God's Authority Vs False Standards of Authority

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Introduction: A. In our previous lesson we discussed the need for authority in religion and the need to appeal to Gods authority instead of mans authority B. In this lesson we want to continue this theme by looking at the fact that Christ has all authority today, God is strict concerning submission to his authority, we can all understand Gods will and authority, and then examine some false (common) standards of authority Body:


A. Matt. 28.18, Jesus declared He has ALL authority 1. Not just in Heaven 2. But on Earth as well! 3. Many teach that Jesus is the head in heaven, but that some man/person fills the role of head here on earth (e.g. the Pope) B. Heb. 1.1-2, God the Father declared Christ has ALL authority 1. In times past God revealed His Will through the prophets 2. Today Gods Will has been revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ! 3. In accordance with Gods Will is the same as saying by the authority of God C. 1 Cor. 14.37, the apostles declared Christ has ALL authority (cf. 1 Cor. 2.11-13; Eph. 3.1-6; John 14.26; 16.12-15) 1. Yes, the apostles (inspired men) wrote the New Testament 2. But, they did not claim ownership to the things being written 3. They declared the things they wrote were the commandments of the Lord! D. The Bible is Gods final and complete revelation to man 1. 2 Tim. 3.16-17, by use of the Holy Scriptures in the Bible we can be complete and have everything we need to be pleasing to God 2. Jude 3, the Bible is Gods complete and final revelation to mankind 3. Acts 4.12, there are no other revelations, writings or names by which we can be saved

A. God means what He says and says what He means! 1. Deut. 4.2; Rev. 22.18-19, he commands us not to add to nor take away from any of His commands 2. 2 John 9, he also warns that if we do not stay within the bounds of the doctrine of Christ we then we do not belong to Him B. Examples of Gods strictness 1. Gen. 2.16-17; 3, Adam and Eve ate of the fruit and were driven from the Garden of Eden 2. Lev. 10.1-2, Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire which they had no authority to do and were killed (cf. Lev. 16.12) 3. Num. 20.7-12, Moses struck the rock and was not allowed to enter the Promised Land


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Gods Authority vs. False Standards of Authority

4. 2 Sam. 6.6-7, Uzzah touched the Ark of the Covenant and died, for it was not to be touched (cf. Exod. 25.14-15; Num. 4.15)


A. Can we understand the Bible? Many think the Bible cannot be understood 1. Eph. 3.4, we are told we can understand Gods Word 2. Eph. 5.17, we are commanded to understand Gods Word. Only those who are purposefully trying to be foolish will not understand it 3. It would be silly to say that God would give us a book to read, believe and obey and then make it too hard to understand! B. However, understanding might require some study. Yes, we can understand the Bible, but it is not as easy to understand as a book from a first grade classroom 1. 2 Tim. 2.15, understanding the Bible requires diligent effort 2. 2 Pet. 3.16, And, some parts are going to be more difficult than others 3. People need to understand that anyone and everyone can understand the Bible correctly, given the proper attitude, without some kind of special gift from God C. Having shown that Christ has all authority, that His authority is found in the New Testament and that we can understand the Bible if we are willing to study, lets look at some false standards of authority





A. Conscience 1. Far too often in religious matters people let their conscience be their guide. Conscience is that which tells us whether we are doing right or wrong, based upon what we have been taught 2. Prov. 14.12, but, we need to understand that personal experiences and feelings can lead one astray 3. Acts 23.1; 26.9, take the apostle Paul for example. He had always lived with a good conscience. But, he himself said he did things that were contrary to Jesus B. The wisdom of men 1. Men can be wrong! Our faith must not rest in our own thinking or in the wisdom of other people 2. Gods ways and mans ways are different a) 1 Cor. 2.5, therefore, our faith should not rest in people, but in God b) 1 Cor. 1.21, we cannot come to know God by the wisdom of men c) Jer. 10.23, man does not have the ability to walk down lifes road in and of himself d) Matt. 15.8-9, serving God according to the teachings of men makes our service to God vain and void, worthless and useless 3. If people would understand this, they would eliminate all man-made creed books that practically every denomination has. Gods only creed is the Bible! C. The majority 1. The majority of the people can be wrong! Just because the majority may do a thing does not make it right 2. 1 Pet. 3.20, there were only eight people saved in the ark 3. Matt. 7.13-14, 21-23, Notice that many will follow that broad way that leads to destruction and will be asked to depart from the presence of the Lord in judgment


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Gods Authority vs. False Standards of Authority

D. Parents / Family 1. Matt. 10.37, many want to follow the traditions handed down from their parents. They believe and practice things simply because their parents did. Our parents are a false standard of authority 2. Phil. 2.12, salvation is the result of an individual making the decision to become a Christian and then as an individual examining the Bible and practicing what it says 3. Gal. 1.13-14, again, take the apostle Paul for example. Paul persecuted the church because he was zealous of the traditions of his fathers E. The Law of Moses 1. The Law of Moses was meant to be temporary a) Gal. 3.16, 19, 23-25, the Law of Moses was to be in effect until Christ came b) Col. 2.14; Heb. 8.7-9, the Law of Moses was not perfect and needed to be replaced c) Eph. 2.15; Heb. 9.15-17, Christs death on the cross made the Law of Moses obsolete 2. As a result we no longer are to keep the Sabbath, burn incense, offer animal sacrifices and other commands under the Law of Moses 3. Having said this we need to understand the proper place of the OT a) 2 Tim. 3.14-17, It is inspired by God and we believe it b) Rom. 15.4; 1 Cor. 10.11, we need to learn from it c) It is still needed and beneficial for us today Conclusion: A. False standards of authority keep people from understanding and doing the Lords will! B. The standard of authority for today is Christs will, or the New Testament C. John 12.48; Rom. 2.16, in the Judgment Day to come, we will be judged by the gospel of Christ (cf. 2 Cor. 5.10)

John R. Gentry, www.HaveBibleWillPreach.com For audio and other study helps visit http://sierraleone.havebiblewillpreach.com Originally aired on BBN in Freetown, Sierra Leone on 2008.12.21


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