Deleuze 2013

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Monday 8 July 08.30 08.50 09.00-09.


Reception / Registration Welcome / Opening Remarks Keynote Adress Ian Buchanan Neither Modernist nor Postmodernist Deleuze and Guattari and the Contemporary World


Panel 1 The Map is not the Territory Glria Jov Moncls Ester A. Betrin Villas Mireia Farrero Oliva

Panel 2 Panel 3 Territories of Science The Territory of Painting Daniel Falb The starry sky above: Tano Posteraro Artistic Deleuze and 20th-century cosmology Territoriality: Toward a Material Joo Lus Cordovil In-between Aesthetic fields and particles: deleuzian Alina Cherry Painterly Letters: The invasion of the quantum territory Territory in between Joan Mir's Mary Beth Mader Nomadic Number Colors and Claude Simon's Words and Territorial Number: Intensity, Laura Janutyte Deterritorialising Ordinality and Distance Cosmos of Paul Klee

Panel 4 Mapping Political Subjectivities in Time and Space Cathryn Perazzo A Deleuzian Approach to Writing: The Project of the Writer of a Novel of Ideas Toni Hildebrandt Multistable Geographies and Deterritorialized Topographies in the late work of Pier Paolo Pasolini (1969-1975) Patricio Landaeta Cartographies of the City in Latin America: A Question of Time

Panel 5 Figural and Imagetic Territories Juliana Bom-Tempo Events on the surfaces: erasures on the bodies at the clich-performance Cristiano Barbosa and Eduardo de Oliveira Belleza Video in the office plan experimentation: deterritorialization and reterritorializations in space Andrea Gyenge Territories, Bodies and Images: Reading the Figural in the Wake of Deleuze

Panel 6 Mapping The Social-Political and Economic Dynamics of Urban Territories with Gilles Deleuze and Flix Guattari Hlne Frichot Catharina Gabrielsson Jean Hillier Jonathan Metzger

Panel 8 The Axiomatics of Capitalism Panel 7 Susana Cal - The axiomatics of Relational Aesthetics: The capitalism and the production of new Practice In-Between territories of enunciation Jan Jagodzinski Jon Roffe - What is an axiom for Christoph Brunner Deleuze and Guattari? Elena Pilipets and Andreas Hudelist Boram Jeong - A Deleuzian Analysis: The Temporality of Capitalism

Panel 9 Panel 10 War Machines Virtual Materialities Jedidiah Anderson - The Homeland, Luis Cuevas - Democratic Body and Imprisoned and Marginalized: Khalifa's The Periodistic Slogans: a capitalism Shell and Kanafani's Men in the Sun through agencement the lens of Deleuze Betti Marenko - Data Pattern and Nisreen Sinjab - Hezbollah as a War Collapse of Territory. The Terminal Machine Architecture of the Digital Self Audron ukauskait - Politics and Pigeons, Ivnia Marques - Unveiling the city or The Political Between Schizophrenia and through pinholes Paranoia

Panel 11 Timing Spaces, Spacing Times Lilia Mitsiou - Territor(e)alities: Collecting Stories of Land and Territory in the Greek Plain of Thessaly Fabiana Ribeiro Martins - Learning as a different way of thinking philosophy and education: experiences of time Snia Regina Matos - Education in Contemporanity: Cultural Deterritorialization




Panel 12 Images and Affects Gabrielle Lowe - Cinema in Time: Dialogues Across Terrains Jessie Beier - Sense & Sonic Territories in Dirt City Celisa Carrara Bonamigo - Picture, immanence and ... processes becoming fragments multiplicities

Panel 13 Digital Territories Panel 14 Deterritorializations and Bruce Janz Deleuzian Code Re-territorializations Through Art Theory: Can the Materiality of Territorialization Survive in the Digital Anna Powell Interstitial machines: Artauds drawings as schizo force Age? William Bogard Gestural Interfaces, Daniela Angelucci Affinity with the enemy. Chaos, art and Rhythmic Passage, and Digital deterritorialisation Assemblages Julia Grillmayr, Tanja Traxler, Louise Eduarda Neves The Flneur. On Martha Rosler's' photomontage Beltzung Horvath Territories inbetween: cyberspace and materiality

Panel 15 Non-Linear Histories of Technology Francesco Giarrusso From the Image-World to the World of Imagination Edward Campbell A Rainbow in Curved Air: A Deleuzian Consideration of Musical Pitch Space Phillip Roberts Cinema and Technology

Panel 16 State Agencies Hiroko Yoshigami - State of Exception in Deleuze and Guattari Between law and lawlessness Ian Cook - Of Faces, Fields and Territories: Theorising the Treaty of Westphalia Marten Boekelo - Arboreal mappings and rhizomatic traces: rethinking citizenship and urban politics

Panel 17 Graphing the Bodies of Immanence Hanping Chiu - Chaosmos and Aesthetics: A Study of William Blakes Works Anna Powell - Interstitial machines: Artaud's drawings as schizo force Sofia Varino - Digging & Scratching: Becoming-animal in Paula Regos Dog Woman series

Panel 18 Territory, Border, Protest Orazio Irrera and Martina Tazzioli Une carte a des entres multiples: Toward a nomadic cartography of migration spaces Terblanche Delport - Territory and Protest: Contesting spaces of neoliberal deterritorialization Ana Maria Gale - What About Africa?

Panel 19 Deleuze and Guattari in Brazil Arun Saldanha - Revolution and Ontology in Brazil: Guattarian Anthropology Rogrio Haesbaert - Deterritorialization: a reading from a Brazil Adhemar Mercado - Deterritorializing (colonial) knowledges: (Postcolonial) encounter between Kusch and Deleuze

Panel 20 Constructing and Deconstructing the Self Through Writing Rosane Preciosa - Voice and silence: inbetween places in the writing of Lydia Francisconi Bruna Martins Coelho - Como habit(u)ar chez soi? - mapa dos conceitos de expresso e sentido em Nietzsche e a Filosofia, Proust e os signos e Mil Plats Alessandro Zir - A Deleuzian Strategy for Writing: Contracting Contemplation or How to Twist Identities in Ghostwriting and Memoirs

Panel 21 Bodies of Immanence Maria O'Connor - Wildlife Refuge Sercan alc - The Wit(h)ness of the Body without Organs Moreno Neves Bata Barb Territories of the body: Cartography between multiplicity and the striated

Panel 22 Folds and Repetitions Stein Arnold Hevry - Folds, Vitality, Fragility: The Strategies and Philosophies of Gilles Deleuze and Mario Perniola Concerning Contemporary Challenges Derek Hales - Territories of the Formulas: the Objectile, the Ecological and Clinamen




Panel 23 Gilles Deleuze and Cinematic Thought: Movement, Time, Silence, Interstices Arkady Plotnisky The Image of the Clock and the Specter of Time Charles Stivale Filmic Interstices within Deleuzes LAbcdaire Paula Geyh Vertovs Spectacle of the City in Motion Colin Gardner - Chaoid Cinema: Deleuze and Guattari and the Compositional Plan(e) of Silence in Godards Vivre Sa Vie

Panel 24 Psychogeographies Nuno Rodrigues Territories and Deterritorializations: Geophilosophical or Socio-libidinal Margareth Carvalho The territory of an expressive body Luca Guerreschi and Alessio Kolioulis Territorial Production by Means of Social Psychologies

Panel 25 On the Subject of Politics Megan Flocken Bodies without Organization: Deleuze and Anarchism Cristoph Hubatschke Squatting nomads. A tale of smooth cities, striated squats and the dream of democracy Ana Isabel Duran Desire and Politics

Panel 26 Identity and Repetition Ruth Kitchen Patrolling the Territories of Deafness Yvan Ayotte Territory, Ritournelle, Deterritorialisation Catherine Heeney Bioethics and Identity in the Biomedical Research Rhizome

Panel 27 Trans-temporal Territories: Ecologies of Speeds Slownesses Thomas Pringle The Half-Life of Celluloid: Mapping Radioactive Force Through Cinematic Territory Marie-Pier Boucher From Territory to Trajectory: Gravitational Changes and Dynamic Space Alana Thain Fisch/I: Leviathan, Biopolitical Labour and Censory Ethnographies of the Materialism

Panel 28 Deleuze and Contemporary Philosophy Bosse Bergstedt - Conception of the events in perspective of Deleuze and Badiou Keith Robinson - Deleuze, Foucault and the Fold Mara Luisa Bacarlett Prez Territorialization and Geometric Vitalism in Gilles Deleuze and Peter Sloterdijk

Panel 32 Panel 31 Panel 33 Panel 30 Panel 29 Aesthetic Corporalities The Politics of Urban Territorialization Matters of Life and Death On the Superiority of AngloTerritories of Mathematics Juliana Soares Bom-Tempo - Events Antoine L'Heureux - Commitment to A American Literature Krzysztof Skonieczny Deleuze More Silvia Grinberg - Towards a cartography of on the surfaces: erasures on the Life: Thinking Beyond Deleuze and Erik Larsen - Writing without Bodies: Geometrico. For a Map of Becoming the current: An ethnographic study in the city bodies-clich at the performance Alice Bamford Field, Chalkboard, slums of Buenos Aires Guattaris Conceptualization of Art Moby-Dicks Bodiless Territories Fernando Machado Silva - The Yuki Yamamori - Occupying and Building Laisa Guarienti - Drawings of Bill Phillips - Hot and Cool: Cormac Paracosm: Gilles Deleuze in the space of the Event: a body from art Territories of Mathematics Houses :The Process of Subjectification of wandering ways: what life learns McCarthy's The Road and the to anarchy the Homeless in Japan when it decides to go ahead Journey Towards a New Cartography Kai Denker Are Deleuze's Carolina Cantarino Rodrigues and References to Calculus Mere Ana-Alice Finichiu - In-Between Spaces: Max Schaefer - Deterritorialization Irmak Ertuna Howison - Henry Susana Oliveira Dias - Perverse Metaphors? Deleuze's Smooth Spaces in the and the Problem of Forgetting and Millers The Rosy Crucifixion: A Experimentations: Bodies, Arts and Contemporary City Death in Deleuze Critical Dialogue with Surrealism Sciences


Panel 34 Learning Assemblages Inna Semetsky The learning paradox: an argument from affect Elizabeth de Freitas Diagramming assemblages Stephanie Springgay Affect and movement in art research and practice Jessica Ringrose Disrupting gendered territories: Disengaged girls plugging into a feministpedagogical-research-assemblage

Panel 36 Panel 35 Spacing Territories Territories of Writing Manuel Ferreira - Territory and Jurate Baranova Kafka as a Writing artistic creation: From chaos to Machine: Deterritorialization versus composed aesthetic varieties in Reterritorialization architecture Markus Bohlman Apocalyptic Laura Menatti A rhizome of Territory: Language and Trauma in landscapes: geophilosophy and G. McCarthy's The Road Deleuze in the analysis of Laura Pippo Repetition, contemporary spaces and places De-territorializing the virtuality of Yumiko Takimoto Emerging literature Inside/Outside Architecture

Panel 37 On the Subject of Politics Miguel Cardoso - Drawing a line: on non-transitional space Emma Ingala - Desire and Revolution: the Freudian sources of The Anti-Oedipus Rocco Gangle - An Abstract War Machine for Non-Local Territories: Diagrammatics as Political

Panel 38 Deleuze and Normative Theories of Politics Bruno Rego Citizenship and Territory: Global Environmental Crisis's Challenges to Citizenship Rosella Corda What Kind of Freedom in Deleuzian time, space and territory Lee Michael Shults Rhizomes and Rortyian Pragmatism: Deleuze as a Liberal Ironist

Panel 39 Sonic Assemblages Marlia Luclia Borges - Desiring Desire: The Fold as a Space InB.E.E.T.W.E.E.N. Marion Vasco Rolim - Small Ritornelos in Sound Piece Jungle Metal Iain Campbell - Forms of Rhythm and the Musical Territory

Panel 40 Deleuzian Approaches to the Panel 41 Society of Control Mapping Intensive Processes Rui Mascarenhas Territorializao Antnio Amorim - Images and the e Desterritorializao em Deleuze e intensive: a diagrammatic human Foucault Gareth Abrahams - Engaging in Ramn Macho Bare Virtuality. complex spaces: drawing on two Notes About Life in Society of Control Deleuze-inspired voices Kristupas Sabolius Escaping the Tony Yanick - Upstream Color as an Dream of Others: Deleuze, Afirmation of the World in Process Imagination and Control

Panel 42 Contemporary Planes of Cinema Samuel Antonio Zanesco and Davina Marques - Incendies: the strength of a singing voice Flvia Guidotti - Leituras das Cartas das Fontainhas Susana Viegas - Deleuze and Manoel de Oliveira: towards a Pedagogical Cinephilia

Panel 43 The Politics of Deterritorialization Kasparas Pocius - BecomingWorker As Becoming-Minoritarian Ewa Majewska - Maintenant, au contraire, on est chez soi. Terre, territoriality and the perverse in the embodied political agency Cristina Posleman Deterritorialisation: desEuropeanisation, deLatinoamericanisation

Panel 44 Ecologies of Knowledge Heather Davis - An Ethology of Plastic Mariana de Toledo Barbosa - The assemblage of the territory and the construction of ethical coordinates in Deleuzean philosophy Ren Lemieux - Translatability of Gilles Deleuze: Sketching out a Comparative Bibliometrical Study of the American Reception of French Theorists


Coffee-Break Plenary Session 1 Anne Sauvagnargues (Title to be Announced) Dorothea Olkowski (Title to be Announced)



Cocktail & Opening Dinner at CASA DO ALENTEJO (

Tuesday 9 July 09.00-09.50 Keynote Adress Panel 46 Etnographies of the Territory InBetween Alice Panel 45 The Question of Blackhurst Deleuze's Life: The Anorexic Territory inAssumptions Between and Fashion Elena Del Rio as a Better Bare Life and Mode of Expressive Life in Becoming Carlos Reygadas' Between Battle in Heaven Cludia 10.00-11.20 Jason Wallin Rodrigues Living OnLiving Rhythmicities, Again: The Putrid territory, Cine-sign of the deterritorializa Zombie tion, and Jan Jagodzinski reterritorializat Gus van Sants ion: a flight Elephant: Filming into Porto the Territory of the Nocturnal City High School Daan Rutten In-between Oedipus' kingdom and the land of Machines

Panel 48 Power and Resistance Panel 47 Tomaz Carlos Geophilosop Flores hies of the Jacques Autonomy at Territory Nuno Esteves the limits: Deleuze as a da Silva From Territory Virgil in Travels to Fold: Etological and through our Contemporary Topological Rebellions Models in Roar Deleuze Xymena Sinak- Hostaker My mind is Pskit Anamorphosis going! : Gaze That Is Deleuze and Guattari and Not There. Deleuze and the neural Psychoanalysi consequence s of s Mark Jackson neoliberalism Margus Machine/Flow/ Vihalem Territorialized Territory and deterritorialize d bodies

Panel 49 Spaces InBetween Jennifer Brown After Dark: The Art of Projection in Deleuzian Space Kirsten Marie Raahauge Ghost Sensations, In-Between Territories and Postmodern Connections? Haunted Houses, a fieldwork in Contemporar y Denmark Lars Bakker Territory, critical distance and extimacy

Panel 50 Art and subjectivities In-Between Territories Cristiane Mesquita Designing territories between Philosophy, Literature and Art Margareth Carvalho Territories of creation and subjectivity: the Baroque in between the finite and the infinite Suzanne Verderber Deterritorializati on through Literature: Obstacles, Impasses, Ways Out

Panel 51 Deleuze and the Schizoanaly sis of Spatial Power Kim Dovey Schizoanalys is of 'Informal' Urbanism Kristine Samson Molecular Urban Revolutions? Reassemble d and affective territories in So Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Marko Jobst Always already eroded: Architecture and power

Panel 52 The People(s) to Come: Art, Community and Territory Cheryl Gilge Wonder and Deterritorializ ation: Implications of Aesthetic Experience Janae Sholtz Fluxus and Deleuze: Art can be community can create community as In-between Kaisa Kurikka Adapting Baby-Jane InBetween Territories

Panel 53 From Cinema to Metaphysics Surbhi Joel Unfixing identity, deterritorializing body, sensational becoming? Siddheshwari, a Deleuzian assemblage of affect, haecceities, subjectless individuation Christine Reeh Dasein's Desire for Film Lisa kervall Learning to see: a Differential Theory of the Faculties in Cinema

Panel 54 Deleuze and Security Studies I: Secured Space, Political Space Jonas Hagmann Security in the Society of Control Athina Karatzogianni Schizorevoluti on vs. Microfacism: A DeleuzoNietzchean Perspective on State, Security and Active/Reacti ve Networks Noel Parker Deleuze as a reader of Hardt and Negri

Panel 56 Revolution Panel 55 Letter/Mean , Territory and ing Juliana Repetition Nalerio Sean Irwin Unhomely Machiavelli, Moments in Authority Translated and Spaces: Territorialit Aguantando y as Riccardo Postmodern Baldissone Text Arcana Malgorzata Revolutions Kloskowicz - Midzy: Deterritorial Conceptizations Shape as a and parasite Reterritorial Aim Deuelle izations in Luski - Re- the thinking the EleventhOld Century Testament Papal with Delauze- Invention of Gauttarian Revolution Philosophy and its Repetitions

11.20-11.30 Coffee-Break Panel 57 The Eye Thinks: Deterritorializing the Genre of Detective Stories Wan-Shuan Lin The Detective in the Final Darkness: The Mad Zone That Lies beyond the Limits of Knowledge in Natsuhiko Kyogokus The Stories of the 11.30-12.50 Nether World Series Pei-Yun Chen: I had become that eye: Geographical Detection and Becoming-Other in Orhan Pamuks The Black Book Pei-Ju Wu Nomadic Sights/ Sites of Necropolis in Orhan Pamuks Istanbul

Panel 58 Territories of Capitalism Diana Masny Boundaries and inbetween: immigration, capitalism and control society Gerard Moreno Ferrer Deterritorializatio n, value and capitalism Kane Faucher: Seed De/ReTerritorializati on. Monsanto and Genetic Drift as DeleuzoGuattarian Capital

Panel 59 Deleuzian Ethics Arjen Kleinherenbrin k Hell is other people, other people are possible worlds Deleuze beyond Sartre Cheri Carr Knowing that you know nothing: Wisdom in Deleuze's ethics Harumi Osaki Outside the Dialectic of Recognition: DeleuzeNietzschian Transformatio n of the Master-Slave Relationship

Panel 60 Time and Event in Deleuze Jay Lampert The Power of Decision between Present and Future Jacek Dobrowolski Landscape and face as territories of God - a case study of Deleuze's antitheology Laura Hengehold From Nonsense to the Creation of Problems: An Event-ive Reading of The Second Sex

Panel 61 Territories of Conflict Janice Baker Ore Wars: Politics, territory and big mining in the Western Australia Pilbara Mike Ardoline Land Wars: Territories and Potential Maps vs Possible Wars Justy Philips The Instar Cycle: Deterritorialisi ng the Heart

Panel 62 Panel 63 Territory, Territories Technology of the and Science Moving Francesco Vitale Image Between Dennis Nomadism and Rothermel Sedentarization: BecomingTo Think our Animal Technological Cinema Deterritorializati Narrative on Jukka Marek Sihvonen Wojtaszek The Literary Exploring Machine of Machinic David Territory. Cronenberg Between Digital Simon Isles of Solitude Schleusener and Virtual ReFlows of Mapping the Singularity Frontier: Jean-Sbastien Deleuze, Laberge: Onto- BecomingEthology, the Indian, and Metaphysics the American Contemporary Western Science Needs

Panel 64 Memory and Learning Dorota Golanska Affective Landscapes/ Traumatic Intensities: In Quest of Synaesthetic Approach to Memorial Art Liliana Soares e Aparo Training students to design the threshold as design method Jessie Dern Learning as Deterritorializ ation

Panel 65 Developmental Territories Jane Newland Cartographies of childhood: exploring the endpaper maps of childrens literature with Deleuze Lilija Duobliene Concepts of time and space in the philosophy of education: from Foucault critic of Pedagogy toward Deleuze creative practice Ohad Zehavi Deterritorializing the Child, Deschooling Society

Panel 66 Deleuze and Security Studies II Brad Evans and Julian Reid Ending security: the aesthetic Julia Guimares Deleuze, Apparatuses and the War on Drugs Michael Shapiro What does a weapon see? Geoffrey Whitehall The paradox of Crisis and the Importance of Being disinterested

Panel 67 Deterritorial izing Images Henrjeta Mece Under Conditions of Discontinuity Vivian Redi Pontin Cinema and fashion: the world in motion Kong Yu The Deterritoriali zation and Reterritoriali zation of Ancient Chinese Fables in Modern China's Animations Before and After the Cultural Revolution

13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.20 Plenary Session 2 15.30-17.20 Keynote Adress 17.20-17.30 Coffee-Break Books presentation 17.30-19

Wednesday 10 July 09.00-09.50 Keynote Adress Panel 68 Cinematic Inscription s Erik Bordeleau Machinic Animism in Taiwanese Cinema Nadine Boljkovac This indefinite life: a cinephilosophic 10.00-11.20 al tracing of love Kari YliAnnala The body as the timeimage and the deterritoriali zation of the cinematic continuity in Maya Derens films Panel 71 Territories of Power, Bodies of Resistance Helena Shaskevich Our Bodies, Our Borders: The UnBecoming of the Immigrant Body and the Deterritoriali zation of National Borders in Contempora ry Art Nir Kedem The Smooth Space of Queer Resistance Yuka Miyazawa Box and Cox, it Panel 76 Planes of Meaning Panel 72 Panel 73 Valria do Architectur Panel 74 Territories Carmo es of Spinozist of Popular Ramos and Aesthetic Panel 75 Variations Culture Hlio Experience Repetition and Cardoso Guillaume Ana Paula Chris L. Representatio Junior Campos - Art- Collett Smith n Sense and Semiotics, Jewelry: Architecture Genesis in Affection Affections Shinichi and the Spinoza and Tachibana - On and Health Between Spasm of Territorializati the Problem the Question of Care: the Territory of Expression Representation affirmation on and Cheryl Gilge Deterritorializ Dino Jakusic - in theTheatre of of thinking - Wonder Emanation, as ation Individuation and happening Kasper Levin - Immanence, Bogumila Deterritoriali Dialectics: On niegocka Jamie Nomad zation: Aesthetics of the Principle Repetition in art Brassett Implications Capoeira and of Movement in the context of Smooth of Aesthetic in Spinoza Gilles Deleuze's space alone the Experience won't save Deterritorializ and Deleuze philosophy Eirini Hugo Vale Robert Lehman - us. Mapping ation of Steirou Practical ADHD Gilles Deleuze, Order, Searching Silke Panse - Deleuze: an from Beauty to Creativity For The ontology and Chaos Judgment Novelty Lost Time of towards the Henrique After Kant, Architecture Rocha Deleuze and future ... in Refrains of Television Cinema homelands within the chaos

Panel 69 BecomingFace Fount LeRon Shuts and Michael Prince Anarchy Machines: Faciality, Territory and Despotism in V for Vendetta Israel Roncero The faciality of the body in the context of social networks Tatsuya Higaki Face as Betweennes s of Body and World

Panel 70 Subjective Territorializa tions in Aesthetics Anna Longo Territory and bioart: creation, evolution and knowledge in Eduardo Kacs artistic production Garfield Benjamin A HyperCyBorgesian Map of My Head: Towards a SchizoCartography of Subjective Reality in Digital Art Edith Doove Territory beyond the Frame

Panel 77 Post-Human Aesthetics Angelos Triantafyllou Gerard Fromanger's Rhizomes Diego Palelogo Assuno Cartographie s of Horror: monsters without organs Andrew Osborne sthetics & Animality: Deleuze's Sense of Territory

Panel 78 Sounds & Surfaces Matthew Lovett - The territory inbetween Gary Peters Deleuzian Improvisation Sharon Jewell Corpus Superficiem: deterritorialisi ng the drawing

11.20-11.30 Coffee-Break

Panel 79 Semiotic Territories Jasmin Duecker Writing from the Inbetween: Form and Argument in Mille Plateaux Valeria Ramos 11.30-12.50 Semiotics, Affection and Health Care: the affirmation of thinking as happening MariePaule Macdonald Deleuze, Diagramme s and Territory

Panel 80 Deleuze and the Schizoanaly sis of Spatial Power II Mark Purcell Deleuze & Guattari, Lefebvre, and Radical Democracy Keith Harris Urban Theory and Schizonoma dology Ronnen BenArie The materialities of separation and integration in the divided urban space of Nazareth

Panel 81 Spinoza and Us Sean Winkler The Problem of Nature in Melville, Spinoza & Deleuze Sjoerd Van Tuinen Hatred of God: Spinoza and Leibniz on Resentment Sonja Lavaert Exercises in Contingency, Reversals and Contrapunctu al Rythms of Spinoza

Panel 82 Visual Cartographi es Lindsay Powell Jones Of this world: Deleuze, Tarkovsky and the question of spirituality Oleg Lebedev Tectonics of the Visual Image Cath Ferguson A Fictional Tale About Painting: Juan Usle in the Underworld

Panel 83 Cinematic Encounters Laila Melchior Rayuela: Territory and Interval in the Work of Alessandro Sanguinetti Zeljka Pjesivac Spaces of territorializat ion in Fritz Lang's film Metropolis (1927) Anna Lee Freitas L'ge de la terre comme dterritoriali sation politique de Glauber Rocha

Panel 85 Panel 84 Minor Philosophic Literary al Enunciations Encounters Janis LedwellCraig Lundy Hunt The Ecologies of Necessity Disordered and Eating: the Contingency Slow Fasts of of Universal Kafka and History: Beckett Deleuze and Simone Guattari Aurora contra Hegel Territory and Gavin Rae Subjectivity: The (In?) the Humanity of philosophical the Human: nomadism of Deleuze and Canetti and Levinas on Deleuze the Face Garin Dowd Jakub Tercz The problem Even Spider of the anyis a Kantist. spaceFrom Kant whatever Schematism between to DeleuzeDeleuze's Guattari cinema and Re/De/Territo Beckett's rialisation prose

Panel 86 Becoming Subject Alberto Amaral Deleuze and Guattari on an Idea of Deterritorialized Subjectivity Klaus Wassermann Beautiful Galaxies of Disjunctive Coherence: Unthinking Territory as the Differential Conditionability of Becoming Subject Jaime Pascual Summers - The contemporary Ego as keyword and its conditions of deterritorializati on as political intervention

Panel 87 Clinical Territories Paula Chieffi Clinic as territory the practice of listening as coproductio n of senses Louise Windfeld Holt Dwellingtellings - the Art of Joy Stella Maris Angel Medicina y Arte. Poetizar y anticipar la salud. Etica de un performer

Panel 88 Marxist Investigation s Jing Wu Deleuzian Constructivist Space as a Complex System znur Karakas Territorializati on as oedipalisation under the forme of sacred family Viviana Vacca Future Territories: Art and Ecology of Creativity

Panel 89 Territories of Aesthetic and Literary Production Yu-lin Lee Affects of the Landscape Svetlana Makeyeva Somalia, The Netherlands, the United States and Territories Inbetween: The Problems with the Concept of Territory in Ayaan Hirsi Alis Novel Nomad Claudia Mongini Aesthetics as territorial reconfiguratio n of collective sensibility

13.00-14.00 Lunch

Panel 90 Cinematic Machines Marcos Novaes Contrast Image and Drama: a Possible Deterritorial ization of Thought Inbetween 14.00-15.20 Optics and Sound Images Terry Rowden Vehicular Vernaculars : Deleuze and the Flows of African Cinema

Panel 91 Deleuze and the Contempora ry Scene of Politics Kelly Kawar Deleuze, Agamben, and Writing Bare Life Lorna Burns A Dionysian Politics? Deleuze, Rancire and Literary Dissensus Gonalo Zagalo Pereira Deleuze and the Law: Towards a Transcenden tal Materialism

Panel 92 Geophilosop hy, from Lisbon 1755 to the Anthropocen e Nigel Clark Excavating the Anthropocene : Deleuze, Kant and strata Kathryn Yusoff Towards a seismology of demented disaster Arun Saldanha And evil turns the Earth: possible lessons from Deleuze and Guattari

Panel 93 The Politics of Aesthetic Assemblag es Brent Adkins Deleuze and Kleist: The War Machine Federico Fridman Avantgardists and Conspirators : War Machines in the Ro de la Plata Daniel Austerfield Performance Without Meaning. How to Deterritoriali ze Political Theatre

Panel 94 The Genesis of Sense Lanjun Qin The Sense of Nonsense: Deleuze on Snark Zornitsa Dimitrova From Expression to Sense. Questions of Placing Grazyna Swietochow ska - The every day body and the ceremonial body in the Czechoslovi ak New Wave films

Panel 96 Contemporar y PsychoPanel 95 Politics Literary Luca Devices Guerreschi Renato and Alessio Oliveira Kolioulis Mensagem Territorial adrift in a Production by glass of Means of letters Social Mai Al-Nakib - Psychologies Kanafani in Joseph Dodds Kuwait: A - Thanatos Clinical and the Cartography Ecology of Michael Death: Cisco - How Ecopsychoan Do You Make alysis in an Yourself a age of mass Deleuze? -- extinction Reading The Luigi Silvino Miracle D'Andrea Cures of Dr. Deleuze and Aira clinical implications in contemporanit y

Panel 97 Territories of the Transcendenta l Sideeq Panel 98 Mohammed Geophiloso Where to now? phical Transcendental Variations Empiricism, Daniel Falb Ethnography The starry and the sky above: Territory InDeleuze and Between 20th-century Vera Bhlmann cosmology Liminitudinality. Stephen Taking Gale - The Deleuze?s future transcendental values of empiricism as a outer space philosophical Rudi van starting point Rensburg for thinking Territory of about the Unborn territoriality Oswaldo Emiddio Vasquez Monstrous Multiplicity

Panel 99 Practical Aesthetics Desislava Terzieva Empty spots on the wall or an inbetween deterritorialis ation? Emil Bach Srensen "A performative mapping of movements and planes in The Virtual Extension to Thorvaldsens Museum in Copenhagen" Patti Pente Nanotechnolo gy, Landscape art and Deleuze: Art in Place

Panel 100 Ontologies In-Between Stefan Hlscher Aesthetics Encounters Deleuze&Gua ttari Encounters OOO Yingshan Chen - The Formation of A Priori Time and Space and Spacetime Continuum : Spinoza, Kant and Deleuze Dominik Zechner DeleuzeDerridaNancy. Philosophies of "Limity"

15.30-16.50 Plenary Session 3 16.50-17.00 Coffee-Break 17.00-17.50 Keynote Adress 18.00-18.20 Concluding Remarks

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