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AMERICAN ARMY (AFRICAN FRONT) .30 cal. Medium Machine gun Section Value: 125 points Movement: 10 - 15 - 20 Characteristics: section No. Model VT Weapon 1 Machine gunner (section leader) 3 M1919A4 .30 cal. medium machine gun 2 Machine gunners 3 M1 semi-automatic carbine VARIANTS: The Section can buy the resolute characteristic for +10 points. If the Section is supporting a Ranger Squad then all Support Assistants must increase their VT to 4 for a total cost of +30 Points. AMERICAN ARMY (AFRICAN FRONT) M2 60mm Light Mortar Section Value: 85 points Movement: 10 - 15 - 20 Characteristics: section No. Model VT Weapon 1 Mortarman (section leader) 3 M2 60mm Light Mortar, Colt 1911A1 pistol 1 Mortarman 3 M1 semi-automatic carbine VARIANTS: You can add a radio for +10 points. The Section can buy the resolute characteristic for +10 points. If the Section is supporting a Ranger Squad then all Support Assistants must increase their VT to 4 for a total cost of +20 Points.

Characteristics support assistant support assistant

Characteristics support assistant support assistant


VT 4 3 3 3 Weapon M1 semi-automatic carbine, MK II Pineapple grenades M1903 Springfield rifle, MK II Pineapple grenades BAR M1918A2 automatic rifle, MK II Pineapple grenades Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle, MK II Pineapple grenades

Squad Value: 370 points Breakpoint: 5 No. Model 1 1 1 9 Sergeant Corporal Rifleman Riflemen

Characteristics leader leader

VARIANTS: You can add a .30 cal. Medium Machine Gun Section (see Support Sections). You can add an M2 60mm Light Mortar Section (see Support Sections). You can add a Medic for +40 points. The Sergeant can replace his M1 semi-automatic carbine with an M3A1 Grease Gun sub-machine gun for -5 points. The Sergeant can replace his M1 semi-automatic carbine with a Thompson M1 sub-machine gun for free. The Corporal can replace his M1903 Springfield rifle with an M3A1 Grease Gun sub-machine gun for free. The Corporal can replace his M1903 Springfield rifle with an M1 semi-automatic carbine or a Thompson M1 sub-machine gun for +5 points. Up to two riflemen per Squad can become Assistants to the BAR M1918A2 automatic rifle for +10 points each. The Sergeant can buy binoculars for +10 points. You can buy up to 3 Wait Actions for +40 points each. MEDIC No. Model VT Weapon Characteristics 1 Medic 4 Colt 1911A1 pistol medic


raNger SQUAD
VT 4 4 3

Squad Value: 370 points Breakpoint: 5 No. Model 1 1 9 Ranger Sergeant Ranger Corporal Rangers

VARIANTS: The Squad can become Veteran by removing a Ranger. You can add an M2 60mm Light Mortar Section (see Support Sections). You can add a Sniper for +90 points. You can add a Medic for +40 points. The leaders can replace their M1 semi-automatic carbines with M3A1 Grease Gun sub-machine guns for -5 points each. The leaders can replace their M1 semi-automatic carbines with Thompson M1 sub-machine guns for free. One Ranger per Squad can replace his Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle with a BAR M1918A2 automatic rifle for +20 points. Up to two Rangers per Squad can become Assistants to the BAR M1918A2 automatic rifle for +10 points each. One leader per Squad can buy binoculars for +10 points. You can make the entire Squad Seasoned fighters for +50 points. All Rangers can buy the characteristic Trained with the bayonet for +55 points. You can buy up to 3 Wait Actions for +40 points each. SNIPER No. Model VT Weapon Characteristics infiltrator, marksman, M1903 Springfield rifle, MK II Pineapple 1 Ranger Sniper 4 sight, silent weapon, grenades sniper MEDIC No. Model VT Weapon Characteristics 1 Ranger Medic 4 Colt 1911A1 pistol medic

Weapon Colt 1911A1 pistol, M1 semi-automatic carbine, MK II Pineapple grenades M1 semi-automatic carbine, MK II Pineapple grenades Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle, MK II Pineapple grenades

Characteristics leader leader


recon SQUAD
VT 3 3 4 3 3

Squad Value: 335 points Breakpoint: 2 N. Modello 1 1 1 1 1 Scout onboard Scout onboard Scout Sergeant Scout Radio operator Scout

2 Jeep VARIANTS: The leader can buy a Colt 1911A1 pistol for +10 points. The leader can replace his M3A1 Grease Gun sub-machine gun with a Thompson M1 sub-machine gun for +5 points. The Sergeant can buy binoculars for +10 points. You can make the entire Squad Seasoned fighters for +50 points. You can add the characteristic off-table covering fire (60mm mortar) to the Scout with the radio for +80 points. You can buy up to 3 Wait Actions for +40 points each. SPECIAL RULES: * The cost of the 2 Jeeps with crew is included in the Squad Value. To purchase Vehicle variants use Support Points normally (you cant buy them with Squad Points).

Armamento M1 semi-automatic carbine, MK II Pineapple grenades M1 semi-automatic carbine, MK II Pineapple grenades M3A1 Grease Gun sub-machine gun, MK II Pineapple grenades M1 semi-automatic carbine, MK II Pineapple grenades Garand M1 semi-automatic rifle, MK II Pineapple grenades

Caratteristiche attached to Jeep * attached to Jeep * leader, infiltrator infiltrator, radio infiltrator

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