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08/15/2013 From: Hamlet Garcia My grandfather, Manuel Campaneria, like many other Cuban political prisoners has spent

15 years in jail as a political prisoner in Cuba. Because of his strong beliefs against oppression and in favor of human rights. He was extradited back then from communist Bulgaria to Cuba. If my grandfather was alive today, he would never believe that quality education in a public school would be a crime in the Democratic Country we call United States of America. It's a shame and hypocrisy what the government of my country that I love so dearly is doing to my little girl, just 7 years old of age now, and at the time this atrocity started she was 5 years old. This is a violation of human rights no less than those by Castro's communist regime in Cuba. Congresswoman Ileana Ros, Joe Garcia ,Senator Marcos Rubio ! Enough of silence! With the same voice that criticizes human rights violations in Cuba, I ask you to please denounce the atrocity committed against my daughter, my wife and I. We face seven years in prison for providing kindergarten education to our little one in a public school, when 15 others non--minority Families were investigated at the same time as us. All other families investigated, were found whether not living in the district or moved out of the district during the school year. My wife and my daughter did live in the district at the time of the enrollment and until March 1st 2012, which is 2 and a half months before the school year ended. None of the other families faced the unjust treatment my family has endured. Only my wife and I were handcuffed, finger printed, mug shots taken, arrested , placed in jail, and criminally charged To make things worse, our arrest was released to the newspapers, ABC News, FOX News, internet, etc. Ronald Reagan once said our democracy is not perfect but you show me a better one? I would point out that as citizens we have a duty to improve it or we can lose forever. Laws are necessary for the respect of human rights and good living of citizens; however, in some cases their strict application may injure or violate those rights, which must defend. Every child deserves the best education possible, regardless of the color of their skin ethnic background or social economic status.

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