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Special Report

Israel Slaughters its Own Citizens

Prepared by

Mossawa Center
The Advocacy Center for Arab Palestinian Citizens of
Tel: 972-4-8528063

The Killing of Arab Citizens living in Israel by the Israeli


"All persons are equal before the law and are entitled
without any discrimination to the equal protection of the
law. In this respect, the law shall prohibit any
discrimination and guarantee to all persons equal and
effective protection"
(Article 26 International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, ICCPR)
We, the Arab community activists, local council
representatives, political party representatives, and
representatives of NGOs living in Israel, are deeply
concerned about the outrageous, violent violation of our
rights as citizens and as human beings. We are in need of
protection from the massive killing by Israeli forces.

Confrontation between Arab citizens in Israel and the

Israeli police has reached a powerful momentum.
Approximately one million citizens of Israel are not
receiving their rights simply because of their Arab
ethnicity. The Israelis' excessive use of force is a clear
reflection of Israel's violation of basic rights, including
movement, expression, and speech.

When do we, the Arab population appear on the agenda?

The answer to this question lies in the increasing
unemployment rates, poverty, deteriorated health
conditions, severe housing conditions, land expropriation,
and a diminished budget for education. All the conditions
listed above are the highest in the Arab population
worldwide, and the list keeps growing. What is next for
our people? What other obstacles do we have to endure
until we receive respect, equality, peace and justice?

It is time to reduce our frustration and that of our youth.

We are asking Barak's Government for the immediate
provision of equal access to develop our basic human and
civil rights for the Palestinian minority. We are asking
him for sufficient structural and financial support
necessary to develop our communities including;
expanding our jurisdiction to aid in natural development,
re-zoning lands where necessary, and equality for Arab
localities in developmental initiatives in comparison to
the Jewish communities.
The Israeli government refuses to recognize the
Palestinians as a national minority. The Israelis identify
the Palestinians in Israel as "Arab Israelis". This is a
tactic to deny the Palestinian people of their national
existence. The Israeli State doesn't intend on integrating
the Palestinian citizens, but instead, they are attempting
to place them in the margins of Israeli life by means of
negligence. In any degree, the Palestinian citizens are
denied from ruling and monitoring their lives. At the
same time, the Palestinian minorities are denied from
developing an individual, liberal Palestinian organization.

The Israeli government considers the Arab society as "the

enemy" in the continuing conflict between the Arabs and
Jews. Since 1948, Israel has been under emergency
regulations. Many laws written under the Legislative
Branch are still in effect toward the Arab citizens, as
stated in "BLACK OCTOBER"

*What kind of 'civil society' are we building in this military

state when nine young Palestinian citizens were killed
within a 24 hour time frame?

How did all this start ?

September 28th 2000

The right wing Likud leader, Ariel Sharon, accompanied by

3,000 military police, forcefully attempted to enter the
AKSA mosque, which is located on the eastern side of
Jerusalem. The AKSA is the third, sacred place in the
Islamic religion.
The police had brutally beat Arab citizens, including Arab
members of the parliament, who were trying to prevent
Sharon's entrance.

September 29th 2000

Friday is the most sacred day in the Islamic religion.
Every Friday, Muslims from all across the country
(including WB and Gaza), gather in the AKSA for prayer.
On Friday, September 29th, after prayer, the crowd
gathered outside the AKSA to protest Sharons visit.
During their protest, military forces attacked causing over
100 injuries and many fatalities.

September 30th 2000

The Supreme Follow Up Committee of Arab Citizens in

Israel declared a nationwide strike on the following day
(Oct. 1st), which was the Jewish New Year.
The news spread on the attempted entrance of the AKSA
by Sharon throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Demonstrations were organized and implemented
throughout the streets of WB and Gaza to express their
frustration and anger. While demonstrating they were
attacked by Israeli forces causing many fatalities and
severe injuries.
In the mist of the attack, a mere child, Mohammed Durrah
(age 12), was shot and killed in cold blood in his fathers
arms while hiding in a corner. Due to the worldwide airing
of the brutal murder of Mohammed Durrah and the
incident of the AKSA, the Arab citizens living in Israel
began demonstrations

Sunday October 1st Friday 6th 2000

Um El-Fahem- The municipality organized and

implemented a legal demonstration. At the main road,
police forces attacked the demonstrators by the use of
tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition; ten were
injured and three murdered. Those murdered are as
follows: Ahmad Ibrahim Siam, 19 years old, from
Mouawia; Mohammed Jabarin, 24 years old, from Um El-
Fahem and Mosleh Abu Jrad, 20 years old from Dir
The injured included the mayor of Um El-Fahem, Sheikh
Ra'ed Sallah, who encountered a blow to the face, by
Israeli forces, during the demonstrations.
The main road of Wadi 'Arrah was closed by the police
forces in response to the demonstrations. In reaction,
many towns and cities organized demonstrations to
express their sympathy and condemnation of the situation
in the WB, Gaza, and Um El-Fahem.

Arabeh (located in the Galilee)- A mass demonstration

turned into violent clashes when police forces began
firing shots at the demonstrators. These clashes lasted
many hours. Rubber bullets and tear gas, used against
the demonstrators, injured many and killed two
teenagers; Alaa Khaled Nasser and Asil Hasan Asleh from

Sakhnin- On the evening of October 2nd, citizens

demonstrated near an army camp, which was built on
Sakhnins' lands. During the demonstrations, two young
men were killed; Emad Faraj Ganaiem and Walid Abdil
Mone'm Abu Saleh.

Nazareth- A mass demonstration turned into all day

clashes. Tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition
were utilized by police forces. Due to the equipment
exercised by the police, ten were injured and taken to
local hospitals and one murdered; Iyad Saleh Lwabanie.
Police forces violently beat Dr. Nisreen Khoury and her
sister Ms. Khawla Khoury while they were standing in
solidarity with demonstrators in Nazareth. The two
sisters were beat with the back end of guns and batons;
they were threatened by police forces and kicked
repeatedly to an unconscious state. As bystanders came
to their aid, police forces randomly shot, point blank, at
On October 2nd, Dr A'amer Ramadan and his wife
attempted to visit a relative's home when their car was
shot at by police forces. Mrs. Ramandan was shot
numerous times, causing severe injuries to her chest and
arm. Dr. Ramandan exited the car, and pleaded for them
to hold fire and to call for assistance. They ordered him
to lie on the ground face down as they left the scene
without calling for assistance. Mrs. Ramadan has
undergone three operations and remains in critical
condition at Rumbum Hospital in Haifa.

Jatt (located in the Center)- A mass demonstration turned

into violent clashes when police began shooting at
demonstrators, that lasted all day. Live ammunition was
used by police, which resulted in the death of Hatem
Gara, 21 years old.

Majd El-Krum- A mass demonstration, which in turn

resulted in violent clashes with police forces, reached the
main road of Akko-Safad. More than 10 people were
injured, and one that required hospitalization from a shot
to the chest, point blank, from a rubber bullet, by police

Dir El-Assad (across the road from Carmel)-

Demonstrations and clashes were encountered resulting
in many injuries including severe burns from a fire.

Me'eliya (located in the upper Galilee)- Police arrived at

the scene as demonstrators blocked the main road for
more than an hour. Police forces kept their distance and
didn't attack the demonstrators leaving the
demonstration to disperse peacefully.

Kfr Kana- A mass demonstration/clash with the police took

place for many hours. Arab leaders asked the police to
keep some distance while they peacefully handled the
situation with demonstrators. The police forces didn't
agree and brutally attacked the Arab leaders, which
caused an increase in the violent clashes with the

Taibeh & Tirrah (in the Center)- Clashes with the police
resulted in two injuries and many arrests.
Yaffa-Tel Aviv- Clashes erupted as the police tried to
prevent demonstrations from occurring. As a result,
thirteen people were detained and more than sixteen
demonstrators were injured from tear gas & rubber
bullets that were used.

Laqiyah (in the Negev)- Huge demonstrations turned into

clashes with police forces.

Rahat (in the Negev) A mass demonstration turned into

clashes with the police forces. Due to the high level of
outrage, a large mass of demonstrators blocked the
entrances of the town by barricades & burning tires. The
police responded by the use of tear-gas, thrown from
HELICOPTERS, to silence the demonstrators.

Tamrah- A mass demonstration reached the entrance of

the city. The police attacked Arab citizens by the use of
tear-gas, rubber bullets & live ammunition. More than 20
demonstrators were injured.

Shefa'amer- A mass demonstration was held at the main

road between Shefa'amer and Nazareth. The police didn't
arrive at the demonstration, which allowed demonstrators
to express themselves and depart quietly.

Haifa- A mass demonstration was organized in the city of

Haifa, in the Arab neighborhood of Wadi Nisnas. More
than 500 people participated in the demonstration
allowing one of the main roads to jam, which caused
pressure and tension. The police intervened causing a
tremendous clash with the Arab citizens that lasted for
hours; 5 were arrested and 6 injured. The mayor of Haifa,
Amram Mitsnah, negotiated with his citizens in or to calm
matters down. In his efforts, he managed to release all
that were arrested at that time.

Jadyadee- Arab citizens demonstrated by chanting

slogans against northern police district commander, Alic
Ron. Demonstrations turned into wild clashes with police
that lasted late in the evening. Village elders arrived at
the sight and ordered the young demonstrators to return
home. After the demonstration cleared, eyewitnesses
reported that they saw 50 police officers, including
Special Forces and border police, enter the village from
the southeast corner. The police walked toward the
center of the village, through residential areas, and shot
randomly at cars and homes with live ammunition and
rubber bullets. They also used the back end of their guns
to break the windows to cars, parked on the main road.
In one notable incident, seven police officers, entered a
home, pointed a gun at the homeowner, poured coffee on
his wife, and kicked one of the guests. Residents called
the local police station for assistance and to report
property damages, but the police refused to help or end
the rampage.

The demonstrations set forth by all the towns, cities, and

villages signifies the need of the Arab youth to express
their anger and rage toward the unjustified treatment by
the Israeli government.

October 7th 2000

Taibiria- The ancient mosque in Tiberias, a well-known
historical site, was attacked and burned by a large group
of Jewish citizens. Ben Qariati, mayor of Tiberias, incited
the attack on the mosque when he stated that he
"Empathized with the anger of the Jewish youth."
(Translated from the Hebrew Media). This mosque was a
target of attack in the past and was rebuilt, one month
ago, by Arab citizens.
Also, in Tiberias, several Arabs were severely beaten by
groups of Jewish citizens, while police stood by and
refused to render aid.
As the violence mounted, Arabs citizens rendered
assistance to Jewish citizens who were injured in the
clashes, but NOT ONE Jewish citizen offered help or aid to
the Arabs who were beaten or otherwise injured.
Tel Aviv- Jaffa- Hasan Beiq, the main mosque in Tel Aviv-
Jaffa, was attacked by Jewish citizens by the use of
molotov cocktails. A violent clash erupted between police
forces and the Arab citizens that came to protect the

Hillel Iafeh hospital- The Jewish-run Hillel Iafeh Hospital

refused to treat seven injured Arab citizens of the village
of Kfar Kare. Administrators denied treatment on the
basis that their national health insurance would not cover
injuries caused by 'civil unrest.'

Hadera - The mosque in Hadera was set ablaze and

completely destroyed along with Arab-owned businesses
throughout the city by Jewish rioters while the police
stood by and watched without rendering aid or
attempting to put an end to the rampage.

Or Akive: An Arab-run clinic in Or Akiva, a Jewish city, was

also burned to the ground as a result of continuous Jewish
acts of violence toward Arabs.

Migdal Ha'aimech: Five Jewish Israelis pamphleteers

passed out pamphlets in the city of Migdal Ha'aimech,
near Nazareth, with the headline, "Coexistence is
Dangerous!" The pamphleteers asked merchants to
boycott Arab cities such as Nazareth, Jaffa, Kana, and etc.
in efforts to end business relations with Arab
establishments. The Jewish citizens also published phone
numbers for an existing hotline, which offers advice for
cutting relations with Arab businesses. The last lines of
the pamphlets included greetings for a Happy Yom Kippur.

Arab Municipal governments sent security forces to

protect synagogues in the Arab villages of Shefa'amer,
Kfar Yasif, and Beka'en, even though the synagogues had
not become a target of violence.

Mothers, fathers, and relatives wept as the world watched
and mourned the tragic murders of unarm civilians by
Israeli forces. All was quiet, calm, and dark as funerals
for the murdered took place in various Arab villages until

October 8th 2000 KIPPUR

Kippur is a holy Jewish holiday that is spent in silence. On

this particular holiday, transportation, communication,
and shops are completely shut down while Jewish citizens
spend the entire day in synagogues asking for

On the morning of October 8th at 2am, some 300 Jewish

rioters surrounded the home of parliament member, Azmi
Bishara, in Nazareth Elite (a predominantly Jewish
settlement built on the confiscated lands of Arab
residents in Nazareth).
The rioters, who stoned the home, were equipped with
torches and declared their intent to burn the home; in
addition, they were shouting "death to Arabs" and "we
will kill all the Arabs". Due to repeated threats in the
past, Mr. Bishara and his family were not home at the
time of the attack. This attack was part of a wave of
riots, which spread across the country. In addition, many
Arab citizens, most of them laborers at their place of
work, have been brutally attacked with knives; dozens of
injuries, some critically, have arrived at hospitals
throughout the country; and Arab-owned businesses have
been burned to the ground. Jewish rioters, in their violent
attacks, have blocked roads, junctions, burned tires, and
stoned police.

On October 8th, 2000, the evening of Kippur, two Arab

citizens of Nazareth were murdered and many others
injured by police forces when a mob of Jewish residents
from Nazareth Elite began attacks on the eastern
neighborhood of Nazareth. Live ammunition was one of
the methods used by the Jewish residents to attack
eastern Nazareth.
The victims of the brutal attacks were as follows:

1. Mohammad Omar Akkawi, 42 years old

2. Wisam Yazbak, 25 years old

The Jewish attackers' intent was to intimidate Arab

residents and scare them out of their homes in Nazareth.
Nazareth is known as the largest Palestinian town in the
state of Israel.

In addition to the use of live ammunition, the angry

mobsters reportedly hurled stones at Arab homes, fired
rubber-coated bullets and tear gas canisters at
Palestinian citizens. Due to these violent attacks, twenty-
five Palestinians were reported injured. Three of the
injured were placed in critical condition at Rumbum

The Jewish attackers were reportedly shouted

intimidating sayings such as, "death to the Arabs" and
"Get out of here." They also uttered blasphemous slurries
against Islam, the Qura'an and the Prophet Mohammed.

Police forces quickly arrived at the scene. Instead of

helping calm the current situation, the police aimed at the
Arab residents that were under attack, which escalated
matters for the worse. The Palestinians eventually
succeeded in repulsing the large Jewish mob, despite
police intervention on the opposing side. The police forces
DID NOT use live ammunition, rubber bullets, or tear gas
against the Jewish rioters.
Israeli's claim that a bullet found in the head of an Arab
that was murdered was a "special bullet", and that this
type of bullet is not used by their forces. They took the
bullet to be investigated by professionals.

October 9th 15th 2000

*The Mc David, in the center of the Carmel, was targeted
and attacked by a 19 year old Jewish solider by the name
of David Athar.
*A demonstration was held in Wadi Nisnas. During the
demonstration, five young right wing activists attacked
Arab demonstrators in Wadi Nisnas. To calm matters,
police intervened and arrested them.
*In the center of Carmel, during a left wing
demonstration, nearby civilians were shouting slang's
such as "Death to Arabs"!
*An Arab owned a travel agency and two restaurants
located downtown were attacked and severely damaged.
*As a result to the riots, ten Arabs and five Jews were
brought to court. The judge's verdict was to release the
Jews and imprison the Arabs for 5 days despite the
request of the arresting officers, which was to imprison
all the suspects.
*Activists from the Likoud Party published bumper
stickers that stated, "A Jewish women who marries an
Arab is a whore"
*During the graduation of the police academy, family
members of the graduates were shouting and yelling
against the Arabs.
*During a municipality council meeting, the mayor, Amram
Mitsnah, prevented A'men Ode, an Arab council member,
from speaking in Arabic. In that same meeting, Likoud
council members asked the Arab citizens, living in Israel,
to apologize for their peoples acts in recent days.

Jaffa Street in Haifa:

*On October 13th, two Israeli soldiers (new immigrants)
shot at Arab owned restaurants. One Arab, Fouad Asleh,
was severely injured from a bullet to the head. He was
placed in critical condition at Rumbum Hospital. Two
Jewish citizens were slightly injured. The two soldiers
were arrested when they returned to their army base in

Haifa Checkpost:
* Six Arab workers were brutally beaten by Jewish Rioters.
*An Arab owned corner-stand was severely damaged by a
Jewish rioter from Nesher.

*Jewish rioters burned an Arab restaurant. The incident
blocked the road to Yagur.
*Adnan Munsour, a retired Druzean military policeman
who now works as a tax driver, stopped to help two Jewish
youths in distress. They mercilessly beat him as he
pleaded for them to stop. He reported the incident to the
police but was ignored.
*Jewish rioters destroyed a banquet hall owned by an
Arab from Ibellin.
*Jewish rioters destroyed, mobbed, and set ablaze a
restaurant owned by Sami Mesareb from Besmet Tivon,
who serves in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). Sami is a
relative to one of the kidnapped soldiers in Lebanon by
*Ez El Dean Elkasam Tomb was violated by the breaking of
marble, and a minor fire was set.

*At the Kiryat Ata junction, 200 Jewish rioters attacked
the "Shawarma Khazen" own by Alfred Khoury, an Arab
entrepreneur. The restaurant's clients are mainly Jews.
The rioters used police batons, knives, and threw stones.
The damages to the restaurant and its property were
*The committee for Jewish defense, a right wing
organization, campaigned to force all Arab businessmen
to hang a Israeli flag over their businesses, if not, they
will be boycotted.

*Jewish rioters attempted to set ablaze the Zayttuna
mosque in the city.

*Due to the riots, three minors were arrested. The
defense motioned for their release on the basis of their
age and preparation for their begrot exams; the court
denied the motion.

*Jewish demonstrators broke and demolished Arab owned
commercial centers driving schools, dental clinic and

*Three brothers were arrested while delivering their
sister's engagement invitations. They were forced to
admit that they were throwing stones at police officers by
the placing a police dog in their cell. The brothers were
*Two Arab bank tellers, employed at Nazareth Elite bank,
were relocated to the main branch in Nazareth because
they were speaking in Arabic.
*A 38-year-old man was arrested on the charge of hiding
demonstrators in his home. The man was charged based
on Article #429 that was omitted from the law in the state
of Israel. An Arabic Judge due to the fact the law is NOT
exercised in the state of Israel anymore released him.

El Akbat Neighborhood in Nazareth:

*Mr. Francis Abu Khaloosh, an ambulance driver, was
driving to pick up an injured victim who has been shot by
rubber-coated steel bullets. Mr. Khaloosh was stopped by
police and forbidden to enter the neighborhood to
transport the victim.

*The electricity and water was shut down; Communication
services were also shut including fire, medical, and

Emergency Medical Service to Palestinians

Police prevented the national ambulance service Magen

David Adom from entering Palestinian villages in Israel
during the clashes. Local village ambulances were
delayed, re-routed, and even attacked by Israeli police
preventing the transport of injured individuals to
hospitals and endangering the lives of medical personnel.

Many Palestinian villages in Israel are not equipped with

an ambulance, the ones that do, are only equipped with
just one. With the exception of Nazareth, the Palestinian
villages do not have a hospital. Thus, the villages rely on
the national ambulance service, Magen David Adom, in
medical emergencies. However, during the clashes, MDA
ambulance service did not respond to many calls from
Palestinian villages. When private clinics in Arab villages
requested ambulance services, they were denied, on the
fact that, the Israeli forces would not allow entrance of
the vehicles.
The private clinics in Arab villages were forced to use
private cars to transport its most seriously injured to
hospitals outside the towns. Due to the prevention of
ambulance vehicles, private clinics were forced to treat
many individuals who were seriously injured without
adequate medical supplies and equipment.
Private Clinics and Ambulances volunteered their medical
assistance in the following cities:

*Um El -Fahem
*Jadyadee - Meker

Legal Proceedings:

More than 400 Arabs were arrested.

The imprisoned include:
?1 16 minors,
?2 100% handicap,
?3 A single female mother
?4 An ill child'

Court Summery:

*A minor from Um El-Fahem, 15 years old, was arrested

and charged with destroying a car window during
demonstrations. The minor was told during his
interrogation that a confession would not harm him
because of his age. Judge Hashen ruled that that the
minor will remain imprisoned at Telmond prison until the
legal proceedings are complete. The health of the minor is
weak. He is suffering from Mediterranean fever and
needs daily medication.

*Three minors, one from Nazareth and two from Excal,

were arrested and placed in Telmond Prison until the end
of proceedings. According to Hasan Abu Ahmed, their
lawyer, the three brothers were arrested while delivering
their sister's engagement invitations. While in custody,
Police Special Forces repeatedly beat them. It was stated
that a confession was forced out of them by placing a
police dog in the detention room. From fear, they
confessed that they were among the demonstrators
throwing stones at police forces. One of the brothers is
suppose to begin his medical studies at the Hebrew
University this fall.

*Mofeed Mahagney, a 32-year-old man from Yafeah, was

arrested without cause. According to his lawyer he was
driving and was unknowingly shot at by police forces to
stop. Through the window of his car, the police assaulted
him using the back end of their guns. During his assault,
his ear was struck, causing cartilage from the upper half
of his ear to be removed. His lawyer requested an
examination from the defense doctor. His request was
rejected; instead the police doctor ordered that there was
no need for treatment.

*Wisam Abu Azal, 22 year-old man from Yafeah, was

arrested until the end of legal proceedings. While in
custody, he was severely beaten causing a broken nose
and an injured skull. He was brought in front of the court
drenched in blood without treatment. The same violent
acts were exercised on Sayed Mitwelly from Nazareth.

*Three minors from Tamra put a partial house arrest.

*In Akko, the court decided to prolong the arrest of four

1. Eihab Halowany, 24 years old, was arrested on October
15th 2000. He is 100% handicapped. He was imprisoned
until the end of the legal proceedings.
2. Wisam Abas, 22 year old, was arrested on October 15th
2000. He is imprisoned until the end of his legal
3. Nada Abu Jelyat, a 26-year-old single mother of three
was arrested. She was sustained for 48 hours.
4. Falestin Khatib was shot by a rubber bullet in her leg
and then arrested. She was held for 24 hours and then
released on two conditions; 10,000-shekel bail was set in
which she paid herself and one-month house arrest.

*On Oct 15th 2000, two citizens from Kfar Beanney were
arrested at their place of employment in Nesher:
1. Mr. Daood Zaeyd
2. Mr. Hasany
As the men arrived at their jobs, they were surrounded by
a large Jewish mob that verbally assaulted and attacked
them. The two asked a police car that was patrolling the
area, for assistance. The Jews claimed that the Arab men
were throwing stones. At the end, the police arrested the
Arabs. Judge Averam, from the District Court of Haifa,
issued the two men a two-week work suspension.
Following the decision, the two employees were fired
them from their jobs.

*Charges were brought against more than 10 Arab

demonstrators, including three minors. In the District
Court of Nazareth, their pre-trial turned into a mass
demonstration and rioting. Judge Toren Azulie, from
Nazareth, decided to release them all and place them on
house arrest. The prosecution motioned for a delay in
order to present a stronger case, the motion was granted.
All the charged were placed in prison until final legal

*On October 15th 2000, five from Kfar Shab (located in

the Upper Galilee) citizens were arrested:
1. Wehal Kadura, 19 years old
2. Mohammed Meare, 23 years old
3. Nore Abu Diauf, 28 years old
4. Salim Hebe, 20years old
5. Musen Shadey, 26 years old
The police requested that they be held in custody until

*The prosecutor issued arrest warrants for 37 Nazareth

citizens; Jewish rioters were not warranted.

*'The State of Israel vs Usruf Oda' was one of the most

outrageous cases brought before the District Court of
Usruf Oda, 22 years old, was alleged to have participated
in an illegal gathering. He was said to have encouraged
his friends to continue demonstrating. He also was
accused of preventing the police from doing their job by
spraying water on the demonstrators to minimize the
effect of the tear gas.


On October 11th 2000, three Jewish citizens from Afula

were brought before the court. They were accused of
disturbance and property damages. The judge's decision
was to have them released and put on house arrest. The
prosecution motioned for a delay in the proceedings in
order to collect more evidence but their motion was
denied. They were released the same day.

Names of Murdered

The Arab names listed below, are thirteen brave

individuals that were brutally murdered by Israeli forces.
At this time, no one has been charged for their murders.
Many families of the deceased agreed on an Autopsy to
reveal the actual cause of death.

1. Hatem Gara, 21 years old, from Jatt Al Mouthalath.

2. Iyad Saleh Lwabani, 25 years old, from Nazareth.
3. Ahmad Ibrahim Siam, 19 years old, from Mouawia.
4. Emad faraj Ganaiem, 25 years old, from Sakhnin.
5. Walid Abdil-Mone'm Abu Saleh, 21 years old, from
6. Alaa Khaled Nasser, 22 years old, from Arabeh.
7. Mohammed Jabarin, 24 yeas old, from Um El-Fahem.
8. Asil Hasan Asleh, 18 years old, from Arabeh.
9. Mosleh Abu Jrad, 20 years old, from Dir Elbalah
10. Ramez Abbas Boushanq, from Kfar Manda
11. Wisam Yazbak, 25 years old, from Nazareth
12. Mohammed Khamayseh, 20 years old, from Kfar Kana
13.Mohammed Omar Akawi, 42 years old, from Nazareth

*In the beginning of these events, the names and pictures

of the murdered were not broadcasted in the Israeli
media. They mentioned only the number of Arabs that
were killed during demonstrations.

Names of Injured

In all, three hundred and thirty Arab citizens were

injured. The majority of the injured were treated at
private clinics without adequate medical supplies and
equipment due to the fact that the ambulance services
would not respond to help. Some were treated at

Israel at War with its Arabs'

Charges Community Leader

By Joseph Algazy

Dr. Hanna Sweid, a member of the Monitoring Committee

on the Arab Population in Israel and Chair of Elbon local
council, yesterday accused the Israeli government of
declaring war on its Arab citizens.

Sweid told Ha'aretz that "the bloodshed which resulted

from the mass operations of the security forces and the
firing of rubber bullets and live ammunition at the
demonstrators, citizens of the state, prove that the
government no longer differentiates between the two
sides of the Green Line." Sweid's words were spoken as
violence intensified in Nazareth, Akko, Um El-Fahm,
Fureidis, Shefa'amer and Sakhnin. As demonstrators
heard about the increasing death rate in Palestine and the
death of the injured during Sunday's clashes, they
expressed their outrage in the streets of Arab towns in

The death tolls among Arabs living in Israel are rapidly

increasing. Among the victims were 24 year old,
Mohammed Ahmed Jabarin who was shot in Um El-Fahem
on Sunday; and Rami Hatem Gara, 21 years old, from Jatt.
Ahmed Ibrahim Siam, 19 years old, from Mouawia and
Mosleh Hussein Abu Jarad, 20 years old, from the Gaza
Strip, both died of wounds sustained on Sunday during
clashes in Wadi Ara. Iyad Saleh Lwabanie, 25 years old
was shot to death in Nazareth; Imad Faraj Ganaien, 25
years old, and Walid Abdil Mone'm Abu-Salah, 21 years
old, from Sakhnin. Alaa Khaled Nassar, 22 years old, and
Asil Hassan Asleh, 18 years old, from Arabeh were both
shot to death after captured by the Israeli forces in cold

Sweid told Ha'aretz that the nationwide strike called by

the Arabs and the mourning processions that occurred on
Sunday "were the natural reaction of the Arab population
in Israel, which wished to show its national identity as an
indivisible part of the Arab/Palestinian people. We cannot
remain indifferent to the many killings and injuries our
brothers are suffering in the territories and the damage
to the holy Islamic places in ancient Jerusalem".

Also stating; "[The Arabs of Israel] also wished to fully

place the public and political weight on the Israeli
government to make peace with the Palestinian people
and to respect its rights over the holy Muslim and
Christian places in Jerusalem."

He continued to explain that "the strike and the mass

demonstrations also expressed the frustration the Arab
citizens feel toward Barak's government. Recently, on the
initiative of right-wing parties and without any objection
by Barak's government, there has been a campaign to de-
legitimize the rights of the Arab citizens to express their
opinions on public matters and to participate in decisions
over the fate of the State of Israel."

The Monitoring Committee postponed a meeting with

Ministers Yossi Beilin, Shlomo Ben-Ami and Binyamin Ben-
Eliezer and attended funerals in Um El-Fahem and Jatt.
MKs Mohammad Barakeh, Ahmen Tibi, and Talab A Sana
met with Ben- Ami to protest the heavy-handed tactic
exercised by the police.
Beilin told Ha'aretz, that "many demons have been set
loose during these terrible days. The violent events over
the last few days in the Arab towns in Israel are the most
serious events ever in the history of relations between
Jews and Arabs since the establishment of the state. It
apparently doesn't take much to ignite a fire, but it is not
too late to put the demons back in their bottles. In spite
of the seriousness of the situation, we, together with the
leaders of the Arab community in Israel, must find the
way and the means to deal with problems which are
painful to both Arabs and Jews".

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Rights Reserved


In 1997, The Advocacy Center for Arab/Palestinian citizens

in Israel (MOSSAWA) was established.
Mossawa aims to promote rights for the Arab/Palestinian
population in Israel by means of political struggle and
legal change. The center work compliments legal and
public means to promote equal rights undertaken by other
organizations and political partners.
Mossawa center enhances the activities of different
organizations and activities to declare social and political
change in the parliament and government.


The information printed in this text was supplied by


Any questions or concerns can be directed to:

The Advocacy Center for Arab Palestinian citizens of Israel
Tel: 972-4-852-8063
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