EDUC 629 Technology Implementation Plan (TIP)

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Cindy Hinson EDUC 629

Hamlet County Public Schools

Educational Technology Plan 2013 -2017

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Cindy Hinson EDUC 629

Table of Contents
Vision, Mission, and Goals .. 3 Needs Assessment . 4 The Planning Process .. 5 State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures . 5 Environment .. 6 Engagement . 6 Application .. 7 Tools . 7 Results 8 Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and Strategies ... 8 Executive Summary .. 10

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Cindy Hinson EDUC 629

Vision, Mission, and Goals of Hamlet County Public Schools

Mission The mission of the Hamlet County Public Schools is to provide technological staff development for teachers and technological resources to teachers, parents, and students that can be used to prepare high school students with disabilities for the 21st century workplace or college setting regardless of disability, race, socioeconomic status, or national origin. Vision The mission of the Hamlet County Public School is to produce citizens that will live and work with morals, respect, compassion for themselves and others. All students will also become members of a workforce with the skills and abilities to problem-solve, communicate, and discover new information. Goals and Strategies 1. Provide teachers with professional development to integrate technology into lesson plans that will be relevant to the 21st century workplace and the college setting. a. Provide teachers with technological resources that can be used to afford students opportunities to use technology that will simulate usage in the college setting or the 21st century workplace. b. All teachers will participate in the education of students with disabilities and modify assignments to maximize the learning potential of each student. c. General education teacher will work closely with special education teacher to prepare lessons for students with disabilities to maximize each student s growth potential. 2. Provide schools with 21st century technological resources. a. Inventory all technological equipment, including hardware and software. i. Assess for needed repairs and updates needed. ii. Purchase any updates to existing software iii. Make minor repairs to any salvageable equipment iv. Purchase additional licenses for assistive technology programs such as Kurzweill 3000
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v. Purchase new equipment vi. Maintain equipment

Needs Assessment
Strengths What are the current strengths? 1. All of the EC teachers are getting professional development and acquiring resources for technological support for all students. 2. All schools currently have a technology facilator. 3. New teachers have numerous technological resources to share. Weaknesses What are the current weaknesses? 1. Veteran teachers will need professional development in the area of technology and ongoing support to maintain the continued success of the Plan. 2. General education teachers need professional development in planning and modifying lessons for students with disabilities. 3. Some of the hardware is in need of repair or outdated. 4. Software licenses have expired or software is outdated. 5. District will have to purchase some new technological equipment. Opportunities What are the future opportunities? 1. All students have the opportunity to make significant growth. 2. All students will have the opportunity to become successful in the workplace and/or college setting. 3. Teachers will have new resources to help students to become more independent and productive in the 21st century workplace. Threats What threatens those future opportunities? 1. Veteran teachers will not be willing to use the resources that have been provided. 2. Teachers will use computers as babysitters instead of ways to challenge students. 3. Budget constraints will not allow the district to buy new software and hardware needed to fully implement the technology plan.

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The Planning Process

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures
Grades 9-12 Sources of Information HS.SI.1 Evaluate resources needed to solve a given problem.

HS.SI.1.1 Evaluate resources for reliability. (Reliability can be determined by currency, credibility, authority, etc. depending on the curriculum topic). HS.SI.1.2 Evaluate resources for point of view, bias, values, or intent of information. HS.SI.1.3 Evaluate content for relevance to the assigned task.

Technology as a Tool HS.TT.1 Use technology and other resources for assigned tasks.

HS.TT.1.1 Use appropriate technology tools and other resources to access information (multi-database search engines, online primary resources, virtual interviews with content experts). HS.TT.1.2 Use appropriate technology tools and other resources to organize information (e.g. online note-taking tools, collaborative wikis). HS.TT.1.3 Use appropriate technology tools and other resources to design products to share information with others (e.g. multimedia presentations, Web 2.0 tools, graphics, podcasts, and audio files).

Research Process HS.RP.1 Design project-based products that address global problems.

HS.RP.1.1 Design global-awareness project-based products individually and collaboratively.

Safety and Ethical Issues HS.SE.1 Analyze issues and practices of responsible behavior when using resources.

HS.SE.1.1 Analyze ethical issues and practices related to copyright, not plagiarizing, and netiquette. HS.SE.1.2 Analyze safety issues and practices when using online resources (legal and criminal consequences, long-term career consequences of behavior).

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Blended Environment Teacher will provide face-to-face direct instruction to all students in an inclusion setting. o Tier 1- Students will begin independent assignments in Moodle (Students will break into 2 groups) o Tier 2-Teacher will continue differentiate instruction as needed and the group will work on assignments in Moodle o Tier 3 Special education teacher will continue with the lesson and modified assign student a modified version of the assignment on Moodle.

General education teachers and special education teachers will participate in a one week summer institute where they will learn collaborate and learn strategies to develop lesson plans to meet the needs of all learners in the inclusion classroom. o All teachers will participate in technological training of the SmartBoard, Moodle, Kurzweill 3000, iPad, InfuseLearning, and YouTube New teachers will be integrated into each group to add new ideas since they have the most recent training in technology through their degree programs. o Each grade level by subject area will meet monthly to share technological ideas and plan lessons for the upcoming month. Each school will build a Wiki so idea can be shared among schools. Each subject area will be responsible for a portion of the Wiki. Special education teachers will work with their grade level to make sure that lessons are differentiated and/or modified for students with special needs. o Technology training will become a part of the new teacher orientation Each teacher will check the technological equipment in their classrooms to make sure it is working. If it is not working, they will need to complete a work order form and submit it to the School Technology Facilitator. o All of the salvageable equipment repaired and update with the software that has been purchase by the district

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o Shortcuts will be created for Moodle, InfuseLearning and YouTube for ease of assess The school currently has 14 iPads in use o The district will budget to buy 100 more over the next 2 years o The school will use only free applications for the first 2 years unless it is preapproved for use on a teacher iPad for use on the SmartBoard Central office technology department will maintain technology equipment o Central office set will up remote access to complete updates and system checks on computers monthly

Application Tools
Moodle will be used as a virtual learning environment in home and at school. Google Docs will be implemented countywide for students and teachers. It is a free service that lets you create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys and share documents so that students and teachers can work on projects collaboratively. InfuseLearning is a virtual learning response solution that can be used on any device. iPad applicationso create a Wiki with applications used for all students o Each school will add favorite applications to the Wiki o This following site list iPad applications for students with special needs

General education and special education teacher will work together in the inclusion classroom. All teachers will be knowledgeable about differentiating and modifying lessons for students. Students will have the benefit of both direct instruction and technological integrated instruction. Students and teachers will have access to up-to-date hardware and software that will prepare them for college or the workforce in the 21 st century.
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Budget and Timetable for Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Measures Goal 1: Provide teachers with professional development to integrate technology into lesson plans that will be relevant to the 21st century workplace and the college setting. Objectives a. Provide teachers with technological resources that can be used to afford students opportunities to use technology that will simulate usage in the college setting or the 21st century workplace b. All teachers will participate in the education of students with disabilities and modify assignments to maximize the learning potential of each student. c. General education teacher will work closely with special education teacher to prepare lessons for students with disabilities to maximize each students growth potential. Person(s) Responsible Technology Department Projected Time Frame Ongoing

Curriculum Facilitator, Exceptional Childrens Program Specialist


General Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers


Goal 2: Provide schools with 21st century technological resources. a. Inventory all technological equipment, including hardware and software. Objectives i. Assess for needed repairs and updates needed. ii. Purchase any updates to existing software iii. Make minor repairs to any salvageable equipment iv. Purchase additional licenses for assistive technology programs such as Kurzweill 3000 Person(s) Responsible School Technology Facilitator District Technology Facilitator Projected Time Frame Ongoing Ongoing as needed

District Technology Facilitator

Ongoing as needed

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v. Purchase new equipment vi. Maintain equipment

District Technology Facilitator School/District Technology Facilitator

Over the next 3 years Ongoing

Technology Budget Account Name Computer Hardware Computer Software Equipment Repairs Professional Development Technology Support Total Amount $300,000 $100,000 $20,000 $10,000 $2,000 $432,000

Professional Development Plan

Lesson Plan 1 General Education and Special Education teachers will plan a math and English lesson for that incorporates the technology. The teachers will work together to modify the lesson based on the diversity within the class. The math teacher will plan a math lesson and the students will calculate the profits of a virtual lemonade stand. The reading teacher will plan a lesson and the students will create a virtual Facebook page for Tom Sawyer based on the information based on the book. The teachers will only complete the lesson in Block 1. (Note: Teachers will use pre-test before the lessons and post-test after the lessons to assess student learning.) Lesson Plan 2 The teachers will reconvene and talk about the lessons. They will discuss the things that went well and changes that could be made to make the lesson better. The teachers will make all of the changes and re-teach the lesson to the students that did not understand the assignment. Lesson Plan 3 The teacher will complete one last self-assessment and teach the lessons Block 2. At this time the teacher will share the lesson with other grade levels so the lessons can be modified for the particular grade and Common Core standard.

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Executive Summary
Crosswalk of Goals A goal comparison of the National Educational Technology Plan, the Educational Technology Plan for your state, and the Hamlet County Public Schools Strategic Plan.
National Educational Technology Plan ISTE Educational Technology Plan for (Scotland County Schools) Hamlet County Public Schools Strategic Plan

Learning: 1. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 1. Scotland County Schools goal is to evaluate sources of information and its relevance to the assigned task. 2. To use technology as a tool for note-taking, collaborative wikis, and design/share information with other. All students will be prepared to for the University, a community college or to enter the 21st century workforce.

3. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. 4. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Assessment: Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified

Design project-based models that address real-world problems.

Teachers will use pre-test before the lessons and posttest after the lessons to assess student learning.

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in the NETSS Teaching: 1. ISTEs goal is for teachers to promote student learning and creativity by engaging students in real world problems solving. 2. Teachers should also provide supportive environments both face to face and virtual where students can work in collaborative groups and demonstrate their abilities to utilize higher level thinking, planning and creative processes. Infrastructure: Digital Age Learning Culture Educational Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students. a. Ensure instructional innovation focused on continuous improvement of digital-age learning b. Model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning c. Provide learner-centered environments equipped with technology and learning
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Use appropriate technology tools and other resources to design products to share information with others (e.g. multimedia presentations, Web 2.0 tools, graphics, podcasts, and audio files).

1. Wireless-internet access throughout the district. 2. Multiple virtual labs throughout the district. 3. SmartBoards for classroom usage 4. Microsoft Office on all computers

1. Wireless-internet access throughout the district 2. Updated software 3. Well-maintained updated desktops and laptops 4. Moodle used throughout the school system 5. Google Docs will replace Microsoft Office

Cindy Hinson EDUC 629

resources to meet the individual, diverse needs of all learners d. Ensure effective practice in the study of technology and its infusion across the curriculum e. Promote and participate in local, national, and global learning communities that stimulate innovation, creativity, and digital age collaboration

Productivity: Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities Design global-awareness project-based products individually and collaboratively. Students will solve realworld case studies based on the issues that are occurring within and around the county such as high unemployment, poverty, increased high school drop-out rates. Students will also study issue and work on real-world solutions to some of the county problems to prepare them for college and the workforce.

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References James, R. K., & Lamb, C. E. (2000). Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Technology in Middle School Technology-Rich Environments: A Study of Implementation and Change. School Science & Mathematics, 100(1), 27.

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