2013 Guidelines For The Preparation of The Senior Honors Project/Thesis

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2013 Guidelines for the Preparation of the Senior Honors Project/Thesis

Including Deadlines Procedures Example Pages

John V. Roach Honors College 1016 Scharbauer Hall TCU Box 297022 Fort Worth, TX 76129 817.257.7125


I. GENERAL STATEMENT To complete Upper-Division Departmental Honors, students must complete a research or creative project and submit a final paper, the Senior Honors Thesis, in their major field of study. These projects/Theses represent the highest level of undergraduate research and creative activity at Texas Christian University. Until May 2012, hard copies of Senior Honors Theses were archived in the Special Collections section of the Mary Couts Burnett Library. Students graduating in December 2012 and later will have their Theses posted as PDF documents on the TCU Librarys online Catalog. These guidelines are intended to help you complete your project and Thesis. If you do not adhere to these guidelines and other Departmental Honors requirements, the Honors College may not accept your Thesis. If you have any questions not answered in this guide, please contact an Honors College academic advisor: 1016 Scharbauer Hall, 817.257.7125. II. REGISTRATION Students who are pursuing Upper-Division Departmental Honors must submit their Honors Project/Thesis Registration Form by mid-semester of the long semester (fall/spring) prior to their graduation. Please see the last page of this guide for the Honors Project/Thesis Registration Form. The Honors College office (1016 Scharbauer Hall) also has registration forms available. Deadline to submit the Honors Project/Thesis Registration Form: Graduation Semester Spring (May) 2013 Summer (August) 2013 Fall (December) 2013 Spring (May) 2014 Summer (August) 2014 Fall (December) 2014 Deadline to Submit Registration Form October 15, 2012 October 15, 2012 March 15, 2013 October 15, 2013 October 15, 2013 March 15, 2014


III. PROJECT DEADLINES Students and faculty committee members should adhere to the following project/Thesis deadlines: (These deadlines are subject to change.) Student submits final Thesis online by 5:00 p.m. on May 3, 2013 Dec. 6, 2013 May 2, 2014

Graduation date

Student submits draft to committee by April 5, 2013 Nov. 8, 2013 April 4, 2014

Committee returns draft to student by April 19, 2013 Nov. 22, 2013 April 21, 2014

Honors College must approve formatting by May 1, 2013 December 4, 2013 April 30, 2014

May or August 2013 December 2013 May or August 2014

IV. TIMETABLE TO COMPLETE PROJECT/THESIS Most successful Senior Honors projects require, from start to finish, far longer than one semester to complete; therefore, it is essential that you begin work on your project/Thesis well before your graduation semester. Typically, students enroll in the junior-level research course in the spring of their junior year. For example, an English major would enroll in ENGL 30003 Junior Honors Seminar in the spring of his/her junior year. The professor usually awards a final letter grade at the end of the semester in which the student takes the junior-level research course. The professor assigns the final letter grade based upon the students making sufficient progress on his/her project. The timeline for enrolling in the junior-level research course is sometimes flexible, depending upon individual students schedules and each academic departments policies. Students who have questions about when to enroll in the junior-level research course should meet with an Honors College academic advisor (1016 Scharbauer Hall, 817.257.7125). Students who graduate in May typically enroll in the senior-level research course in the fall of their senior year. For example, an English major would enroll in ENGL 40003 Senior Honors Seminar in the fall of his/her senior year. The professor will award an Incomplete grade (I) at the end of the fall semester. When the student submits the final Thesis at the end of the subsequent spring semester (i.e., the students graduation semester), the professor will change the I grade to the final letter grade. The Registrars Office waives the usual March Removal of I deadline for Senior Honors Projects. It is the students responsibility to obtain a Removal of I form from the Registrar's Office in Sadler Hall and take it to his/her Supervising Professor. V. COMMITTEES A faculty committee, which is comprised of a Supervising Professor and two additional


faculty members, provides guidance for students as they work on their Senior Honors projects/Theses. The Supervising Professor must be from the academic department in which the student is doing the project/writing the Thesis. The second faculty member should be from the students major department, and the third must be from outside the students major department. The student should ask the prospective committee members if they will serve on his/her Senior Honors Thesis committee. If they agree, they will sign the Honors Project/Thesis Registration Form, indicating that they understand the scope of the project and agree to its oversight. The student must present the Honors Project/Thesis Registration Form to the Department Chair for his/her signature, thus indicating his/her acknowledgement and acceptance of the committees membership. In order to clarify goals, timetables, and expectations, it is essential that the student meet with his/her three committee members at the outset of the project. It is also imperative that the student keep each of the committee members completely informed throughout the process. VI. IRB APPROVAL: HUMAN SUBJECT RESEARCH Texas Christian University and the Honors College are committed to excellence in teaching and research. Further, we are committed to ensuring that faculty and students follow the highest possible ethical standards when conducting these activities. Consequently, a student who conducts research involving human subjects must seek and gain approval from the Universitys established Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB is responsible for protecting the welfare and rights of individuals who are participants of any research conducted by TCU faculty, staff, or students. Researchers must obtain IRB approval prior to initiating an on- or off- campus project. The first step for students who want to obtain IRB approval for research involving human subjects is to discuss their proposed research with their Senior Honors Project Supervising Professor. To obtain further information about the IRB process and the necessary forms, please refer to the following web site: www.research.tcu.edu. VII. FINAL STEPS FOR COMPLETING THE SENIOR HONORS THESIS 1. Complete a draft of your paper and submit it to your committee by the draft deadline (see above for deadline). 2. Once your committee members return the draft to you, make the changes that they have suggested. 3. After you have made corrections and changes, e-mail your paper to the Honors College office (honors@tcu.edu). Additionally, set up a one-on-one appointment with an Honors College advisor. During the appointment, the advisor will check your paper for proper formatting (margins, font, spacing, etc.). (The Honors College does not check the content of your paper; we check only the format. Your faculty committee members review the content.)


4. Using an online submission system, submit your final Thesis. You should submit your paper only after your committee has approved your papers content and after the Honors College has approved your papers format. VIII. STYLE MANUALS You should use the appropriate style manual for your academic discipline. You should also obtain your committees approval of the particular writing style that you intend to use for your Senior Honors Thesis (e.g., APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.). Regardless of the writing style you use, it is imperative that you be consistent throughout your paper. Examples of style manuals: The Little, Brown Compact Handbook MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

Online style resources: TCU Writing Center: www.wrt.tcu.edu The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): owl.english.purdue.edu [NO www in web address]

IX. PERMITTED TYPEFACES Permitted typefaces (12-point font): Times New Roman (preferred) Cambria Arial Courier

Novelty styles are NOT permitted (unless you receive prior special permission from the Honors College). Examples of novelty styles: Brush Script MT, Ravie, Papyrus, SMALL CAPS, etc.


X. SPACING AND MARGINS Spacing: Double space the text of your paper. Do NOT quadruple space between sections. --Double space between sections. For additional spacing rules, consult one of the style books listed above. Margins: LEFT margin 1.5 inches RIGHT, TOP, AND BOTTOM margins 1 inch All charts, graphs, maps, and other illustrative material should also meet these margin requirements (i.e., 1.5 inches on the left and 1 inch on the right, top, and bottom). XI. PAGINATION You should number EVERY page of your paper, EXCEPT: --The title page (no page number) --The abstract (no page number) Use small Roman numerals (ii, iii, iv, etc.) for the preliminaries section, beginning with the approval page. --In the preliminaries section, begin numbering the approval page with the Roman numeral ii (two). The title page counts as page i (one); however, you do not put a number on the title page. --Approval page ii --Table of Contents iii --List of Tables iv (if you have a List of Tables) --List of Illustrations v (if you have a List of Illustrations) --Acknowledgements vi (if you have an Acknowledgements page) Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 24, 25, 26, etc.) for the rest of the paper, including the: --Text/body --Illustrations --Appendix --Bibliography (or List of References or Works Cited) However, do NOT put a page number on the abstract page. You should have a page number on EVERY page, except the title page and the abstract. When numbering pages, do NOT use letter suffixes such as 10a, 10b, etc. For the Introduction, begin with the Arabic numeral 1 (one) and run consecutively to the end of your paper (EXCEPT do NOT put a page number on the abstract page). Place page numbers at the right margin, inch from the top of the page.


XII. ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS OF THE MANUSCRIPT Be sure your paper includes all of the required components, and be sure that they are in the proper order. A manuscript generally has three main parts: 1) the preliminaries, 2) the text, and 3) the reference material. The order of these is usually as follows: 1. The Preliminaries (Do not include the words The Preliminaries in your paper.) a. Title page (See the example title page below.) --Do not include a Roman numeral/page number on this page. --Even though you do not put a number on this page, it counts as page i (one). --Do not bold text on the title page. b. Approval page (See the example approval page below.) --Begin page numbering with Roman numeral ii (two) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). --List your three committee members and their post-nominal letters and department. Examples of post-nominal letters include Ph.D., M.D., M.F.A., M.B.A., J.D., etc. c. TABLE OF CONTENTS (See the example TABLE OF CONTENTS page below.) --Vertically center the words TABLE OF CONTENTS at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (TABLE OF CONTENTS). --Underline the words Table of Contents (TABLE OF CONTENTS). --Do NOT bold the words TABLE OF CONTENTS. --Do NOT include the Table of Contents as a section of your paper (i.e., do NOT list Table of Contents in your actual Table of Contents). --The first item in the Table of Contents should be the Introduction. --Indent subcategories; do not number them. --Place iii (i.e., Roman numeral three) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). d. LIST OF TABLES (This is an optional section; if you include a LIST OF TABLES, then follow the guidelines below.) --Vertically center the words LIST OF TABLES at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (LIST OF TABLES). --Underline the words List of Tables (LIST OF TABLES). --Do NOT bold the words LIST OF TABLES. --Indent subcategories; do not number them. --Place iv (i.e., Roman numeral four) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). e. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (This is an optional section; if you include a LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, then follow the guidelines below.) --Vertically center the words LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS at the top of the


page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS). --Underline the words List of Illustrations (LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS). --Do NOT bold the words LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. --Indent subcategories; do not number them. --Place v (i.e., Roman numeral five) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). f. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (This is an optional section; if you include an ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section, then follow the guidelines below.) --Double space the entire ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section. --Indent the first line of each paragraph in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section. --Vertically center the word ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS). --Underline the word Acknowledgements (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS). --Do NOT bold the word ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. --Place vi (i.e., Roman numeral six) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). 2. The Text (Do not include the words The Text in your paper.) This is the body of your paper. a. INTRODUCTION --Double space this section. --Vertically center the word INTRODUCTION at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (INTRODUCTION). --Underline the word Introduction (INTRODUCTION). --Do NOT bold the word INTRODUCTION. --Begin page numbering with 1 (Arabic numeral one) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). b. Main body of paper --Double space this entire section. --Headings: use headings to denote the main divisions (i.e., the main points/main categories). --Subheadings: use subheadings to denote the subdivisions (i.e., important subpoints, important subcategories). --Regardless of the format/style you use for headings and subheadings, BE CONSISTENT throughout your paper (i.e., always use a matching style/format for every main heading; same goes for every subheading). --Continue page numbering with Arabic numerals (2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) in the top right corner of each page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). 3. References Section a. APPENDIX (optional section)


--If you have more than one appendix, use this format: APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, APPENDIX C, etc. --Vertically center the word APPENDIX at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (APPENDIX). --Underline the word Appendix (APPENDIX). --Do NOT bold the word APPENDIX. --Place the appropriate Arabic numeral (e.g., 28, 36, 41, etc.) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). b. NOTES (Depending upon the style you use, you may or may not need a NOTES section.) --Vertically center the word NOTES at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (NOTES). --Underline the word Notes (NOTES). --Do NOT bold the word NOTES. --Place the appropriate Arabic numeral (e.g., 28, 36, 41, etc.) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). c. BIBLIOGRAPHY, LIST OF REFERENCES, REFERENCES, WORKS CITED, etc. --Vertically center the word BIBLIOGRAPHY or words LIST OF REFERENCES (or just REFERENCES) at the top of the page (1 from top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (BIBLIOGRAPHY or LIST OF REFERENCES). --Underline the word Bibliography (BIBLIOGRAPHY) or the words List of References (LIST OF REFERENCES). --Do NOT bold the word BIBLIOGRAPHY or the words LIST OF REFERENCES. --Place the appropriate Arabic numeral (e.g., 28, 36, 41, etc.) in the top right corner of the page ( from top of page, aligned with the right margin). d. ABSTRACT (unnumbered page) --The abstract is the last page of your paper. --Although you do not put a page number on the Abstract page, you should still list the Abstract with its respective page number in your Table of Contents. --The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise summary of your paper for potential readers. In most cases, the abstract will be to 1 page (i.e., no longer than one page). --Double space this entire section. --Indent the first line of each paragraph. --Write the abstract in paragraph format (i.e., do NOT simply list the main points of your paper with bullet points). --Vertically center the word ABSTRACT at the top of the page (1 from


top of page). --Use ALL CAPS (ABSTRACT). --Underline the word Abstract (ABSTRACT). --Do NOT bold the word ABSTRACT. --Do NOT put a page number on the ABSTRACT page. --DO list the Abstract and its respective page number in your Table of Contents.


Example Title Page


by Student's Name

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Departmental Honors in the Department of ________________ Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas

Use the date that the paper is due in the Honors College.


ii Example Approval Page


Project Approved: Include professors postnominal letters and name of his/her department.

FirstName LastName, Ph.D. Department of __________________ (Supervising Professor) FirstName LastName, Ph.D. Department of __________________ FirstName LastName, M.F.A. Department of __________________

Example Table of Contents #1 ALL CAPS TABLE OF CONTENTS

iii Use tab leaders for the dots.

GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE SENIOR HONORS PROJECT/THESIS ..............................................................................................................2 GENERAL STATEMENT ..................................................................................................2 REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................2 PROJECT DEADLINES .....................................................................................................3 TIMETABLE TO COMPLETE PROJECT/THESIS ..........................................................3 COMMITTEES....................................................................................................................3 IRB APPROVAL: HUMAN SUBJECT RESEARCH ........................................................4 FINAL STEPS FOR COMPLETING THE SENIOR HONORS THESIS .........................4 STYLE MANUALS ............................................................................................................5 Examples of Style Manuals .....................................................................................5 Title Case Online Resources .....................................................................................................5 PERMITTED TYPEFACES................................................................................................5 Permitted Typefaces.................................................................................................5 Not Permitted ...........................................................................................................5 SPACING AND MARGINS ...............................................................................................6 Spacing .....................................................................................................................6 Margins ....................................................................................................................6 PAGINATION .....................................................................................................................6 ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS OF THE MANUSCRIPT ..................................................7 The Preliminaries .....................................................................................................7 Title Page .....................................................................................................7 Approval Page ..............................................................................................7 Table of Contents .........................................................................................7 List of Tables ...............................................................................................7 List of Illustrations .......................................................................................7 Acknowledgements ......................................................................................8

Page number from top; aligned with right margin.


The Text ...................................................................................................................8 Introduction ..................................................................................................8 Main Body of Paper .....................................................................................8 References Section ...................................................................................................8 Appendix ......................................................................................................8 Notes ............................................................................................................9 Bibliography or List of References ..............................................................9 Abstract ........................................................................................................9

Example Table of Contents #2 TABLE OF CONTENTS


INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1 Be sure that the page numbers listed in the Table of Contents correctly reflect the page numbers in your paper! MAIN TOPIC ......................................................................................................................2 MAIN TOPIC ......................................................................................................................4 Subtopic ...................................................................................................................5 MAIN TOPIC ......................................................................................................................5 Subtopic ...................................................................................................................6 MAIN TOPIC ......................................................................................................................7 MAIN TOPIC ......................................................................................................................9 Subtopic .................................................................................................................10 Subtopic .................................................................................................................11 MAIN TOPIC ....................................................................................................................12 Subtopic .................................................................................................................14 Subtopic .................................................................................................................15 MAIN TOPIC ....................................................................................................................16 Subtopic .................................................................................................................16 "Sub"subtopic ............................................................................................17 "Sub"subtopic ............................................................................................17 Subtopic .................................................................................................................18 "Sub"subtopic ............................................................................................18 "Sub"subtopic ............................................................................................19 Subtopic .................................................................................................................20 "Sub"subtopic ............................................................................................21 "Sub"subtopic ............................................................................................22 MAIN TOPIC ....................................................................................................................23 MAIN TOPIC ....................................................................................................................27 MAIN TOPIC ....................................................................................................................30 APPENDIX A ....................................................................................................................33 APPENDIX B ....................................................................................................................34 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................................35 ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................37


Due date: If graduating in May or August, this form is due by October 15 of the semester before graduation. If graduating in December, this form is due by March 15 of the semester before graduation. Submit the completed form to the Honors College office 1016 Scharbauer Hall. By submitting this completed form to the John V. Roach Honors College, I am registering my intent to complete a Senior Honors Project/Thesis toward completion of Departmental Honors in
Academic Department (available for majors only; not minors)

Name: E-mail Address: Phone #: Major(s): Dec. May Aug.


Anticipated Graduation Date (check one): Tentative Project/Thesis Title:


1 of 2

Description of Proposed Project:

(If you need more space for your project description, please attach an additional page.)

We agree to serve on the committee for the above-described project:

Project/Thesis Committee 1. Supervising Professor 2. Committee Member (in-department) 3. Committee Member (out-of-department) Name Printed E-mail Address Signature Date

I accept this committees membership:

Name Printed Department Chair After I have completed and submitted my Senior Honors Thesis, I herewith give the John V. Roach Honors College permission to make it available online through the Mary Couts Burnett Library, where it will be available to the public. Students signature:
2 of 2

E-mail Address




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