Ren Ref Outline

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How important are Renaissance practices and idea to the reformation? Assess their impact and importance.

Humanist Ideology- specific idea of individualism, encouraged learning! Via-Moderna- new style of language, art, original documents, biblical Effects the leaders of the Renaissance Erasmus- new Greek testament- argues with Luther about what he says about Psalm A. Johan Oecolampadius- (from Basel) Reformed by Zwingli, a. Did not agree with the church and government interlocking b. Student tutor, human education(Hebrew, Latin Greek) c. Helped Erasmus with the Greek New Testament B. John Calvin- Educated in liberal arts, classics (Seneca) a. Greek and Hebrew along with law, effected b. Institution of the Christian Religion. Systematic (orderly, everything, logic) theology. C. Spread of the Reform faith- Aware of other humanist outside of their little countries a. Poland? b. Scottish Humanist went to Switzerland- (John Knox and George Wishart) c. Knox- modern man connected to this other faith-traveling back and forth- new humanist idead. Geneva- learned reformed teaching- got a humanist education. D. Dutch- (B of LC) Netherlands. a. Humanist teaching was disseminated (allowed everyone not just the elite) b. Printing in Antwerpopportunity for all to read. c. Sacramentarisansim- logical, systematic, intellectual Christianity d. Trained- comprehend 1.

In what sense was the emergence of the Anglican Church a Protestant revolt? Or was it really much more a secular phenomenon? Take the Story as far as the Elizabethan Compromise. The Anglican Church was a Catholic Revolt against the Popes Lordship. 1353- Act of Praemunire- Forbade any English subject from appealing to any foreign power or potentate. 1351 Statute of Proviso- happening long time. Henry 7th- Star Chamber tried nobles, church people and put them under the power of the king. Henry 8th- Catholic King- Defender of the Faith- 1521(Pope gave him this) Catholic Monarch- Chose to be raised in the church (not military) o English church Break- Married Catherine- no son- God didnt ordain this marriage o No marriage in the first place/ o Cant trust the pope for spiritual matters and kingly duties In Charles V pocket (Francis and Clement busted) army Charles is the nephew of Catherine o Pope Clement thought he was doing the right thing- peace. o Henrys marriage is wrong- his argument. Changed the Head of the churchPope/king. (bad idea) o Spoiled 376 monasteries- Pope o 100,000lbs in fines Treason vs Doctrine o Thomas Moore- executed for opposing Henry and supporting the Pope o Wosley- fined for supporting the pope Protestantism- after his death. o Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cranmer- Book of Common Prayer.

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