Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Exercises

10.1 Given the following linear programming formulation: Maximize1,600x1 + 3,000x2 Subject to: 40x1 + 25x2 < 80,000 (constraint 1) 20x1 + 30x2 < 60,000 (constraint 2) X1 , x2 > (non negativity constraints) a. Solve the problem graphically.

b. Solve the problem using Excel solver. X1 = 0, X2= 2000 c. What is the total objective function value? 6000000 d. Do both variables contribute to the solution? Why? No,

e. Does any variable have a slack value? If so, what does it mean? Using Excel QM we have that Contraint 1has a slack surplus 50,000 and 30,000 respectively.


Two popular programs being assessed for this purpose are Family Planning (FP) and Health - Drive - Screenings (HDS); their costs to the hospital for each offering are $ 200 and $ 400, respectively. The health care manager in charge of operations found three common patterns of resource consumption for each of these services and the available resources, shown in Table EX 10.2 .

a. Formulate this as a linear programming problem. Answer Minimize : 200x1 + 400X2 Subject to: 60x1+120x2 > 480 minutes 30x1+ 90x2 > 250 kits 0x1 + 1x2 > 3 occasions X1+x2>0 b. Solve the problem graphically. (constraint 1) (constraint 2) (constraint 3)

c. Solve the problem using Excel solver.

X1 2, X2 3, RHS 1600

Results Variables Objective

3 1600

d In a given month, how many FP and how many HDS should be offered? FP = 2 and HDS = 3 should be offered

e. With the proposed class offerings, how many kits will be left over (not distributed in the classes)? With the proposed class offerings there will be -80 left over f. What is the yearly cost of these two programs to the hospital? 19,200


A practice would like to allocate their resources optimally between the orthopedic and rheumatology departments. The revenues per case generated by orthopedics and by rheumatology are $ 2,000 and $ 1,000, respectively. The average number of visits, utilization of radiology resources per case, and available resources are in

a. Formulate this as a linear programming problem. Maximize : 2000x1 + 1000x2 Subject to: 2x1 + 3x2 <600 4x1 + 1x2 <800 x1 + x2 < 0 b. Solve the problem graphically.


Solve the problem using Excel solver.

Results Variables Objective


80 44000 0

d. For the optimal solution, what should be the percentages of allocation between the two departments? Visits Radiology Orthopaedics 360 720 Percentage 60 90 Rheumatology 240 80 Percentage 40 10 Total 600 800

e. How much total combined revenue can be generated with this solution? 440,000

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