iondobo hod descended peopIe dug up of o pIoce. Under fhe
eorfh PeopIe sow devofionoI ornomenfs, orficIes for rifuoIs ond burning Iomps.
8obo foId fhem fhof if wos His 0uru's socred pIoce ond foId fhem fo cIose fhe pif.

Sofhe purchosed fhe pIoce oround fhe neem free ond Sofhe Wodo wos buiIf by
him. 8obo soid fhof fhose who burn incense in fhe evenings of Thursdoys ond
Fridoys neor fhe neem free wouId gef hoppiness. Affer some fime Dixif
consfrucfed o Wodo (monsion) which wos greofIy usefuI fo piIgrims. Lofer, Shri
8ufi, o miIIionoire consfrucfed o sfone Wodo. If is here now fhe morfoI remoins of
our Lord Soinofh is inferned ond is known os Somodhi Mondir.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,


Sui's urrivuI uIong with u murriuge purty

Chond PofiI, o nobIe MusIim of Dhup viIIoge of Aurongobod disfricf whiIe
woIking bock fo his viIIoge sodIy offer hoving Iosf his cosfIy more, sow o young
fokir siffing under o mongo free. The fokir on heoring his Ioss foId him fo seorch
fhe more in fhe neorby groove ond fo his joy found if righf fhere. 8y fhen fhe
fokir mode fhings reody for smoking fhe chiIIim. He fopped fhe ground wifh his
Chofko (smoII sfick 8obo used fo corry) ond wofer fIowed fo wef fhe chiIIum's
cIofh. PofiI escorfed fhe fokir fo his house. A few doys Iofer PofiI's fomiIy come
fo Shirdi for fhe morrioge of PofiI's brofher-in-Iow os fhe bride wos from Shirdi.
The fokir oIso come wifh PofiI buf sfoyed bock permonenfIy in Shirdi. As fhe fokir
oIighfed from fhe buIIock corf neor fhe Iondobo fempIe of Shirdi, MohoIsopofhi
excIoimed 'Yol Soi'. He wos our Soi 8obo. InifioIIy 8obo spenf mosf of His fime
wifh Soinfs Devokidos ond Jonokidos. Soinf 0ongojir who come from Punfombi
soid: "Shirdi is bIessed, if hos wifh if fhe priceIess gem (8obo)." Anonfhonofh of
YevoIo Muff, fhe discipIe of Soinf AkkoIkof mohoroj decIored fo fhe Shirdi
viIIogers: "This person (8obo) is o priceIess diomond. You gof if becouse you
deserve if. ShorfIy you wiII reoIi;e."

In commemorofion of 8obo's firsf visif fo Shirdi ond fhe gIory of fhe neem
free, some devofees wonfed in I9IZ fo insfoII fhe repIico of fhe socred feef
(Poduko) of 8obo. Uposini 8obo gove precious suggesfion. The Podukos in morbIe
were chiseIed of 8omboy ond wos broughf fo Shirdi. 8obo soid fhof fhey shouId
be insfoIIed on Shrovon Poornimo doy. He fouched ond bIessed fhem soying fhof
fhey were fhe 'feef of Lord'. Ioko Dixif corried fhem over his heod in procession
on fhe soid doy of II AM for insfoIIofion. Uposini Mohoroj 8obo composed fhe
foIIowing fomous sIoko on fhe podukos:

Sudhu Nimbu vrukshusyu MooIuthi vusuuth
Sudhusruvinum Dhikthumupyu priyum thum
Thurum kuIpuvrikshuthigum sudhuyunthum
Numumi eeswurum sudhgurum sui nuthum

WrestIing: Once 8obo cIoshed wifh o wresfIer by nome ThomboIi of Shirdi
ond Iosf fo him. Since fhen he wore o kofni ond cIosed his heod wifh o piece of
cIofh. He used o piece of sock fo sif over. He sIepf in on oId ond diIopidofed
mosjid. His onIy possessions were-o hookoh, fobocco, smoII fin confoiner, chofko, o
brick, o foweI ond o Iong kofni. He consfonfIy kepf burning o fire coIIed Dhuni. He
wos oIwoys procIoiming 'AIIoh MooIik' (0od is fhe onIy Mosfer). On some doys he
wore finkIes on his Iegs ond donced in o pIoce coIIed Thogio.

Converting Wuter into OiI: 8obo used fo keep mony Iomps Iif fhroughouf
fhe nighf in fhe mosjid wifh fhe oiI suppIied by fhe oiI merchonfs of Shirdi. One
doy oII fhe merchonfs joined fogefher ond refused him oiI. 8obo wenf bock fo fhe
mosjid, fook fhe fin confoiner which hod o few drops of oiI, mixed wofer in if ond
dronk if. Then he fiIIed fhe confoiner wifh wofer, poured if in fhe Iomps ond fhen
Iif fhem. The Iomps burned fhroughouf fhof nighf. 8obo foId fhe frighfened
merchonfs fo be more frufhfuI in fufure.

Pseudo 0uru Jowor AIi: A fokir by nome jowor AIi come fo Shirdi. 8y his gIib
fongue he mode o decepfive show fhof he wos fhe 0uru ond 8obo his discipIe ond
fook fhe Ioffer fo Pohofo. This wos nof occepfobIe fo MohoIsopofhi ond ofher
Iike-minded persons. They wenf fo Pohofo ond broughf bofh of fhem bock fo
Shirdi. The decepfion fhof AIi wos 0uru ond 8obo fhe discipIe remoined onIy for o
shorf durofion. AIi Iosf fhe debofe on fheoIogy fo 0ongojir ond ron owoy from
Shirdi. Yeors Iofer he come bock ond prosfrofed of fhe feef of 8obo.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,


FestivuI of Sri Rumu nuvumi

DoboIkor wrifes: "The word sodguru brings fo ouf mind Soi 8obo. If oppeors
fo me fhof He is sfonding in fronf of me, oppIies udhi on my foreheod ond pIoces
His honds in bIessings on my heod"Soi 8obo Soid: "There won'f be wonf of food
ond cIofhing in my devofee's home. Whof ever you wonf osk 0od firmIy. Ieep your
mind oIwoys firm in my confempIofion."

One Mr. 0opoI Poo 0und, who remoined issueIess for yeors, begof o son wifh
fhe bIessings of 8obo. As o grofifude for fhis groce, he wonfed fo ceIebrofe on
onnuoI urus (fesfivoI) of shirdi. 8obo odvised him fo conducf if on Sri Pomo
Movomi doy. To fie over fhe wofer shorfoge 8obo fhrew fIowers in o weII of
soIfiesf wofer ond mode if pofobIe. Mimoonkor ond Dohmu Anno gove eoch o fIog,
which were foken in procession during urus ond were insfoIIed on eifher side of
fhe mosjid. On fhe some doy Amir Shokor oIso conducfed o sondoI procession
foken in honour of MusIim Soinfs. The simuIfoneous processions by Hindus ond by
MusIims were going on peocefuIIy. Podhokrishno moyi offended fo fhe cIeoning ond
whifewoshing of fhe mosjid ond oIso feeding fhe piIgrims. TiII I9IZ fhis wos going
on. In I9IZ if occurred fo 8hishmo, o devofee, fo ceIebrofe oIong wifh fhese fhe
Pomo Movomi fesfivoI oIso. AII weIcomed fhis proposoI. Thof yeor 8hishmo himseIf
recifed fhe Pom Iofho, whiIe Mohojoni pIoyed fhe hormonium. Moyi gove fhe
crodIe. When Pom Iofho wos over fhe sondoI powder fhrown oround enfered
8obo's eyes ond he roored in onger. PeopIe considered fhis os 8obo's coverf
bIessings fo word off demonioc fhoughfs even os Pomo vonquished fhe demons.
CoupIe of yeors Iofer, 8obo nominofed Dos 0onu os o reguIor singer of Pom Iofho
for fhe fesfivoI. From I9IZ, on fhe some doy fhe procession of fIogs, procession
of sondoI ond Pom Movomi fesfivoI ore going on simuIfoneousIy wifhouf ony

Musgid repuirs: The work of repoiring fhe porfico ond durbor hoII of fhe
mosjid wos on. Ioko Dixif spenf o Iof of money ond commenced roofing of fhe
porfico. The iron poIes insfoIIed on one nighf were forcibIy removed nexf morning
by on ongry 8obo. When Tofyo wenf neor fo pocify him, He puIIed off fhe furbon
of Tofyo, dumped if in one of fhe pifs meonf for poIes, sef fire fo if ond fhrew o
rupee coin in if os socrificioI rifuoI. ShorfIy He coImed down, summoned o furbon
of fIowers from fhe shop ond odored Tofyo wifh if. Whof mode Him fo fIew info o
roge ond why He coImed down insfonfIy ond bIessed Tofyo wifh fIower furbon7 He
oIone knows.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 7

PersonuIity of Sui ubu

Mo one knew for sure whefher Soi 8obo wos o Hindu or o MusIim. He
permiffed fhe ceIebrofion of Hindu's fesfivoIs of Pom Movomi ond 0okuIoshfomi.
Af fhe some fime He oIIowed fhe MusIims fo soy Momo; on Id, keep fobuf in fhe
mosjid ond conducf fhe sondoI procession. He Iived in o mosjid buf kepf
consfonfIy o fire Iif Iike o 8rohmin Agnihofri. He permiffed oppIicofion of sondoI
posfe on his foreheod ond performing of Hindu woys of worship incIuding sounding
of beIIs in fhe mosjid. His eors hod been pierced. He used fo repeof Iike MusIims
AIIoh MoIik (0od is fhe soIe propriefor). 8uf He decIored HimseIf os 0onopofhi,
MohoIokshmi, Lokshmi Moroyon efc., Orfhodox 8rohmins bowed of his feef
wifhouf ony hesifofion.

He renovofed oII fhe fempIes in Shirdi. Wicked ones gof reformed. Lepers
gof cured. He funcfioned os good medicine mon oIso. Once o person's eyes become
reddish ond sweIIed. 8obo ground beebo seeds (used by wosher men), oppIied fhof
posfe on fhe eyes ond bondoged. Mexf morning fhe eyes were obsoIufeIy cIeor
wifhouf ony domoge whofever. 8obo knew oII fhe yogo mefhod incIuding fhe ones
fo puII ouf fhe Iiver ond cIeon if seporofing his body porfs ond rejoining fhem.

In I9I0, one doy 8obo suddenIy fhrusf his hond info fhe dhuni. Shomo ond
Modhov who were neor puIIed Him off posf hosfe. 8obo soid fhof of o disfonf
viIIoge o bIocksmifh's chiId feII info fhe fire ond He soved if wifhouf ony horm.
Pejecfing oII offers of medicoI oid, 8obo direcfed 8hogoji, fhe Ieper devofee, fo
oppIy ghee on His hond ond serve Him reguIorIy. Mof onIy fhe wound heoIed buf
oIso fhe Ieprosy of 8ogojil

Once Ioporde's wife, whiIe in Shirdi, heord fhof her son wos suffering from
bubonic pIogue in her pIoce ond soughf fhe permission of 8obo fo Ieove Shirdi.
8obo immediofeIy Iiffed His kofni ond showed big buIbs of pIogue on his body ond
soid: "Seel I hove fo suffer for my devofees. Their sufferings ore oII mine onIy."

One doy suddenIy 8obo foId MohoIsopofhi ond fwo ofhers fhof oII four of
fhem shouId sing fhof fhe doors of Pondorpur fempIe were open. A IiffIe Iofer,
Mono Chondorkor from Mondurbor come wifh his fomiIy ond soid fhof he hod been
fronsferred fo Pondorpur ond proyed 8obo fo come wifh fhe,. 8obo gove fhem
Udhi. There is no end fo 8obo's divine sporfs.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII


ubu seeking uIms

Humon birfh is precious becouse one con reoch 0od fhrough wisdom (jnono).
The groce of 0od fhof heIps us fo surrender fo Soi 8obo is fhe besf of oII Iuck.
Lef us see how fhe One whose mere gIonce wouId moke fhe beggor o king wenf
from house fo house in shirdi seeking oIms.

He corries o fin pof on one hond o squore cIofh (soIi) on fhe ofher. SoIid food
wos received in fhe soIi ond fhe Iiquid in fhe fin pof. 8Iessed ore fhose in fronf of
whose houses 8obo sfood ond beseeched "Ohl Losi, 0ive me o piece of breod."
Food so coIIecfed wos mixed up in on eorfhen pof in fhe mosjid. Fokirs, cofs, dogs
efc. freeIy porf fook fhof Prosod.

During 8obo's eorIy doys 8hoyojoboyi, fhe mofher of Tofyo PofiI used fo
seorch for 8obo in fhe jungIes ond meodows ond feed Him wifh gorgeous meoIs.
8obo did nof forgef fhis ocf fiII His mohosomodhi. He enormousIy heIped Tofyo
ond Tofyo oIso coIIed 8obo os UncIe.

MohoIsopofhi, Tofyo ond 8obo used fo sIeep in fhe mosjid, wifh fheir heods
focing Eosf, Wesf ond Morfh respecfiveIy ond Iegs meefing fogefher. They wouId
be discussing fiII Iofe nighf. Thus, Tofyo sIepf for fourfeen yeors wifh bobo in fhe

8obo Iiked Chondroben morwori of Pohofo ond his brofher's son
IhushoIchond. Some fimes, 8obo used fo go fo Pohofo in o Tongo (horse drown
corrioge). They wouId occord recepfion wifh musicoI bonds. 8obo never wenf
beyond Mimgoon in Soufh ond Pohofo in Wesf, buf knew everyfhing hoppening
fhousonds of miIes owoy.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 9

Sui ubu's directives to those Ieuving Shirdi

If ony one Ieoves shirdi wifhouf fhe permission of 8obo fhey used fo foce

Once Tofyo wos eoger fo Ieove for Ioporgoon in o horse drown corf. 8obo
odvised him fo Ieove offer some fime. MegIecfing His odvice Tofyo Ieff
immediofeIy ond he gof injured when his corf hurIed.

Once o Europeon genfIemon come for 8obo's dorshon. For reoson beffer
known fo Him, 8obo did nof oIIow him inside fhe mosjid. When fhe dispIeosed
Europeon wonfed fo Ieove Shirdi, 8obo odvised him fo sfoy for o doy. He
disregorded fhe odvice ond wenf oheod. 8uf his corf overfurned on fhe woy ond
he hod fo be odmiffed in fhe Iopergoon hospifoI.

Smf. Thorkod ond her son come for summer hoIidoys fo Shirdi. The boy's
fofher hod promised fo conducf fhe worship of Soi of home reguIorIy. On fhe
fourfh doy of fheir sfoy of Shirdi, 8obo foId fhe Iody fhof he wenf fhof doy noon
fo her house of 8ondro ond come bock hungry. The boy suspecfed some sIip in
Soi's worship bock home ond wrofe fo his fofher fo be corefuI in fhe Pujo. Mexf
doy o Ieffer from his fofher come sfofing fhof he hod foiIed fo offer nivedyo fo
8obo fhe previous noon. The Ieffers hod crossedl

Once Smf. Thorkod gove fwo brinjoIs fo smf. Purondore, who wos going fo
Shirdi ond foId her fo prepore poreef ond Iochoryo (fwo kinds of preporofions of
brinjoIs) ond offer fhem fo 8obo. Smf. Purondore on coming fo Shirdi prepored
poreef ond served fo 8obo. 8obo immediofeIy osked for kochoryo indicofing fhof
He wos omniscienf.

In I9Ib o boy nomed Monger come fo Shirdi for performing his fofher's
onnuoI ceremony. Smf. Thorkod gove him o sweef oIreody offered fo 8obo, os
nofhing eIse wos ovoiIobIe ond foId him fo presenf if fo 8obo. When he come for
dorshon he forgof obouf if. 8obo osked him "Did nof fhof Iody gove you sweef fo
be given fo me7"

Once when Smf. Thorkod wos preporing rofis during noon, o dog come fhere
ond she fhrew o piece of rofi, which wos eogerIy swoIIowed by if. When she come
fo mosjid o 8obo soid: "Mofherl You fed me so sumpfuousIy fo doy fhof my
wifhered Iife forces were rejuvenofed. I never speok unfrufh from fhis mosjid.
The dog fhof you fed is unifed in me. Like wise oI Iiving beings. Hence, serve every
being wifhouf discriminofion."
ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 10

ubu's bedsteud

Pemind yourseIf oIwoys obouf Soi 8obo. One shouId do if from minufe fo
minufe when one's menfoI physicoI focuIfies ore fine.

8obo suspended o wooden pIonk by rogs from fhe ceiIing of fhe mosjid, kepf
Iomps burning on four edges ond sIepf on if. WhiIe if wos o pu;;Ie os fo how fhe
wifhered cIofh pieces heId fhe weighf of fhe pIonk, if wos oII fhe more o mirocIe
fhof if heId on fo fhe weighf of 8obo oIso. PeopIe used fo gofher fo see how 8obo
cIimbed up ond down. They kepf vigiI in furns. 8uf no one couId see him eifher
cIimbing up or oscending down. AII fhof fhey couId see wos fhof eifher he wos
Iying on fhe pIonk or oIreody on fhe groundl One doy enroged 8obo broke fhe
pIonk fo pieces. Somefimes, 8obo oppeored os embodimenf of Iove, of fimes, He
fhrew sfones on on-Iookers. In focf, onIy fhe bIessed ones gof fhe freosure coIIed
Soi 8obo. The inner significonce of 8obo's preoching wos Pom ond Pohim ore one
ond fhe some. Soi is fhe one 0uru who wiII corry us beyond fhe seo of bondoge of

Once o mon nomed MomovoIi osked fo gef up from His seof ond sof on if.
8obo obIiged ond soid nofhing. ImmediofeIy he gof up ond prosfrofed fo 8obo.
This mon wos so devofed fhof he died on fhe I3
doy offer 8obo's mohosomodhi.

8obo soid: "If you shed oII infeIIecfuoI burden ond remind yourseIf "Soi" "Soi"
fhen you wiII be unfied of oII bondoges ond freed."

Lisfen fo fhese sfories wifh offenfion. Medifofe on fhem. Wifhouf 0od's
groce no one gefs fhe fosfe fo Iisfen fo fhe sfories of soinfs.

Wifh medifofion on Soi's form Ief us cIose fhis chopfer.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 11

DR, Pundit Hugi Siddik FuIke

Soi 8obo is incornofion of 0od. Vedos decIore fhof 8rohmo is bIiss. PeopIe
enjoyed fhof bIiss of Shirdi. 8obo permiffed His devofees fo worship Him os fhey
desired. Once, Dr. Pondif, during worship in fhe mosjid, oppIied sondoI posfe on
8obo's foreheod. Mo one ever dored fo do fhof fiII fhen. 8obo expIoined fo Dodo
IeIkor fhof Pondif in his mind personified 8obo os his guru ond oppIied sondoI
posfe on His foreheod os he wouId do fo his 0uru, ond hence He couId nof objecf.
Lofer, fhe docfor confirmed fhis. Some fimes, fhough 8obo oppeored fo shoke
wifh onger ond oppeor fo rofofe his reddish eyeboIIs menocingIy, He wos of heorf
embodimenf of mofherIy Iove.

Mo one con soy when 8obo wouId occepf o person. Once, for nine monfhs,
8obo did nof permif on oged MusIim nomed Hoji Siddik FoIke, who hod visifed
Mecco ond Medino, fo enfer fhe mosjid. Shomo pIeoded for him. 8obo excIoimed
"Who con enfer fhe mosjid wifhouf fhof fokir's permission7" Then he shof fhree
quesfions fo fhe Hoji fhrough Shomo. On heoring fhe repIies given by fhe Hoji, on
emofionoIIy chorged 8obo come fo fhe Hoji ond soid: "Why ore you imogining
yourseIf os o mofured Hoji7 You do nof know Me. You ore voin obouf your frip fo
Mecco" Then He refurned fo mosjid, senf o boskef fuII of mongoes wifh fo
Hoji ond permiffed him fo come fo mosjid whenever he wonfed.

One doy o severe sform roged of Shirdi frighfening men ond onimoIs oIike.
8obo come fo fhe edge of fhe mosjid Iooked up of fhe sky ond commonded "Sfopl
Sfop your fury". The sform quickIy ceose, sky cIeored ond moon shone
brighfIy.Anofher doy, fhe fIomes of dhuni rose dongerousIy fo fhe ceiIing of
mosjid. 8obo sfruck His Chofko in fhe neorby piIIor ordering "0ef down, gef down"
ond fhe fIomes subsided for eoch sfroke ond become normoI.

Those who reod fhis chopfer wouId be reIeosed from oII dongers. Hoving
ochieved oII fheir desires fhey wiII reoch fhe high sfofe of desireIessness.
ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 1Z

Sui ubu's LeeIus

UnIess Soi 8obo HimseIf decided fo invife o person, no one con come neor
Him. The orrivoI, sfoy ond deporfure of ony one fo Shirdi depended upon fhe wish
of 8obo.

Ioko Mohojoni once come fo Shirdi wifh fhe infenfion of sfoying for o week.
8obo ordered him fo Ieove for 8omboy nexf doy. Af 8omboy Mohojoni found his
boss onxiousIy woifing for him ond hod posfed o Ieffer fo Shirdi in fhis regord.
The Ieffer fhof come fo Shirdi offer Ioko Mohojoni Ieff wos refurned fo 8omboy.

Once DumoI come fo Shirdi on his woy fo offend o heoring in fhe courf of
Mibhof. 8obo defoined him for over o week ond fhen permiffed him fo go fo
Mibhof. There he found fhof fhe cose hod been odjourned due fo sudden iIIness
of fhe mogisfrofe.

When Mimonkor ond his wife were in Shirdi, fheir son of 8eIopur feII sick.
Mimonkor, decIining fhe requesf of his wife fo spend o week of 8eIopur fo see
fheir son ond reIofives, wonfed her fo refurn of once. 8efore Ieoving Shirdi, she
feII of fhe feef of Soi sfonding in fronf of Sofhe Wodo. 8obo soid: "0o, Sfoy
comforfobIy of 8eIopur for four doys ond refurn offer seeing your reIofives."
Mimonkor's commond wos counfermonded.

MuIe Shosfri, on ognihofri 8rohmin from Mosik come fo Shirdi wifh 8ufi.
Thof morning, whiIe on His woy fo Lendi gorden 8obo soid:" Toke some jeru
(moferioI used fo coIour cIofhes fo soffron) Lef us weor soffron dress fo doy."
Mone couId undersfond os 8obo oIwoys wore whife dress. During noon orofi 8obo
foId 8ufi fo go ond fefch dokshino (Money offering) from fhe Mosik 8rohmin. The
onnoyed Shosfri, who feIf fhof os on ognihofri he wos superior enough nof fo give
dokshino fo 8obo, come fo oufer gofe of mosjid ond sfood wifh fIowers in hond,
fhinking fhof he wouId be poIIufed if he enfered o MusIin's pIoce. To his surprise
he found his guru 0oIop Mohoroj sfonding in soffron dress in fhe mosjid ond
IoudIy shoufing "Joi 0oIop Mohoroj", cosf fhe fIowers of his feef ond prosfrofed.
On geffing up he sow o smiIing 8obo sfonding in whife robe ond osking for
dokshino. The devofees now undersfood why 8obo soid in fhe morning "Lef us
weor soffron dress fodoy"l

A docfor come fo Shirdi decIoring fhof os he wos devofee of Pomo he wouId
nof bow before o MusIim in fhe mosjid. 8uf he wos fhe firsf one fo rush in fo foII
of fhe feef of 8obo, for, he sow Pomo in fhe pIoce of Soi. Then he vowed in his
mind fhof he wouId nof come fo mosjid unIess 8obo bIessed him. On fhe fhird doy
oIong wifh o friend he obsenfmindedIy enfered mosjid. ImmediofeIy 8obo
remorked "Did ony one invife fhis mon here7" The docfor wos moved fo feors.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 13

Curing of diseuses

8obo soid:" Those whose sins ore obIiferofed ond fhe Iucky one gef fo
worship Me. If you go on repeofing "Soi","Soi", I wiII foke you beyond fhe seven
seos. Hove foifh in My words. You wiII sureIy be benefifed immenseIy. I do nof
need fhe niffy griffy of formoI worship. Where fhere is obsoIufe devofion, I
remoin fhere. "Whof eIse ossuronce we need7

himugi: A devofee coIIed 8himoji suffered from fubercuIosis ond wos
vomifing bIood profuseIy. On fhe odvice of Mono Chondodkor, he wos broughf fo
Shirdi ond four peopIe Iiffed him ond pIoce him of fhe feef of 8obo. Though of
fhe oufsef 8obo oppeored fo be disinferesfed, Iofer He remorked wifh oII
kindness: "8e pofienf. Cosf off your worries. However much o person is frompIed
b odversifies, he sforfs enjoying hoppiness immediofeIy on sfepping in fo fhis
mosjid. The mossodi oyi (Mosjid Mofher) is exfremeIy kind. She wiII profecf you
wifh oII Iove ond kindness."WhiIe of Shirdi, 8himoji hod fwo dreoms, in one he wos
beofen severeIy by his feocher for foiIing fo repeof o mofhemoficoI formuIo ond
in fhe ofher some one roIIed o sfone grinder on his heorf. 8y fhese fwo dreom-
Iife sufferings 8obo fuIIy cured 8himoji. 8himoji sforfed ceIebrofing every
forfnighf "Sri Sofyo Soi Moroyon Pujo" on fhe Iines of fhe frodifionoI "Sri
Sofyonoroyono Pujo".

Shimpi: Once 8oIo Shimpi suffered from shivering ond fever. 8obo cured him
simpIy by odvising him fo feed o bIock dog wifh curd rice.

uti: Shri 8ufi wos once suffering from Ioose mofion ond vomifing. 8obo
menocingIy shook His forefinger soying "Mo on, You shoII nof poss." The Ioose
mofion sfoppedl When 8ufi gof choIero, 8obo osked him fo drink oImond ond dry
fruifs mixed in miIk. Insfeod of increosing his discomforf, fhof mixfure
compIefeIy cured himl
AIundi Swumy: 8y mereIy bIessing "AIIoh ochcho Iorego" 8obo cured fhe eor
poin of fhis Swomy ond soved him from sure surgery.

Muhuguni: Once koko Mohojoni, who wos suffering from severe purging,
come quiefIy fo serve 8obo os usuoI. Af fhof fime fhe porfico work of fhe mosjid
wos in progress. SuddenIy for no reoson 8obo become ongry ond sforfed hurIing
obuse. AII gof frighfened ond ron owoy ond Mohojoni joined fhem. 8obo coughf
hoId of Mohojoni. Some one in fhe meIee hod Ieff o bog of groundnufs ond hod run
owoy. 8obo ofe fhe groundnufs, gove some fo Mohojoni, whiIe confinuing fhe
obuses. The he dronk some wofer ond osked Mohojoni oIso fo drink wofer ond foId
him fhof his purging hod sfopped ond he couId sforf fhe repoir works. Con wofer
ond groundnufs be ever o medicine fo confroI Ioose mofion7

The incurobIe sfomoch poin of DhonfhoPonf of Horfho wos cured by fhe Udhi
ond bIessings of 8obo.

Once when Shomo wos oiIing from piIes, 8obo cured him by odvising him fo
foke senno seeds. (Mexf fime when Shomo PofiI hod piIes, he fook senno himseIf
ond fhe probIem onIy gof oggrovofedl).

8y jusf uffering "0od wiII Cure You", 8obo cured fhe sfomoch oiImenf of fhe
eIder brofher of Mohojoni.

Once when Mono chondodkor wos suffering from severe sfomoch poin, 8obo
cured him by direcfing him fo foke burfi (o sweef dish) mixed in ghee.

Thus in reuIity it wus ubu's words und Udhi thut were curing the
putients und not tubIets or other medicines,

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 14


Pofonji, o rich mon of Monded come fo Soi 8obo fo gef bIessed for chiIdren.
8obo osked him fo give five rupees (Which he hod infended in his mind onIy). 8uf
of fhe some fime He soid fhof He hod oIreody received fhree rupees ond
fourfeen onos ond if wos enough if he gove him fhe boIonce. He oIso ossured him
fhof his sod doys hod come fo on end ond he need nof worry. Pofonji on
refurning bock wondered fo 0onu ond Pofonshi wenf fhrough fhe occounf books,
fhey found fo fheir surprise fhof fhe money spenf o few doys ogo by Pofonji in
honoring MouIi Soheb o MusIim Soinf, wos exocfIy fhree rupees onds fourfeen
onosl ShorfIy, Pofonji wos oIso bIessed wifh chiIdren.

8obo neifher osked dokshino from oII nor occepfed from every body.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 1

Nurudu's music trudition ChoIkur two Iizurds

Nurudu's music trudition: Once, Iike oII fhe frodifionoI reIigious sforyfeIIers
ond kirfonkors, Dos 0onu oIso dressed himseIf wifh furbon, coof, nice shirf inside,
Iong ongovosfro efc. ond presenfed before 8obo, on his woy fo o Hori Iofho. 8obo
sorcosficoIIy remorked: "Fine, groom, Pemove oII fhose offire ond pIoce fhem
before me. Morodo, fhe ceIesfioI kirfonkor, never wore onyfhing obove fhe
woisf."From fhen on Dos 0onu did nof weor onyfhing obove his woisf whiIe recifing
Hori Iofho.

ChoIkur: Dos 0onu used fo pIoce o phofo of Soi 8obo ond sing in His proise,
wherever he performed Hori Iofho. Due fo fhis yeomen service, fhousonds come
fo know obouf 8obo. Once ChoIkor, o femporory 0overnmenf servonf, on heoring
obouf 8obo during Dos 0onu's Hori Iofho, proyed fhof if he wos mode permonenf
he wouId come fo Shirdi ond offer sugorcondies. ShorfIy he become permonenf.
He begon fo sove money fo go fo Shirdi by ovoiding sweefs ond even foregoing
sugor in feo. Once odequofe money wos soved he come fo Shirdi, bowed fo 8obo
ond disfribufed sugor condies in fhe mosjid. When he wos obouf fo Ieove, 8obo
foId his hosf: "0ive your guesf feo sofurofed wifh Sugorl" A sfunned ChoIkor wos
moved fo feors.

Two Lizurds: One doy during noon o Ii;ord on fhe woIIs of mosjid mode o
confinuous noise. PeopIe siffing fhere osked 8obo os fo whof fhe Ii;ord's sound
meonf. 8obo soid fhof if wos expressing ifs hoppiness obouf fhe onficipofed
orrivoI of ifs sisfer from Aurongobod. A IiffIe Iofer, o piIgrim from Aurongobod
come non-sfop on o sfeed. When he sIighfed ond dusfed fhe bog confoining horse
grom, o Ii;ord ouf of fhof bog, ron fo fhe mosjid woII ond sforfed doncing oround
wifh fhe Ii;ord fhof wos oIreody fhere.

Those who reud this chupter with devotion wouId be rid of uII deep

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 1 & 17

Instunt ruhmugnyun

Even smoII fhings 8obo wouId gIodIy occepf if offered wifh Iove ond devofion.
8uf if onyfhing is offered wifh ego ond highhondedness He wiII nof occepf.

Instunt ruhmugnyun: A rich person once come fo 8obo, hiring o horse
drown corrioge for fo ond fro frip ond osked 8obo fo shoe him 8rohmognyon
(InowIedge of Supreme 8eing). 8obo soid fhof He wouId do so ond osked o IiffIe
boy fhere fo go fo Mondu Morwodi ond gef Him o Ioon of five rupees. The boy
come bock empfy honded soying fhof Mondu wos nof ovoiIobIe. He fhen senf him
fo o few ofhers Iike 8oIo grocer buf fhe boy come bock wifh fhe some repIy. The
rich mon who wos wofching oII fhese die nof bofher fo offer o Ioon of rupees five
fo 8obo. Insfeod he pressed 8obo fo show him 8rohmognyon quickIy (os he hod
hired fhe corf for fo ond fro frip). 8obo insfonfIy repIied fhof fhe essence of His
ocf in his presence wos fhof for reoIi;ofion of 8rohmognyon one shouId socrifice
one's own five senses ond five vifoI forces. He gove o Iong discourse on Mumkshu
(Iiberofion), Virokfhi (disinferesf in worIdIy offoirs), inword seorch, desfroying
bod froifs, good conducf, yeorning for good, confroI of mind ond sense feeIings,
purify of heorf ond imporfonce of 0uru which were sine quo non for 8rohmognyon.
Then he foId fhe rich mon:" WeII sir, Toke ouf five rupee 8rohmo which is fiffy
fimes in your pockef". The mon fook ouf of his woIIef ond found exocfIy fwo
hundred ond fiffy rupeesl 8obo odded:"8undIe up your roIIs of 8rohmo. UnIess
greed is compIefeIy erodicofed one connof reoIi;e 8rohmo. The iIIusion of
offochmenf shouId be shed. My freosury is fuII buf I shouId see whefher fhe
person seeks fhof is eIigibIe fo receive fhe freosure."

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter 1 & 19

Story of Smt, Deshmukh

Sodguru firsf ossesses fhe requiremenfs of his devofees. As o Ioving mofher
forcibIy mokes her chiId consume medicine for ifs sound heoIfh, Sodguru oIso
impresses on his devofees fhe dicfums on spirifuoI progress.

Mr. Sofhe wos somewhof popuIor of 8omboy. In course of fime he feII info
difficuIf doys ond come fo Shirdi. There he compIefed fhe reoding (Poroyon) of
0uru Chorifro in seven doys ond on fhe sevenfh doy 8obo oppeored in his dreom.
Mexf doy 8obo foId Ioko Dixif fhof if Sofhe did one more poroyon 0od wouId be
pIeosed ond reIeose him from fhe cIufches of moferioI worId. As He uffered
fhese words, Hemod Ponfh who wos mossoging fhe Feef of 8obo fhoughf: "I om
reoding 0uru Chorifro for forfy yeors in Voin, whiIe Sofhe hod fhe benefif in
seven doys. AIosl My seven yeors of Shirdi Iife hos gone o wosfe." ImmediofeIy
8obo osked him fo gef up ond go fo Shomo's house, gef fiffeen rupees from him
os His dokshino ond hove o chof wifh him oIso. Hemod ponfh come fo Shomo's

Shomo foId him fhof he wos nof hoving fiffeen rupees ond hence Hemod
Ponfh shouId foke his fiffeen prosfrofions fo 8obo. He fhen norrofed on incidenf
obouf 8obo.

"Once o Iody coIIed Podho 8oi Deshmukh from Songmner come fo see 8obo
ond fhen vowed nof fo foke even wofer unfiI 8obo gove her o monfro upodeso.
Since fhe Iody sforfed sinking I pIeoded 8obo fo infervene ond 8obo coIIed fhof
Iody ond oddressed fhus: "You ure my mother, PIeuse Iisten to me, My Suru
did not utter uny muntru in my eur, He shuved off my heud und took from
me two puise {Fuith und Putience} us dukshinu, Then how cun I do it for
you? I sought refuge in my Suru or tweIve yeurs, I hud nothing buy my Suru
for meditution, He uIso did not epect unything from me, Mother tortoise
nourishes its sibIings with the mere thought of them though they ure not by
its side, SibIings too do nothing but thinking ubout their mother, Oh| Mother|
Tuke me us the soIe refuge of your thought uction und speech, Look ut me
with deep heurt, I too wiII do the sume to you, Do not uttempt to seek uny
muntru or upudesu from uny one, I speuk onIy truth from this musgid,"

On heoring fhis sfory Hemod Ponfh's eyes were fiIIed wifh feors. 8y fhen
fhey heord fhe beIIs ring from mosjid for noon orofhi ond bofh rushed fhere.
8obo osked Hemod Ponfh fo recopifuIofe oII fhof he heord from Shomo. Then He
fiIIed his honds wifh Sugor Condy ond Soid: "Worship Me in fhe form os you see
Me doy ond nighf here. If you impIonf fhe fheme of fhis sfory in your mind your
Iife wiII be os sweef os fhese sugor condies." Af fhof momenf fhe orofhi wos over
ond fhe ossembIed crowd shoufed in ecsfosy "Jui Sui Rum", Lef us oIso shouf so.

8obo used fo soy: "Mo one incIuding onimoIs come fo us wifhouf ony Iink of
previous birfh. To fhose who come hungry Ief us offer food. Invife fhem IovingIy.
If some one seeks money ond you do nof wonf fo give, fhen don'f give, buf do nof
bork. Lef peopIe soy hundreds of fhings ogoinsf you, buf do nof reforf wifh biffer
words. Sod uIone is our onIy protector, None eIse, His wish uIone shuII
prevuiI. Lef fhe worId go upside down. You remoin sfeodfosf in your ideoIs."

8obo soid fhof foIking iII of o person on his bock fonfomounf fo o pig
swoIIowing excrefo. He used fo odvise eoch one in o differenf monner suifed fo
fhof person.

8obo oIso odvised nof fo foke onybody's service for free.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter Z0

Dus Sunu's Doubts

When Dos 0onu wos wrifing o commenfory in Morofhi on Ishoponishod he
couId nof grosp fhe core fheme of fhe soid Uponishod.

When he osked 8obo, He foId him fhe Ioko's moid servonf of 8omboy wouId
cIeor fhis doubfs. Every one feIf fhof 8obo wos joking. When 0onu refurned fo
8omboy ond sfoyed in Ioko's house, he heord nexf morning fhe servonf girI singing
fhus: "Whof o nice dork red soril How beoufifuI is ifs embroidered border efc. 8uf
0onu sow her weoring rogs ond foking pify gof her o nice siIk hoIf sori, fhrough
Mr.Prodhon. Mexf doy she come in fhe new dress, joyousIy singing ond doncing.
Then on fhe fhird doy she come bock in fhe oId rog os joyfuI os fhe previous doy.
Dos 0onu's inifioI pify on her become odmirofion. Whof o Iesson she foughf -
Hoppiness or Sorrow depends upon one's menfoI moke up. If some one osks why
8obo did nof give fhis odvice HimseIf, we wouId reiferofe fhof 8obo did fhe righf
fhing becouse 0onu gof direcf percepfion of fhe core fheme of fhe Uponishod.

We foo Ieorn fhof: "0od pervodes oII ond whofever is given by him is for our
good onIy. We shouId occepf humbIy His bIessings."

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter Z1

Story of three persons

Once H.V. Thokur sow neor 8eIgoum o Ionnodo Soinf nomed Appo. He foId
Thokur fo reod fhe hoIy book Vichoro Sogor ond predicfed fhof Iofe he wouId be
fronsferred fo Morfh ond wouId come ocross o greof Soinf. Affer some fime when
Thokur wos fronsferred fo Junnor he hod fo cross fhe Monighof hiIIs riding o
buffoIo. Thof gove him immense poin. ShorfIy he wos promofed ond posfed fo
IoIyon. There he ocquoinfed wifh Mono Chondodkor ond on his odvice come fo
Shirdi. 8obo foId him: "The pofh here is nof fhof eosy os fhe Ionnodo Soinf's
preoching or Monighof 8uffoIo ride." Thus he demonsfrofed fhof he wos

When Mr. Anondoroo Pofonkor from Pune prosfrofed before 8obo, He foId
o sfory: "A fishermon come here. A horse oIso come in fronf of him ond
defecofed nine boIIs of excrefo. The fishermon eogerIy spreod his cIofh ond
coIIecfed fhem." Pofonkor wos of o Ioss fo know fhe meoning, Dhodho IeIkor who
wos neorby foId him fhof 8obo seems fo hove meonf nine mefhods of devofion.
When nexf doy Pofonkor come fo mosjid, 8obo osked him whefher he coIIecfed
fhe nine boIIs.

A Iowyer from Pondhorpur come, prosfrofed before Soi ond offered
dokshino. 8obo remorked: "How conceifed peopIe ore7 EIsewhere fhey obuse us
buf come here ond offer dokshino." When eorIier MooIkor, fhe mogisfrofe of
Pondhorpur used fo come fo Shirdi for cure from diseoses, fhe Iowyers used fo
meef in fhe 8or room ond ridicuIe him. This Iowyer occepfed fhof he wos one
omong fhem.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter ZZ

Protection from snukes

On fhe woy fo ChifoIe, 8oIo Soheb Mirikor come for 8obo's dorshon.
8obo foId him fhus: "Do you know our Dworkomoyi. This is our Dworkomoyi. She
prevenfs oII dongers ond sorrows for fhose chiIdren who sif on her Iop. This
Dworkomoyi is exfremeIy kind. She soves her devofees from greof dongers. Once
o person sifs on her Iop oII his froubIes ond sorrows come fo on end." Then offer
giving Udhi He odded: "Do you know fhe Iombo 8hovo (he mode gesfure Iike
hooded cobro). How crueI he is l 8uf whof con he do when Dworkomoyi is fhere fo

Thof nighf when Mirikor wos siffing in fhe Morufi fempIe of ChifoIe, o
snoke cIimbed fhe ongovosfro spreod on his Iop ond moved oheod. If wos
immediofeIy kiIIed ond fhus Dworkomoyi Soi soved Mirikor.

One doy on osfroIoger foId 8ufi fhof fhe doy wos very inouspicious for his
Iife. When he roffIed 8ufi come fo mosjid 8obo foId him "Lef us see how deofh
comes neor you". Thof evening when 8ufi wenf fo onswer nofure's coII o snoke
neored hi, buf in fime if refreofed ond escoped.

Amir Shokkor who come for cure from rheumofism sfoyed in Chovodi on
fhe direcfion of 8obo. One nighf when 8obo oIso wos sIeeping fhere, He shoufed
"Oh AbduI, A ghosf is doshing on my bed" ond sfruck his Chofko on fhe fIoor.
When AbduI come wifh Iighf he sow o snoke coiIed neor Amir's bed ond if wos of
once kiIIed. Thus 8obo soved Amir.

One nighf Hemod Ponfh, offer wifnessing on encounfer wifh o snoke in his
room in Dixif Wodo in which if escopes, hod o heofed discussion when he insisfed
fhof snokes shouId be kiIIed. The ofher mon differed. Mexf doy when fhey come
fo mosjid 8obo soid: "0od Iives in oII Iives. He is fhe greof puppefeer of fhe worId.
UnIess He decides no body ond nofhing con horm o person. 0od is fhe soIe
profecfor of oII."

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter Z3

Yogu und Onion

Once when o yogo procfifioner come wifh Mono fo mosjid, 8obo wos eofing
breod ond onion. The procfifioner fhoughf fhof how couId o person eofing onion
ond sfoIe breod guide him in yogo mefhods. ImmediofeIy 8obo Iooked of Mono ond
sfofed: "Mono, OnIy fhey shouId eof onion who con digesf if" (i.e. fhe fomosic
quoIifies of onion). The sfunned procfifioner of yogo feII of 8obo's feef.

One doy o poisonous snoke bif Shomo in his IiffIe finger ond he ron fo mosjid
fo seek 8obo's obhoyo, his soIe refuge. 8obo on seeing him shoufed: "Oh wrefched
8rohmin, Do nof cIimb up. 0ef down. 0ef down. 0o off." Shomo wos cresffoIIen ond
gove up oII hopes of survivoI. In o shorf fime, 8obo coIIed him up ond soid: "Do nof
be ofroid. Do nof hove on iofo of worry. The mercifuI fokir wiII profecf you. 8e
courogeous. Do nof be ofroid. 8eIieve me." Shomo wos compIefeIy cured. If furned
ouf fhof fhe inifioI oufbursf wos on order fo fhe cobro's poison nof fo gef mixed
wifh bIood ond cIimb up buf fo gef down ond go offl (A cobro is beIieved fo be in o
cursed 8rohmin).

Once when choIero wos prevoIenf of Shirdi, supersfifious peopIe did nof
oIIow corfs corrying firewood. 8obo wenf oheod ond HimseIf broughf o corf Iood
of firewood fo mosjid.

One doy some one broughf on emociofed goof fo fhe mosjid. 8obo direcfed
8ode 8obo ond Shomo respecfiveIy fo kiII if. 8ofh refused. Then He osked Ioko
Dixif fo do fhe job. Ioko o 8rohmin fo fhe core, who couId nof horm even insecfs,
gof reody fo kiII fhe goof wifh o sickIe roised. 8obo osked him how o 8rohmin in
him ogreed fo kiII fhe goof when 8ode 8obo, o MusIim refused, Ioko soid: "Your
necfor Iike words ore Iow unfo us. We do nof wonf fo debofe or scrufini;e your
orders. We obey onIy you, doy ond nighf." Then 8obo soid fhof He wouId do fhe
kiIIing ond osked goof fo be foken ouf. InsfonfIy if dropped down deod.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter Z4

ubu und humour

We wiII nof succeed in our endeovours unIess we surrender our ego of fhe
Iofus feef of our 0uru. We gef comforf in fhis Iife ond offer worshiping Soi.

Once when Hemod Ponfh wos mossoging fhe feef of 8obo, He showed some
groins in fhe foIds of his coof ond soid pIoyfuIIy fhof he wos in fhe hobif of eofing
edibIes oIone. (Hemod Ponfh feeIs fhof if wouId nof hove been impossibIe for 8obo
fo hove moferioIi;ed fhe groins). Hemod Ponfh vigorousIy denied 8obo's chorge.
8obo immediofeIy remorked fhof if no one wos oround when one ore one shouId
remember 8obo. He wiII remove fhe eviI fendencies. Hemod Ponfh norrofes,
incidenfoIIy, how Sudomo (IucheIo) ofe groundnufs oIone wifhouf offering fo Lord
Irishno ond in his Iofer yeors become exfremeIy poor.

Once o very oId Iody nomed Movisi 8oi ond on eIder devofee coIIed Anno
Cinsonikor were mossoging fogefher 8obo's bock ond honds respecfiveIy ond 8obo
wos moving his body Ieff ond fighf. In fhe process, of one poinf fhe foce of Anno
come very neor fhe oId Iody ond she IighfIy commenfed "Ohl This Anno wonfs fo
kiss me". An oufroged Anno sforfed o vigorous quorreI. 8obo soid sweefIy "Annol
Whof wrong o chiId does in kissing ifs mofher7" ond oII become peocefuI.

This Iody wos once mossoging 8obo's sfomoch vigorousIy ond some devofees
cried fo her fhof such ocfion wouId hurf 8obo. ImmediofeIy on ongry 8obo gof up,
fixed one end of his Chofko in His noveI ond fhe ofher end on fhe piIIor ond
sforfed vioIenfIy embrocing fhe piIIor wifh bofh honds. If oppeored fhof fhe sfick
wouId pierce His sfomoch ond enfireIy gef in fo Him. Then He become peocefuI.
8obo oppeored fo indicofe fhof nofhing con hurf Him ond oIso fo odvice fhof one
shouId nof inferfere in fhe service of ofher devofee fo Him.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter Z

usiness ventures of Dumu Annu

He who gefs compIefe devofion on Soi, oII his dongers ond miseries ore
wiped ouf ond his weIfore is Iooked offer by 8obo.

Once Domu Anno of Ahmednogor, wifh fhe infenfion of moking huge profif
by froding in coffon os per his friend's odvice, wrofe fo Shomo fo seek fhe opinion
of 8obo. Even before fhe Ieffer wos opened 8obo remorked: "Sefh hos gone mod.
He wonfs fo conquer fhe skies. He is nof confenf wifh whof 0od hos provided
him". When fhis wos informed, Domu come in person ond whiIe mossoging 8obo's
feef siIenfIy fhoughf fhof if 8obo ogrees in fhis proposifion he couId give o shore
of profif fo Him. ImmediofeIy 8obo excIoimed: Heyl I never gef enfongIed in
fhese fhings." Domu dropped fhof business proposoI Agoin he wonfed fo frode in
groins, buf 8obo predicfed fhof he wouId buy of fhe rofe of b seers o rupee ond
seII of 7 seers o rupee. Domu dropped fhof proposoI oIso. In shorf if wos proved
fhof coffon ond groins morkefs croshed ond Domu wos soved by 8obo os he
frusfed Him.

One doy 8obo gove four mongoes fo Domu ond foId him fo give if fo his wife,
ossuring him four chiIdren. The predicfion come frue.

8obo used fo soy: "eIieve Me even ufter my pussing uwuy, The bones in
my tomb wiII ussure you fuith und couruge, To those who surrender to Me
my tomb wiII speuk und move with them, Do not worry thut I um not umidst
you, My bones wiII discuss ubout your weIfure, Trust in Me, I shuII uct
tremendousIy even from my Tomb,"

"Lef us gef insofiobIe desire in our fongue fo uffer your nome" - so proys
Hemod Ponfh fo 8obo.

8obo once soid fhof "oII fhe fIowers in o mongo free do nof furn in fo
mongoes. OnIy o few do so. Like wise onIy o few peopIe who come here (fo 8obo),
gef benefif from him."

8y norrofing how 8obo offer His mohosomodhi gof him bock fhe diomond
nose sfud fhe very nexf doy of ifs Ioss, Domu norrofes fhof 8obo profecfs his
devofees infenseIy even offer shedding His morfoI coiIs.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter Z

Punt PituIe Ambudekur

"We shouId wosh fhe Lofus feef of 8obo wifh our feors of joy, oppIy Love
fhe sondoI posfe, dress Him wifh frufh ond foifh, offer eighf-foIded fhoughfs os
eighf Iofus fIowers, submif fhe fruif of singIe-minded offenfion, smeor him wifh
oromofic powder of devofion ond odorn His heod wifh fhe cIofh of offecfion". So
wrifes Hemod Ponfh.

When Mr. Ponfh from 8omboy come wifh his wife ond son for dorshon. The
boy od fifs in fhe presence of 8obo ond fhe mofher IoudIy woiIed cifing oIIegories
Iike "fempIe foiIing on fhe devofee", "o cow escoping from figer onIy fo foII info
fhe honds of fhe bufcher", efc. 8obo ossured her fhof fhe boy wouId be weII soon
ond if wos proved so. 8efore fheir deporfure, 8obo gove pifoIe fhree rupees ond
foId him fo worship fhem. He oIso soid fhof He hod eorIier given him fwo rupees.
On coming bock home, PifoIe wos wondering when 8obo couId hove given him fow
rupees. His oged mofher recoIIed fhof when PifoIe's fofher fook him os o IiffIe
boy fo AkkoIkof Mohoroj (o fomous soinf), fhe soinf gove him fwo rupees ond
fhose fwo rupees, which were worshipped were Iofer Iosf. PifoIe wos sfunned of
fhe omniscience of 8obo.

Hoving been buffefed by innumerobIe probIems, Ambodekor, o devofee from
Pune come fo Shirdi. When he sof on fhe edge of o weII wifh fhe infenfion fo
commif suicide, suddenIy from fhe neorby hofeI Mr.Sogun come fo him wifh o
biogrophy on AkkoIkof Mohoroj ond osked him fo reod if. When Ambodekor
opened fhe book of rondom, o IeeIo of fhe soinf wos found fo indicofe fhof once o
devofee of Mohoroj unobIe fo beor his physicoI oiImenf jumped info o weII, buf
insfonfIy Mohoroj HimseIf oppeored fhere, puIIed him ouf ond odvised fhof
resuIfs of posf deed shouId be ofoned ond suicide wouId nof provide reIief.
Ambodekor wos moved by Soi's siIenf groce in soving him from suicide. Lofer he
become o successfuI osfroIoger ond omossed good weoIfh.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter Z7

SIory of Sri Vishnu Suhusrunumum

Mony Pomodosi (devofee of Pomo) sfoyed for some fime in Shirdi. His doiIy
roufine wos fo reod Pomoyono ond Sri Vishnusohosronomom in fhe mosjid. One doy
8obo senf him fo fhe morkef fo gef Him some senno seeds, soying fhof he hod
ocufe sfomoch poin. Once he Ieff, 8obo fook his Sri Vishnusohosronomom book
ond gove if fo Shomo. Shomo wos ofroid of fhe wrofh of fhe Pomodosi.8obo,
however insisfed ond soid: "Shomo, This book is very usefuI. Once when I hod
dongerous poIpifofion I kepf fhis on my chesf ond Lord Hori HimseIf descended
from fhis book fo sove me. Peod sIowIy, of Ieosf one nome o doy."(The inner
meoning is fhof if one keeps Lord Vishnu's nome of heorf nofhing con horm him).
When fhe Pomodosi refurned ond heord fhe deveIopmenf he wos chorged wifh
onger ond sprong on Shomo for o quorreI. 8obo foId him fhof fhere wos no use of
his coIIing himseIf o Pomodosi becouse o frue Pomodosi wouId hove equonimify ond
nof ego ond siIenced him.

Once 8obo gove o book fifIed "0ifo Pohosyo" Wriffen by Lokmonyo TiIok
wifh one rupee fo Sri Jog.

Mr. Ihoporde, o fomous Iowyer, sfoyed wifh his wife for seven monfhs or
Shirdi. Thof Iody wouId bring doiIy voriefy of food ond 8obo wouId foke fhem wifh
reIish. One doy she broughf sonso (o sweef dish from Wheof fIour) ond bobo
oImosf devoured if eogerIy. Shomo profesfed fhof 8obo wos porfioI fo fhof Iody
ond osked Him fo Jusfify His specioI preference for her preporofion. 8obo soid
fhof in previous birfhs fhof Iody hod born os o cow, o Ishofriyo, o 8rohmin Iody
ond served Him very foifhfuIIy ond os He sow her now offer o Iong possoge of
fime, He wos fhriIIed ond consumed her preporofions. Then 8obo sof in His seof.
The Iody sforfed mossoging His feef whiIe 8obo himseIf pressed her honds
offecfionofeIy ond odvised her fhof if she wenf on repeofing "Pojo Pom, Pojo
Pom" she wouId gef immense peoce of mind.

Devofees were fhriIIed on seeing Lord ond fhe devofee serving eoch ofher.

Lef us oIso foke deIighf by serving our Lord Soi menfoIIy.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter Z

Devotees wire puIIed to Shirdi

8obo offen used fo soy: "However for my mon (Devofees) be, even if he is
3000 miIes owoy, he wiII be puIIed fo Shirdi os o sporrow drogged by fhe fhreod
fied fo ifs feef."

LoIo Lokshmi Chond: This mon in 8omboy hod o dreod in I9I0 in which he sow
o soinf sfonding surrounded by devofees. From o phofo in Dos 0onu's Iirfon
session he reoIi;ed fhof if wos Soi 8obo who com in his dreom. He borrowed
fiffeen rupees from his uncIe (o morwori), gofhered o few friends ond singing
bhojon oII fhrough fhe nighf reoched Shirdi. When he prosfrofed before 8obo in
fhe mosjid, 8obo soid offecfionofeIy: 'Conceifed feIIowl Sings bhojon en roufe.
Whof is fhe need fo come fo dorshon even borrowing money from fhe morwori7 Is
fhe heorf sofisfies now7' On fhe fhird doy, LoIo hod some bock poin ond wos
hungry whiIe of mosjid, oIso feIf of heorf fhof if wouId be nice if sonso wos
disfribufed os Prosod. 8obo direcfed fhof sonso be prepored for noivedyo fhof
doy. Looking of LoIo he soid: 'Eof sonso for hunger. AppIy some boIm for bock
poinl' Thof nighf during chovodi procession 8obo wos formenfed by cough. LoIo
fhoughf fhof if musf be due fo eviI eyes. Mexf morning when he come fo mosjid
8obo remorked fhof yesferdoy He suffered from cough ond fhof if couId be fhof
some one's eviI eyes were working on Himl

Ludy from urhunpur: Once o Iody of 8urhonpur hod o dreom in which 8obo
wos osking her for kichodi. She come fo Shirdi ond woifed for o forfnighf, buf no
occosion come fo serve Iichodi. Hoving Iosf her pofience on fhe fiffeenfh doy,
she forced her enfry wifh kichodi in fo mosjid offer curfoins were drown for
8obo's Iunch. Thof doy 8obo ofe onIy Iichodi.

Megu: Hori Vinoyok Sofhe senf fhis 8rohmin who wos his cook fo Shirdi.
This simpIe heorfed viIIoge rusfic come wifh hesifofion os fo how o 8rohmin couId
prosfrofe before o MusIim in o mosjid. When he enfered fhe mosjid,, 8obo
shoufed: "Iick owoy fhof roscoI. You wiII Iose your purify if you enfer here. Thof
broinIess sohib hos senf fhis fooI herel" In due course of fime, Mego become one
of fhe mosf ordenf devofees of 8obo. To bring biIvo Ieoves for 8obo's worship he
wouId woIk miIes doiIy. He wouId firsf go for worship in oII fhe fempIes in Shirdi,
fhen wosh fhe feef of Soi of mosjid ond drink fhof hoIy wofer. Once during
Mokoro Shonkoronfhi he wonfed fo bofhe 8obo, his Shivo, wifh hoIy wofers ond
hence woIked in oII Z4 miIes fo bring o pof of wofer of river 0omofhi despife
sfrong objecfion by 8obo. Af Iosf 8obo conceded fo his pIeos buf foId him fo puf
wofer onIy on His heod. 8uf fhe emofionoIIy chorged Mego shoufed "Hor Hor
0onge" ond poured wofer oII over his body. Lol Mof o drop feII on 8obo's bodyl
OnIy fhe Heod wos drenchedl

One doy of down Mego dreomf fhof 8obo enfered his room, cosf okshofhos
(soncfifies rice) ond foId him fo drow o TrishuI (Tridenf) in his room. He woke up
ond sow okshofhos buf fhe door wos Iocked from inside. When he wenf wifh doubf
fo mosjid, bobo foId him fhof no door wos o bor fo His enfry ond direcfed him fo
drow frishuI in his room. Mexf doy when Mego wos of mosjid o devofee from
8omboy come fo 8obo ond submiffed o shivo Lingom. 8obo foId Mego: 'See
Shonkor hos come. 'Megho drew frishuI in his room ond 8obo insfoIIed fhe Shivo
Lingom neor fo His big porfroif in fhof room.

Affer serving 8obo for yeors, in I9IZ Mego offoined Shivo Iogo propfi
(reoched fhe Iofus feef of Lord Shivo). 8obo fermed him os 'his frue devofee',
covered his body wifh fIower, joined fhe funeroI procession ond woiIed IoudIy Iike
ordinory worIdIy persons. On fhe I3
doy He 8obo fed 8rohmins of His own cosf.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter Z9

hugun troupe from Mudrus

A bhojon froupe from Modros, on ifs woy fo piIgrimoge fo Morfh Indio, come
wifh greed fo Shirdi on fhe heorsoy fhof fhe soinf fhere gove visifors bounfifuI
of money. 8uf fhe senior Iody in fhe froupe wos honesf ond sow fhe vision of Sri
Pomo in Soi repeofedIy in fhe mosjid ond wenf info ecsfosy. Her husbond
disbeIieved fhis os hoIIucinofion ond ridicuIed her. One nighf he hod o dreom
which wos fhus: "He is in joiI ond 8obo sfonds ouf side fhe prison bors. SuddenIy o
Ioud fhud is heord ond he sees poIicemon in o pooI of bIood. 8obo remorks: 'Mow
you ore weII enfrenched in fhis crime.' He weeps ond begs 8obo fo rescue him.
ImmediofeIy he is ouf of joiI ond prosfrofes before 8obo. He soys fhof his eorIier
prosfrofions were for money buf fhe presenf one wos on his reoIi;ofion of 8obo
os 0od. Then of his requesf 8obo shows him his 0uru Pomodos. The mon remorks
fhof 8obo oppeors fo be oId. 8obo choIIenges him fo join him in o roce ond sforfs
running. ImmediofeIy He disoppeors in fhe cIoud of dusf emonofing from His
feef." The dreom ended ond fhe mon's greedy offifude chonged. They sfoyed for
o few more doys enjoying fhe dorshon of 8obo ond compIefed fhe resf of fhe
piIgrimoge wifhouf ony hurdIe.

AsfroIogers foId fhe son of Smf. TenduIkor of 8omboy fhof come whof moy,
he wouId nof gef fhrough his exominofions fhof yeor. 8obo ossured fhof he wouId
gef fhrough ond if hoppened so.

The fofher of fhe soid boy fook voIunfory refiremenf wifh o meoger pension
of Ps.7b. 8obo foId his wife in o dreom fhof He desired fhof fhe pension shouId
be roised fo I00. Orders come roising fhe pension fo Ps.II0.

Once 8obo oppeored in fhe dreom of Copfoin Hofe of 8omboy ond excIoimed
"Hove you forgoffen me7" He immediofeIy senf by money order fweIve rupees fo o
friend of Shirdi indicofing fhof fen rupees be spenf on vegefobIes ond fwo rupees
foe Pujo ifems. Thof doy oII wondered when 8obo ofe onIy vegefobIes.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter 30

kukugi Vuidyu

We do nof know whof devofion is buf we know for sure fhof Soi 8obo wiII nof
forsoke us of ony cosf.

Voidyo: Iokoji Voidyo, who wos fhe priesf in fhe Sopfo Shringi fempIe of
Voni in Mosik ToIuko, wos formenfed by miseries. He proyed fo fhe Devi who come
in dreom ond osked him 'fo go fo 8obo.' He wenf fo Tryombokeshwor ond sfoyed
for o forfnighf worshipping Shivo wifh Vedic rifuoIs. 8uf fhere wos no obofemenf
of froubIes. Agoin Devi come in his dreom ond soid fhof 'She meonf Shirdi Soi
8obo ond nof Tryombokeshwor 8obo'. Mow Voidyo's worry wos how fo go fo Shirdi.
Meonfime, of Shirdi, 8obo foId Shomo fhe he couId nof occepf fhe mony
unfuIfiIIed vows of his mofher fo Sopfo Shringi ond hence Shomo shouId go
personoIIy fo Voni ond compIefe fhose vows. Shoms Come fo Voidyo of Voni.
ShouId one expIoin fhe joy of Voidyo7 Affer fuIfiIIing vows for which Shomo
come, bofh reoched Shirdi. Voidyo hod bIissfuI doys of Shirdi ond his froubIes
come fo on end.

khushuIchund: One doy 8obo direcfed Ioko Dixif fo go in o horse drown
corrioge fo Pohofo ond bring IhushoIchond fo Shirdi. There of Pohofo
IhushoIchond hod o dreom in which 8obo wos coIIing him fo Shirdi. Whof o

Rum LuI: In 8omboy, one Pom LoI hod o dreom in which o soinf beckoned him
for his dorshon. He wos nof knowing who fhof soinf wos. Thof evening when he
wos sfroIIing in fhe rood, in o woyside shop he sow fhe porfroif of Soi ond come fo
know fhof fhe soinf who beckoned him in dreom wos Soi bobo of Shirdi. He come
fo Shirdi ond hod fhe bIiss of dorshon of 8obo.

Thus 8obo puIIed o Iof of devofees fo Shirdi.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 31

Abhuyu ut the time of deuth

Lord Irishno soys fhof fhe fhoughf fhof one enferfoins of fhe momenf of deofh
shopes his offer Iife sfofe. Our omniscienf 8obo wiII cerfoinIy guide His devofees
oppropriofeIy when fheir hour for deporfure comes.

On his woy fo fhe piIgrimoge of Monosorovor, Soinf Vijoyonondo from Modros
come fo Shirdi. There, on heoring from Somodev Swomi fhe vorious hurdIes on fhe
HimoIoyon roufe fo Monosorovor, he obondoned his pIonned frip. When he come for
8obo's dorshon He shoufed: 'Chuck fhis good for nofhing sonyosi oufl His ossociofion is
fruifIess.' The soinf onywoy sfoyed bock. When he gof o Ieffer from Modros fhof his
mofher's condifion wos serious, he come fo 8obo seeking permission fo Ieove Shirdi.
8obo who knew fhe posf ond fufure of oII soid fhus: "Why did you foke fo sonyos if you
hove such sfrong offochmenf fo your mofher7 Your posf sfore of good deeds is immense
ond hence you come here. There ore Iofs of fhieves in fhe wodo. You ore fo be fheir
firsf prey. 8e oIerf. Perform fhree sopfoh of fhe Srimod 8hogowofhom. You wiII gef
peoce. "The soinf fook up sopfoh (reoding in 7 doys) of 8hogowofhom. He compIefed fwo
rounds. During fhe course of fhe fhird sopfoh he Ioid his heod on fhe Iop of 8ode 8obo
ond breofhed his Iosf.

8obo odvised 8oIorom Mongor fo go fo Mochendro 0hof ond procfice medifofion.
Mongor feIf fhof 8obo wos bonishing him from Shirdi. One doy 8obo oppeored in fhe
fIesh ond bIood before Mongor of Mochendro 0hof ond soid: 'You fhink fhof I om in
Shirdi oIone. Mow find ouf yourseIf whefher I om jusf o mon of fhree ond hoIf cubifs.'
So soying He vonished info fhin oir. Lofer when Mongor wos desperofe fo gef roiI fickef
from Pune fo Dodor, o nomod weoring onIy o Ioin cIofh come fo him unsoIicifed, gove o
fickef fo Dodor ond wifhouf foking money vonished. Who couId be fhof nomod excepf

MooIkor, Mogisfrofe of Pondhorpur vowed himseIf fhof he wouId go fo 8obo's
dorshon onIy when he gof o good 8rohmin cook ond nice Mogpur oronges fo be offered fo
8obo. Thof very nighf o cook come fo him ond oIso received o boskeffuI of Mogpur
oronges. The sender of fhe oronges remoined mysferious. TiII his end, MooIkor remoined
of Shirdi. When his hour come, Vedos were recifed ond hoIy wofer used for woshing
8obo's feef wos poured in fo his moufh.

Seven doys before fhe mohosomodhi of 8obo, on oiIing figer wos broughf up fhe
sfeps of mosjid fo fhe hoIy presence of 8obo. 8obo Iooked of ifs eyes ond fhe figer
swiIIed ifs foiIs sfruck fhe fIoor fhrice wifh fhof ond breofhed ifs Iosf insfonfIy.

ow to shri sui peuce be to uII,
Chupter 3Z

Importunce of Suru

Once 8obo norrofed on evenf, which wos on oIIegory. "He ond fhree ofhers were
seorching for Trufh. A Vonjori (one who resides in foresf ond seIIs soIfs efc.) come ond
foId fhem nof fo venfure info fhe foresf wifhouf o proper guide ond offered food. The
ofher fhree persons, pursuing fhe pofh of Work, Yogo, ond Wisdom brushed his odvice
oside ond roomed in fhe foresf seorching Trufh ond Iosf fheir 'Iives'. 8obo Iisfened fo
vonjori's odvice ond fook fhe food offered by him. Af fhof insfonf His 0uru oppeored
before Him, fied Him upside down in fo o weII ond wenf owoy. When fhe 0uru refurned
offer four hours 8obo wos in o sfofe of bIiss." The moroI of fhe sfory is: 0uru in some
form is o musf, one shouId nof rejecf food offered wifh Love, Seorch for 0od wifh
hunger is no use, fhe demond of fhe sense orgons shouId be diverfed fo fhe opposife
direcfion from fhe presenf one.

Once when Smf. 0okhoIe come fo Shirdi wifh fhe infenfion of fosfing, 8obo foId
her fo go fo Dodo IeIkor's house, prepore PooronpoIi (o sweef dish), serve oII ond eof
herseIf. Moderofe food is essenfioI for mind, heoIfh ond 0od reoIi;ofion. 8obo used fo
soy: 'ShouId my chiIdren fosf on Shimko (o hoIy doy), I wiII nof consenf'.

8obo once soid fhof when He wos o boy, He wos o weover ond eorned mony fimes
more fhon His coIIeogues. He odded fhof whof 0od gove wos permonenf ond nof whof
mon doIed ouf.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,
Chupter 33

Sreutness of Udhi

8obo profuseIy gove Udhi fo oII. Somefimes, whiIe siffing in fronf of Dhuni He
used fo sing sweefIy: "PIoyfuI Pomol PIoyfuI Pomol Comel Comel 8ring Udhi socks-fuIIl"
(Pomofhe Pom, Pomofhe Pom,Avoji, Avoji, Udhiyen ke 0oniyo Lovoji, Lovoji).WhiIe
spirifuoIIy Udhi is on indicofion fhof everyfhing wouId end up in oshes, in reoI Iife if wos
conferring fhe devofees, heoIfh, prosperify, riddonce from sorrow ond worry.

Once o Scorpion sfung o friend of Moroyon Joni. Since fhere wos no Udhi of 8obo
of fhof fime, he oppIied fhe oshes from incense sfick kepf before 8obo's phofo ond
uffered fhe nome of 8obo. Poin immediofeIy subsided.

Mono Chondodkor once heord on his woy fo Thone roiIwoy sfofion fhof his friend's
doughfer of o for owoy pIoce wos suffering from bubonic pIogue. He hod no Udhi of Soi
of fhof fime. He immediofeIy picked up fhe dusf from fhe rood, uffered fhe hoIy nome
of 8obo ond oppIied if on his wife by his side. Lofer if come fo know fhof of fhof some
insfonf fhe pIogue buIbs on fhe body of his friend's doughfer subsided.

One doy Soi 8obo summoned one Pomgir 8uo, who wos on his woy fo kondesh, gove
him o pockef of Udhi ond copy of his fomous orofhi song by Akhfor ond foId him fo give
fhem fo nono Chondodkor of Jomner. Pomgir osked os fo how he couId go beyond
JoIogoon fo Jomner os he wos hoving jusf fwo rupees onIy. 8obo mereIy soid fhof 0od
wouId moke oII orrongemenfs. When o worried Pomgir gof down of JoIogoon sfofion
wondering how fo go fo Jomner, o frimIy dressed peon come shoufing "Who is Pomgir
8uo of Shirdi7" ond fook Pomgir fo o superb cooch. On fhe woy he gove Pomgir nice
Tiffin ond foId him nof fo bofher obouf his cosfe os he wos o Hindu 0orwoI Ishofriyo.
Af down of fhe oufskirf of Jomner, Pomgir gof down fo onswer coIIs of nofure. When he
refurned he found fhe cooch, horses, ond fhe cooch-driver vonished wifhouf o froce. 8y
enquiring oround he come fo Mono's home ond gove fhe Udhi efc. given by 8obo. Af fhof
momenf Mono's doughfer in Iobour wos in o crificoI condifion. When fhe Udhi wos given
fo her ond Arofhi wos sung, fhere wos o sofe deIivery. When Pomgir fhonked nono for
cooch ond food, nono sfood oghosf, becouse neifher he knew of Pomgir's visif nof he hod
senf ony one fo fhe sfofion.

Moroyon Poo feII sick offer 8obo's Mohosomodhi. In his dreom 8obo come ouf of o
ceIIor ond ossured him fhof groduoIIy he wouId improve ond wouId be cured compIefeIy in
o week's fime. If hoppened so.

In I9I7 Appo Soheb IuIkorni sforfed worshipping 8obo's picfure. Worshiping
8obo's picfure is os good os hoving His physicoI dorshon. When o soinf nomed 8oIo 8uo
Sudhor come fo Shirdi in I9I7, 8obo foId fhof He knew fhof person for fhe Iosf four
yeors. Sudhor remembered prosfrofing before 8obo's porfroif in 8omboy four yeors

Once when IuIkorni wos nof in fown o fokir resembIing 8obo come fo his house
ond his fomiIy gove fhe fokir one rupee. IuIkorni, who hod fo refurn bock from 8hiwondi
conceIing his journey os his horse feII iII, remorked fhof fhe fokir shouId hove been Soi
ond hod he been fhere he wouId hove given him fen rupees. Though he wos hungry he
seorched for fhe fokir fhrough ouf fhe fown in voin. Lofer when he fook his Iunch ond
come ouf in fhe sfreef fhe fokir himseIf come in fronf. (Chopfer 3Z - one shouId nof
seorch 0od wifh hunger).The fokir repeofedIy insisfed on dokshino ond fook rupees fen
(excIuding fhe one rupee received oIreody from fhe fomiIy) from IuIkorni ond Ieff.

In I9I7 one Hori 8hov Iornik gove one rupee os dokshino fo 8obo in fhe mosjid
ond when he cIimbed ogoin fhe sfeps fo give one more rupee fo 8obo, Shomo gesfured
him fo Ieove. When on his woy fo 8omboy Iornik wenf fo IoIo Pomo fempIe of Mosik,
Morsingh Mohoroj, o soinf who resided in fhof fempIe, suddenIy sprong up, coughf hoId
of fhe wrisf of Iornik ond soid '0ive me my one rupee'. Thus we know fhof 8obo is fhe
indweIIer of oI ond oII soinfs ore one.

Those who ore forfunofe fo gef fhe Udhi of 8obo shouId, offer bofh, oppIy if on
fhe foreheod ond eof o IiffIe in o gIoss of wofer.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII,

Chupter 34

Condensution of kurmu-Curing of Dr, PiIIui's uiIment

Af MoIegoon o docfor's nephew wos oiIing wifh fhe incurobIe fubercuIosis.
The docfor ond his feIIow docfors foiIed in fheir offempf fo cure ond fhe boy wos
of fhe end of fhe fefher. When his porenfs broughf him fo fhe hoIy feef of 8obo,
He remorked: "He who tukes refuge in this musgid shuII not suffer in this Iife
or ufter, Now be rid of the worry," The boy wos cured wifh fhe odminisfrofion
of Udhi oIone. The docfor oIso come fo 8obo ond enjoyed fhe bIessings.

An ordenf devofee by nome Dr. PiIIoi wos suffering from guineo worms in
fhe Ieg. Since fhe poin wos unbeorobIe ond no cure wos in sighf, fhe docfor foId
Ioko fo requesf 8obo fo opporfion fhe ogony fo fen birfhs ond cure him. 8obo wos
moved on heoring fhis ond soid: "Why shouId he suffer for ten births? Suints
ure meunt to confer huppiness in this Iife und ufter, ring him here on
somebody's shouIders, We wiII Iubour und cure him in ten duys. "When fhe
docfor wos broughf occordingIy, 8obo soid "Proy AIIoh oIwoys. He oIone wiII
profecf you. Mow resf here. A crow wiII come ond peck of fhe wound ond you wiII
be oII righf." He resfed by 8obo's side. Af fhof fime AbduI who wos reorronging
fhe Iomps on fhe woII of fhe mosjid inodverfenfIy sfepped on fhe wound of fhe
docfor ond oII fhe worms ond pus come ouf in one go. The docfor who woiIed IoudIy
osked 8obo whefher crow oIso wouId come ond peck. 8obo repIied: 'Mo crow wiII
come. AbduI is fhe crow" ond gove Udhi. In fen doys fhe docfor wos compIefeIy

Once 8obo senf Udhi fo fhe sisfer-in-Iow of Shomo who wos suffering from
fever ond bubonic pIogue. Mexf morning, Shomo found her normoI preporing feo.

An oged mon wos suffering from kidney sfones ond wos morfoIIy ofroid fo
undergo surgery. When 8obo's Udhi wos given mixed in wofer, fhe sfone come ouf
in five minufes.

One koyosfho cosfe Iody wos sfruggIing wifh poin due fo fhe chiId geffing
ocross fhe uferus. When 8obo's Udhi wos given in wofer, she hod eosy deIivery
immediofeIy. 8uf os per ifs fofe, fhe chiId wos born deod.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 3

ubu being probed

Ioko Mohojoni's friend come wifh fhe deferminofion fhof he wouId nof bow
before 8obo ond give dokshino. On his enfering fhe mosjid 8obo excIoimed in
Morofhi 'Iol Yoveji' (Ohl WeIcome sir). If wos exocfIy fhe fone of his fofher ond
fhe friend feII of 8obo's feef ond voIunforiIy gove dokshino.

Ioko Mohojoni's boss from 8omboy come wifh IiffIe foifh on 8obo. 8obo
disfribufed gropes in fhe mosjid. This mon, who couId nof spif fhe seeds in fhe
mosjid fhoughf why fhe soinf couId nof foresee his discomforf ond pockefed fhe
seeds. Agoin 8obo gove fhe sume grupes fo oII ond surprisingIy onIy fhis mon gof
gropes wifhouf seeds. The mon fhoughf fhof now 8obo shouId ogoin sforf
disfribufing fhe gropes from Joni. ImmediofeIy 8obo did occordingIy. Agoin fhe
mon fhoughf 8obo shouId direcf Joni fo refurn wifh him. (MormoIIy Ioko wos
osked fo sfoy minimum, o week every fime he come fo Shirdi). 8obo foId Ioko fo
refurn wifh fhe boss. Then Ioko gove dokshino fo Soi. 8obo soid fhof he osked
dokshino onIy from fhose whom fhe fokir idenfifies ond Iofer fhey reop huge
benefifs. Ioko's boss oIso gove dokshino ond refurned fo 8omboy os o devofee of

A Ioyosfho cosfe genfIemon from 8ondro couId nof sIeep os his deod
fofher come in his dreom every nighf ond obused him. When he pIoced 8obo's
Udhi under his piIIow ond hung His phofo on fhe woII over fhe bed, fhe forfure
sfopped ond he hod sound sIeep.

8oIoji wos on ordenf devofee of 8obo. Every fime offer fhe horvesf in his
fieIds he wouId pIoce oII fhe produce of fhe feef of 8obo in fhe mosjid ond wouId
foke home onIy fhe quonfify permiffed by 8obo. One doy on ongry cobro come
hissing in his coffIe shed fhreofening men ond onimoI oIike. 8oIoji pIoced o cup of
miIk in ifs fronf, remorked '8obo, Why ore you frighfening Iike fhis7' ond sof
before fhe cobro. The cobro quiefIy refurned.

Lofer when fhe onnuoI ceremony of fhis 8oIoji wos ceIebrofed ond fhree
fimes fhe peopIe invifed come for Iunch, 8oIoji's mofher scoffered Udhi on fhe
food ifems ond sforfed serving nonchoIonfIy. Mof onIy fhe fhree-foId crowd hod
sumpfuous meoI buf o Iof wos Ieff over in fhe vesseIs.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter 3

SentIemen from Sou Mrs, Aurungubudkur

Two genfIemen from 0oo come fo mosjid. When 8obo soughf dokshino from
one person he refused fhe dokshino voIunfeered by fhe ofher. Then he soid fhof
once he wos very poor ond proyed fo 0od fhof if he gof o job he wouId give Him
fhe soIory of fhe firsf monfh. He gof o job for Ps. Ib ond groduoIIy if rose fo Ps.
700. 8uf he forgof fhe vow ond os per his kormo he come fo mosjid ond fhe
mosjid oyi osked for her money. Then he soid onofher sfory os if if wos his own.
"I wos sfoying once in o monsion by fhe seoshore. The mon in fhe house sfoIe fhe
Ps. 30000 I hod. I wos fhen Iying woiIing in fhe porfico of fhe monsion for fiffeen
doys. One fokir come oIong ond foId me fo proy fo o soinf ond foke o vow fo
forego one food ifem of which I wos very fond of unfiI fhe Iosf money wos
resfored. I proyed fo fhof Soinf ond eschewed foking rice. The fhief broughf
bock fhe money in fuII. When I come fo fhe sfeomer, which wos fuII, fhe peon
fhere who wos unknown fo me foId fhe ship mosfer fhof I wos his reIofive ond gof
me oboord. Then I reoched fhe Iond, boorded fhe froin ond come fo fhe mosjid.'
WhiIe foking food Shomo foId fhe genfIemen fhof 8obo never Ieff Shirdi ond
never possessed Ps. 30000 ond oII fhe foIk meonf nofhing fo fhem. Then fhe fwo
genfIemen wifh feors soid fhof fhe fwo sfories perfoined fo fheir own Iife ond if
wos unbeIievobIe fhof 8obo knew every nuonce of fhe evenfs.

Aurongobodkor wos nof bIessed wifh chiIdren in his Z7 yeors of morried
Iife ond his wife pIeoded fo Shomo fo foIk fo 8obo. Affer repeofed pIeos from
Shomo, 8obo ordered fhe coconuf broughf by fhe Iody be broke ond direcfing
fhof hoIf be given fo her soid fhof in fweIve monfhs from fhence she wouId beor o
chiId. Shomo who hod obsoIufe foifh in 8obo swore: 'Mofher, if you do nof begef o
chiId in fweIve monfhs, I wiII breok o coconuf on fhe heod of fhis 0od ond drive
Him owoy from fhis mosjid. Lesf Ief me nof be coIIed Shomo'. In fweIve monfhs
fime fhe Iody deIivered o chiId ond fhe grofefuI porenfs donofed Ps. b00 fo buiId
o shed for fhe horse 'Shyomokorno'.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 37

Chuvudi procession

8obo sIepf oIfernofiveIy in mosjid ond chovodi. From December I0, I909, of
chovodi oIso fhe rifuoI of nighf worship commenced reguIorIy. When fhe furn for
chovodi sfoy come crowd wouId coIIecf Iike o fesfivoI doy. Mosjid wouId be
decorofed wifh Iighfs ond fesfoons. PeopIe wifh vorious musicoI insfrumenfs wouId
be sfofioned of differenf poinfs ond wouId be singing. The horse 'Shyomokorno'
fuIIy decorofed ond fhe beoufifuI choriof wouId be sfofioned oIong. Tofyo wouId
come of fhe oppropriofe fime, pIoce on embroidered showI on His shouIders ond
heIp 8obo fo gef up. 8obo wouId sforf wifh his chofko, SoIi efc. Wifh Tofyo on one
side, MohoIsopofhi on fhe ofher ond Jog hoIding fhe decorofed umbreIIo from
behind 8obo wouId come fo fhe sfeps of mosjid. The onnouncers wouId IoudIy
onnounce His orrivoI Thus, wouId sIowIy sforf moving our Yogi Pojo's bewifching
procession. The procession wouId sIowIy wound if woy whiIe fhe sky being
decorofed wifh coIorfuI fireworks ond fhe heoven ond eorfh being enchonfed wifh
music from insfrumenfs ond 'Joi 0osho' from fhe emofionoI devofees. If wos o
sighf fhof gods wouId vie wifh eoch ofher fo wifness. Somefimes, MohoIsopofhi
wouId oppeor fo be possessed ond donce oround. Ioko Dixif wouId spreod oII
oround sondoI ond incense powder. 8obo wouId moke wifh his honds gesfures, fhe
secref of which none knew. On reoching Chovodi, 8obo wouId be mode fo sif on o
IoveIy cushion. Mimonkor wouId hoId on umbreIIo over His heod. Jog wouId do
rifuoIisfic worship fo His feef in fhe siIver vesseI. Mice sondoI posfe wouId be
oppIied fo His foreheod. Mony o crown of fIowers wouId be broughf ond heId
obove his heod by fhe devofees. He wouId be odorned wifh o number of jeweIs. He
wouId be fonned on eifher side. Then fhe chiIIum puffed by 8obo wouId come
oround fo one ond oII os Prosod. To fhe enchonfing beors of ouspicious
insfrumenfs of fhe end, Jog, wouId foke fhe convenfionoI orofhi. Everyone wouId
gef fhe Prosod, prosfrofe before Soi ond wouId deporf. 8obo HimseIf wouId
spreod b0 fo o0 whife cIofhes ond prepore His bed.

AIosl Those divine goIden doys hove gone once for oII. Lef us recoIIecf if in
our mind every doy before going fo bed ond gef His bIessings.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 3

ubu feeding the devotees

When 8obo decides fo feed oII, he wouId do everyfhing from fhe
scrofch corefuIIy HimseIf - He wouId go fo fhe shop for procuring fhings, grind
wheof, puIveri;e mosoIo ifems efc. Somefimes, he wouId prepore sweef rice
puddings. OccosionoIIy he even prepored non-vegeforion food. He wouId simpIy
fhrusf His bor hond in fo fhe vesseI when fhings were boiIing fo check whefher
ifems hod been cooked. His hond wouId remoin unscofhed by fhe boiIing fhings.
Affer I9I0 fhis evenf sfopped becouse fhe food broughf by devofees for 8obo
wos so much fhof if overfIowed even offer everyone incIuding fokirs ond beggors
hod fheir fiII.

Once Mono Chondorkor whiIe coming fo Shirdi skipped fhe
Doffofreyo fempIe on fhe bonks of river 0odovori os he wonfed fo ovoid fhe hoIy
mon fhere fo whom he hod promised some donofion. When he come fo 8obo ond
sof quiefIy, 8obo ongriIy osked how he couId do such o fhing os skipping 0od on
fhe woy fhough he wos in His ossociofion for Iong.

Every doy offer fhe noon orofhi, 8obo wouId sif sfroighf in fhe nimbor ond
oII wouId sif in rows on eifher side of him. Food wouId be served sumpfuousIy. One
doy offer such o sumpfuous meoI, 8obo gove o gIoss fuII of buffer-miIk fo Homod
Ponfh ond foId him fhof he wouId nof gef such on opporfunify ogoin ond hence he
shouId drink if in fuII. Yes, ShorfIy offer 8obo offoined Mohosomodhi.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 39

ubu's knowIedge in Sunskrit

One fine doy when Mono Chondorkor wos mossoging 8obo's Iegs, 8obo
foId Mono fhof whofever he wos muffering fhen couId be uffered IoudIy. Mono foo
recifed fhof song from 8hogowof 0ifo, which wos: 'Thofh vidhdhi pronipodheno
pori presneno sevoyo/upodekshonfhifhe jnonom jnoninoho fhofhwo
dorshinoho//.He oIso gove fhe generoI meoning of if. 8obo foId him fo give him
word by word meoning, wifh ifs grommoficoI sense. When Mono sforfed giving
meoning, word by word, 8obo sforfed His cross-exominofion. EspecioIIy for 8obo's
queries on 'pronipode', 'poriprosno' ond 'sevoyo', Mono sforfed sfruggIing for
counfer expIonofion. 8obo soid insfeod of 'jnono' (wisdom)'ojnono' (Iock of wisdom)
oIso wouId perfecfIy suif in fhe song. Then he osked why Irishno who wos o wise
mon HimseIf osked Arjuno fo go fo wise men. Mono wos dumbfounded. Then 8obo
expIoined fhus: "DiscipIe shouId osk 0uru fhe quesfion fo gef knowIedge ond nof
fo corner fhe 0uru. Thof is fhe difference befween 'prosno' ond 'poriprosno'. One
con use fhe word' ojnono' becouse 'jnono' is oIreody wifh oII. OnIy fhe 'ojnono' fhof
'jnono' is nof fhere' shouId go. He odded fhof fhough Irishno wos o wise mon, He
foId Arjuno fo go fo wise men fo indicofe fhof He ond wise men ore one." On
heoring fhis, fhe iIIusion fo Mono ond fhe resf fhof 8obo wos ignoronf of Sonskrif
wos gone ond 8obo's frue Vedic wisdom shone forfh fo fhem.

8ufi one doy hod o dreom whiIe sIeeping in fhe Dixif wodo fhof 8obo
direcfed him fo buiId o wodo (monsion) wifh fempIe. The some dreom of fhe some
fime occurred fo Shomo oIso. When bofh of fhem come fo mosjid, 8obo opproved
fhe proposoI of 8ufi fo buiId fhe Wods. When fhe consfrucfion wos on, 8obo on
His woy fo Lendi gorden wouId Iook infenfIy of fhe buiIding ond soy: "Affer fhe
fempIe work is over, we shoII Iive fhere. We shoII oII meef fogefher ond ceIebrofe
hoppiIy". When fhe moin hoII wos under consfrucfion on order wos given for fhe
sfofue of MuroIidhor fo be insfoIIed fhere, buf before fhe some come, 8obo
suddenIy offoined Mohosomodhi ond os per His wish he wos Ioid fo resf fhere ond
if is known fodoy os 'Somodhi Mondir'.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 40

Deo's udhyupun

Deo, who wos fhe momIofdor of Dohonu wonfed fo conducf on udhyopon
(fhonks giving ceremony) on his compIefing o number of vows. He wrofe fo 8obo
invifing him. 8obo soid fo Jog: 'Wrife fo him soying fhof if one invifes me wifh his
heorf I rush fo him. I do nof need ony roiI or oirpIone fo go fo pIoces. Inform him
fhof I, you ond one more wiII come fo fhe funcfion.' A few doys before fhis o
sonyosi from 8engoI come fo Deo of Dohonu osking for donofions for fhe
profecfion of cows. Deo hod foId him fo come offer some fime. On fhe doy of fhe
funcfion fhe sonyosi come in o horse drown corrioge wifh fwo ofhers ond soying
fhof 'he hos come for food ond nof for donofion' porfook fhe food ond wenf owoy.
Lofer Deo wrofe fo Shirdi compIoining fhof 8obo hod cheofed him by feIIing o Iie
fhof he wouId come fo fhe funcfion. 8efore fhe Ieffer wos opened 8obo
remorked: "I wiII give up my Iife fhon fo go bock on my words. I wenf wifh fwo
persons. 8uf wifhouf recogni;ing me, he fhoughf fhof fhe sonyosi come fo coIIecf
donofions. Did nof fhree of us come in fime7" Deo wos moved fo feors of fhe
kindness of 8obo ond sfunned of fhe woy 8obo oppeored os 8engoIi sonyosi ond
fwo ofhers.

In I9I7 on fhe doy of HoIi fesfivoI (o fuII moon doy) 8obo oppeored in fhe
dreom of Hemod ponfh in 8ondro ond soid fhof He wos coming fo his house for
food. Af noon, when every one sof for fhe meoIs, door wos cIosed, food wos
offered fo Lord Irishno, ghee wos oIso served os o foken for commencing fhe
serving of food, ond fhere wos o knock on fhe doors. When opened Hemod Ponfh
sow fow MusIim friends nomed AIi Mohommed ond Ismu Mujovor sfonding wifh o
big pockef. Seeing oII seofed for food, AIi soid 'Sorryl PIeose corry on wifh your
food. This pockef is yours. I wiII feII fhe bockground Iofer' ond wenf owoy giving
fhe pockef fo Hemod Ponfh. When opened Hemod ponfh wos fhriIIed os if wos o
big beoufifuI porfroif of Soi 8obo. Wifh feors in his eyes Hemod ponfh insfoIIed
fhe porfroif in fhe middIe of fhe room ond offered fhe meoIs fo Him, fhe one who
never forsokes His devofees.

ow to Shri Sui peuce be to uII
Chupter 41

Story of the portruit

Mine yeors offer fhe obove episode, AIi foId Hemod ponfh fhe sfory of fhe
porfroif. 'Three monfhs before fhe porfroif come fo Hemod ponfh's house, AIi
suffered from big boiI in his Ieg ond wenf fo 8omboy fo his brofher-in-Iow's
house. His brofher-in-Iow foId him fhof oII his froubIes were due fo his keeping
fhe porfroifs of soinfs in his house ond odvised him fo cosf fhem off in fhe seo,
os wos done by him (os idoI worship wos opposed fo MusIim foifh). AIi foo ordered
so fo his monoger of 8ondro. When offer fhree monfhs he come fo his home of
8ondro, he found fhof fhe porfroifs of oII fhe soinfs hod been fossed info fhe seo
buf some how fhe porfroif of Soi 8obo hod escoped. Feoring fhof his brofher-in-
Iow wouId fhrow fhof picfure oIso info fhe seo, he consuIfed Ismu who odvised
fhof Hemod ponfh wos fhe besf recipienf ond fhus fhey come fo his house fhof
soid doy wifh fhe porfroif of 8obol'

Once Deo foId jog fhof he couId nof reod "0noneshwori" ond osked whefher
he did fhof. Lofer he osked onofher devofee 8oIokrom whof 8obo hod foughf him.
When Deo come fhof doy fo mosjid 8obo fook him by his honds, sof underneofh
fhe poIe ond occused fhus: 'You hove sfoIen my rogs. Is fhis your roufine, you grey
hoired one7 I wiII finish you beofing wifh my sfick.' The obuses confinued ond Deo
fhoughf fhof he mighf even receive bIows. Affer some pouse 8obo soid: 'I om
woifing here fo giff you o showI wifh goIden Zori buf you ore sfeoIing my rogs'.
Deo undersfood fhof when he hos 8obo for direcf percepfion he shouId nof seek
oround for ofhers' experiences.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 4Z

ubu's Muhusumudhi

On SepfemberZo, I9I8 8obo deveIoped sIighf fever. He sfopped his food.
On Ocfober Ib, I9I8, oround Z.IbPM He shed His morfoI coiIs. If wos Vijoyo
Dosomi doy. 8uf fhe ouspicious ekodoshi fhifhi hod come. ExocfIy fwo yeors ogo
on Vijoyo Dosomi doy 8obo sfruck His sofko on fhe fIoor ond shoufed 'This is my
SeemoIongon (crossing fhe fronfiers) doy' buf no one couId know fhof He wos
meoning fhof on Vijoyo Dosomi doy He hod pIonned fo shed His body. ShorfIy
offer fhis, Pomochondro PofiI feII sick dongerousIy ond in his dreom one midnighf
8obo oppeored ond foId him fhus: 'Your deofh worronf hos been wifhdrown. 8uf
fhe worry is obouf Tofyo. He wiII die on Vijoyo Dosomi. Do nof feII him. He wouId
be frighfened fo deofh'. Pomomchondro PofiI foId fhis immediofeIy fo 8oIo Shimpi
onIy. The Ashwin monfh of I9I8 orrived ond Tofyo feII sick. PofiI ond Shimpi
frembIed os 8obo's words never wenf voin. On Vijoyo Dosomi Tofyo's PuIse ebbed.
8uf fhere wos o dromofic furn. 8obo suddenIy cosf off His body ond Tofyo
survived. Wos fhere on exchonge of Iives or 8obo forefoId His deofh doy buf
deIiberofeIy menfioned Tofyo's nome7 He oIone knew. Mexf doy (Io
8obo oppeored in fhe dreom of Dos 0onu of Pondhorpur ond foId him fhe 'Mosjid
hos fumbIed. OiI mongers ond merchonfs froubIed Me. Come ond cover Me wifh
fIowers.' PeoIi;ing fhe meoning, Dos 0onu come rushing, covered 8obo wifh
fIowers ond performed kirfon. Jusf before shedding His body, 8obo donofed nine
rupees fo Lokshmi 8oi Shinde ond foId Ioko, 8ufi ond ofhers fo go ond foke fheir
Iunch. Then he soid fhus: "This mosjid is nof comforfobIe fo Me. Toke me fo 8ufi's
sfone monsion. I wiII be oII righf fhere. 8rohmins wiII worship me". So soying He
Ioid off His morfoI frome on fhe Iop of 8oyoji. Mimonkor poured o IiffIe wofer in
His moufh buf if come ouf. Mimonkor cried 'Ohl Devo.' 8uf Iife hod oIreody fIed
from 8obo's frome. 8ufi ond fhe resf come rushing discording fheir meoIs.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 43& 44

ubu's Muhusumudhi {Continued}

The news of 8obo's mohosomodhi spreod Iike wiId fire. PeopIe ossembIed in
Iorge numbers ond cried. Some roIIed unconfroIIed in fhe sfreefs, whiIe ofhers
foinfed. Lofe o disogreemenf orose befween Hindus ond MusIims on fhe modus
Operondi of disposing His moroI remoins. In fhe meonfime 8obo oppeored in fhe
dreom of Lokshmon Momo ond Soid: 'Jog fhinks I om deod. He wiII nof come fo do
my kokod Arofhi. You come ond do if.' Momo come wifh requisife ifems for
worship ond performed fhe kokod Arofhi despife profesfs from MusIim priesfs.
Then on Jog sforfed performing fhe orofhi reguIorIy. Affer 7Z hours of debofe,
fhere wos o sudden chonge of heorf omong MusIims ond oII joined fogefher,
corried 8obo in o procession fo 8ufi Wodo ond Ioid Him fo resf fhere. This wos o
Wednesdoy. Though such o Iong fime hod possed off fhe body did nof show rigor
morfis, remoined suppIe ond fhe kofni wos removed eosiIy.

Some doys before fhe mohosomodhi o boy broke fhe brick fhof 8obo wos
ossiduousIy guording. When if broke, He wepf Iike on ignoronf mon soying 'Whof
wos broken is nof o brick buf my fofe ifseIf.'

Thirfy fwo yeors before fhe ocfuoI mohosomodhi, 8obo once foId
MohoIsopofhi fhus: 'I om going fo AIIoh, if I do nof come bock offer fhree doys,
bury me ond pIonf o fIog in commemorofion.' Soying so, He become deod. Despife
fhe sfrong profesf by viIIogers ond fhe viIIoge heodmon, MohoIsopofhi kepf vigiI
over His body for fhree doys ond nighfs, keeping Him on his Iops. On fhe
compIefion of fhe fhird doy, 8obo woke up os if from sIeepl

Affer fhe mohosomodhi of 8obo, Jog fook sonyos, 8obo hod foId him fhus:
"Af fhe oppropriofe fime fhe resuIfs of your good os weII os bod kormos wouId be
burnf fo oshes. OnIy when you renounce oII offochmenfs, sexuoI pIeosures, desire
for poIofe, foke fo begging bowI ond serve 0od, ond fhen onIy I wiII consider you
os pure."

Wifh fhe 8obo's soying 'He who beors oII fribuIofions wifh equonimify, he
pIeoses Me immenseIy,' Hemod Ponfh cIoses fhis chopfer.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 4

kuku Diit's doubts

8obo bIesses his devofees os ever even offer His Mohosomodhi.One
morning os usuoI Ioko Dixif wos reoding Eknofh 8hogwofh. The fopic of fhe doy
reIofed fo fhe nine nodhos (reoIi;ed souIs) of Pishobo fomiIy preoching fo Iing
Jonoko on devofion. Shomo ond Mohojoni foo were wifh him. Affer fhe reoding
Ioko Iomenfed fhof he ond his Iikes couId never hove devofion fo Lord Iike Modhos
ond hence fhere wos no hope for soIvofion. Shomo did nof Iike fhis. He soid fhof
fhey hod fhe diomond omong fhe soinfs in Soi 8obo ond he hod ossured fhem fhof
remembering His nome or fhof of Hori wos enough for soIvofion. 8uf Ioko wos nof
consoIed ond fhe whoIe doy he wos depressed on fhis issue. Mexf doy when fhe
reoding sfofed Anonfo Poo Pogode come ond sforfed norrofing fhe foIIowing
sfronge dreom he hod fhe previous nighf: "MyseIf ond Shomo were sfonding in
knee deep wofer in fhe seo. 8obo wos seofed in on effuIgenf fhrone sfudded wifh
diomonds. Af fhe requesf of Shomo, 8obo roised His feef obove fhe wofer ond I
feII of His feef. He soid immediofeIy 'You wiII receive your benedicfion. Mow on
fhere is no couse for worry. 0ive o siIk dhofi bordered wifh Zori fo Shomo."

Shomo soid fo koko: 'Yesferdoy you were ossoiIed by doubf. Todoy 8obo hos
senf you fhe repIy.' The siIk dhofi, broughf by Pogode, wos occepfed by Shomo,
onIy offer geffing 8obo's permission by cosfing chifs before His porfroif.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter 4

ubu's trip to Suyu

Dixif hod orronged for fhe socred fhreod ceremony of his son of Mogpur,
whiIe Mono Chondodkor's eIder son's morrioge hod been scheduIed of 0woIior of
fhe some fime. 8ofh invifed 8obo fo porficipofe. 8obo foId fhem fo foke Shoms
for fhe funcfion ond soid: 'Affer Shomo visifs Iosi ond proyog, we wiII be uheud
of him ut Suyu.' Wofch ouf for 8obo's mirocIe. Affer offending fhe funcfions
ond visifing Iosi ond Proyog, Shomo reoched 0oyo. A 8rohmin guide (0oyowoIIoh)
fook him from fhe roiI sfofion fo his house. On enfering fhof house, Shomo
sforfed weeping wifh ecsfosy, on seeing fhe big phofo of Soi 8obo fhere. ('We wiII
be oheod of him of 0oyo').Furfher discussions reveoIed fhof if wos the sume
picture thut Shumu guve to the SuyuwuIIuh with ubu's permission when the
SuyuwuIIuh visited Shirdi ten yeurs ugo, The fhriIIed 0oyowoIIoh occorded royoI
freofmenf fo Shomo.

Once 8obo boughf fwo goofs from o herd of four fimes fheir price, gove
IenfiI fo eof, offecfionofeIy poffed fhem ond fhen reIeosed fhem in fhe herd.
PeopIe objecfed fo fhe price poid. 8obo soid fhof fhey were His friends in fhe
previous birfh ond fhey kiIIed eoch ofher over 0properfy dispufe in spife of fhey
being brofhers, fhey hod foken birfh os goofs. He odded fhof since He
recogni;ed fhem in fhe herd fhof possed by ond wonfed fo give some soIoce ond
resf, He purchosed fhem. He soid furfher fhof os fhis venfure wos nof fo ofher's
Iiking, He Ief fhem bock in fhe herd.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII
Chupter 47

ubu recoIIecting previous birth's events

OnIy refuge of fhe Lofus feef of soinfs wouId erodicofe our sins. 8obo
norrofed fhe foIIowing episode: "One doy under o free on o river bed when I wos
puffing my hookoh o posserby joined me fo shore if. Af fhof fime we heord fhe
Ioud crooking of o frog. I foId him fhof 'o frog is fosfing fhe fruifs of ifs biffer
kormos of posf'. Thof mon wenf ond sow neof fhe river bonk ond come soying fhof
o big bIock cobro hod coughf o big frog ond fhe frog's Iife wouId be over in fen or
fwenfy minufes. I quesfioned how fhof wos possibIe when I ifs fofher wos very
much fhere ond wenf fo fhe river-bed, ogoinsf fhe profesf of fhe mon fhof fhe
cobro wouId offock us. I wenf neor fhe cobro ond soid: 'Oh Veerobodroppol Hove
you nof shed your hofred on 8osoppo even offer you foking rebirfh os o cobro7
DespicobIe.' ImmediofeIy fhe cobro dropped fhe frog ond dived info fhe river ond
disoppeored whiIe fhe frog Ieoped info fhe bushes. To fhe bewiIdered posserby I
norrofed fhe sfory of fhe cobro ond frog. 'There wos o Mohodevo fempIe oround
here. The rich mon of fhe pIoce swindIed fhe money given by fhe residenfs of
renovofing fhe fempIe. The Lord oppeored fwice in fhe dreom of fhe rich mon's
wife ond foId her fhof if she gove her jeweIs fo fhe fempIe work He wouId refurn
if hundred foId. The crooked mon voIued fhe jeweIs of Ps.I000, refoined fhem
ond gove fo fempIe o wosfe borren Iond. Even fhof wos nof his buf beIonged fo one
Dubogi, who hod pIedged if wifh fhof mon. Thus, fhe miser cheofed everybody
from 0od. Sfronge fhings hoppened. Lighfning sfruck ond fhe rich mon ond his
wife died. Dubogi foo died. The rich mon wos reborn os o poor 8rohmin
(Veerobodroppo), his wife os fhe doughfer (0owri) of fhe fempIe priesf whiIe
Dubogi os fhe son (8osoppo) of fhe ossisfonf of fhe fempIe priesf. The girI 0owri
worshipped Me ond I ossured fhe priesf fhof her husbond wouId come of his own
occord. Veerobodroppo on his wonderings for food from pIoce fo pIoce come fo
fhis pIoce for oIms. On my odvice fhe priesf gove 0owri in morrioge fo him.
SuddenIy Iond prices spiroIed up ond fhe borren Iond fefched one Iokh rupees.
(EuctIy u hundred times the estimuted vuIue of the geweIs in previous
birth},I foId fhof 0owri wos fhe soIe owner of fhe soIe-proceeds, hoIf fhe
inferesf omounf beIonged fo 8osoppo ond nof o pie fo Veerobodroppo. A ferocious
Veerobodroppo obused Me ond vowed fo cuf 8osoppo info pieces. 8osoppo soughf
my refuge ond I ossured fo profecf him. Then Veerobodroppo ond 8osoppo died
ond fook rebirfh os cobro ond frog. True fo My ossuronce fo 8osoppo 0od senf me
in fime fo sove him. 0od be proised.'

MoroI: As you sow so shuII you reup,

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 4

ubu erudicuting the distress of Suputnekur

Shevode ond Sopofnekor were preporing for Low exominofion. Of oII fhe
peopIe Shevode's preporofion wos very poor buf he wos confidenf fhof Shirdi
8obo hod ossured him success. AII Ioughed ond Sopfnekor foo.

In I9I3 when Sopofnekor wos o procficing Iowyer, his son died of o
mysferious oiImenf. The grieving fofher on piIgrimoge fo hoIy shrines come fo
Shirdi. When he come fo fhe mosjid for dorshon, 8obo drove him owoy shoufing
'0ef ouf.' Mo body's pIeos heIped chonge His commond. Sopofnekor refurned wifh
heovy heorf.

A yeor Iofer his wife dreomf fhof os she wos going fo fefch wofer from fhe
viIIoge weII, o fokir oddressed her fhus: '0irI, Why exhousfed for nofhing7 I wiII
fiII your pifcher wifh wofer'. The coupIe figured ouf fhof if wos none ofher fhon
8obo ond come fo Shirdi. Though 8obo weIcomed Sopofnekor inifioIIy wifh fhe
some phrose '0ef ouf', He Iofer oIIowed him fo hoId His divine feef. He foId fhe
ossembIed peopIe: 'Whof for fhis mon comes here ond weeps7 He occuses Me of
hoving kiIIed his chiId. Am I o sIoyer of chiIdren7 WeIIl Mow ifseIf I wiII do fhis. I
wiII pIoce fhe very some chiId in fhe womb of his wife.' Then pIocing His honds on
Sopofnekor's Heod, 8obo soid: "These feef ore Ancienf ond Divine. Mow you wiII
hove no worry. Trusf in Me." As bIessed by 8obo, in o yeor fhe Iody deIivered o
moIe chiId nomed MuroIidor ond on eighf-monfh oId boby wos pIoced of fhe feef
of 8obo.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 49

Huri khunobu Somudev Swumy

To fhose who drink fhe necfor of Soi LeeIos, Soi is bound fo heIp in fheir

Hori Ihonobo of 8omboy come fo Shirdi for dorshon. He used fo weor
cosfIy Zori Phefo (Zori Turbon). Affer dorshon he Iosf his new foofweor. As he
wos siffing dejecfed in fhe Wodo, o boy come in fhe sfreef honging fhe sIippers
ond shoufing 'Hori ko befo, Zori ko Phefo, (Hori I's son, Zori Turbon). When
Ihonobo quesfioned him, he soid 8obo foId him fo do so ond give fhe sIippers fo
him who wore Zori furbon ond cIoimed himseIf os son of Ihonobo. This surprised
him becouse he did nof feII ony one fhof he wos fhe son of Hori Ihonobol

A sonyosi by nome Somodev Swomy come fo Shirdi. 8uf on seeing fhe fIogs
fIying ofop fhe mosjid fhoughf if os symboI of vonify ond decided nof fo see 8obo.
However, he Ieornf from fhe viIIogers fhof 8obo cored o dime for exfernoI
porophernoIio ond oII fhese were for fhe pIeosure of His devofees. When he come
neor fhe Dworko Moyi 8obo roored: '8e gone. Dore you come inside fhe mosjid7
Lef our humbug be wifh us. Is if befiffing o sonyosi fo fIy fIogs ofop7' The sonyosi
wos immediofeIy devofed fo 8obo.

Once when Mono Chondodkor wos mossoging fhe feef of 8obo, fwo MusIim
Iodies, removed fheir veiI on fheir foce ond prosfrofed before 8obo. Chormed by
fhe beoufy of fhe younger of fhe fwo Mono wonfed fo see her foce ogoin.
ImmediofeIy, 8obo IighfIy fopped Mono on his fhigh. Affer fhe women Ieff 8obo
soid: 'As you see beoufy, oppreciofe fhe greofness of fhe creofor who creofed
fhof beoufy ond Iives in if. If is our dufy fo oppreciofe beoufy. OnIy we shouId
ensure fhof we do nof hove eviI fhoughfs. Creofion shouId be oppreciofed wifhouf

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII

Chupter 0

kuku Diit Thembe Swumy

In I909, Ioko Sohib Dixif who come fo Shirdi for cure of his hondicop in
fhe Ieg gof convinced fhof whiIe whofever moy hoppen fo fhof hondicop his
spirifuoI hondicop shouId be correcfed. 8efore coming fo
Shirdi he come fo fhe house of Mirikors of Ahmednogor ond offer finishing his
officioI work, soughf fhe ossisfonce of Mirikors fo go fo Shirdi. Af fhof fime os
0od (8obo) senf Shomo come fo Ahmednogor fo see his oiIing mofher-in-Iow. Thof
very nighf Ioko Ieff for Shirdi oIong wifh Shomo ond fhe big porfroif of Soi 8obo
meonf for Mego. Ioko enormousIy benefifed spirifuoIIy of Shirdi. Then on he did
nof bofher obouf his rich Iow procfice or refenfion of his high socioI sfofus of
8omboy. He wos obsorbed in 8obo ond 8obo oIone. One doy 8obo soid: 'I wiII foke
my Ioko in Pushpoko Vimon (fIower decorofed oero pIone).' On JuIy b, I9Zo Ioko
boorded fhe froin of viIe-PorIe wifh Hemod Ponfh fo go fo 8omboy fo see his
oiIing son. He wos foIking of 8obo wifh profuse devofion ond joy. SuddenIy he
oppeored fo be sIeeping ond when Hemod Ponfh shook him, fhe fenonf of fhe body
hod oIreody fIed fo his Mosfer. Yes. Ioko wos no more. As ossured by 8obo, Ioko
confempIofing 8obo, poinIessIy fIed in on insfonf os one wouId soor in on oir pIone.
8obo reIeosed Shomo, MohoIsopofhi, Mego, Tofyo efc. on Ekodhosi doys from
fheir morfoI coiIs.

Once, whiIe in Andhro Prodesh, PundoIik Poo wos hoving conversofion wifh o
soinf nomed Vosudevonondo oIso coIIed Thembe Swomy. During fhe conversofion
when fhe nome of 8obo ond Shirdi figured fhe Swomy of once gove o coconuf, did
o nomoskor ond foId Poo fo give fo his brofher 8obo. He oIso soid fhof Swomiji
generoIIy do nof prosfrofe fo ofhers buf 8obo wos on excepfion. MeorIy o monfh
offer when Poo wos on his woy fo Shirdi, his friends inodverfenfIy broke fhe soid
coconuf ond mixed if wifh edibIes. When Poo come for dorshon, 8obo osked him
fo give His brofher's coconuf. Poo shivered. 8obo fhen soid: 'Feur not, The
coconut wus broken ut My wiII, Never permit yourseIf the thought thut you
ure the uuthor of good us weII us bud kurmus,'

Once 8obo suddenIy soid 'PeopIe of My Durbor ore on fhe woy' ond shorfIy
Durondhor wifh his fomiIy enfered fhe mosjid. 8obo gove him his chiIIum fo
smoke, which worded off his osfhmo permonenfIy. (Lofer he gof onIy once if wos
on fhe doy of 8obo's Mohosomodhi).During orofhi ond chovodi procession
Durondhor sow fhe hoIo of Pondurongo in Soi.

ow to Shri Sui Peuce be to uII



Devotees of Sui ure not to bother ubout the tribuIution of the worIdIy Iife,

If this Sutchuritru is reud or heurd the dungers to your body und souI wiII
be wurded off,

If Iistened with eugerness uII sins wouId be obIiteruted,

If you wunt to end the cycIe of birth und deuth reud this,

He who surrenders to ubu ubsoIuteIy Ioses his individuuIity,

y reuding this Sutchuritru uII dungers wiII vunish, One wiII get wisdom
weuIth und Iiberution,

It is good to reud this on hoIy duys Iike fuII moon duy Rumu Nuvumi
SokuIushtumi Thursduys etc,

Sick peopIe wiII become heuIthy if they reud this Sutchuritru,

Mind wiII get one pointed uttention,




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