US-User Manual of DS-7200HVI-ST Series DVR

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DS-7200HVI-ST Series DVR USERS MANUAL Version 1.

Hikvision Network Digital Video Recorder User Guide Copyright 2010, Hikvision, Ltd. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied in whole or in part or otherwise reproduced withoutprior written consent from Hikvision except where specifically permitted under US andinternational copyright law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Hikvision assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book. This manual is written for DVR firmware version 1.0.

Preventive and Cautionary Tips

Before connecting and operating your DVR, please be advised of the following tips: Ensure unit is installed in a well-ventilated, dust-free environment. Unit is designed for indoor use only. Keep all liquids away from the DVR. Ensure environmental conditions meet factory specifications. Ensure unit is properly secured to a rack or shelf. Major shocks or jolts to the unit as a result of dropping it may cause damage to the sensitive electronics within the unit. Use the DVR in conjunction with an UPS if possible. Power down the unit before connecting and disconnecting accessories and peripherals. A factory recommended HDD should be used for this device. Improper use or replacement of the battery may result in an explosion. Replace with the same or equivalent type only. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions provided by the battery manufacturer.

C H A P T E R 1Introduction..............................................................................................................7 1.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................8 1.1.1ProductKeyFeatures................................................................................................................... 8 1.2 Connecting Your DVR..................................................................................................................... 10 1.3OperatingYourDVR.......................................................................................................................... 11 1.3.1UsingtheFrontPanelControls.................................................................................................. 11 1.4UsingtheIRRemoteControl............................................................................................................. 13 1.5UsingaUSBMouse........................................................................................................................... 14 1.6UsingtheSoftKeyboard................................................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER2GettingStarted...........................................................................................................16 2.1StartingandShuttingDownYourDVR.............................................................................................. 16 2.2RebootingandLockingYourDVR ...................................................................................................... 17 2.3SettingDate&Time.......................................................................................................................... 17 2.4CheckingtheStatusofYourDVR...................................................................................................... 19 CHAPTER3LiveFeed ....................................................................................................................20 3.1WatchingaLiveFeed........................................................................................................................ 20 3.1.1UnderstandingLiveFeedIcons.................................................................................................. 20 3.1.2Operating the Live Feed.............................................................................................................. 21 3.2UsingtheDisplayMenu.................................................................................................................... 23 3.3ConfiguringLiveFeedDisplays.......................................................................................................... 24 3.4SettingCameraOrder....................................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER4RecordSettings...........................................................................................................26 4.1ConfiguringSettingsforRecording................................................................................................... 26 4.1.1ConfiguringRecordingSettings.................................................................................................. 26 4.1.2ConfiguringaQuickRecordingSchedule................................................................................... 27 4.1.3ConfiguringanAdvancedRecordingSchedule..........................................................................28 CHAPTER5Playback.....................................................................................................................30 4

5.1PlayingBackaRecording.................................................................................................................. 30 5.1.1UnderstandingthePlaybackInterface ....................................................................................... 30 5.2SearchingforRecordedFiles............................................................................................................. 31 5.3PlayingBackRecordedFiles.............................................................................................................. 32 5.4PlayingBackMultipleChannels........................................................................................................ 33 CHAPTER6Backup........................................................................................................................33 6.1BackingUpVideoClips...................................................................................................................... 33 6.1.1SelectingVideoClips.................................................................................................................. 33 6.2BackingUpVideoClips...................................................................................................................... 34 6.3BackingUpRecordedFiles................................................................................................................ 35 CHAPTER7SystemConfiguration ..................................................................................................37 7.1ConfiguringNetworkSettings........................................................................................................... 37 7.2ManagingUserAccounts.................................................................................................................. 38 7.2.1AddingaNewRemote/LocalUser............................................................................................. 38 7.2.2DeletingaUser........................................................................................................................... 39 7.2.3EditingaUser............................................................................................................................. 40 7.2.4SwitchUser................................................................................................................................40 7.3ConfiguringPTZCameras.................................................................................................................. 40 7.3.1ConfiguringBasicPTZSettings................................................................................................... 41 7.4CustomizingPTZPresets,PatternsandPatrols................................................................................ 42 7.5 Configuring Alarms and Exceptions................................................................................................. 43 7.5.1 Setting Up Motion Detection..................................................................................................... 43 7.5.2ConfiguringAlarmInputs........................................................................................................... 44 7.5.3ConfiguringExceptions.............................................................................................................. 45 7.5.4ConfiguringEmailSettings........................................................................................................ 46 CHAPTER8CameraManagement.................................................................................................47 8.1 To setup privacy zones:..................................................................................................................... 47 8.2ConfiguringVideoTamperingDetection.......................................................................................... 48 8.3ConfiguringVideoLossDetection..................................................................................................... 48 8.4ConfiguringOSDSettings.................................................................................................................. 49 CHAPTER9DiskManagement.......................................................................................................51 9.1ManagingDisks.................................................................................................................................51 5

9.1.1CheckingDiskStatus.................................................................................................................. 51 9.2FormattingDisk.................................................................................................................................51 9.2.1EnablingDiskOverwrite............................................................................................................. 52 9.3ManagingFiles..................................................................................................................................52 9.3.1SearchingforRecordedFiles ...................................................................................................... 52 9.4LockingandUnlockingRecordedFiles.............................................................................................. 54 CHAPTER10DVRManagement....................................................................................................55 10.1ManagingSystem............................................................................................................................ 55 10.1.1UpgradingtheSystemFirmware............................................................................................. 55 10.1.2RestoringDefaultSettings....................................................................................................... 55 10.2Exporting&ImportingConfiguration............................................................................................. 56 10.3ViewingSystemLogs....................................................................................................................... 57 10.4LockingandUnlockingSystemMenus............................................................................................ 58

C H A P T E R 1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
ThankyouforyourpurchaseoftheDS7200HVISTSeriesDigitalVideoRecorder(DVR).TogetthemostoutofyourDVR, pleasereadthroughthisUsersManual thoroughly. DevelopedbyHikvisiononthebasisofthelatesttechnology,DS7200HVISTSeriesDigitalVideoRecordercombinesthe latestinadvancedH.264videoencodinganddecodingtechnologiesdeliveringhighperformancerocksolidreliabilityand longerrecordingtimes. DS7200HVISTDigitalVideoRecordercanbeusedasastandalonevideosurveillanceproduct,aswellastobuildupa powerfulsurveillancenetworkmakingitisperfectforhomeorsmallbusinessapplications. Figure 1.DS-7204HVI-ST DVR

Figure 2. DS-7208HVI-ST DVR

Figure 3. DS-7216HVI-ST DVR


Compression z PAL/NTSC adaptive video inputs. z H.264 video compression with high reliability and superior definition. z OggVorbis audio compression standard. z Independent video encoding parameters, including frame rate, resolution, bit rate, video quality, etc. z Scheduled and event recording parameters configurable for per individual camera. z Support dual stream. z Encoding for both audio/video composite stream and video stream; audio and video synchronization during composite stream encoding. z Compression, storage and network transmission of 4CIF or CIF video image in JPEG format. Local Monitoring z Up to 1024768 resolution for VGA output display. z Simultaneous VGA and CVBS output.

z z z z z z z

1/4-camera video live view, with the camera order adjustable. Group switch, manual switch and automatic cycle modes selectable for video live view, with the auto cycle period configurable. Digital zoom in live view mode. Shield of assigned channel for live view. Privacy masking capability. Multiple PTZ protocols supported, and settings and callup of presets, patrols and patterns. Video image zoom-in by clicking the mouse and tracing by dragging mouse in PTZ control mode.

Hard Disk Management z Connection to 1 SATA hard disk supported, with up to 2TB storage capacity. z S.M.A.R.T technology. z HDD standby function. z HDD file system is compatible with Windows. Use pre-allocating hard disk management technology, and no disk fragments. Recording z Cycle and non-cycle recording mode. z Scheduled and event video encoding parameters. z Multiple recording types, including manual, continuous, alarm, motion, motion | alarm and motion & alarm recording, etc. z 8 recording time periods with separate recording types. z Pre-record and Post-record time for alarm and motion detection, and pre-record time for schedule and manual recording. z Lock and unlock of video files. z HDD property can be set to read-only. z Video data search and playback by channel number, recording type, time etc. z Digital zoom function in playback mode. z Pause, play fast, play slow, skip forward, and skip backward when playback, locating in progress bar by dragging the mouse. z 4-channel synchronous playback. Backup z Record files backed up via USB device. z Bunch backup by file or by time. z Record files edited for backup in playback. z Management and maintenance for backup devices. Alarm & Exception z Configurable arming time for alarm in/out. Various alarm types supported: alarms for video loss, motion detection, video tempering, video signal abnormal, video z in/out format unmatched, illegal access, network disconnection, IP conflict, hard disk error and hard disk full. z Various alarm response actions supported: camera recording, relay out, on-screen warning, audible warning and upload to center, etc. z Auto recovery from exceptions. Others z Control of DVR via front panel keys, mouse, IR control and special keyboard. z Three-level user management, each user with individual operating permission for DVR and camera. z Powerful record and search for log of operation, alarm and exceptions. z Import/export of device configuration files. Network z 10/100M adaptive network interface. z TCP/IP protocol suites, PPPoE, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, SADP protocols, etc. z Unicast and multicast supported; TCP and UDP protocols applicable in unicast transmission. z Remote search, playback and download, lock/unlock of video files; z Support breakpoint resume. z Remote access and configuration of parameters; remote import/export of device configuration parameters. z Remote access of device running status, system log and alarm status. z Remote control of DVR via button operation. z Remote lock/unlock of panel buttons and mouse. z Remote formatting of hard disk, upgrade, reboot/shutdown and other system maintenance operations. z RS-232 and RS -485 transparent channel transmission. z Event alarm and exceptions upload to remote management host.

z z z z z

Remote manual recording. Remote video image capture in JPEG format. Remote PTZ control. Voice talk and broadcast. Built-in WEB Server.

Development z Provision of SDK in Windows and Linux operating systems. z Application software source code of Demo. z Support and training service for application system development.

1.2 Connecting Your DVR


Figure 4. DVR Connection Diagram


TherearenumerouswaystonavigateandoperateyourDVR.YoumayusetheFrontPanel Controls, theincludedIR (Infra-Red) Remote,aMouse andtheSoft-Keyboard.


Figure 5. DVR Front Panel Controls

Thecontrolsonthefrontpanelincludes: 1. Status Indicators: StatusindicatorsfordifferentfeaturesoftheDVR. Power: PowerindicatorturnsgreenwhenDVRispoweredon. Status: Theindicatorlightswhenthecompoundkeyswitchestonumeric/letterinputmode.

TX/RX: TX/RXindictorblinksbluewhennetworkconnectionisfunctioningproperly.

2. IR Receiver: ReceiverforIRremote. 3. Compound Buttons: 1MENU:(1)Enternumeral1;(2)Enterthemainmenuinterface 2ABC/F1:(1)Enternumeral2;(2)EnterlettersABC;(3)TheF1buttonwhenusedinalistfieldwillselect allitemsonthelist.InPTZControlmode,itwillturnon/offPTZlight. 3DEF/F2:(1)Enternumeral3;(2)EnterlettersDEF;(3)TheF2buttonisusedtocyclethroughtabpages.It willalsobringuptheChannel&OSDPositionsettings. 4GHI/ESC:(1)Enternumeral4;(2)EnterlettersGHI (3)Exitandbacktothepreviousmenu 5JKL/EDIT:(1)Enternumeral5;(2)EnterlettersJKL;(3)Deletecharactersbeforecursor; (4)SelectthecheckboxandON/OFFswitch;(5)Start/stoprecordclippinginplayback 6MNO/PLAY:(1)Enternumeral6;(2)EnterlettersMNO; (3)Playback,fordirectaccesstoplaybackinterface 7PQRS/REC:(1)Enternumeral7;(2)EnterlettersPQRS;(3)Manualrecord,fordirectaccesstomanual recordinterface;manuallyenable/disablerecord 8TUV/PTZ:(1)Enternumeral8;(2)EnterlettersTUV;(3)AccessPTZcontrolinterface 9WXYZ/PREV:(1)Enternumeral9;(2)EnterlettersWXYZ;(3)Multicameradisplayinpreview 0/A:(1)Enternumeral0;(2)switchbetweeninputmethods(upperandlowercasealphabet,symbolsand numericinput) 4SHIFT: Switch of compound keys between the numeric/letter input and functional control. 5. DIRECTION/ENTER Buttons: DIRECTION Buttons: TheDIRECTIONbuttonsareusedtonavigatebetweendifferentfieldsanditemsin menus.InPlaybackmode,theUpandDownbuttonisusedtofastforwardandrewindrecordedvideo.The LeftandRightbuttonwillselectthenextandpreviousdayofrecordings.InPreviewmode,thesebuttonscanbe usedtocyclethroughchannels.


ENTER Button: TheENTERbuttonisusedtoconfirmselectioninanyofthemenumodes.Itcanalsobeusedto tickcheckboxfields.InPlaybackmode,itcanbeusedtoplayorpausethevideo.InSinglePlaymode,pressing theENTERbuttonwilladvancethevideobyasingleframe. 6. USB Ports: UniversalSerialBus(USB)portsforadditionaldevicessuchasUSBmouseandUSBHardDiskDrive(HDD).

Note:It is important to note that you must click the EDIT button on either the remote or front panel on a text field before youre
able to edit its content. After youre done entering text, you must hit the ENTER button to be able to move on to the next field.

Note:There is a power button and a jog shuttle control button on the front panel of 7216HVI-ST series product, so it support
manual shutdown.


YourDVRmayalsobecontrolledwiththeincludedIRremotecontrol,showninFigure6. Batteries(2xAAA)mustbeinstalledbeforeoperating.

Figure 6. IR Remote Control


Thekeysontheremotecontrolcloselyresembletheonesfoundonthefrontpanel.ReferringtoFigure6,theyinclude: 1. POWER Button: SameasPOWERbuttononfrontpanel. 2. DEV Button: Enables/DisablesRemoteControl. 3. Alphanumeric Buttons: SameasAlphanumericbuttonsonfrontpanel. 4. EDIT Button: SameasEDIT/IRIS+buttononfrontpanel. 5. A Button: SameasA/FOCUS+buttononfrontpanel. 6. REC Button: SameasREC/SHOTbuttononfrontpanel. 7. PLAY Button: SameasPLAY/AUTObuttononfrontpanel. 8. INFO Button: SameasZOOM+buttononfrontpanel. 9. VOIP Button: SameasMAIN/SPOT/ZOOMbuttononfrontpanel. 10. MENU Button: SameasMENU/WIPERbuttononfrontpanel. 11. PREV Button: SameasPREV/FOCUSbuttononfrontpanel. 12. DIRECTION/ENTER Buttons: SameasDIRECTION/ENTERbuttonsonfrontpanel. 13. PTZ Button: SameasPTZ/IRISbuttononfrontpanel. 14. ESC Button: SameasESCbuttononfrontpanel. 15. RESERVED: Reserved. 16. F1 Button: SameasF1/LIGHTbuttononfrontpanel. 17. PTZ CONTROL Buttons: Buttonstoadjusttheiris,focusandzoomofaPTZcamera. 18. F2 Button: SameasF2/AUXbuttononfrontpanel. AimtheremotecontrolattheIRreceiverlocatedatthefrontoftheunittotestoperation.Ifthereisnoresponse: 1. Usingthefrontcontrolpanelorthemouse,gointoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration>DisplayConfiguration 2. CheckandrememberDVRdeviceNo.ThedefaultID#is255.ThisID#isvalidforallIRcontrols. 3. PresstheDEVbuttonontheremote. 4. EntertheDVRID#fromstep2. 5. PresstheENTERbuttonontheremote. IftheStatusindicatoronthefrontpanelturnsblue,theremotecontrolisoperatingproperly.IftheStatusindicatordoes notturnblueandthereisstillnoresponsefromtheremote,pleasecheckthefollowing: 1. Batteriesareinstalledcorrectlyandthepolaritiesofthebatteriesarenotreversed. 2. Batteriesarefreshandnotoutofcharge. 3. IRreceiverisnotobstructed. Note:If buttons are not available on front panel, they are also unable on remote control.

Aregular3button(Left/Right/Scrollwheel)USBmousecanalsobeusedwiththisDVR. TouseaUSBmouse: 1. PlugUSBmouseintooneoftheUSBportsonthefrontpaneloftheDVR. 2. Themouseshouldautomaticallybedetected.Ifinararecasethatthemouseisnotdetected,pleaserefertothe recommendeddevicelistfromyourprovider. Thebuttonsonthemousecorrespondsto: 1. Left Button: Single-Click: Selectacomponentofamenu,suchasabuttonoraninputfield.Thisissimilartopressingthe ENTERbuttonontheremote/frontpanelcontrols. Double-Click: SwitchbetweensinglescreenandmultiscreenmodeinPreview/Playbackmode. Click and Drag: ClickinganddraggingtheLeftmousebuttoncanbeusedtocontrolthepan/tiltofaPTZcamera aswellastovarytheamountofdigitalzoom.Itcanalsobeusedtosetupthealarmareas. 2. Right Button: Single-Click: Showspopupmenu. 3. Scroll-Wheel: Scroll Up: InPreviewmode,scrollingupwillswitchtothepreviousscreen.InMenumode,itwillmovethe selectiontothepreviousitem. Scroll Down: InPreviewmode,scrollingdownwillswitchtothenextscreen.InMenumode,itwillmovethe selectiontothenextitem.


WhenamouseisusedtoperformtaskontheDVR,clickingonatextinputfieldwillbringuptheSoftKeyboard,shownin Figure7.

Figure 7. Soft Keyboard

Thebuttonsonthesoftkeyboardrepresents: Switch to Lowercase: Switchtolowercaseinput. Switch to Uppercase: Switchtouppercaseinput. Symbols: Switchtosymbolsinput. Backspace: Deletethecharacterinfrontofthecursor. Enter: Confirmselection. ESC: ExitoutofSoftKeyboard.
Figure 8. Soft Keyboard Buttons



Get ttingStarte S ed
2.1Startin S ngand dShutt tingDo ownYo ourDV VR
Proper sta artup and shutdo own procedures s are crucial to expanding e the life l of your DV VR. To startup p your DVR: 1. 2. 3.

Ensure the pow wer supply is plu ugged into an electrical e outlet. . It is HIGHLY Y recommendedt that an Uninter rruptible Power Supply (UPS) be b used in conju unctionwith the e unit. Connect the DV VR to a VGA monitor. m You will w only see the DVR menu sys stemwhen its c connected to a VGA V monitor. Press the POW WER switch on the t back rear pa anel. The Power r indicator LED Dshould turn gre een. The unit will w begin to start. After startup, th he Power indicator LED will remain r green. (F Figure 9).

Figure 9. Startup Splash Screen

Toshutdo owntheDVR: 1. tdownmenu,s showninFigur re10bygoingtoMainMenu>Maintenance e>Shutdown. EntertheShut

Figu ure 10. Shutdow wn Menu

16 6

2. SelecttheShutdownbutton. 3. ClicktheYesbutton. Note:7216HVISTsupportmanualshutdown.Pressandholdthepowerbuttonfor3seconds.Enterthe administratorsusernameandpasswordforauthentication.ThenclickYesbutton.

WhileintheShutdownmenu(Figure10),youmayalsorebootorlockyourDVR.LockingyourDVRwillreturnyoutothe LiveFeedmode,whichwillrequirethecorrectadministratorpasswordtoexitoutofit.TheRebootbuttonwillreboot yourDVR. TorebootorlockyourDVR: 1. EntertheShutdownmenubygoingtoMainMenu>Maintenance>Shutdown. 2. SelecttheLockbuttontolocktheDVRortheRebootbuttontoreboottheDVR.


Itisextremelyimportanttosetupthesystemdateandtimetoaccuratelytimestamprecordingsandevents. Tosetupdateandtime: 1. EntertheSystemConfigurationmenubygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration,asshowninFigure11.

Figure 11. System Configuration Menu



ClicktheTime e/Datebuttont toentertheTi ime/Datemenu u(Figure12).

Figu ure 12. Time/Da ate Menu

3. 4. 5.

Thecurrentsy ystemtimeand ddateaswella asthetimezon newillbedisplayed.Usingthedirectionalb buttonsonthe frontpanel/re emoteorthem mouse,selectthecorrectdate, ,timeandtime ezone. ToenableDay ylightSavingsT Time,clickand dchecktheEna able DST chec ckbox. Toacquirethe etimeanddate eoveranNTP(NetworkTim meProtocol)Se erver,checkthe eSynchronize via v NTP servercheckbox.Youmayen nteryourownNTPserverorselectfromon neofthedefau ultlocationsfro omthelistof servers,assho owninFigure1 13.

Figu ure 13. Time/Da ate Menu


ClicktheSavebuttontosave esettingsandc clicktheExitb buttontoexito outofthemenu u.ClickingtheE Exitbutton ngtheSavebu uttonwillexitt themenuwitho outsaving. withoutclickin

18 8

2.4Checki C ingthe eStatu usofYour Y DV VR

Thecurre entstatusofyo ourDVRcanbe echeckedatan nytimebygoin ngtotheStatus smenu.TheSta atusmenu,sho owninFigure 14canbe eaccessedbyg goingtoMainM Menu>Status.

Fi igure 14. Status s Menu

Theitems sthatarefoundontheStatus smenuinclude e: Model: Them modelnumbero oftheDVR. Firmware Ver rsion: Thecurr rentfirmwareversioninstall ledontheDVR R. ion: Thecurre entencoderver rsioninstalledontheDVR. Encoder Versi System Time: Thecurrentsy ystemtime. ace: Totaldisk kspaceoftheD DVR. Total Disk Spa Free Disk Spa ace: Totalfreed diskspaceoftheDVR. Uptime: Thea amountoftime etheDVRhasb beenupandru unning. Messages: Displaystheover rallsystemstat tus. IP Address: IP PaddressthatissetfortheD DVR. Subnet Mask: SubnetmaskthatisusedfortheDVR. Default Gatew way: Thedefau ultgatewaytha atissetontheDVR. DNS Server: T TheDNSserverthatscurren ntlybeingused dontheDVR. VRdomainnam methatissetfo fortheDVR. DVR Domain Name: TheDV Client/HTTP Port: P Thecurr rentportsbein ngusedforclientandwebaccess. dress: Themulticastaddressthatsbeingus sedontheDVR R. Multicast Add Camera Statu us: Therecordingstatusofth heattachedcam meras.Abluec circledenotesth hatthecamera aisrecording whileagrayci ircleshowstha atitisnot.

19 9


TheLiveFeedmodeisautomaticallystartedaftertheDVRbootsup.Itisalsoattheverytopofthemenuhierarchy,thus hittingtheESCbuttonmultipletimes(dependingonwhichmenuyoureon)willbringyoutotheLiveFeedmode.

TherearemultipleiconsoneachdisplayinLiveFeedmodetoindicatedifferentcamerastatusandsettings.Theseicons include: Event Icon: Indicatesvideolossortampering,motiondetectionand/orsensoralarm. Record Icon:Indicatesthecurrentchannelisrecording.Therecordingmayhavebeenstartedmanually,froma schedule,and/ortriggeredfrommotionoralarm. Picture Settings Icon:Adjustpicturesettingsforselecteddisplay. PTZ Control Icon: EnterPTZcontrolmodefortheselecteddisplay. Zoom In/Zoom Out: Zoomin/outwithPTZ. Close Icon: Exitoutofcurrentsettingandreturntopreviousmode. Full Screen/Exit Full Screen Icon: Enterinto/exitoutoffullscreenmodeforselecteddisplay. Audio On/Audio Off Icon: Enable/disableaudioforselecteddisplay. Preset Icon: RecallPTZpreset. Patrol Icon: RecallPTZpatrol. Tour Icon: RecallPTZtour.

Figure 15. Live Feed Icons


3.1.2O Operating the Live Feed

InLiveFe eedmode,youmayadjustthe esettingsforindividualcam merasbyleftcli ickingonthede esireddisplaywiththe mouse.Th heselecteddis splaywillbesu urroundedwithagreenborder,asshownin nFigure16.

Fig gure 16. Live Fe eed Mode

Thesettin ngsyoumayad djustwitheach hdisplayincludes: Picture Settings: Setti ingsforthebri ightness,contr rast,saturation nandhueofsel lecteddisplay.Toadjustthepicture ofadisplay: settingso 1. Selectdisplay. . 2. ClickthePictu ureSettingsico on.Thiswillbr ringupthePict tureSettingsm menu,asshown nin.Figure17

Figure e 17. Picture Set ttings Menu

3. 4.

Increase/decr reaseamountf forbrightness,contrast,saturationandhue e.Theaffectwillbedisplayed dimmediately onthescreen. eicontosavet thesettingsandreturntothe eLiveFeedmo ode. ClicktheClose

21 1

PTZ Co ontrol: Ifthese electedcamera aisaPTZcame era,youmaycontrolitdirectlyfromthedis splay.Tocontr rolaPTZ

camera: 1. Selectdisplaythatcorrespon ndstoaPTZca amera. 2. ClickthePTZC Controlicon.T ThiswillbringupadditionalP PTZcontrolbu uttons,asshow wninFigure18 8.

Figur re 18. PTZ Con ntrol Mode



ControlthePT TZusingPTZco ontrolbuttons s.PanandtiltP PTZbyclicking gonthedirectio onalbuttons.Z Zoominand outusingtheZ ZoomIn/Outb buttonsandrec callpresets,pa atrolsandpatte ernsbyclickingthenumbern nextto thecorrespond dingicons. ClicktheClose eicontoreturn ntoLiveFeedmode.

TZparametersforthecameramustbesetc correctlybefor rethePTZcanbecontrolled. Note:PT Note:Amaximumoffi ivepresets,fou urpatrolsandp patternscanbe edisplayedon nthisinterface. ndpatternscanberecalledin nthePTZConf figurationmen nu. Morepresets,patrolsan Audio: Enable/disableaudioforselecteddisplay.Toenableord disableaudio: ableaudio. 1. Selectdisplaytoenable/disa 2. Enableaudiob byclickingtheEnableAudioiconanddisab bleaudiobyclickingtheDisa ableAudioicon n.Anerror messagesimilartotheones showninFigure e19willpopu upiftheEnable e Audio optionisnotselected dinthe DisplayConfigurationmenuforthespecifie edchannel.

Figure 19. . Enable Audio Error Window w

Digital Zoom Z Mode: E Enabledigitalz zoomonthese electedchanne el.Onceenabled d,theregularf feedwillbesho owninthe
lowerrigh htcornerwhilethezoomedinviewwillbeshownonthefullscreen.Th hezoomedinregionmaybec changedby movingth heredrectangleintheregula arfeedwindow w. Full Scr reen Mode: En nablefullscreenmodeforsel lecteddisplay.Toenablefullscreenmode: 1. Selectdisplaytoenablefulls screenon. 2. ClicktheFullS Screenicon. 3. ClicktheExitF FullScreenico ontoreturntonormaldisplay ymode.

22 2

TheDisplayMenucanbeaccessedbyrightclickingthemouseonanyofthedisplayinLive Feedmode.TheDisplaymenu,showninFigure20allowsyoutoquicklychangeinto differentdisplaymodesandtostart/stopautoswitchingofthedisplaymodes.

Figure 20. Live Feed Display Menu

2x2 Mode: Clicktoswitchtofourchanneldisplaymode.

3x3 Mode: Clicktoswitchtoninechanneldisplaymode.

4x4 Mode: Clicktoswitchtosixteenchanneldisplaymode.

Main Menu: ClicktogotoDVRMainMenu.IfLock Main Menu isselectedintheLockMenusmenu,youmustenterthe currentAdminPasswordtoexitoutoftheLiveFeed.


Start/Stop Auto-Switch: Clicktostart/stopautoswitch. Autoswitchwillcyclethroughselectedcameras.Switching ofcameracanbeonanindividualormultiplecamerabasis.

Next Set of Display: Clicktoviewthenextsetofdisplay.In 2x2mode,thiswillshowthenextfourdisplay.In3x3 mode,thiswillshowthenextninedisplay.

Note:Inordertouseautoswitchingofchannels,thedwell time mustbeconfiguredintheDisplayConfigurationmenu. Note:After20secondsofinactivity,theDVRwillautomaticallyexitoutoftheDisplaymenuandgobackintotheLive Feedmode. Note:TheLock Main Menu settingisselectedbydefault,meaningtheAdminpasswordmustbeentertoexitoutofthe

LiveFeedintotheMainMenu.TochangethisoptionandremovethelocktotheMainMenu,visittheLockMenusmenu (SeeLocking andUnlocking System Menus onpage59).

LiveFeeddisplayscanbecustomizedtoyourownneeds.ThesesettingscanbeaccessedbyenteringtheDisplay Configurationmenu,showninFigure21.

Figure 21. Display Configuration Menu

Tocustomizedisplaysettings: 1. EntertheDisplayConfigurationmenubygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration>Display Configuration. 2. SelecttheVideo Output toconfigure.YoumayconfigureeithertheVGA,MainCVBSorSpotCVBS. 3. Thesettingsavailabletoconfigureforeachvideooutputincludes:


Screen Configuration: Screenconfigurationofeachvideooutput.Youmayselectbetweena1x1, 2x2or4x4configuration. Sequencing Dwell Time: Thetimeinsecondstodwell betweenswitchingofchannelswhenStart SequenceisselectedinLiveFeed.SelectingDisableSwitching willdisableswitchinginLiveFeed. Enable Audio: Enables/disablesaudiooutputfortheselectedvideooutput. Output Format: Designatesthevideooutputstandard. Device Name/No.: Designatesthedevicenameandnumberofthecurrentunit. VGA Resolution: DesignatestheresolutionofmainVGAdisplay. Mouse Pointer Speed: Pointerspeedofthemouse,thehighertheamount,thefasterthemouse wouldmove.

Settingthecameraorderallowsyoutologicallypositioncamerasformoreefficientmonitoringofyourownindividual location.

Figure 22. Camera Order Setting

To set the camera order: 1. Enter the Display Configuration menu, shown in Figure 20 by going to MainMenu > System Configuration > Display Configuration. 2. Select the Video Output to configure camera order for. 3. Select the Screen Configuration you would like to use in Live Feed. The previewof the screen configuration on the right will change depending on theoption selected. 4. Each display in the preview of the screen configuration will have a selectionbox containing a list of the different cameras that are available on the DVR. 1. Pressing the up and down button of each selection box, select the camera youwould like to show in the particular display. Selecting X will disable the display. 5. Click the Previous and Next button to go to the next set of displays for theselected screen configuration. For example, in 2x2 screen configuration mode,pressing the Next button will bring up the next set of 4 displays. 6. Click the Save button to Save settings. 7. Repeat steps 2-6 to adjust the camera order for other video outputs. 8. Click the Exit button to exit out of the menu.




TherearemultiplewaystosetupyourDVRforrecording.Theyincludesettinguparecordingschedule,triggeringa recordingbymotiondetectionand/orasensoralarm,andmanuallystartingtherecording.

BeforesettingyourDVRupforrecording,certainsettingsshouldbeconfiguredfirst.Thesesettingscanbefoundinthe RecordingConfigurationmenu,showninFigure23.

Figure 23. Recording Configuration Menu

The first set of settings to configure in this menu is the recording quality settings. Toconfigure the recording quality settings: 1. Enter the Recording Quality Settings menu by going to Main Menu > RecordingConfiguration > Recording Quality Settings. The Recording Quality Settingsmenu is shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Recording Quality Settings Menu


Select the camera to configure in the camera drop down menu on the upperleft of the menu. If all cameras are to be configured with the same settings,select All Cameras from the list.


3. 4.

Select the Encoding Parameters mode to configure. Either Continuous or OnEvent can be selected. Select the camera resolution in the Resolution drop down menu The optionsfor the camera resolution includes 4CIF,CIF and QCIF. 5. Select the recording Frame Rate to use for the designated camera. A rate of25 all the way down to 1of a frame can be selected. 6. Set the picture quality using the Picture Quality slider. A preview of theselected picture quality will be shown on the right preview screen. Increasingthe picture quality will also increase the bit rate of the video feed. The resolutionand frame rate of the feed will be adjusted automatically. 7. Select the Pre-record time. The pre-record time is the time in seconds to alsorecord before a recording is triggered. Setting the pre-record time to MAX willallow the DVR to use up to the maximum available buffer space for recording. 8. Select the Post-record time. The post-record time is the time in seconds toalso record after a recording has ended. 9. Enter the Files Removed After time. The Files Removed After time denotesthe amount of days that files will be deleted after its initial recording. Settingthe time to 0 will allow the DVR to only delete and overwrite files when theHDD is full. 10. Repeat steps 3-9 for other Encoding Parameters mode. 11. Select the Save button to save the recording quality settings and select Exit toreturn to the previous menu. Selecting the Exit button without clicking Savewill quit out of the menu without saving settings.

Note:For7204HVISTSeries,when resolution is 4CIF,Frame rate can be set as 12 all the way down to 1. For 7208HVI-ST Series, when resolution is 4CIF, Frame rate can be set as 8 all the way down to 1,But for 7216HVI-ST Series, when resolution is 4CIF, Frame rate can only be set as 6 all the way down to 1.

Aquickrecordingscheduleallowsyoutosetonetimeperiodperdayforrecording. Tosetupaquickrecordingschedule: 1. EntertheQuickScheduleConfigurationmenu,showninFigure25bygoingtoMainMenu>Recording Configuration>QuickScheduleConfiguration.

Figure 25. Quick Schedule Configuration Menu

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Selectthecameratoconfigurefromthecameradropdownmenu.Ifallthecamerasaretobeconfiguredwiththe samesettings,selectAll Cameras fromthelist. ChecktheEnable checkboxtoenabletherecordingschedule.Ifthecheckboxisunchecked,therecording schedulewillbedisabled. Checkthe24/7 checkboxifyouwouldliketorecordcontinuouslyoroneventfor24hoursaday,7daysaweek.If youwishtoscheduledifferenttimeframesforMondaythroughSunday,leavethe24/7 checkboxuncheckedand skiptostep6. SelectRecording Type for24/7recordingandmoveontostep8.RecordingtypeincludesContinuous for continuousrecordingorOn Event forrecordingwhenaneventistriggered(i.e.fromdetectedmotion). Selectthestartandstoptimeforeachdayoftheweek.Thestartandstoptimearelistedusinga24hrcycle(i.e. 18:00isequivalentto6:00pm). SelectRecording Type foreachdayoftheweek.RecordingtypeincludesContinuous forcontinuousrecordingor On Event forrecordingwhenaneventistriggered(i.e.fromdetectedmotion)fortheselectedtimeperiod.



SelecttheSavebuttontosavetheschedulesettingsandselectExittoreturntothepreviousmenu.SelecttheExit buttonwithoutclickingSavewillquitoutofthemenuwithoutsavingsettings.

Note:On Event recordings are recordings that are triggered from motion detection and/or from an external alarm (See Configuring Alarms and Exceptions on page 61). Note:If an event occurs during Continuous recording, the frame rate will automaticallyswitch to that set for Event recording.

An advanced recording schedule allows you to schedule multiple time periods per day forrecording as oppose to a single time period of a quick recording schedule. Setting up anadvanced recording schedule will allow you to further conserve disk space by recordingonly during the time periods you would like to record at. To setup an advanced recording schedule: 1. Enter the Advanced Schedule Configuration menu, shown in Figure 26 bygoing to Main Menu > Recording Configuration > Advanced Schedule Configuration.

Figure 26. Advanced Schedule Configuration Menu

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Select the camera to configure from the camera drop down menu. If all thecameras are to be configured with the same settings, select All Cameras fromthe list. Check the Enable checkbox to enable the recording schedule. If the checkboxis unchecked, the recording schedule will be disabled. Select a day between Monday to Sunday to configure schedule for. Setup time periods for schedule. If the 24HR checkbox is checked, recordingwill occur over the entire day. To setup multiple time periods, uncheck 24HRand enter the Start and Stop Time for the selected day. The start and stop timeare listed using a 24 hr cycle (i.e. 18:00 is equivalent to 6:00pm). Select recording type under Type for selected day of the week. Recording typeincludes Continuous for continuous recording or On Event for recording whenan event is triggered (i.e. from detected motion) for the selected time period. If there are scheduling errors detected, such as overlapping time periods, errormessages such as those shown in Figure 25 will appear.


Figure 27. Advanced Schedule Configuration Error Messages


SelecttheAddbuttontoaddtimeframetoschedule.Thenewlyaddedtimeframewillappearinthescheduleon theleft,withthescheduleparametersshownontheright.Continuousrecordingsareshowninblueonthe schedulewhileeventrecordingsareshowninyellow.AnexampleofthiscanbeseeninFigure28.

Figure 28. Advanced Schedule Configuration Example

9. Repeatsteps410tosetupadditionaltimeperiodsfortheselectedday. 10. SelecttheSavebuttontosavetheschedulesettingsandselectExittoreturntothepreviousmenu.Selectingthe ExitbuttonwithoutclickingSavewillquitoutofthemenuwithoutsavingsettings.

Note:CreatingascheduleintheQuickScheduleConfigurationmenuwillalsocreateascheduleinAdvancedSchedule Configuration.ThequickschedulewillshowupasatimeperiodintheAdvancedScheduleConfiguration.



PreviouslyrecordedfilescanbeplayedbackusingthePlaybackInterface.Youmustfirstsearchforrecordingstoplay themback.

ItsimportanttounderstandhowtousethePlaybackInterfacetoefficientlynavigatethroughrecordedfiles.Toaccessthe PlaybackInterface,showninFigure29,gotoMainMenu>Playback.

Figure 29. Playback Interface Menu

SomeofthemainfeaturesofthePlaybackInterfaceincludes: Channel Selector: Selectthechanneltosearchforrecordingson. Calendar: Selectthedatetosearchforrecordingson. Timeline: Selectthetimetosearchforrecordingson. Preview: Showsapreviewoftheselectedrecording. Playback Controls: Controlsforplaybackoftheselectedrecording. Clip Backup Tools: Toolstobackupclipsfromarecording. Clip Playback Controls: Controlsforplaybackofmarkedclip.


ThePlaybackInterfaceallowsforeasysearchingofrecordedfiles.TosearchforrecordedfilesusingthePlayback Interface: 1. EnterthePlaybackmenu,showninFigure28bygoingtoMainMenu>Playback. 2. Selectthechanneltosearchforrecordingson. 3. Selectthedatetosearchforrecordingsonusingthecalendar.Thesystemdateisshownatthetopofthe calendar.Youmaychangethemonthandyearofthecalendarbyclickingtheleftandrightarrowsnexttothe monthandyear.Dateswithcontinuousrecordingsintheselectedmonthandchannelaredisplayedinlightblue, anddatesaredisplayedinyellowwhentheyareoneventrecording.Dateswithoutrecordingsaredarkgray. Theactiveselecteddateisdisplayedinlightgray,asshowninFigure30.

Figure 30. Playback Menu Example



Clickonthedesireddatethatishighlightedinlightbluetosearchforrecordings.Ifrecordingsexist,thetimeline willbefilledwithbluebarstodesignaterecordedfiles.Theplaybackmarker,indicatedbyagreenverticalline willautomaticallyjumptothebeginningoftheearliestrecordingsfortheselecteddate.Themarkercanbe movedtoanyotherlocationbyclickingonthedesiredpositiononthebluebars. SelectthePlaybuttoninthePlaybackControlstostartplaybackoftherecording.


Afterfindingtherecordingsyouwouldliketoplayback(SeeSearching for RecordedFiles onpage37),youmayusethe PlaybackControlstonavigatethroughtherecording. ThecontrolsfoundunderPlaybackControlsinclude: PlayButton:Buttontoplaybackrecording. DecreaseSpeedButton:Buttontodecreaseplayspeed. Increase Speed Button: Button to increase play speed Enter/Exit Full-Screen Mode: Button to enter into and exit out of full-screen mode. Enable/Disable Audio:Button to enable and disable audio in playback mode.
Figure 31. Playback control buttons

Toplaybackrecordedfiles: 1. SearchandselectrecordingtoplaybackinthePlaybackInterface. 2. ClickthePlaybuttontobeginplaybackofselectedrecordingandthePausebuttontopauseplayback. 3. YoumayslowdownorspeeduptheplaybackspeedbyclickingtheDecreaseSpeed/IncreaseSpeedbutton. 4. ClicktheFullScreenbuttontoenterfullscreenplaybackmode,showninFigure32

Figure 32. Full-Screen Playback Mode

5. 6. 7.


Infullscreenmode,youmayhidethetoolbarsbyclickingtheHideToolbarbutton.ClickingtheExitFullScreen buttonwillreturnyoutotheoriginalplaybackmode. ClicktheEnable/DisableAudiobuttontoturnonandoffaudioduringplayback. ClicktheDigitalZoombuttontoenabledigitalzoom.Onceenabled,theregularrecordedfeedwillbeshownin thelowerrightcornerwhilethezoomedinviewwillbeshownonthefullscreen.Thezoomedinregionmaybe changedbymovingtheredrectangleintheregularrecordedfeedwindow. ClicktheExitbuttontoreturntothepreviousmenu.


Youmayalsoplaybackrecordingsfrommultiplechannelssimultaneously.Toplaybackrecordingsfrommultiplechannels: 1. SearchandselectrecordingtoplaybackinthePlaybackInterface. 2. EnterintoFullScreenmode,showninFigure30byclickingtheFullScreenbutton. 3. InFullScreenmode,youmayselectadditionalchannelstoplaybackbyclickingthecheckboxnexttothedesiredcamera intheChannelSelectorpanel.Playbackwillbeginsimultaneouslyontheselectedchannels. 4. Youmaystopplaybackonanyofthechannelsbyuncheckingthecheckboxnexttothechannel. Note:Upto4channelscanbeplayedbackatthesametime.



VideoclipscanbeselectedforbackupinthePlaybackInterfaceusingthecontrolsfoundintheMark Clip For Backup panel,showninFigure33.

Figure 33. Mark Clip For Backup Controls

ThecontrolsfoundintheMark Clip For Backup panelincludes: Start Clip Button: Markthestartingpointforthevideoclip. Stop Clip Button: Marktheendingpointforthevideoclip. Play Clip Button: Playtheselectedvideoclip. Save Clip Button: SavetheselectedvideocliptotheHDD. Clear Clip Button: Cleartheselectedvideoclip.


ToselectvideoclipsinthePlaybackInterface: 1. EnterthePlaybackInterface,showninFigure34bygoingtoMainMenu>Playback.

Figure 34. Playback Menu

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Searchfortherecordedfilesthatyouwouldliketoselectvideoclipsfrom(SeeSearching for Recorded Files on page35).Videoclipscanonlybeselectedinsingleplaybackmode. Selectthestartingpositionofthevideoclipbyclickingthedesiredlocationonthebluerecordingsbar. ClicktheStartClipbutton. Selecttheendingpositionofthevideoclip. ClickthestopClipbutton. TheselectedvideocliptimerangewillbeshownatthebottomofthePlaybackInterface,asseeninFigure35.

Figure 35. Video Clip Time Range

YoumayplaythevideoclipusingthePlayClipbuttonorusethearrowkeysshownnexttothecliptimerangeto progressthroughthevideoonesecond,minuteorhouratatime. 9. ClicktheSaveClipbuttontosavecliptotheDVR.ClipmustbefirstsavedtotheDVRbeforeitcanbebackedup toanexternalUSBstoragedeviceortoaDVDwriter.ClickingtheClearClipbuttonwillremovethevideoclip. 10. Repeatsteps27toselectadditionalclips.Ifyouwouldliketobackupvideoclipsatthispoint,clicktheBackup button. 8.



AftervideoclipshavebeenselectedinthePlaybackInterface(SeeSelecting Video Clipsonpage46),youmaybackthem uptoanexternalUSBstoragedeviceorDVDwriterbygoingtotheBackupmenu. Tobackupvideoclips: 1. EntertheClipsBackupmenu,showninFigure36byfirstgoingtoMainMenu>Playback.InthePlaybackmenu, clicktheClipsBackupbutton.


Figure 36. Clips Backup Menu

IfvideoclipsweresuccessfullysavedtotheHDDusingthePlaybackInterface,theywillbelistedunderthe Backup Clips headingonthelefthandsideofthemenu.Thecameranumberaswellasthetimerangewouldbe listed. 3. Selectthevideoclipsyouwouldliketobackupbycheckingthecheckboxnexttothedesiredclips.Youmayalso clickthePlayicontoplayandreviewtheclip.VideoclipscanbedeletedbyselectingitandclickingtheRemove buttonorbyclickingtheRemoveAllbuttontodeleteallclips. 4. ConnectatleastoneUSBstoragedevicetotheDVR.IfthedeviceiscompatiblewiththeDVR,itwillautomatically bedetected.Selectthebackupdevicefromthe Backup Device dropdownmenu. 5. TheClips Selected,Required Space andAvailable Space willbedisplayedontheClipsBackupmenu.IftheUSB storagedevicehasnotbeenproperlyinitializedandformatted,youmayclickontheFormatbuttontodoso.It isimportanttonotethatformattingwilldeleteALLdatafromthestoragedevice. 6. Iftheavailablespaceonthestoragedeviceisadequate,selecttheBackupbuttontobeginbackupoftheselected clips. 7. Afterclipshavebeenbackedup,youmayclickthePlaybackbuttontoreturntothePlaybackInterfaceorthe Donebuttontoreturntothepreviousmenu. Note:Formattingastoragedevicewillpermanentlydeleteallthefilesonthatdevice. ThereisalsoNOWARNINGMESSAGEafterclickingtheFormatbuttontoformatthestoragedevice.Pleaseproceedwith cautionandbackupallcriticaldatafromthestoragedevicebeforeformatting. 2.

Notonlycanvideoclipsbebackedup,fullrecordedfilescanalsobebackeduptoastoragemedium. Tobackuprecordedfiles: 1. SearchforrecordedfilesusingtheFileManagementmenu(See Searchingfor Recorded Files onpage83). 2. Selectthefilesyouwouldliketobackupbycheckingtheboxnexttothefile.YoumayalsochecktheAll File box tobackupallfiles.ThetotalrequiredspacewillbeshownnexttoTotal Size. 3. ClicktheFilesBackupbutton,thiswilltakeyoutotheFilesBackupmenu,asshowninFigure37.


Figure 37. Files Backup Menu

4. IntheFilesBackupmenu,connectaUSBstoragedeviceandclicktheRefreshbutton.Ifthedeviceisdetected,alistofits filecontentsaswellastheavailablefreespacewillbeshown. 5. YoumaydeletefilesontheUSBstoragedevicetofreeupadditionalstoragespacebyclickingtheDeletebuttononthe selectedfile.YoumayalsoformatthedevicebyclickingtheFormatbutton.FormattingwillremoveALLfilesfromthe device. 6. Whenthereissufficientstoragespaceforbackup,clicktheBackupbutton.Abackupprogressbarwillbeshown. 7. ClicktheOKbuttononcebackuphascompleted. 8. ClicktheExitbuttontoreturntotheFileManagementmenu.



NetworksettingsmustbeconfiguredbeforeyoureabletouseyourDVRoverthenetwork. Toconfigurenetworksettings: 1. EntertheNetworkConfigurationmenu,showninFigure38bygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration> NetworkConfiguration.


Figure 38. Network Settings Menu

2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8.

Thecurrentnetworksettingsaredisplayedontherightsideofthemenu. IfyouhaveaDHCPserverrunningandwouldlikeyourDVRtoautomaticallyobtainanIPaddressandother networksettingsfromthatserver,checktheDHCP checkbox. Ifyouwouldliketoconfigureyourownsettings,enterthesettingsfor: IP Address: IPaddressyouwouldliketouseforyourDVR. Subnet Mask: SubnetMaskofnetwork. Default Gateway: IPaddressofyourGateway.TypicallytheIPaddressofyourrouter. DNS Server: ThepreferredandalternateDomainNameSystem(DNS)ServertobeusedwithyourDVR. ToenableDynamicDNS(DDNS),checktheDDNS checkbox.DynamicDNSallowsyoutocreateahostnameand associateittoyourIPaddress,makingaccesstoyourDVRovertheinterneteasier.ToconfigureDDNS: 1. EnableDDNSbycheckingtheDDNS checkbox. 2. SelectaDDNSproviderfromtheDDNS Provider selectionbox. 3. EntersettingsforServer Address,DVR Domain Name,User Name,andPassword. IfacentralmonitoringstationthatiscompatiblewithyourDVRisavailable,youmayenteritssettingsunder Central Station IP andCentral Station Port. EntertheClient Port andHTTP Port tobeusewithyourDVR.Theclientportdesignatestheporttobeusewith theclientsoftwarewhiletheHTTPportreferstotheonetobeusewiththebuiltinWebServer. Afterallsettingshavebeenconfigured;youmaytesttheconnectionbyclickingtheTestConnectionbutton.A confirmationmessage,similartotheoneshowninFigure39willpopupifthenetworkisworkingproperly.


Figure 39. Test Connection Confirmation


SelecttheSavebuttontosavethenetworksettingsandselectExittoreturntothepreviousmenu.Selectingthe ExitbuttonwithoutclickingSavewillquitoutofthemenuwithoutsavingsettings.

Extendedremoteconnectionisusedforaddingmorenetworkvisitorswithsubstream.CheckExtendedremote connectiontoenablethisfunction. 7204HVISTsupportupto24networkvisitors,sixforeachchannel. 7208HVISTsupportupto48networkvisitors. 7216HVISTsupportupto50networksvisitors. Ifyoudontenablethisfunction,then7208HVIST/7216HVISTonlysupportupto24networkvisitors. YouhavenoneedofcheckingExtendedremoteconnectionwhenitis7204HVIST. .


Bydefault,DVRcomeswithtwouseraccounts,theAdministrator accountandtheGuestaccounts.TheAdministrator user nameisadmin andthepasswordis12345.ThedefaultpasswordforAdministrator shouldbechangedrightawayfor securityreasons.TheAdministrator hastheauthoritytoadd,deleteorconfigureparametersformanyofthesystem functions.TheGuestaccountsusernameisguestwithoutpassword.Youcaneasilyswitchbetweenaccountsbyclick Login/Logoutatthelowerleftcornerofthemainmenu.

Youmayaddupto30newuserstoyourDVR. Toaddnewusers: 1. EntertheUserSettingsmenu,showninFigure40bygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration>UserSettings.


Figure 40 0. Remote User Settings Menu

2. 3. 4.


Under Users L List, click on Se elect this entry to t add new user r. Once a new entry has been sel lected, the field ds under Users w will become ed ditable.Enter the e information fo or Name, Password and Verify. In the Remote Permissions panel, p select the functions that y you would like togive the user r access to remo otely. You may y o givefull contro ol to the selecte ed remote user. These function ns include: also check the Allcheckbox to Log Searc ch: View logs that t are saved on o the DVR. Serial Por rt Control: Co onfigure settings s for RS232 and d RS485 ports. Two-Way y Audio: Abilit ty to use two-w way radio between the remote clientand c the DV VR. Advanced d Control: Man nage hard disk drives (initializ zing and settingproperties for H HDDs). Ability to remote update sys stem firmware and stoppingof f the relay outpu ut. Live View w: Access the Live L Feed. PTZ Con ntrol: Control PTZ P cameras. Configuration: Configu ure parameters, restore r paramet ters to factorydefaults and imp port settings to as a well as R. export settings from DVR Video Ou utput Control: Configure setti ings for video output. o Alarm Co ontrol: Alert or r control the rel lay output of the e DVR. Alarm andexception s settings must be e configured properly to upload to hos st. Shutdown n/Reboot: Shut tdown or reboo ot the DVR. Playback k: Playback reco ordings remotel ly. All: Full p permission to use u all functions s. Click the Save button to save user settings an nd click Done to o return to the previousmenu. p

Note:Us sers both have the t local access s permission and d the remote ac ccess permission n.

Note:Lo ock menus conf figuration is to allow a local user rs entering or n not entering men nus.(Details see e page 60 )
You can go g to Lock Men nus menu easily y by clicking the e Lock menus button on the bottom b of the U User setting men nu.

Note:If you forget the password p to your DVR, contac ct your supplier r with the serial lnumber of you ur DVR to obtai in a secure code e
to reset yo our DVR.

Note:Us ser settings only y appear on the list of System Configuration when w login with h Administrator accounts.

7.2.2Deleting D aUser
Todeleteauserfromth heDVR: ngsmenu,show wninFigure39 9bygoingtoM MainMenu>Sy ystemConfigur ration>UserS Settings. 1. EntertheUserSettin ausertodelete eintheUsers List L panel. 2. Selecta 3. Clickth heRemovebut ttontodeleteu user. 4. Clickth heOKbuttonto oconfirmdele etionofuser.

39 9

5. Clickth heDonebutton ntoexitmenu. .

7.2.3Editing E aUser
Toeditauser: gsmenu,show wninFigure39 9bygoingtoM MainMenu>SystemConfiguration>UserSe ettings 1. EntertheUserSetting ausertoeditin ntheUsers Lis st panel. 2. Selecta 3. Edituserinformation nintheUsers and a Remote Pe ermissions pan nel.Remoteper rmissionsared definedaboveinAdding a New Remote User onpa age54. 4. ClickSa avebuttontos savesettingsandDonebutto ontoexitmenu u.

Note:Pa assword of Adm ministrator can be b modified in User U setting me enu. If password d of administra ator is changed, a dialog box to o
ick Done button enter in th he older passwo ord will appear after a clicking sa ave button, ente er in the right password and cli n to exit.

Note:Us ser password ca an be both numb bers and charac cters. You can c click the button n
enter char racters.

on the p password editab ble fields to

7.2.4Switch S User

F Figure 41.Main Menu

On the main m menu (see e in Figure 41), information n about users are a show on th he lower left c corner, k Login/Logou ut to switch us sers. ,click

7.3Config C guringPTZCamera as

40 0

Settings for a PTZ camera must be configured before it can be used. Before proceeding,verify that the PTZ and RS-485 of the DVR are connected properly. To configure PTZ settings: 1. Enter the PTZ Configuration menu, shown in Figure 42 by going to MainMenu > System Configuration > PTZ Configuration.

Figure 42. PTZ Configuration Menu

2. 3. 4. 5.

Select the Serial Settings tab. Select the camera to configure in the camera drop down menu on the upperleft of the menu. If all cameras are to be configured with the same settings,select All Cameras from the list. Configure PTZ settings, including those of Baud Rate, Data Bit, Stop Bit, Parity,Flow Ctrl, Protocol and Address according to the parameters of the PTZcamera(s). Click the Save button to save current settings.

To test and verify PTZ settings: 1. Enter the PTZ Configuration menu, shown in Figure 41 by going to MainMenu > System Configuration > PTZ Configuration. 2. Select the On Camera Settings tab. This will open up the On Camera Settingsmenu, shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43. PTZ Configuration


3. 4.

Select the camera to test in the camera drop down menu. Using the Directional buttons and other PTZ control buttons (Zoom In/Out,Focus In/Out, Iris In/Out), test the functionality of the PTZ camera. If PTZcamera and protocol supports it, you may also click the Auto-Scan button totest its function. PTZ controls buttons are shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44. PTZ Controls Button

5. 6.

If PTZ camera is not working properly, make sure PTZ is connected and configuredwith the correct settings under the Serial Settings tab. Click Done to exit and return to the previous menu.

Your DVR allows you to customize presets, patterns and patrols for a connected PTZ ,camera. A PTZ camera must first be configured before PTZ presets, patterns and patrolscan be customized (See Configuring Basic PTZ Settings on page 57). To customize PTZ presets: 1. Enter the PTZ Configuration menu, shown in Figure 42 by going to MainMenu > System Configuration > PTZ Configuration. 2. Select the On Camera Settings tab. 3. Select Save Presets and move the camera to the desired position using thePTZ control buttons. 4. Double-click on a preset number in the upper left corner of the screen. Thecurrent position of the PTZ camera will be set for the selected preset number. 5. To test the newly configured preset, first move the PTZ camera to a differentposition. Select Recall Presets and click on the preset number. The camerashould move to the location that was set for the selected preset number. 6. Click the Done button to exit out of the PTZ Configuration menu.

Note:Only the first 23 presets are shown in the table. To save or recall more presets,click on the ... button. Clicking the ... button will bring up a selection list for presets up to200. To customize PTZ patterns: 1. Enter the PTZ Configuration menu, shown in Figure 42 by going to MainMenu > System Configuration > PTZ Configuration. 2. Select the On Camera Settings tab. 3. Select a Pattern Number to set from the drop down list. 4. Click the Record button to begin recording the movement of the PTZ. 5. Move the PTZ to the desired locations using the PTZ control buttons. 6. Click the Save button to save pattern. 7. To test out your new pattern, click the Play button. The PTZ should move as itdid during the recording process. You may click the Stop button at any time toend the pattern. Clicking the Play button again will start playing the PTZ patternagain at the initial position. 8. Click the Done button to exit out of the PTZ Configuration menu.
To customize PTZ patrols:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Enter the PTZ Configuration menu, m shown in n Figure 42 by going g to MainM Menu > System Configuration > PTZ Configuration. Select the On Camera C Settin ngs tab. Select a Patrol l Number to se et from the drop p down list. Select a Preset t Number that is i next to the Patrol Number from the dropd down list that yo ou would like to o add to the patrol. Click the Add b button. The Pre eset Number will w be added to the patrol list. Repeat steps 4-5 until you hav ve included all the t presets you would like to haveon h the patro ol. Click the Up an nd Down button n at the bottom of the list to ch hange the order ofthe presets in n the patrol. To test out you ur new preset, click the Play bu utton. The PTZ should moveth hrough the list of o added presets s. Click the Done e button to exit out of the PTZ Configuration menu.

7.5 Configu C uring Alarms A s and Excepti E ions

7.5.1 Setting S Up p Motion Detection n
Set up pro operly, using mo otion detected recording r will increase i the num mber of days yo ourDVR is able e to record. It will w only record relevant ev vents rather tha an everything, which w willalso make m searching g for events easi ier. To set up motion detectio on: 1. Enter th he Motion Dete ection Settings menu, m shown in n Figure 45 by going g toMain Menu M > Recordi ing Configuration > Motion Detection Settings.

Figure 45. Motion M Detectio on Settings Men nu

2. Select the t camera to co onfigure in the camera drop do own menu on th he upperleft of the t menu. If all l cameras are to o be configured with the sa ame settings,select All Camera as from the list. 3. Check the t Enable Mo otion Detection n checkbox to en nable motion de etection forthe selected camera a. Uncheck the checkbox to disable mo otion detection. . 4. Set the motion detectio on sensitivity by y adjusting the green Sensitivi ity bar. Themor re lime green re ectangles select ted in the bar, r the sensitivity willbe to motio on. the higher 5. Set the motion detectio on region in the e preview screen n on the right side of themenu u by left-clicking g with the mouse on an open area. A red grid will besh hown, designati ing that the sele ected area is par rt of the motion n detectionregio on. Dragging or r left-clicking hat overlap the current selected dmotion detecti ion area will include them into o the region. Yo ou may also clic ck theFull on areas th Screen bu utton to include the whole area into the motion n detection regi ion.Left-clickin ng on any part o of the grid will remove r that section fro om the motion detection d region n. 6. If your re not satisfied w with the selecte ed region, you may m click the C Clear buttonto re eset the motion detection area. 7. Select the t Actions to t take if motion is s detected in the designated regions. Moretha an one action ca an be selected. The T actions available includes: i

43 3

Sound Au udio Warning: : DVR will soun nd an audio wa arning if motion n isdetected in th he designated regions r of the camera. Pop-up Im mage on Monit tor: DVR will show an image e of what caused d themotion on the monitor. Notify Su urveillance Cen nter: DVR will l notify surveilla ance center whe enmotion is det tected. Send Ema ail: DVR will send s an email out o to the design nated recipients s whenmotion is s detected. Trigger Alarm A Output: : DVR will trigg ger alarm outpu ut when motion n isdetected. Sel lecting this opti ion will enable the Alarm m Output list, wh here theoutput to t trigger can be selected. 8. Selectt theSavebutton ntosavethem motiondetectio onsettingsand dselectExittoreturntothep previousmenu u.Selectingthe Exitbutto onwithoutclic ckingSavewillquitoutofthemenuwithout tsavingsetting gs.

7.5.2Configur C ringAlarm mInputs s

Recording gscanalsobetriggeredfrom manexternalsensoralarmde evice.Tosetup precordingtrig ggersfromalar rminputs: 1. EntertheTrig ggerSettingsm menu,shownin nFigure46byg goingtoMainMenu>Record dingConfiguration>Trigger Settings.

Figure e 46. Trigger Se ettings Menu

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

SelecttheRecording Triggers tab. meratoconfigu ureinthecame eradropdownmenuontheu upperleftofthe emenu.Ifallc camerasareto Selectthecam beconfiguredwiththesame esettings,selec ctAll Cameras fromthelist. ChecktheEna able Trigger Ev vents checkbox xtoenabletrig ggereventsfor rtheselectedc camera.Unchec ckthe checkboxtodi isabletriggere events. Selectthetrigg gerinputsthat tyouwouldlik ketoassociatewiththeselec ctedcamera. SelecttheSave ebuttontosav vethetriggers settingsandse electExittoret turntotheprev viousmenu.Se electingthe Exitbuttonwi ithoutclickingSavewillquito outofthemen nuwithoutsavi ingsettings.

ctionscanalso obeperformed difanalarmin nputistriggere ed.Tosetuptri iggeractions: Certainac 1. EntertheTrig ggerSettingsm menu,shownin nFigure45byg goingtoMainMenu>Record dingConfiguration>Trigger Settings. 2. SelecttheTrig gger Actions ta ab,thiswilltak keyoutotheT TriggerActions ssubmenu,showninFigure4 47.

44 4

Figure 47. Trigger Actions Sub-Menu.

3. 4. 5. 6.


SelectthealarminputtoconfigureintheAlarm Input No. dropdownmenuontheupperleftofthemenu.Ifall alarminputsaretobeconfiguredwiththesamesettings,selectAllfromthelist. SelecttheTrigger Action fortheexternalalarminputdevice.Normal Open orNormal Close canbeselected. SelectthePTZ Actions (onlyifaPTZcameraisconfiguredontheDVR)torunwhenthealarminputistriggered. OnlyonePTZactioncanbeselectedperalarminput. SelecttheActions torunwhenthealarminputistriggered.Multipleactionscanbeselectedperalarminput.The actionsavailableincludes: Sound Audio Warning: DVRwillsoundanaudiowarningifalarmistriggered. Pop-up Image on Monitor: DVRwillshowthecorrespondingchannelthatisassociatedwiththetriggerinput. Notify Surveillance Center: DVRwillnotifysurveillancecenterwhenalarmistriggered. Send Email: DVRwillsendanemailouttothedesignatedrecipientswhenalarmistriggered. Trigger Alarm Output: DVRwilltriggeralarmoutputwheninputistriggered.Selectingthisoptionwillenable theAlarmOutputlist,wheretheoutputtotriggercanbeselected. SelecttheSavebuttontosavethetriggersettingsandselectExittoreturntothepreviousmenu.Selectingthe ExitbuttonwithoutclickingSavewillquitoutofthemenuwithoutsavingsettings.

ActionscanalsobetriggeredwhentheDVRdetectscertainexceptions.Tosetupexceptionconfiguration: 1. EntertheExceptionConfigurationmenu,showninFigure48bygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration> ExceptionConfiguration.

Figure 48. Exception Configuration Menu





SelecttheException Type toconfigure.Theexceptiontypeincludes: HDD Full: Ifselected,triggeractionwhenHDDisfull. HDD Error: Ifselected,triggeractionwhenerrorsontheHDDaredetected. Network Failure: Ifselected,triggeractionwhenanetworkfailureisdetected. IP Conflict: Ifselected,triggeractionifanIPconflictisdetected. Illegal Login: Ifselected,triggeractionwhenillegalloginsaredetected. Video Exception: Ifselected,triggeractionwhenanexceptionsuchasdistortedvideoisdetected. Video Output Standard Mismatch: Ifselected,triggeractionwhenvideooutputstandarddoesnotmatch. SelecttheActions totakewhentheexceptionisdetected.Morethanoneactioncanbeselected.Theactions availableincludes: Sound Audio Warning: DVRwillsoundanaudiowarningifexceptionisdetected. Notify Surveillance Center: DVRwillnotifysurveillancecenterifexceptionisdetected. Send Email: DVRwillsendanemailouttothedesignatedrecipientsifexceptionisdetected. Trigger Alarm Output: DVRwilltriggeralarmoutputifexceptionisdetected.Selectingthisoptionwill enabletheAlarmOutputlist,wheretheoutputtotriggercanbeselected. SelecttheSavebuttontosavetheexceptionsettingsandselectExittoreturntothepreviousmenu.Selectingthe ExitbuttonwithoutclickingSavewillquitoutofthemenuwithoutsavingsettings.

IfyouwouldliketohavetheDVRsendoutemailswhencertaineventsaredetectedorexceptionshavebeentriggered, youmustfirstsetuptheemailsettings. Tosetupemailsettings: 1. EntertheEmailConfigurationmenu,showninFigure49bygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration>Email Configuration.

Figure 49. Email Configuration Menu


UnderServer Information,enterallpertinentemailinformation,including: Server Authentication: Enableifemailserverrequiresauthentication.EnablingServerAuthenticatingwill enabletheUserNameandPasswordfields. User Name: Usernametouseforserverauthentication. Password: Passwordtouseforserverauthentication. SMTP Server: AddressforSMTPserver. SMTP Port: PortforSMTPserver. From Email Address: TheFromaddresstousewhenanemailissentoutfromtheDVR.


3. 4. 5. 6.

Attach JP PEG: Enabling gwillattachas smallJPEGseg gment(durationcanbesetne exttotheAttac chJPEG checkbox x)totheoutgo oingemail. SSL: Ena ableSecureSoc cketsLayer(SS SL)foroutgoin ngemail. EnterTo E-ma ail Address an ndclicktheAdd dbutton.Thee emailaddresswillbeaddedtotheRecipien nts List. Youmaynowtesttheemail lsettingsbyclickingtheTest tbuttonorrem moveanemailaddressoffth heRecipients List byselectingtherecipien ntandclicking g Remove. SelecttheSave ebuttontosav vetheemailse ettingsandsel lectExittoretu urntotheprev viousmenu.Sel lectingthe Exitbuttonwi ithoutclickingSavewillquitoutofthemen nuwithoutsavi ingsettings.


Cam meraMana agement

8.1 To T setu up priv vacy zones:
1. EnterthePriv vacyZonesmen nu,showninFigure50bygo oingtoMainMe enu>CameraS Setup>PrivacyZones.

Figur re 50.Privacy Z Zone Menu

2. 3. 4.

Selectthecam meratosetupprivacyzonesin nusingthecam meradropdow wnmenuonthe eupperleftoft themenu.If allcamerasar retobeconfigu uredwiththesa amesettings,s selectAll Came eras fromtheli ist. ClickEnable Privacy P Zones. Uptofourpriv vacyzonescan nbeusedperc cameraandare eshownusingfourdifferentc colors,yellow,green,blue andpink.Usin ngthemouse,c clickanddrago outrectangular rboxesdefinin ngthedesiredzones.

47 7

5. 6.

Youmayclear raprivacyzoneatanytimeb byclickingont thecorrespond dingClearZone ebuttonorCle earAllbutton toclearallzon nes. SelecttheSave ebuttontosav vetheprivacyzonessettingsandselectExi ittoreturntoth hepreviousm menu.Selecting theExitbutton nwithoutclick kingSavewillq quitoutofthem menuwithoutsavingsetting gs.

8.2Config C guringVideo oTamp peringDetec ction

Video tam mpering detectio on can be used to t recognize if an area of a cam mera is purpose elycovered and to respond acco ordingly. To configu ure video tampering detection: 1. Enter the Video o Tampering Detection D menu, shown in Figur re 51 by going toMain Menu > Camera Setup p > Video Tampering Det tection

Figure 51. Video V Tamperin ng Detection Me enu

2. 3. 4. 5.


Select the came era to setup vid deo tampering detection d in usin ng the camera dropdown d menu u on the upper left of the menu. If all cam meras are to be configuredwith h the same setti ings, select All Cameras C from the list. Click Enable V Video Tamperi ing Detection. Adjust the Sensitivity for vide eo tampering de etection. o tampering is detected. d More than one action n canbe selected d per channel. These T actions Select Actions to take if video include: Sound Au udio Warning: : DVR will soun nd an audio wa arning if tamper ring isdetected. Pop-up Im mage on Monit tor: DVR will show the corres sponding chann nelthat is associ iated with the ta ampered channel. Notify Su urveillance Cen nter: DVR will l notify surveilla ance center whe entampering is detected. Send Ema ail: DVR will send s an email out o to the design nated recipients s whentamperin ng is detected. Trigger Alarm A Output: : DVR will trigg ger alarm outpu ut when tamper ring isdetected. Selecting this option o will enable the e Alarm Output t list, where theo output to trigge er can be selecte ed. Select the Save e button to save e the privacy zones settings and d select Exit tor return to the pre evious menu. Selecting the Exit button wit thout clicking Savewill S quit ou ut of the menu w without saving settings.

Note:Vi ideo tampering area is defaulte ed as full screen n. Area setting is i not supported d.

8.3Config C guringVideo oLossDetect D tion

Video loss s detection can be enabled on any a of the chan nnels on your DVR D to detect th he loss ofvideo. ure video loss d detection: To configu 1. Enter the Video o Loss Detectio on menu, shown n in Figure 52 b by going to Mai inMenu > Camera Setup > Vid deo Loss Detection.

48 8

Figure 52. Video Loss Detection Menu

2. 3. 4.


Select the camera to setup video loss detection in using the camera drop downmenu on the upper left of the menu. If all cameras are to be configured withthe same settings, select All Cameras from the list. Click Enable Video Loss Detection. Select Actions to take if video loss is detected. More than one action can beselected per channel. These actions include: Sound Audio Warning: DVR will sound an audio warning if video loss isdetected. Pop-up Image on Monitor: DVR will show the corresponding channelthat is associated with the video loss channel. Notify Surveillance Center: DVR will notify surveillance center whenvideo loss is detected. Send Email: DVR will send an email out to the designated recipients whenvideo loss is detected. Trigger Alarm Output: DVR will trigger alarm output when video loss isdetected. Selecting this option will enable the Alarm Output list, where theoutput to trigger can be selected. Select the Save button to save the privacy zones settings and select Exit toreturn to the previous menu. Selecting the Exit button without clicking Savewill quit out of the menu without saving settings.

On Screen Display (OSD) settings can be configured in the OSD Configuration menu. TheOSD is shown in each display in Live Feed and Playback mode. To configure OSD settings: 1. Enter the OSD Configuration menu, shown in Figure 53 by going to MainMenu > Cameras Setup > OSD Configuration.


Figure 53. 5 OSD Configuration Menu

2. 3.

4. 5.

Select the came era to setup OS SD configuration n in using the camera c drop dow wnmenu on the e upper left of th he menu. If all cameras are to be configured withthe w same se ettings, select All A Cameras fro om the list. Configure OSD D settings, inclu uding: Camera N Name: Name of selected came era. Display C Camera Name: : Enable to disp play camera nam me in OSD. Display D Date: Enable to display date in n OSD. Display W Week: Enable to o display week in OSD. Date Form mat: Format of f date. Time For rmat: Format of time. OSD Disp play: Display st tyle for OSD. Using the mouse, click and dr rag OSD elemen nts on preview screen to desire edlocation. e button to save e the privacy zones settings and d select Exit tor return to the pre evious menu. Selecting the Select the Save Exit button wit thout clicking Savewill S quit ou ut of the menu w without saving settings.

50 0


Thestatusofallinstalledharddiskdrives(HDD)canbecheckedundertheDiskManagementmenu. Tocheckthestatusofinstalleddisks: 1. EntertheDiskManagementmenu,showninFigure54bygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration>Disk Management.

Figure 54. Disk Management Menu



TherearefourdifferentpanelsfoundintheDiskManagementmenu.Theyinclude: Disk Utilization: Displaysthemaximumspaceavailableofalldiskscombined. Available Disks: Displaysalistofallinstalleddisks(includelocalandnetwork)andtheirrespectivespace andstatus. Status: Displaystheavailablediskspaceofalldiskscombined. ClicktheDonebuttontoexitoutofDiskManagement.

Anewlyinstalledharddiskdrive(HDD)mustbefirstformattedbeforeitcanbeusedwithyourDVR.Formattingthedisk willerasealldataonit. Toformatanewdisk: 1. EntertheDiskManagementmenu,showninFigure54bygoingtoMainMenu>SystemConfiguration>Disk Management. 2. Selectadisktoformat.AdiskthathasnotbeenformattedwillshowErrorDetected asitsstatus.Ifthediskisone thatisnewlyinstalled,thestatusofthedrivewillshowupasNon-Active andtheReformatbuttonwillchangeto theAddbutton. 3. ClicktheReformat/Addbutton. 4. Aconfirmationmessage,similartotheoneshowninFigure55willappearonthescreen.ClicktheYesbuttonto continueformattingprocess.


Figure 55. Disk Format Confirmation


Aformatprogressbar(Figure55)willbeshownonthemenu.Afterthediskhasbeenformatted,thestatusofthe diskwillchangetoActive.

Figure 55. Disk Format Progress Bar



Enabling disk overwrite will allow the DVR to overwrite the installed disks once the disksare full. To enable disk overwrite: 1. Enter the Disk Management menu, shown in Figure 54 by going to Main Menu> System Configuration > Disk Management. 2. Check the Overwrite checkbox. 3. Click the Save button. 4. Click the Done button to exit out of Disk Management.

PreviouslyrecordedfilescanbesearchedbycriteriaintheFileManagementmenu. Tosearchforallrecordedfiles: 1. EntertheFileManagementmenu,showninFigure56bygoingtoMainMenu>FileManagement.


Figu ure 56. File Sear rch Menu


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Select the came eras that you would w like to inc clude in the sear rch. Analog cam merasare listed on the first row w, preceded with the letter A. A Digital came eras arelisted on n the second row w, preceded wi ith the letter D. If you would li ike includeall cameras in the search, check the t Allbox. rt Time. Select the Star Select the End d Time. Select the Vide eo Type. Video o type includes Continuous and d On Event reco ordings. Select the File Type. File type e includes Lock ked and Unlocke ed files. ch button or if you y would like to search for on nly locked files, theSearch All Locked Files button. b Click the Searc A list of results s with your sear rch criteria will l be shown at th he bottom of the emenu (Figure 57).

Figur re 57. File Sear rch Results

9. Youmaynowplaytheselect tedfilebyclick kingthePlayb buttonthatisn nexttothefile. 10. ClicktheDone ebuttontoexit toutoftheFile eManagement tmenu.

53 3

To lock and unlock recorded files: 1. Search for recorded files using the File Management menu (See Searchingfor Recorded Files on page 83). 2. Select the file you would like to lock/unlock. 3. Click the Lock icon for the selected file. 4. Click the Done button to exit out of the File Management menu.

Note: Locked files will never be overwritten until they are unlocked.



ThesystemfirmwareforyourDVRcanbeupdatedfromaUSBstoragedevice. Toupdatethesystemfirmware: 1. EntertheFirmwareUpgrademenu,showninFigure58bygoingtoMainMenu>Maintenance>Firmware Upgrade.

Figure 58. Firmware Upgrade Menu

2. 3. 4. 5.

ConnecttheUSBstoragedevicetoaUSBportontheDVR. ClicktheRefreshbutton.ThecontentsoftheUSBstoragedevicewillbeshownonthescreen. Selectthefirmwarefile.Thefirmwarefileisnameddigicap. ClicktheUpgradebuttontoupgradetheDVR.TheDVRwillautomaticallyrebootaftertheupgradeiscompleted. Ifyoudonotwishtoupgradeatthispoint,clicktheCancelbutton.

TorestorefactorydefaultsettingstoyourDVR: 1. EntertheFactoryDefaultmenu,showninFigure59bygoingtoMainMenu>Maintenance>FactoryDefault.


Figure 59. Factory Default Menu


SelecttheOKbuttontorestorefactorydefaultsorselecttheCancelbuttontoreturntothepreviousmenu. Note:Network information such as IP address, subnet mask and gateway will not berestored.

Configuration information from your DVR can be exported to a USB storage device andimported into another DVR. This will allow you to efficiently setup the same configurationon numerous DVRs. To export DVR configuration: 1. Enter the Export/Import Configuration menu, shown in Figure 60 by going toMain Menu > Maintenance > Export/Import Configuration.

Figure 60. Import/Export Configuration Menu

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Connect the USB storage device to a USB port on the DVR. Click the Refresh button. The contents of the USB storage device will be shownon the screen. Click the New Folder button to create a new folder or the Delete button to deletea file/folder. Select the location where you would like the configuration to be stored on theUSB storage device. Click Export to export a configuration file to USB storage device. The configurationfile will be named devCfg.bin. Click the Exit button to exit out of the Export/Import Configuration menu.

To import DVR configuration:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Enter the Export/Import Configuration menu, shown in Figure 65 by going toMain Menu > Maintenance >Export/Import Configuration. Connect the USB storage device to a USB port on the DVR. Click the Refresh button. The contents of the USB storage device will be shownon the screen. Select the configuration file. The configuration file is named devCfg.bin. Click the Import button. Click the Exit button to exit out of the Export/Import Configuration menu.

Many events of your DVR are logged into the system logs.To access the system logs and search for these events: 1. Enter the System Logs menu, shown in Figure 61 by going to Main Menu >Maintenance > System Logs.

Figure 61. System Logs Menu

2. 3. 4.

Select the date from the Calendar to search for system logs in. The current systemdate is displayed in the upper left corner of the menu. Select the log type using the Search Type drop down list. Four log types areavailable: Alarm, Exception, Operation,Information. Click the Search button. The search results will be displayed in a list on theright side of the menu (Figure 62). If there are more than 2000 entries, clickthe Prev Page or Next Page button to display more entries.

Figure 62. System Log Search Results


5. 6. 7. 8.

Select an entry to view more detail information about the entry. If applicable, you may also view the associated video to the selected log entryby clicking the Play button. Log files can also be exported onto a USB storage device. To export a log file,connect a USB storage device to the DVR, select the log files to export and clickthe Export button. Click the Done button to exit out of menu.

System menus on your DVR can be locked to prevent unauthorized local access. To lock and unlock system menus: 1. Enter the Lock Menus menu, shown in Figure 63 by going to Main Menu >Maintenance > Lock Menus.

Figure 63. Lock Menus Menu

Figure 64. Lock Menus Menu

2. 3.

4. 5.

If you select Administrator(see Figure 68),there is only Main menu you can choose to lock/unlock. If you select other users(see Figure 69),select the menus you would like to lock/unlock by selecting the Lock iconbeside the menus name in the list on the right. You may also choose to lockand unlock all settings or just recording settings by clicking on the correspondingbuttons (Unlock All Settings, Lock All Settings, Lock All RecordingSettings). Once a system menu is locked, access to that menu will only be granted afterthe correct Admin password is entered. Click the Done button to save settings and to return to the previous menu.

Note:In the Lock/Unlock Menu list, you cant modify menus if they appear dark grey. Note:Lock Menus menu is available when current user is Administrator.

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