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Cost of new equipment Disposal value Total Production for Cans Annual production or purchase needs Salary for Employees (3*(2000*12*1.18 + 2500) Cost of raw materials per can Other variable production costs per can Costs to purchase one can Required rate of return Tax rate Working Note 1 Make Vs. Buy

200000 40000 5500000 1100000 92460 25 5 45 12.00% 35.00%

Make Purchase price Variable Cost Employee Salary Total Cash Cost Annual Cash Saving (Before Tax) Annual Cash Saving (After Tax) Working Note 2 Annual Depreciation = (200000-40000)/5 = $32000 Tax Saving Due to Depreciation = 32000*.35 = 11200 330000 92460 422460 72540 47151

Buy 495000


Part 1 Annual cash flows over the expected life of the equipment Annual Cash Saving (Make vs. Buy ) Tax Saving Due to Depreciation Annual Cash Flow Part 2 Payback period 47151 11200 $58,351.00

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Payback period = Initial Investment/Annual Cash Saving = 200000/58351 = 3.43 Years Part 3 Annual rate of return Annual Cash Saving (Before Tax) Less: Depriciation Income before Taxes Less: Taxes Income After Taxes Beginning Investment Average Investment =(200000+40000)/2 Annual rate of return (Using Beg. Investment) = Income After Taxes/Beg Investment Annual rate of return (Using Avg. Investment) = Income After Taxes/Avg Investment Part 4 Net present value Year Cash Flow Initial Investment Annual Saving 0 -200000 1 58351 2 58351 3 58351 4 58351 5 58351 72540 32000 40540 14189 26351 200000 120000

13.18% 21.96%

Part 5 IRR Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 IRR Cash Flow -200000 58351 58351 58351 58351 98351 17.99%

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Salvage Value Total cash Flow PV factor @ 12% Present Value -200000 1 -$200,000.00 58351 0.892857143 $52,099.11 58351 0.797193878 $46,517.06 58351 0.711780248 $41,533.09 58351 0.635518078 $37,083.12 40000 98351 0.567426856 $55,807.00 NPV $33,039.37

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