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Sex is Pure

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Sex right here and right now!

Our goal is to connect people who are looking for sex. You wont have to create a prole or waste time chatting about sexual preferences and whether or not they are ready to meet up.

What Is Pure?

Our teams core tenet is that no one person should be expected to be everything for another. We believe its natural for everyone to feel a powerful sense of attachment to a long term partner while feeling intense romantic love for somebody else and atthe same time, and feeling sexually attracted to a diverse range of people. We would like it to be all about exploring different dynamics with different people sexual, emotional, psychological and spiritual. Government, society, and religion have oppressed human sexuality in the past and continue to do so to this day. It's time to make a radical change and get people back the joy of a regular and diverse sex life. We are certain that gender, sexual activities, or the number of participants in sexual relations should not be externally regulated. Some people are looking for just one partner, while others want to explore and enjoy. It's your choice, and Pure helps you act on it!

What Problem Do We Solve?

Developments inMobile Technology should have eased the connections between people, but hypocrisy and traditional approach toonline dating have made itdifcult and ineffective tond apartner for sex right here and right now. Existing dating services and apps are built around proles and chats, and require investing alot oftime searching for what you want. This isawell known problem tosexually active people, regardless oftheir orientation, sexual preferences, and marital status.

How is the problem currently being solved?

Online dating


Online forums, BBS


Porn, Cam Sites


Clubs, Bars

Saunas, Arcades, Dark rooms


Whats wrong with these solutions?

Online dating and forums
One wastes time due tothe lack offocus onsex one person wants tond love, another wants tomeet for coffee, orisjust bored and wants tochat. You spend valuable time guring out the possibility ofmeeting, sexual preferences, and logistics with each candidate. They lack asimple tool for determining mutual attraction. Asynchronous communication isineffective.

Escort services need tobeplanned inadvance, inthe morning for the night, orfor the next day.

Porn and Cam Sites

Sex life consisting mainly ofmasturbation and virtual sex have anegative inuence onones self-esteem and psychological state.

Clubs and Bars

Waste oftime and money for searching apartner and talking him/her into sex, and often have unpredictable results.

Saunas, Arcades, and Dark Rooms

There isnever aguarantee you will nd anacceptable partner, possibly wasting your time and money.

The Market
Our target audience issexually active people with smartphones/tablets, who are using dating services, watching porn, buying pleasure products and escort services.
By2015, the number ofsmartphone users globally will surpass 2B people. Grindr: 6M
dating service, 2013

Badoo: 177M
dating service, 2013





Escort services

Adult Entertainment Industry

Pleasure Products

Online dating

We provide a service that connects people looking for immediate sex. Focus on Sex
Pure connects its members based on their desired sexual activities and ability to host/travel.

Ease and Simplicity

The search starts within seconds. Mutual attractions are dened simply by pressing YES/NO.

Requests and photos are only visible to those with matching search criteria.

Using a required feedback mechanism, Pure will block those who don't show up for arranged meetings, use misleading pictures, and violate the terms and conditions.

Business Model
To use Pure, one needs to buy a pass that allows a member to submit unlimited sex requests for 24-hours.
Passes are sold through In-App purchase. The suggested pass price is $9.99.

We project active users to purchase 2+ passes per month.

We will make a decision on expanding pass options, ie. weekend/monthly pass, based on traction.


Go to Market Plans
We will form a waiting list and determine the best trafc sources based on CAC and conversion rate.

After launching in AppStore (August 2013) we will start a promotion campaign, involving opinion leaders from thesex-positivemovement.
The geographic distribution of people on the waiting list, will help us decide which city/cities for the pilot launch.


The Team
Co-founders Advisor/Consultant

Roman Sidorenko

Alexander Kukhtenko

Carol Queen

Pure currently has a team of 10 people working on the project.


May 2012-February 2013, San Francisco

Hypothesis testing, interactive prototype

Design, reality-check

Timeline and Activities

March-June 2013

iOS app development


Backend development

Website design and development + waiting list

Waiting list development

June 20013 - August 2013

Waiting list lling up

Determining the best trafc sources via CAC and conversion rates

August 2013 - October 2013

Pilot launch in the USA (New York, San Francisco)

Hypothesis checking


We Are Straightforward

Choose your desired sexactivities

Specify if you can host or travel

Select those who you nd attractive and see if it's mutual


We Are Focused

We connect people by matching sex requests

The request is live till the moment of partner selection, or a maximum of 1 hour

You only see those who want the same things as you, are nearby, and are up for a meeting right now

The selection tool matches based on the ability to host or travel


We Are Confidential

No proles or names

To see others' requests, you have to submit your own

The photos are visible only to users with matching interests

The request, with the history of conversation and photos, will be automatically deleted within an hour.


We Know What We Want, and We Follow the Rules

Condential user feedback ismandatory and isused toban those who dont show upfor arranged meetings, use misleading pictures, orviolate the terms and conditions.

Thank you

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