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(AHIS ZAMRLER) Kiilerin veya neslerin yerine kullanlan ahs Zamirleri Personal Pronouns , cmle ierisinde bulunduklar yere ya da yerine kullanldklar ahslara gre deiirler.( Subject or Object Pronoun) TEKL AHIS 1st person 2nd person ZNE ZAMRLER I you he 3rd person she it ZNE ZAMRLER we you they us you them me you him her it NESNE ZAMRLER NESNE ZAMRLER

OUL AHIS 1st person 2nd person 3 person


Bir cmlede yerine ahs zamiri kullanlablicek isimler ya zne ( subject ) ya da Nesne ( Object ) konumundadr. Dolays ile bu ahs zamirlerini Fiilden nce gelenler ( Subject Pronouns) ve Fiilden sonra gelenler ( Object Pronouns) olarak ikiye ayrabiliriz. Jack Sees George verb He Sees him rnekler: I don't like that man. He never smiles. I don't like that man. I saw him in the Ladies room Sarah is a very successful student. She passes every class easily. Sarah is a very successful student. I admire her much. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: MY,YOUR,HIS,HER,... ( SAHPLK SIFATLARI ) Sahiplik sfatlar bahsedilen ismin kime ait olduunu gsterirler. PERSON 1st (I) 2nd (you) 3rd (he) (she) (it) Plural 1st (we) 2nd (you) 3rd (they) our your their ADJECTIVES my your his her its

Sahiplik sfatlar ismlerin nnde kullanlrlar ve o ismin kime ve ya neye ait olduunu gsterirler. Marys brother is married to Johns sister. Her brother is married to his sister. a. Ted and his sister are here b. Mary and her father are not in the living room. c. Do you know where your books are? My father is an expert at the Keystone LTD. 5.3 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS,... ( SAHPLK ZAMRLER) Sahiplik zamirleri bir sahiplik sfat + isim yerine kullanlr. PERSON ADJECTIVES PRONOUNS (I) (you) he she it we you they my your his her it our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs rnekler: This is my book. This book is mine That is your book. This book is yours This is his book. This book is his This is her book. This book is hers. These are our books. These books are ours. These are your books. These are yours.

REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: MYSELF, YOURSELF, HERSELF ( DNL ZAMRLER) a) Dnl Zamirler, znenin yapt iten yine kendinin etkilendiini ve iin yine kendine dndn gsterir. Singular Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns 1st person I me myself 2nd person you you yourself 3rd person he him himself she her herself it it itself Plural Subject Pronouns object pronouns Reflexive pronouns 1st person we us ourselves 2nd person you you yourselves 3rd person they them themselves rnek : She encouraged herself to do well. Juanita, Carlos, and I have deceived ourselves into believing in my uncle. You and Carlos have deceived yourselves. b) Dnl zamirler ngilizce de ayn zamanda Vurgu amal kullanlabilirler. Bu dnl zamirleri hemen znenin arkasndan kullanarak yaplr: rnek: I myself finished the job! You yourself have to do all this! c) by + reflexive pronoun: tek bana, yanlz... Amy lives by herself. Ted cant do this by himself. Go and help him. I want to sit here by myself! Please leave me alone

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