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White 2013-14
BIENVENIDOS A CLASE DE ESPAOL! I am extremely excited to spend the next school year continuing to expand on the knowledge you acquired last year. WE will work hard together this year, to continue to improve your LISTENING, SPEAKING, WRITING and READING skills. We will target all four of these skill during each one of our classes throughout the school year. I am expecting us to have a very productive and fun year. To make this a great year we need to keep in mind what is expected of us at all times. SUPPLIES Headset with incorporated microphone Notebook paper for written activities that will be handed in for grade. Your book will be used on a daily basis, thus always bring it to class. ATTENDANCE It is inevitable that absences will occur. If it is a planned absence or a school-related activity, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for preparing your work ahead of time and be ready with homework or quiz/test preparation UPON YOUR RETURN TO SCHOOL. If you have been ill, please see me on the day of your return, check on assigned homework and sign up for a tutorial, if needed. Homework should be completed within 2 days, tests or quizzes must be rescheduled upon your return to school. I reserve the right to give another test or assignment similar in nature to the original one. Quizzes assigned ahead of time (vocabulary and grammar) HOMEWORKANDASSIGNMENTS Every one of us will learn Spanish in a different way. Finding out what has and has not worked for you is very important to continue to be successful. The key to learning a language as you already know is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and PRACTICE. You should expect to have daily homework in Spanish class. This homework is meant as a supplement to the lessons we cover in class. INCLASSEXPECTATIONS The basis of my class is RESPECT. Since this is a Spanish class, I expect the students to speak in Spanish as much as possible. Complete your assignments on time!! Come talk to me ahead of time with any problems or concerns; dont wait until class starts to tell.

TECHNOLOGY EXPECTATIONS These are the rules that need to be followed on a daily basis in regards to technology. A detention will be issued if these rules are broken. Cell phones should be placed in the assigned container at the beginning of class and collected at the end of class. Students should sign in to DyKnow at the beginning of each class. Students should never visit a social media site during class. Students should not be on their email unless needed for class. Students should not use online dictionaries or translators unless specified. GRADING The grades in this class will be distributed as follows: 15% ---Final exam 85% of your grade will come from the following categories: Chapter exams Quizzes Writing and listening activities Oral recordings Homework Projects Participation Note:At least one homework and one oral recording will be graded each week for completion and accuracy. Some days, homework will simply be graded on completion and not accuracy. WEB TRANSLATORS There are many web pages in the internet that can be used as translators from Spanish to English or vice versa. Their usage is completely forbidden for any work due in this class. Suspicion by me of using such a tool will be considered cheating and will be submitted to the Honor Council.

I am very excited to have all of you as my students this year. We will together continue to explore many aspects of the Spanish culture. So, lets start Empecemos el ao! Seora White Student signature _____________________________________

Parent signature


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