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Akhbar ‫أر‬

The Quarterly Voice of

I’lam, Media Center for Arab Palestinians in Israel
Issues Four & Five January & April 2005

Uncovering the Vox Popula of Arab establishment (64%). Moreover, 49% of those
Citizens surveyed expressed their dissatisfaction with
the Hebrew coverage of the Arab society.
On 17 May 2005, some 180 Arab and Jewish
journalists, as well as representatives of Arab society takes advantage of developments
foreign embassies, media academics and in electronic media, particularly in the increase
students, representatives of NGOs and the of Arab channels broadcasting via satellite,
general public attended I’lam’s presentation on being the most popular choice Al-Jazeera.
“Patterns of Media Consumption and Commentary on the data, presented by
Perceptions of Media Reliability in Arab Society Mustafa Kabaha, Media Lecturer at the Open
in Israel,” held in Nazareth. University and Yemek Izraeel College and Yariv
Opening remarks delivered by I’lam Director Tsfati, Professor at Haifa University, raised
Haneen Zoubi underlined the importance of minor critiques. Yariv Tsafati called for Jewish-
the totality of the research project, not only to Arab collaboration in conducting a comparative
the local and national media, but to the Arab study held simultaneously as he emphasized
society in Israel at large. the dynamism characterizing societal
perceptions. Both, however, underlined and
Dr. Amal Jamal, head researcher for the acknowledged the revolutionary importance of
project, reviewed some of the more striking the research as the first thoroughly
elements to emerge from the research data, comprehensive, non-commercial, academic
touching on how education, gender, identity, research project of its kind, focusing on issues
and religious and political attitudes influence of media consumption and its relationship to
media consumption patterns, and how identity amongst Arab citizens of Israel.
popularity of the media does not always reflect
upon its reliability. Audience feedback during the discussion
period, and at points during the presentations
Some of the findings: Arabs in Israel are heavy was lively, and at times even controversial. Dr.
consumers of a broad range of media. A Jamal put special attention to detail the
sizable percentage of the Arab population impartiality of his data collection process and
reads local Arabic newspapers, listens to both cautioned against the misuse or
Arab and Hebrew radio broadcasts, and misrepresentation of the data presented. He
watches Hebrew television channels alongside also encouraged others to make use of the raw
Arabic channels broadcasting from the Arab data to conduct more detailed academic
world. One of the unexpected results was that studies on specific issues, for example, gender
commercial Arabic newspapers enjoy higher and its relationship to media consumption.
rates of consumption than party-affiliated
newspapers. The reasons given by Findings are to be presented to the public and
respondents are availability and habit more compiled into comprehensive reports. This
than the supposed perceived objectivity or research is part of the “Responsible and
independence. Professional Media” project. ◊

As regards the Hebrew media, the data Further Research on its Way
indicates low levels of daily Hebrew newspaper The second part of the research project, an
consumption. While Yediot Ahronot is the most objective diagnosis of the current state of the
heavily consumed newspaper, Haaretz enjoys Hebrew and Arabic media landscapes, initiated
the highest levels of perceived reliability, in 2004, is progressing steadily.
trusted by the highest number of Arab readers.
Further, Arab media consumers do not see the Monitoring of the Hebrew and Arabic media will
Hebrew media as representing them (58.4%), be shortly finished.
but rather the position of the Israeli

Akhbar: The Quarterly Voice of I’lam / Issues Four & Five 1

“Arabs Drop Viewer Ratings”: Setting media human resources for consideration
the Picture Right through our Media and is following developments closely.
Rights Program
In the case of the Second Broadcasting
A main aim of I’lam’s work is to increase Authority (SBA), negotiations have given
Arab representation and number of Arab way to legal action. In the regulations of
workers at all channels (Ch 1, 2, 10 and the SBA as regards the percentage of
the companies involved) and media programs, broadcasting schedules, and
institutions (such as the Israeli the requirements for the hiring of
Broadcasting Authority, and the Second professional and administrative staff,
Broadcasting Authority). To facilitate the I’lam found clear evidence of policies and
achievement of this goal, I’lam gathers practices that oppose the Human Dignity
data to assess the situation and and Liberty Basic Law. This law
shortcomings to be addressed, prepares incorporates the equality principle as
position papers, and submits lists of Arab underlined by the 1994 Supreme Court
human resources that could be included / panel ruling.
employed in these media institutions.
Following nine months of intensive
I’lam then arranges meetings with the
negotiations, including 13 meetings and
responsible authorities / bodies to present
heavy correspondence with the
our position and follow-up on
responsible authorities, we concluded that
developments. In cases where there is a
the SBA is willing to accept the negative
discrepancy between legal obligations and
implications of their discriminatory and
on-the-ground developments, I’lam
undemocratic policies for the sake of
initiates legal steps.
being loyal to a particular ideological
A disturbing revelation came out of one point-of-view that totally excludes the
such meeting with representatives of rights, needs and concerns of the Arab
current franchise holders and companies society in Israel. Since other more
that participated in the tender process for conciliatory approaches and means have
Channel 2. Company representatives been exhausted, we believe that it is only
openly stated that putting Arabs on through legal challenges that this body
screen would result in a drop in viewer will be compelled to change its policies.
ratings. This inflexibility of the part of a large and
influential media actor is alarming in light
I’lam countered that this assumption on
of a clear trend from the government
the attitude of the audience is a
towards more oppressive and
consequence of the continuous absence of
discriminatory policies affecting the Arab
Arabs on the screen, underlining the
citizens of Israel. In addition, we are
importance of changing this unbalanced
witnessing a clear increase in anti-
media culture. In addition, ratings
democratic trends regarding the Arab
amongst the Arab viewership would no
citizens in Israeli society, as illustrated in
doubt rise with an increase in Arab
recent public opinion polls.
visibility in the media, offsetting any
potential losses. I’lam is preparing a court appeal
challenging regulations of the SBA on the
The question of why Arab employees are
grounds that they violate basic democratic
not employed in positions behind the
values of equality and collective rights. In
scenes also remains unanswered by this
our appeal, I’lam will demand the
concern for a drop in ratings, as
implementation of the Human Dignity and
expressed by company representatives.
Liberty Basic Law. We estimate that the
I’lam therefore insisted on the
appeal, being launched together with
employment of Arab camera, sound, and
Adalah and nine Jewish Israelis, will go to
light people, directors, editors, and other
court in June 2005. ◊
media professionals for work behind the
cameras after delivering a list of Arab

Akhbar: The Quarterly Voice of I’lam / Issues Four & Five 2

Arab Journalists meet International Building Bridges between Journalists
Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
A lively debate and discussion came out of
On 18 April, Hans Verploeg, General a meeting in Jerusalem on 14 February
Secretary of the Nederlandse Vereniging between twelve Arab and foreign
van Journalisten, and Jonathan Tasini, journalists.
President of the Economic Future Group,
The meeting covered both theoretical and
both representing the International
practical aspects of journalism in the
Federation of Journalists (IFJ), met with
region. The theoretical topics covered
13 journalists from the Arabic local media
included the role of journalism, the
in Nazareth. Emphasis was given to major
expectations of the Arab society from the
problems encountered by Arab journalists
international media, and the difference
in Israel.
between news values, PR events, and
The discussion covered internal issues - media events. The practical part focused
such as the lack of specialization amongst on the way in which I’lam can provide
Arab journalists, who are often required to foreign journalists with alternative sources
edit political editorials one hour, while of information and support in their work.
covering entertainment news in the next -
The discussion that unfolded around
and external problems, stemming from,
theoretical issues was very interesting and
for example, the role played by
controversial. While Arab journalists
government advertising disbursements
stressed the fact that there is a lack of
(Lapam) in prohibiting the development of
coverage of issues related to Arab citizens
a strong and free Arab press. The local
of Israel in the foreign media, foreign
Arabic media is generally highly
journalists emphasized that they have
dependent, both economically and
other priorities, and criticized the lack of
otherwise, on Israeli governmental
initiative and visibility amongst Arabs in
institutions and private companies, that
tend not to address themselves to Arabic
society at all, allocating a mere 1 – 1.5% Consequently Arab journalists stressed
of the total advertising budget towards that there are crucial and newsworthy
the targeting of this society. issues that do not need special packaging
or framing in order to be covered by the
Participants agreed that fostering
foreign media. This is the case with issues
professionalism must be coupled with an
such as the new constitution, the
individual and collective decision on the
continuous policy of land confiscation and
part of Arab media actors at all levels, to
house demolition, and official policies
end the economic dependency on Israeli
towards the Arab citizens of Israel.
public and private advertising monies.
Hence the need to foster and develop Conversely, Arab journalists did
independent resources in order to acknowledge the need to present the
adequately finance Arab media issues concerning Arab society in a more
institutions. A multi-day follow-up session effective way to the media. ◊
with the IFJ that specifically addresses
some of the issues raised by the
journalists is currently in the works. ◊

Land Day Tour for Journalists

Yet another tour for journalists was held on 26 March, as part of Yom El Ard (Land Day
30 March) activities. About 40 primarily Arab journalists attended the tour that visited
many villages in the Upper Galilee, populated by internally displaced refugees of the
1948 war. The tour aimed to empower the journalists by providing them with hands-on
knowledge of the situation facing Arab citizens of Israel today. ◊

Akhbar: The Quarterly Voice of I’lam / Issues Four & Five 3

Next Stop, Sakhnin
Mission Statement
In December 2004, I’lam’s third tour for
journalists was held in and around the I’lam, a Media Center for Arab Palestinians
Galilean town of Sakhnin, whose Arab in Israel, is a non-profit organization based
inhabitants are subject to the Israeli in Nazareth. I’lam was founded in 2000, by a
government’s discriminatory land policies. group of Arab journalists and academics. As
the only Arab Palestinian media organization
Ten foreign journalists - from Europe, in Israel, I’lam is deeply committed to the
Asia and Australia - were joined by twelve democratization of media policies, media
local Arab journalists. The group was practices, and the media landscape in Israel.
welcomed by Dr. Gazal Aboraia, Our approach is two-fold:
spokesperson for the municipality, and
The Media Rights Program supports
enjoyed a series of talks given by Dr. impartiality, fairness, and equity in Israeli
Hanna Swead from the Alternative media policy, in conformity with democratic
Planning Center, amongst others. values. Furthermore, we encourage Israeli
Later the journalists visited the Terdion media institutions and practitioners to adopt
industrial area that lies on land that more professional, unbiased standards in
belongs to Sakhnin, but whose taxes are their coverage of the Arab citizens of Israel.
paid to the neighbouring (and In our Empowerment Program, we aim to
surrounding) Misgav municipality. They empower Arab society, particularly Arab
also stopped at the house of Ali Izbidat, journalists, by promoting equal access to the
which has been rendered ‘illegal’ by Israeli media, by encouraging the free flow
arbitrary and unilateral land demarcations of information and representation at media
made by the municipality of Misgav on bodies and institutions, and through the
the outskirts of Sakhnin. fostering of professional standards.
With its commitment to media democracy,
expertise, professionalism, and the high
level of staff motivation, I’lam contributes
to the invigoration of civil society, and the
promotion of democracy and human rights in
Israel. ◊

I’lam, Media Center for Arab Palestinians

in Israel
Journalists listening to an explanation of the
situation in Sakhnin. Image: Ali Sharp
Director: Haneen Zoubi
Participant feedback on the tour was Newsletter Editors: Heidi Paredes, Leila Kanj
positive, deeming it an important and
worthwhile excursion. This was POB 101, 16000 Nazareth
particularly so for foreign journalists who Tel. +972-4-6001370, Fax. +972-4-6001370
generally tend to file their stories from,
TelAviv or Jerusalem. ◊

3 May – Commemoration of the World Press Freedom Day

I’lam is pleased to announce that we have reached the one-year anniversary of our “Responsible
and Professional Media” Project, funded by the European Union under the Initiative for Democracy
and Human Rights and Supported by the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs. ◊

Akhbar: The Quarterly Voice of I’lam / Issues Four & Five 4

Training Courses at I’lam “The Importance of International Law to
The Intensive Training Course for
journalists concluded after 15 sessions More than 20 Arab journalists were
totaling 100 hours. Fifteen Arab introduced to the subject by I’lam director
journalists, including four women, from Haneen Zoubi. Sonia Boulos from ACRI
across the country were able to hone (Association for Civil Rights in Israel)
their skills and discuss issues that affect gave an extensive explanation of the role
their daily work in a professional of international law in journalistic
environment. Topics covered included reporting.
censorship, human rights, ethics, legal
Nitzan Herowitz, editor at Channel 10
issues, history, documentary script-
News, gave his position about how
writing, story selection, information
journalists should report when
resources, and the defining of quality
governments or military do not abide by
investigative journalism. The graduation
international law and reviewed
ceremony was held in Nazareth on 11
documented examples of journalistic
March 2005. Congratulations to all who
reporting on the misdeeds of soldiers.
A ten session touch-typing course that As his presentation was controversial and
began on April 2005 continues to speed did not find consensus among
up the fingers of those that report news participants, a lively debate about these
for the Arab citizens of Israel. issues closed off the day’s events.

An English-language training course, Ha’aretz journalist Amira Hass, well

took place over the course of five known reporter at Ha’aretz conducted a
sessions in the month of March. The aim workshop on 7 February 2005 at the I’lam
was to evaluate and build upon the Center on “The Israeli Media Covering
English-language capacities of Arab Occupation and Violations of Human
journalists in attendance, in order to Rights.” About 20 Arab journalists
equip them with the necessary skills to attended the workshop.
interview and attend press conferences in
English. Capacity Building for NGOs
On 27 April 2005, fifty students from a On March 10 a capacity building session
Kfar Karea’ school attended a 2 ½-hour for Arab NGOs. Wadea Awawdy, board
session at I’lam, as part of course studies member and journalist, presented a
on the effects of violence. Kholod Masalha general introduction about coverage of
facilitated interactive presentations on the Arab citizens in the Hebrew media.
role of I’lam in monitoring incitement Hereafter, Orit Agami from Agenda (the
against Arab citizens of Israel in the Israeli Center for Strategic
media. Leila Kanj introduced students to Communications) facilitated a workshop
film productions made at I’lam: Lama on how to frame and write an
Zafouck (When they Clap), on the subject effective press release so as to have it
of the popular demonstrations and police picked up by the media. Finally, Eli
violence responsible for the killing of 13 Ashkanazy, reporter at Haaretz, gave
Arabs in October 2000, and a series of practical information on how to sell a
short reports produced by Arab story to journalists. This activity was
Palestinian adolescents on subjects like attended by 45 participants, most of them
the confiscation of school lands in women.
Sakhnin, by the Municipality of Misgav.
On 8 April 2005 Nihad Bika’i and Dr.
Human Rights and Media Isma’il Nashef gave presentations on
changes in the role of political caricature
I’lam was the proud host of a seminar
and photography in the Arab-Israeli
held on 5 November 2004 that focused on
conflict. This activity was open to the
public and attended by 30 participants. ◊

Akhbar: The Quarterly Voice of I’lam / Issues Four & Five 5

U p d a t e s

Training Workshop in Cairo Conferences Past

As part of ongoing capacity building efforts
I’lam’s General Director Haneen Zoubi
amongst I’lam staff, Maysaa Abu Elhaija
attended and presented at relevant media
attended a training course conducted by IFEX
conferences recently. She gave a lecture
(International Freedom of Expression
entitled ‘Media and Conflict Resolution’ at the
eXchange), held in Cairo between 17 March
9th International Conference, “Media and Civic
and 20 March. The 3-day workshop focused on
Discourse: Citizenship and Democracy” in
how to mount a rapid response across global
Cairo in November. Also in November, Ms.
networks when faced with violations of
Zoubi attended the World Summit on the
journalists’ rights.
Information Society (WSIS) follow-up event,
Demonstration for Tayseer Allouni “Role and Place of Media in the Information
One of I’lam’s aims is to encourage and foster Society in Africa and the Arab States” in
connections and solidarity between Arab Marrakech, Morocco.
journalists and the wider international
I’lam’s Development Director Heidi Paredes
community of journalists. To this end, a
also attended the WSIS Prep-Com 2
solidarity demonstration, attended by some 30
conference in February in Geneva.
Arab journalists, was held outside the Spanish
Embassy in Tel Aviv on 4 March 2005, to Annual Report 2004
petition for the release of al-Jazeera journalist I’lam’s Annual Report 2004 is available for
Tayseer Allouni. Tayseer was imprisoned by reading and review. Any organization or
the Spanish authorities in September 2003, individual interested in acquiring a copy should
accused of providing financial support to al- send us an email at ◊
Qaeda, while working diligently as a journalist
in Afghanistan to document civilian casualties
in American-led “war on terror.” Tayseer was BOARD
released from prison to house arrest on 17 Mr. Mustafa Abdel Halim, Journalist/ News
March 2005, due to his deteriorating health Director as-Shams radio
situation. On 23 April 2005, he was Mr. Wadea Awawdy, Journalist/ Author
temporarily released from the house arrest, Mr. Ghassan Bsol, Journalist
pending the commencement of trial on 11 May Ms. Nahed Dirbas, Journalist as-Shams Radio
2005. Mr. Marzouk Halabi, Director of Arab Cultural
Association/ Columnist
Book Launching Ms. Sanaa Hammoud, al-Arabiyya
Dr. Mustafa Kabaha, an academic and board
member of I’lam, held a book launch in
Mr. Mustafa Kabaha, Ph.D, Media Lecturer at
Nazareth on 12 December 2004. The book is
the Open Univeristy and Yemek Izraeel College
written in Arabic, and the title roughly
Mr. Anton Shalhat, Journalist/Editor.
translates as ‘The Journalist under the Eye of
Ms. Shereen Younis, Abu Dhabi TV
Censorship’. The launch was held in
conjunction with Mada al-Carmel (Arab Center
for Applied Social Research). Anyone
interested in purchasing a copy of this book is
Haneen Zoubi, General Director
invited to call or email I’lam’s office.
Heidi Paredes, Development Director
European Visitors at I’lam Kholod Masalha, Program Coordinator
On 5 November 2004, a group of five young Maysaa Abu Elhaija, Media Rights Coordinator
German journalists visited I’lam. They were Wael Awad, Production Center Coordinator
interested to learn about the situation of Arab Dr. Amal Jamal, Researcher
citizens of Israel, especially the lives of Arab Yathreb Zoubi, Media Monitoring Staff/
youth. A group of women activists from Administrative Assistant
Germany, France and Switzerland also visited Rana Fahoum, Media Monitoring Staff
I’lam on 18 March 2005. Suad Abid Zoubi, Media Monitoring Staff
Noah Perg, Media Monitoring Staff
New staff
Hanna Shamas, Coordinator Co-financing
I’lam is happy to welcome Wael Awad to our
Project/Freelance Trainer
Production Center, and Research and
Leila Kanj, Research and Development
Development volunteer Leila Kanj.
Izzat Shlon, External Accountant

Akhbar: The Quarterly Voice of I’lam / Issues Four & Five 6

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