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3/25/2013 7:16:00 AM One aspect of the New World that Did Change Religion Roman catholic religion economically

Columbian exchange encomidendas mercantilism new world economies will send natural resources to European nations spain cotton and makes a finished good / shirt / furniture Spanish colonies may only trade with spain mother country spain takes all precious metals One chang was in government. Before 1942 there was an established government in meso America. the Aztec had a empeoror and so did the incas . they ruled over an empire. but after 1492, the Spanish appointed 5 vicerayts to rule over L/a, One aspect that remained the same did not change (continued) is slavery New World Slavery existed with the Mayans Aztecs, and Incas Europeans even used the Aztecs mayans as slaves. then 80% died so the ueropeans went to Africa to continue the slave process 1st passage, salves captured in Africa middle passage trip across the sea sickness and death final passage slaves sold in new world Paleolithic Man cave man nomad scavenger small clans very simple tools

Neolithic man ice age ened fertile soil rivers for irrigation agricultural permanent home small villages emerge domesticate animals surplus food/healthier live/longer/population expands crats/skills emerge pottery develops more complex tools ladder nails hammer saw make things simple government develops Khan There were no great powers to stop the Mongolians ride horses faster and better than anybody else other empires that expanded were urban cultures centralized government capital cities Mongolians are pastoral and dont like cities impossible to imagine everyone divided Genghis kahn put everybody together medicine should be tax free Mongolians reopen the silk road again for the 1st ttime since the fall of rome 470 ce sharmanism Mongolian way of life belief system based on nature Mongolians greatest contribution to civilizations was their exchange of culture betweens the lnds they conquer Mongolian Influence

laid foundations of modern Russia of the mugahl empire (India ) Samarkand (city) tamerlane -> grandson of Genghis Kahn Babur the great -> grandson of Tamerlane create mugal India Mongolians defeated the abassid dynasty (1256) this allowed for the growth of the Ottoman Empire ganissaries: the sulta took mostly Christian orphans and raised them into a loyal army Ottoman religious tolerantion One big similarity between the Ottoman empire and Spanish AMeica was they gradually expanded and addede more land

3/25/2013 7:16:00 AM

3/25/2013 7:16:00 AM

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