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No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitte in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other Dedi c ati o n and electronic or Than ks Thisbook is mechani cal methods, compl ethe telyand without prior utt erlypermi dedics ated written sion from t publ he bottom of ofthe is her , my h eart except inthecase to... Samantha Baer ofbrie f T aylorand quotati onsthe embodied awesome incriticalreviews revi e wgasm she andcertainother Table of gave me.T o the noncommerci al Bl ogQueens, Contents uses permittedby wi thou PROLOGUEC a p e tr copyri ghtlthem aw . I h Thi s woul d 1C h a p e tr 2 notofknow C h a p e tr is a work ficti o n. what the hell C to 3C h a p e tr 4 h a p e tr

what the hell C to 3C h a p e tr 4 h a p e tr Names, characters, read! Maryse 5C h a p e tr 6 h a p e tr places, and C at http://www , 7C h a p e t 8 r C h a p e t r incidents are the Lori 9Ch apter 10 Ch apter products of ahttp://lorisbookblog.blogspot.comand 1 1 Ch apter the author' s Minha (Brazilian 12 Ch apter imagi nati on or are Girl) for all her 14 Ch apter used fic titiousl y .Any support! 15 Ch apter resembl ance to Life 16 Ch apter actual events, 17 Ch local es,apter or i s Ch ab ou t liv ing 18 apter persons, living or e v e r y s i n g l e 19 Ch apter dead, is entirely m o m e n t l i k e i t ' s 20 Ch apter coincidental.Book y oCh u Desi rapter lg a t. If you 21 Cover ns by t re a apter t o e ach 22 Ch okaycreati Editor g oCh od bye, 23 apter e aCh ch h ello, each 24 apter h uCh g ,apter 25 26 Ch apter 27 Ch apter each day, and 28 Ch apter29 each kiss like it was your last...

how amazing would each moment oo u r life be? Thank you all for waiting so patiently for Saving Grace (and some of you not so patiently , Il o ved yourdaily sl e ekfeathered messages!) And raven.Itshead thank youallfor tiltedup taki ngachance towards meas on an e author iftoIndi say hel lo. ,who can' twri te a lick of Ithad secrets words, but too. Foldin gmyloves to tell stories... legsbeneath me,Islowlysat downonthe road,meeting thebirdsblack gaze. "Whatare youdoing here?Areyou

inabird hospitalina comatoo?"I joked. The damn bird cawed at me loudly and bird hopped closer."Okay , you'reapretty birdandall,but seriously ,ifyou comeany closertome withthat sharp- assbeak I'mgoingto kickyouhard," Isaid. Thebird tilteditslittle birdyheadat meagainand flewawayina cloudofsoft

black feathers, raindrops and wind.I watched the bird spread its giant wings and soar through the rain toward the direction I wa heading.In thedistance,I couldmakeout theshadowy shapesof buildingsthat weren'tthere before. " W o n d e u r f.l T h a n k s b r d i. T h a m tu s b te h te Secret Garden m b e a u I n s d t Mary freaking

Lennox . Fan-r e a k i n g tastic ."Istoodup, withmyhands onmyhips, raindrops continuedto blasttheirlittle electricspikes oheatontomy face.Ichewed atmylowerlip, wonderingifI shouldjust walkinthe opposite direction. I hadn't even thought up a plan yet. I had no idea where the hell I was.

Was I dead? I couldn't be. When I stood completely motionless, I could stil hear the sharp beeps and hisses of the life suppor machines hooked up to my body somewhere. Low somber sounds just a breath above the desert silence.M y h e a d s w a m w h tid z iz y n ig h to u g h s t. T h e a s s a u t o lh f te

r a n io n m y s k n i s e n t b u r s s to f s h e e adrenaline just underneath the surface. What am I going to do if the archangel Gabriel was here?o w d o I fight against him? The raven reappeared and circled high above me. My lives would be complete if it crapped onme,

seriously . Without thinkingmore aboutit,my legsstarted moving.Long stridesoverthe wetdesert sand.I figuredI wouldneedto dealwiththings astheycame. Onefootin frontofthe otherwasa sayingI've lived byfor centuries.But thisnonsense hastoend. Thelet'sdrag Selah's
s t ee r t sy t sud ehT gn i n w ord of color.T eh p r ahs duo l A

e lhi u hb guo eh rh t t d rl a u w ost dek l a w I .w on spo t s pecxe de t r esed ere w heb nus eh t f o desaec spo r dn i a r noc f o y t i c eh l t la m s nes l u f re w o A p . yad d f h as o t aed e t m e e h de g tn ro elta ft u lh es t Ii . sgn i d l i ub eh t f o s w odahs e s v eir u l ta se r u cte ah er t c f o l i ve eh t w enk I ecn i s f de t pu r e m ae r cs

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