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ASAP Experience Certified 2012 Build and Training experience: Epic systems 04-05, Cedar Sinai 09, Lancaster

General 2010 Go Live

Meriter Health Services - Madison, WI Health Partners - St Paul, MN Memorial Care- Long Branch Medical Center - Orange County, CA The Queen's Medical Center - Honolulu, HI Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center CA Cedar Sinai Health System CA

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ED Arrival and Registration (including anonymous arrival) Review workflow for expecting patients, arriving patients (walk-ins, ambulance, anonymous, trauma), registration, and undo arrival workflows a. Expected patient workflow b. Temporary patient workflow c. Patient arrival workflow d. Anonymous patient arrival and naming conventions

e. Patient rooming workflow f. Patient registration workflow g. Printing face sheets, wristbands, emboss cards, and/or labels h. Collecting copay i. Undo arrival workflow Tracking and Treatment team Review patient statuses and automatic triggers, Track Board/Manager/Map configuration, department statuses, department messaging, and alerts. Discuss ED treatment team assignment, supervising relationships, and shift change workflow. a. Shift change workflow b. Treatment team assignment c. Supervisory workflows d. Patient events and statuses e. Department messages f. Department statuses ED Charging Discuss workflows for facility (RN) charging and professional (MD) charging in the ED. a. Charge preference list b. Facility scoring system c. Reviewing ED charges Physician Workflows (documentation, order entry, attending resident, midlevels, medical students, consults) Validate overall physician workflow, including documentation, orders, and variations for mid-level providers. Discuss consult tracking workflow and process for providers who consult for ED patients. a. Document patient history b. Document history of present illness c. Documenting review of systems d. Documenting physical exam

e. Documenting procedures f. Documenting medical decision making g. Documenting ED course/final impression h. Documenting other notes i. Order entry j. Reviewing results workflow k. Contacting consults l. Tracking consults m. Reviewing the chart while documenting n. Co-signing notes o. Documenting wet reads p. Updating patients chief complaint q. Midlevel, medical student and resident workflows

ED Discharge and Chart Complete Review clinical workflows related to discharge, including AMA/LWBS, nurse and physician discharge documentation, chart completion, charting deficiencies, and post-discharge results routing workflows. a. AMA/elopement/LWBS discharge/dismiss b. Physician discharge workflows c. Nurse discharge workflows d. Documenting clinical impressions e. Documenting patient disposition f. Documenting follow-up instructions g. Discharge instructions h. Prescriptions i. SmartSets j. Printing the AVS k. Undo discharge/dismiss workflow

l. Post-discharge results routing m. Chart complete, charting reminders, and chart deficiencies n. Deceased patient workflow o. Transfer to another facility workflow

Nursing Documentation (triage, documentation, trauma) Review triage workflow. Validate overall nursing workflow, including documentation, orders, and medication administration. Review trauma documentation workflow. a. Triage Documentation b. Nursing protocol orders c. Documenting patient assessments Adult d. Documenting patient assessments Pediatric e. Medication administration f. Documenting I&O g. Documenting nursing procedures h. Documenting POC test results i. Documenting lines, drains, and airways j. Documenting nursing notes k. Trauma documentation workflows l. Nursing Student workflows ED to IP, OR, L&D, Boarders and Obs Workflow Validate workflows for ED to Inpatient units, OR, L&D; admit holds and observation patients. a. Admission to IP workflow b. Admission to OR c. Transfers to L&D

d. Boarder Patients e. Observation Patients Disaster Discuss disaster scenarios and how the ED will handle them ED Results Routing and Follow-up Review clinical workflows related to post-discharge results routing workflows ED to HOD and ED to Cardiology Validate workflows for ED transfers to HODs and Cath Lab a. Patient location in ED b. Transfer process post procedure Urgent Care to ED Validate workflows for ED transfers to Urgent Care

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