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Why are so many people in power tainted?

The corrupting influence of office is well evidenced, and the problem is global
By Chris Williams

What do British and Korean

politicians have in common with
American business leaders and
Greek Orthodox clergy? Their
names all appear with any
Google search of “corruption.”
Why are so many people in pow-
er tainted?
In 1770, in a speech to the
House of Lords, British Prime
Minister William Pitt said,
“Unlimited power is apt to cor-
rupt the minds of those who pos-
sess it.” A century later Lord
Acton elaborated, “Power tends
to corrupt, and absolute power Chris Williams
corrupts absolutely. Great men
are almost always bad men.” ● Chris Williams is based at
They would have smiled last the Centre for International
week as two British peers were Education and Research,
suspended from the Lords for an University of Birmingham,
alleged willingness to take United Kingdom, and has
bribes to influence law-making. also held posts at the univer-
The last time the Lords took sities of London, Bristol,
such action was in 1642. In par- Cambridge, Cairo and the
allel, numerous MPs were ac- United Nations University
cused of cheating with their ex- Leadership Academy. His
pense claims, many are resign- books include “Leaders of in-
ing, and the commons Speaker tegrity: ethics and a code for
was forced to leave office, which global leadership” (2001,
has not happened since 1695. UNU Amman), and
But does power corrupt, or do “Leadership Accountability in
corrupt people tend to seek pow- a Globalizing World” (2006,
er? Palgrave Macmillan,
The corrupting influence of of- London).
fice seems well evidenced, and ● He can be reached at
the problem is global. Fine
words from world leaders a
decade ago, in the archives of
the U.N. General Assembly, ring
hollow in the light of subsequent
events. Speaking in 1995,
President Bizimungu of was given a 25-year sentence for for women. Similar books have than politicians. Kordan put his venturous way. But the re- and then leaders start to deceive because it had made significant
Rwanda “stresses that mankind ordering killings and kidnap- self-explanatory titles — “The fake certificate on his office searchers do not consider that themselves and others. To this progress, but it also stated that
must never again witness the pings. Girls Guide to Being a Boss wall, complete with grammati- many of those brave leaders will mire can be added “sunk cost the United Kingdom had
horrors of genocide and ethnic There also seem to be many (Without Being a Bitch)” and cal and spelling mistakes. probably get eaten. In terms of theory” which explains how dropped from 12th to 16th posi-
cleansing.” In 2004 he was sen- able, honest leaders who never “Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Dominic Johnson provides a keeping out of trouble, it is leaders will not do U-turns if tion. For her Ph.D., London
tenced to 15 years in prison for quite get to the top. Gandhi nev- Office.” But these books do not more subtle explanation from smarter to be a follower fish. they have invested political and University student Yun-joo Lee
embezzlement, inciting violence er became a head of state. When explore whether a fear of becom- evolutionary psychology, which But the research also shows personal capital in bad deci- interviewed Lee Man-sub, for-
and associating with criminals. a lone voice campaigning to get ing corrupt is gender-related. suggests that the seeds of cor- that the behavior of follower fish sions. Building Concorde and mer speaker of the Korean
Narasima Rao, argued that “de- action on climate change, Al Did Groucho Marx provide a ruption are sown in the charac- can affect that of leaders. We Vietnam are familiar examples. National Assembly: “If our lead-
veloping countries must be ade- Gore introduced himself with more insightful analysis — “I teristics of those who seek pow- are not always helpless by- But perhaps academics will ers want to lift Korea to be a ful-
quately represented on the the phrase, “I used to be the next don’t want to belong to a club er. In “Overconfidence and War” standers and can, to some ex- always make the understanding ly developed country, there
Security Council.” He then be- President of America.” When we that accepts people like me as he shows how leaders intrinsi- tent, influence the behavior of of simple problems unnecessari- must be no corruption or
came the first Indian prime try to think of a head of state members.”? cally suffer from “positive illu- leaders by not mindlessly fol- ly convoluted. A lucid if pes- bribery. In the future, this will
minister to receive a prison sen- who has not left office under a Whether or not leaders are in- sions” — arrogance — which lowing. simistic analysis comes from be the most crucial thing.” In
tence, for bribing opposition cloud, the names Aung San Su trinsically corrupt, or victims of makes them overreach them- It seems most likely that lead- Niayesh Yazdani: “They are like her public survey, Koreans put
MPs. When I met him in 1994 Kyi and Nelson Mandela arise. circumstance, we need to make selves and take decisions that ership corruption stems from a cats. However much they get, “corruption” first and “leader-
he was grumpy, but appreciated But that proposes another in- an important distinction, pro- are doomed to fail. There are combination of personal charac- they will always want some ship skills” second, above the
for speaking many local lan- convenient truth: that we need posed by Howard Gardner in also psychological experiments teristics, and circumstance. In more. If they think another cat normal concern, “economic de-
guages and hearing complaints to put potential leaders in prison “Leading Minds.” There are which indicate that intelligent his book “In Retrospect: The has something they don’t, they’ll velopment.”
of corruption directly from rural for decades, and curtail the “leaders of a wider society,” such children are more inclined to Tragedy and Lessons of want more. And whatever you As the West loses moral au-
people. number of years in office, before as politicians, but also “domain cheat than others, that an abili- Vietnam,” one of the main archi- do to stop it, they will find a way thority, is the East gaining it?
In 1999, Peru’s Japanese they behave properly. leaders” who become elites in a ty to cheat correlates with the tects of the debacle, Robert around it.” Niayesh, from Iran, Will we soon hear Korea com-
president, Alberto Fujimori, There are many reasons why specific area of expertise, such as traits that are supposed to McNamara, talks of “the fateful is 11. She probably should, but plaining about having to deal
proclaimed that “the 20th cen- we need to understand this Einstein and Picasso. In general, make a good leader, and that choices (made by President certainly should not be a future with corrupt nations in Europe?
tury had been deeply scarred by problem. One is that people of the latter do not seem to engage animals can cheat. Johnson) that locked the United finance minister of Iran. There is a current Italian joke
enduring human failures: by ability and integrity will not be in widespread corruption. Why? Intriguing insights come from States onto a path ... that ulti- At this moment in Korean that, “A fish rots from the head
greed and lust for power, by hot- interested to seek powerful posi- The conduct of hapless studies of fish. Experiments, mately destroyed his presiden- history this is a topic that people down”, which echoes a tradition-
blooded hatreds and stone cold tions, if they believe they will be- Iranian Minister of Finance, Ali like that by Jens Krause of cy.” Leaders get trapped in an would probably prefer to ignore, al Korean saying, “If upstream
hearts.” By 2000, he was come tainted. In their book “It Kordan, who last year falsely Leeds University, identify inescapable downward spiral, but it is worth noting some local is clean, downstream will be
deemed “morally unfit for office” takes a candidate: why women claimed to hold an Honorary leader and follower fish, and which I call “cumulative lock- good news. clean.” If we in the west are not
and charged with “illicit enrich- don’t run for office,” Jennifer Doctor of Law from Oxford, note how a bold leader will en- in.” This stems from intuition or The 2008 report of the anti- careful, we might become the
ment and inappropriate use of Lawless and Richard Fox dis- might provide a clue. Domain courage more cautious followers belief-based decisions, then de- corruption NGO, Transparency rotting fish swimming against
public funds.” Last month he cuss the obvious “glass ceilings” leaders are usually less inept to forage for food in a more ad- fended through misinformation, International, singled out Korea an Easterly current.

Rest in peace, President Roh Moo-hyun

Prosecutor-General Im Chae-jin offers his respects to the late former president at a makeshift
mortuary in the Seoul Museum of History, central Seoul, yesterday. Park Hyun-koo/The Korea Herald

Mourners holding flowers wait for their turn to pay tribute to the late Christian nuns pay their respects to former President Roh Moo-hyun at a mortuary at Bongha vil- Former First Lady Kwon Yang-sook goes to the community center, where
former president at Bongha village on Sunday. Joint Press Corps lage in Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province, yesterday. Joint Press Corps Roh’s body lay in state, at Bongha village yesterday. Joint Press Corps

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